Mine To Love (manxman)

By M-T-Jones

750K 34K 2.8K

Jeremy has loved Frankie for thirteen years. Unfortunately Frankie is his very straight best friend and Jerem... More

1-At First Sight
2-Crumble And Fall
3-My Rock
4-Dream Lover
5-Out Of My Comfort Zone
6-A Painful Goodbye
7-The Wicked Witch
8-Poker Night
9-Avoidance 101
10-Shopping Down Memory Lane
11-Let me love you
12-Knock Knock
13-Burst My Bubble
14-All Good Things Must Come To An End
15-Confessions And Confusion
16-Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are
17-Don't Leave Me
18-Jelly Bean
19 - All About The Emotions


37.4K 1.6K 163
By M-T-Jones

A/N: I'm so sad that this story is finally over, but I think it was time. I hope you all enjoyed reading this, let me know in the comments.


"Kyle Carter Thompson, get back here." I yelled as I chased the naked four year old around the bedroom. It was the same every evening after his bath and I couldn't wait until he outgrew this phase.

"Daddy, save me." He screamed in between fits of giggles and I heard the answering footsteps outside in the hall.

I faked a right and turned left, catching the squirming little monster. "I've got you now." I laughed and started tickling his sides.

"Baby, why are you tickling our naked son?" I looked back over my shoulder and saw a grinning Frankie standing in the doorway with his arms crossed.

"Daddy, help! Dad is trying to put clothes on me." Kyle cries out, trying to wriggle his way out of my arms.

Frankie chuckles and comes further into the bedroom, taking Kyle from me and sitting him on the edge of his little bed. "You know, KC, you're getting a big boy now and big boys get dressed after they have a bath. Your Dad is just trying to help you, but if you do it yourself then he wouldn't be chasing you." I hid my smile behind my hand. There was no reasoning with a four year old and I'd tried to explain that to Frankie before. One guess who KC takes after when it comes to listening to someone.

As expected he cocked his head to the side and looked at his father as if he had said the dumbest thing ever. "But, Daddy." He whined. "I like when Dad chases me, it's fun."

Frankie looked up at me with a perplexed expression on his face and I gave him back a look that said I told you so! "How about we get you into those PJ's and then you can have a story from your Daddy?" I intervened, smiling at them both.

"Yay!" Kyle screamed and bounced on the bed before running to collect his favourite Spider-Man PJ's.

Once he was finally dressed for bed and tucked up tight I took his favourite book from the shelf and walked over to where Frankie was seated beside the bed and gave it to him. "I'll go have a shower while you get him to sleep, love." I gave him a soft kiss and left the room making sure the door was left open a small bit.

Back in our bedroom I took off my watch and placed it on the dresser beside the framed picture of Frankie and I holding a newly born Kyle who was wrapped in a blue blanket with a tiny blue cap on his little head.

That day had been one of the best days of my life. We'd been asleep, it was four eighteen in the morning after all when we got the call.

"Frankie?" I mumbled as the ringing continued endlessly. At least, it felt endless to my still half asleep mind. "Frankie?" I poked him in the side.

"Mmm?" I heard from beside me.

"The phone? It's on your side of the bed." I flopped over onto my back and stretched out my arm, accidentally hitting Frankie in the nose. Oh well, that woke him up.

"Mother fu-" The rest of the words were muffled as he cupped his nose and sat upright.

"I'm sorry, baby." I kissed his shoulder before stretching to his night stand and picking up the phone. "Hello?" I answered while trying to inspect Frankie's injured nose.

"Jeremy?" I barely recognised the panting voice on the other end of the phone.

"Deb?" My voice came out unusually high with panic as the first thing that came into my mind was that something was wrong with the baby. "What's wrong? Is it the baby?" Frankie's head was turned in my direction I noticed how pale he'd suddenly become.

"Yes! I'm in labour, I'm on my way to the hospital now. I'm still a good ten minutes or so away, will you both meet me there?" She asked before a screech came down the line and I was forced to pull it away from my ear or go deaf. I heard more panting. "I think I'm scaring the cab driver." She suddenly chuckled.

"What the hell are you doing in a cab if you're in labour? We would have come and got you." I scold her. I began to have mental images of our child being born in the back of a cab, it would be front page news.

Frankie grabbed the phone from me and yelled into it. "I told you to  call us straight away, not some cab driver." I left him on the phone and ran to the closet to get clothes for both of us. When I got back he was just hanging up.

"Here put these on." I threw his clothes to him and scrambled to dress myself as quickly as possible. Then we were rushing out of the house and he started the engine while I locked the door. I jumped in the passenger seat and he was peeling out of the driveway before I even had my seatbelt on.

We pulled up to the hospital just as Deb was stepping out of the cab and I ran to the driver's window to pay him, giving him a healthy tip. We each took one of her arms as she hobbled through the sliding doors of the hospital. Frankie had her emergency bag over his shoulder.

I put my arm around her and helped her into the wheelchair that was provided while Frankie gave our details to the nurse manning the desk. In no time we were in the delivery room and I was seeing things that would have turned me gay if I wasn't already. My stomach threatened to turn but I took deep breaths in time with Deb and it seemed to calm.

"Alright, Deb." The doctor spoke from his position at the end of the bed. "Give me a big push on your next contraction." Deb nodded her head furiously before grunting and turning an unnatural shade of red as she pushed down.

I watched as a tiny little head slowly emerged with a smattering of black curls. I tried to ignore the slimy mess matting the hair, because this was our beautiful baby. I tuned out the doctor's instructions for Deb and kept my eyes on the sight before me. I felt Frankie take my hand as we stood there transfixed.

A little shoulder came into view, followed by another and then the baby seemed to slip right out and into the doctor's hands. He turned to us and smiled. "You have a little boy. Would you both like to cut the cord?" He asked.

We both stepped closer and looked down at our son. We have a son! We took the surgical scissors that the nurse handed to us and cut down on the cord. It was harder to cut than I thought since it was incredibly spongy. I didn't want to reflect on that too much though.

The nurse took the baby away to clean him up and we made our way back to the bed where Deb lay exhausted and covered in sweat. "Thank you Deb, he's perfect." Frankie said with a slight wobble in his voice.

"Would you like to hold him and maybe take a picture before you go back to your room?" I asked her since I could see the nurse walking back to us with the blue bundle in her arms.

"I'd love that, thank you. Can you get my phone to take a picture of me holding him? It's in the front pocket of my bag." She pointed to the bag and I went to retrieve the phone.

I took a picture of her smiling down at the baby and one of him on his own so she could look at his little face any time she wanted to. She thanked us and asked us once more to send her pictures of him whenever we could. We agreed.

Once she had been rolled away to a room where she could recuperate we looked down at our son where he rested peacefully in Frankie's arms. His lips were moving as if he was suckling and he was making the cutest little noises.

"We need to call our parent's." Frankie whispered to me. "I know we didn't want to wake them up, but they should be up by now."

I looked up at the clock and saw that it was past nine in the morning. "Do you want me to do it? He looks so cosy where he is." I ran my finger gently down the side of our son's face. "Happy birthday Kyle Carter Thompson." I cooed at him.

I was pulled from my memories as a pair of strong arms came around my waist. "I thought you were having a shower." Frankie kissed the side of my neck making me shiver at his touch.

"I was, I just got caught up in my own memories." I touched my finger to the frame. "I'm so happy we have our family." I turned in his arms, my hands running over his shoulders and into his hair. "I'm happy that I finally have you, you're mine to love." I kissed him with all of the love in my heart, showing him just how grateful I was for being trusted with his heart.

"I love you for always." He says breaking the kiss and smiling down at me.

"I love you forever." I whispered against his lips.

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