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No One POV (i had to change so much phrasing in this also let me know what ninja you think matches what dcshg)

we see Wonder Woman in a forest hiding from snakes she camouflaged with some flowers and made her way into a cave then found snakes surrounding her she then draws her sword 

Wonder Woman: charge  

she then knocked out all the snakes and then a boulder comes at her she grabs a rope ties it around her and falls down a hole and we see a light blue room with Y/n's old staff as she tried to swing and get it a buzzer went off 

Chester: nice Diana you almost had it but did you have to go so hard on my security droids (chester got a job in security since there hadn't any crime so all the hero's retired) 

Diana: if i cannot get Y/n's old staff i don't think anyone can where is the real one anyway 

Chester: some secrets are better left secret 

F/n: where are the others i thought they were gonna come 

Diana: they wanted to come but they had other plans 

Chester: i can see there still upset about Y/n's disappearance

F/n: yes but Y/n's absences can either bring you closer together or tear you apart 

Diana: you know what i will find the others and bring the together 

Chester: ok then 

we then see a game show with Zee on the front of the stage 

Zee: welcome everyone im Zee Metropolis most loveable hero and here at the gauntlet of doom it will show anyone's strength and who's dreams will be gone...in a flash 

she then poofed and reappeared at a cliff with a contestant 

Zee: here i have gale tireless mother of four and returning contestant so gale why are you returning 

gale: because HERO'S NEVER QUIT!!!

Zee: haha great, start the doomsday clock 

a clock started and gale went on she swinged on rope and then made to the next part she was on rolling logs and avoided boxing gloves and then made it to the next rolling log but got knocked off 

gale: i got further then last time 

then Zee made her way to her dressing room and she held a picture of the whole team 

Zee: hero's never quit huh Y/n

Diana: sister the team needs you now more than ever 

Zee looks around and for the voice and she sees Diana jump down from the ceiling 

Zee: how did you get in here 

Diana: im a amazon and you are wearing 30 pounds of makeup 

Zee: hey hey hey it's concealer and what do you mean "team" i refuse to fight beside Jess there's nothing you can say that will get me back with that boy-hitting on mold-hearted-

Diana: Zee no need to get upset, you don't belong here this isn't you, your the master of magic no the master of lighting, you know where i'll be it you change your mind 

as she was putting on her makeup she looked at the picture and threw the brush at her mirror we then see a lumber yard and babs chopping wood and we see Diana hanging on a rope behind her 

Diana: the team needs you now more than ever 

Babs: i thought i was good with gadgets turns out i'm even better with an axe, im tired of fighting Diana Tired of villains tired of serpentine tired of...the team out here no one knows who you are no one expects anything of you 

DCSHG Zee Zatara  x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now