DCSHG Zee Zatara x Male Read...

By megatamer5

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#AllyCat Part 1
#AllyCat Part 2
Season 2 Start


345 6 0
By megatamer5

Your POV

Zee: i- yes i will accept your love Y/n

me: hehe thx you Zee you've made me so happy 

i then kissed her again and i put my hands on her waist and she put her arms around my neck after a few minutes we broke apart and looked at each other 

me: well it's getting late i'll see you at school tomorrow beautiful 

Zee: ok later handsome

Next Day Zee POV

i was walking through the halls of the school with my usual happy smile and waving to everyone when i accidently bumped into someone 

???: oh, no im so sorry im such a klutz

i then held my hand out to her 

me: are you alright 

Casey: your...your, i should be asking if your all right silly ol' Casey Krinsky of course i bump into Zee Zatara, the most popular girl in school

i then saw her bag was ripped and i gave mine to her 

Casey: (gasp) your bag 

me: it's yours now 

Casey: really, the most popular girl in school and the nicest 

me: (giggles) oh you, what did you say your name was Cassie?

Casey: uh, well, sort of its Casey ... Krinsky

me: nice to meet you Casey

i then smiled and got up that's when Y/n appeared 

Y/n: yo!!! Zee hehe 

me: hello Y/n how are you today love 

me: im good i have to go later handsome 

Y/n then kissed me on the head and left 

Casey: was that... 

me: my boyfriend yes well i got to go see you later

Casey: you'll see me around 

Timeskip Your POV 

Kara was dragging me to the cafeteria for tator tots and i felt like a rag doll

Kara: c'mon dude or we'll be too...

we looked at the lunch line and saw zero tator tots and the lunch lady even put a singed that said "tots sold out"

lunchlady: late 

Babs: did we miss it again 

me: Damn 

Diana: deceivers how can they call it tot day if the supply of tots do not last the full day?

Casey: hey hey Zee over here over here 

me: hm?

Zee: look it's my new friend 

we then walked over to the girl 

Zee: ladies-

me: (cough) 

Zee: and gentle men id like you to meet...eh...

Casey: oh um Casey Krinsky here i um i got you all some tots

she then pulled out a tray with bowls of tots and we all stared in joy and took one 

Kara: no way

Karen: you got us tots that's so sweet

Kara: thx Kazinsky your all right 

Casey: oh it was my pleasure id do anything for Zee Zatara 

me: hey that's my line 

she then did a creepy smile and gave Zee a bowl of tots

Casey: anything

she then chuckled nervously and took a tot 

TimeSkip Zee POV

i was getting out of the limo and i saw Casey behind the door 

Casey: hi Zee i typed up your itinerary for the whole day and picked up a half calf vanilla latte your favorite right 

me: (chuckling nervously) thx


i was shopping in the mall with bags in my hands when i saw someone who looked just like me and when they turned around i saw it was Casey i was scared and i walked away 


i was in the girls locker rooms still scared and when i opened my locker door i saw Casey in the mirror and i turned around and gasped 

Casey: i noticed the conflict on your calendar so i hade Roxanne move her dance recital to next week so you can attend Sandra's quinceanera

me: how did you get my calendar 

Casey: it's on your phone 

me: (gasp) how did you get my phone 

Casey: it was in your purse you should get a lock on that here's the lock the combination is your great-grandmothers birthday backwards see ya tonight 

me: uh tonight 

Casey: check your calendar 

then my phone beeped and i saw it said Zee / Casey Bonding Time and the location was my place and was sweating buckets 


i was in the cafeteria looking both ways while i was filing my nails really fast then Y/n and the girls came

Kara: yo where's Carly 

Y/n: it's Casey

me: i asked her to go across town to get my Stella-Gabrielles re-heeled 

Kara: uh on Tot Day? 

me: i need to talk to you alone that girl is obsessed with me

Jess: who Kerry Clemente she's the nicest person ever 

me: that's what she wants you to think meanwhile she's getting me lattes, helping me with my math test, rearranging my social calendar so i can attend every event i want to 

Jess: uh and 

Y/n: yeah that sounds nice 

i then heard her voice

Casey: oh Zee

Kara: hey there she is McCloskey you made it and you brought tots 

Y/n: yeah sweet 

Casey: i cut a deal with the lunch lady before i left and i re-heeled the Stella-Gabrielles and i got a little gift for everyone on the way back 

she then held up a box full of kittens and we all picked up one 

Girls & Y/n: cooing 

i was just shocked at how well she tricked her 

Casey: i named this one Zee

she then creepily petted the yellow cat 

me: (yelp)


i was in the washroom washing my face trying to get a hold of myself 

me: (sigh)

i then saw Casey behind me 

me: (yelp) that's it that's it that's it! I've ha had enough i am not your BFF Caitlyn you gotta stop following me around like like some little lost kitten 

Casey: uh im sorry it's just oh it's all right i wouldn't wanna be friends with me either 

she started tearing up and felt bad 

me: (sigh) Katie Wait 

Casey: Casey 

me: i...im sorry, too ig i just misunderstood you were really nice to do all those things for me anyone would be lucky to have you as a friend 

she then ran up and hugged me but the hug was lasting to long even for me 

me: okay, okay that's good 

i then tried to get her off 

me: it's uh (chuckles nervously) time to let go now 

Casey: let go? 

she then threw me on the stall door 

Casey: you have everything a girl could ever wish for popularity, beauty, friends, a handsome boyfriend 

she then started crying crystal 

Casey: and i'll never let go until 

her whole body then turned into crystal and i saw my reflection then i saw me 

Casey(Zee's voice & body): i have it too 

me: what what are you 

i then started to chant a spell but it didn't work 

me: huh my magic 

Casey(Zee): your magic?

she then started to chant a spell and it worked and it hit me into the stall and when i got back up and looked in the mirror i was Casey

Fake Zee: you mean my magic you really are the most amazing girl in school oops i mean "were" the most amazing girl in school 

she then left out the door and got with my friends 

Diana: that's how it was on Themyscira, hi

Fake Zee: (chuckles softly)

i then came out of the restroom

me: hey, that girl is an imposter 

Jess: you mean Zee

Y/n: you mean my girlfriend 

me: yes i mean no i mean... i mean c'mon just look at her

Fake Zee: see totally obsessed with me 

Jess: wow Zee you were right about her 

Y/n: sorry for not believing you love

Babs: yeah no tots are worth this 

they then left 

me: cant you see it She's not Zee Im Zee me not her Im Zee Zatara IM ZEE ZATARA 

Your POV 

me and the girls were at Sweet Justice having some ice cream but Zee was just staring at us 

Jess: something wrong Zee 

Y/n: yeah you good love  

Zee: oh no nothing at all i just don't see how life could ever get any better than this 

Kara: i can hot sauce 

me: hit it Babs 

Babs then pulled the thing and we fell to the base Jess then used her powers give Kara hot sauce and me whipped cream

Zee: your the...the super hero girls 

me: uh yeah your part of the team 

Zee: (laughs wickedly) not for long 

her eyes then turned crystal and she looked at all of us she then popped out of the base looking like all of us 

Casey: kneel before me metropolis for i am mega Casey Krinsky i will be the most popular girl in school and the most powerful hero in the world plus im super hot 

we then came up from the hole

Babs: dude did she just say mega Cammy Kombucha 

Kara: who cares we got some hero-ing to do 

me: hell yeah 

she then jumped up and tried to fly but she fell 

me: haha ice bike go 

i did my moves but it didn't show 

Kara: i think they took our powers 

Diana: fear not Kara if we work together this villain is- 

she then got roped by her lasso of truth 

Diana: we have no chance 

me: wow you think sherlock 

MCK: (laughs wickedly)

she then pulled the lasso bringing up Kara and Diana kicking them both right into us 

MCK: it's the ultimate makeover finally that mousy sad little girl is gone (laughs wickedly) or at least she will be 


MCK looked me in the eyes and i ran to the pier as she was flying and threw batarangs at me

MCK: face it old me it's over 

she then shot Green lanterns blast and i ducked as i was berried under rubble i cough to get the dust out of my lungs i then saw the house of mirrors and i ran in i saw her in the mirrors but she couldn't see me and i used this time to think of a plan until a had it 

MCK: hmph you can't hide forever 

she then hit a mirror which she thought was me but ended up breaking the glass

MCK: hmph smoke and mirrors princess of prestidigitation i expected better from you come out her and fight me 

she then kept hitting mirrors 

MCK: im sick of seeing my pathetic little face i mean your face i mean (screams)

i appeared in all the mirrors around her she then broke multiple 

me: what's the matter Casey don't like what you see 

MCK: no nobody does 

she then used Jess' powers to make a hammer 

me: your wrong i liked you 

she then hit more mirrors 

me: at first so did my friends 

she then broke more 

me: it was the evil plot to change who u are that mucket it all up 

she broke even more 

MCK: stop it quiet 

she broke even more and she was leaking crystal and shining 

me: you could have had the friendship and acceptance you wanted  if you had only accepted your self 

she then started chanting a spell and all the mirrors broke 

MCK: no  i then looked in a mirror shared and saw i was back to normal 

Casey: sobbing 

me: how about a fresh start Casey

i then touched her shoulder 

me: friends    

Casey: oh forget it ill get you for this Zee Zatara soon the whole school the whole city will know who the super hero girls really are your crime fighting days are over OVER 

Y/n: im sorry about that love 

me: (sigh) it's ok you know who i am now and so will everyone else i suppose 

TimeSkip Your POV

me and the girls see Casey trying to convince everyone were the Hero's

Casey: they're lying to you everyone Diana Prince is Wonder woman and Kara Danvers is supergirl 

Glasses: and im Ryu

Casey: no Y/n L/n is 

purple dress: oh and your Zee Zatara right that's what you were saying yesterday 

Casey: no i was Zee Zatara but now im not now im me again im Casey Krinsky CASEY KRINSKY 


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