
By laughterandjynx

18.4K 504 125

**INCLUDES WATTPAD SCHOLARSHIP WINNING ENTRY** land of stories, poetry, and competition entries that don't de... More

wattpad scholarship winner: four
ss: The Rosalind Peninsula
ss: The Sandman
ss: The Bus to Lamont
ss: Marina
ss:: The Hood, the Inept, and I
ss: Emancipation
story fragment // My Twist on Fate
story fragment // My Twist on Fate
story fragment // My Twist on Fate
p: To the Boy in the Walmart Waiting Room & Other Odes
p: Funhouse & Other Body Image Poems
p: Grapefruit & Other Assault Poems
p: Pinstriped & Other Life Experiences I Won't Have
p: In Baby's Town & Other Obscure Poems
p: Two Moo & Other 10-Word Poems
p: Into the Jungle
one shot: Friendship for Dummies

story fragment // My Twist on Fate

1K 47 4
By laughterandjynx

My Twist on Fate | Waffles

I creaked open my eyes. I immediately sat up, trying to figure out where I was. I remember falling asleep in heaven. I looked down. I was wearing my PJs, which meant someone took off my clothes...

"Keep it down," someone groaned.

I swear I jumped like ten feet in the air. "Talia!" I screamed, shoving her arm. "Don't scare me like that!"

"Then shut up."

"I wasn't even talking!"

"But you were squirming."

"I didn't know where I was!"

"That's your own fault for falling asleep on the couch. Why were you on the couch?"

"Hrmm...I got lost."

She looked at me, blinking. Then she burst into laughter. "You got lost?"

"Well yeah. In my defense, this place is huge!"

"Where was Jayden?"

I shrugged. "As soon as we got into the house, he disappeared."

She frowned. "Well, I'll have to talk to him about that. I told him to help you get settled..."

"It's okay Talia, really."

"No it's not! That means he's not following orders!"


"Yes, my darling. Orders. You know, I tell him to do something and he does it? Like a slave? Except he really likes me."

I rolled my eyes. "You and your dominance in relationships."

"Jealous much?"


"I think you are."

"I'm pretty sure I'm not."

"It's okay, honey. You don't have to be in denial about it. I know my boyfriend's super hot and you lust for him. You can have his brother. He's a cutie himself."

"What is he, seven?"

"Twenty actually. He's an older man. And I know how you like older men."

"Like how you like younger men? Pedoooo."

Now it was her turn to slap me in the arm. "Three months. Three ****** months. That's it."

"You're still older than him."

"What are you, traditional?"

"Yup. Go make me breakfast."

"Make your own breakfast."

"But I'll get lost."

"I don't care."

"I'll burn the house down. You know my cooking skills."

She froze and narrowed her eyes. "You wouldn't."

"Try me."

She got out of bed and ambled to the door. "You coming?" she asked.

"Breakfast in bed."

"I don't think so."

"I think so."

She pulled me out of bed and I reluctantly followed her. "So what're you feeling in the mood for?"

"Something sweet and yummy."


"I'm in a waffley mood."

"Three chocolate chip waffles it is."

"Make that four, I'm starving."

"Fatty," she coughed.

"Hey! I need my energy!"

"For what?"


She chuckled and got out the supplies needed to make waffles. "You wanna help me?"

I scoffed. "Me, cook? Are you nuts?"

"I suppose I am. I just thought you might want to learn to cook for college next year..."

"I'll live on ramen noodles."

She rolled her eyes as she put the mixed the batter and put it into the waffle iron. "Have you met Lucas yet?"


"Lucas, Jayden's brother."

"Nope, and I don't plan on it."

"Why not? He's a cutie."

"I'm not looking for a relationship. Ever since Logan..."

"Oh geez! I'm sorry for bringing it up."

"Let's just forget about it, okay?"

She quickly nodded her head, "Yeah, whatever you want."

"I really want some waffles!"

"They're almost done! Why don't you go get out some plates? They're in the top left cabinets."

I gingerly lifted out the glass plates and set them on the counter. "Good morning, sweetheart," Jayden chirped, walking into the kitchen, giving Talia a quick peck on the cheek. "I hope those are for me."

"These are Reagan's. The next batch are for you, okay?"

He groaned. "She's still here?"

"For the next month."

He gave me the evil eye and I smirked. "All done!" Talia piped, putting four waffles onto a plate. "Enjoy!"

I looked Jayden in the eye. "Oh, I will."

I grabbed a fork and dug in. They were crisp on the outside, and fluffy on the inside; just the way I like them. "These are delicious," I said, stuffing my mouth greedily.

She laughed and set a plate in front of Jayden and sat down with her own. "You should make me breakfast every morning, babe."

Talia shook her head. "I don't think so. You need to learn how to cook!"

"I do know!" Jayden defended. "I just never put my skills to the test."

"Then you can make breakfast tomorrow."

"What? No."

"You challenged me."

"No I didn't!"

"Yeah, you did. It was implied!"

He rolled his eyes. "Fine, fine. I'll make breakfast tomorrow. You'll get the Jayden Special."

She raised an eyebrow. "The Jayden Special?"

"It's to die for."

"More like it'll kill me," I interjected.

Talia laughed, "That's a good one, sis!"

"Thanks, I know, I know."

"Still being cocky?"


"At least you admitted it."

I put my plate in the dishwasher and turned around to see a muscular man sitting in my spot. He had gorgeous blonde hair and sparkly blue eyes. I could see his toned abs through his white t-shirt. To top it off, he had a dazzling white smile. He could be like a male model! I swear I was drooling...I had been staring at him for like a minute. I could see Talia smirking out of the corner of my eye.

"Reagan, this is Lucas. Lucas, this is my sister Reagan."

"Nice to meet you," I said.

"The pleasure is all mine," he said, kissing my hand lightly.

I could feel my cheeks turn pink. His voice was husky and it kind of made me melt. He had quite a bit of charm. I'm really surprised Talia didn't go for him; he was more her type. Oh, well. More for me.

"Well aren't you the charmer?"

"I try, I try," he grinned, winking at me. "I have to go to practice, but I'll see you around?"

"Uh, sure."

He flashed me a smile and dashed out of the room.

"Told you he was hot!" Talia sang.

Jayden coughed and Talia kissed him. "For my sister, silly!"

"Why didn't you warn me? He's like a Greek god!"

"I did! I just can't think of him as a Greek god because of Mr. Jealous over here."

"I wasn't jealous!"

"You were too!"

"Whatever," he mumbled, stacking the dirty plates and setting them in the dishwasher.

"So, do you like him?" Talia asked.

"Tal, I just met him."

She blinked. "Yeah, so?"

"I don't even know him!"

"Well, are you going to go for him?"

"Like I said, I just met him."

"Whatever. Just keep your guard up, okay? He's known to be a bit of a player."

"Don't think I can tame him?"

"I'd like to see you try." She winked at me.

"If this is a bet, you're going to lose Reagan," Jayden stated bluntly. "Luke doesn't fall for girls; he makes them fall for him. Once he gets what he wants, he leaves."

"You don't think I can play a player?"

"Nope," Talia chirped. "You're too...vulnerable."


"Yeah, so don't go for it, okay? Promise me?" she urged.

"Yeah, okay. I won't."

"Good! So, you up for shopping?"

"Sure, why not. When are we leaving?"

"In an hour, so go get ready!"

"Err...where's my luggage?"

"In my room."

"Kay. Are we going alone? Or is he coming?" I asked, jerking my head in Jayden's direction.

She looked at him expectantly. "Me? Shopping? With you two? I don't think so," he said, shaking his head furiously.

She shrugged. "Good, then we can go to Victoria Secret," she said, winking at him.

"Err, well...maybe I will come along."

She laughed. "Sorry, buddy. You missed your chance. And you go get dressed!"

"I'm going, I'm going," I mumbled, trudging to her room.

I threw on a pair of shorts and a grey and neon yellow striped t-shirt. I brushed my knotted hair, fumbling with the brush and put it in a messy ponytail. I skipped out the door, eager to hang out with my sister. I groaned when I remembered that she took forever to get ready. I went back down into the kitchen. Talia was talking on the phone.

"Yeah, okay. I'll be there as soon as I can. Bye."

"Everything alright, sis?"

She sighed. "Look I'm sorry for blowing you off again. That was a work emergency. They need me today to go over some plans or something. Can I take a rain check?"

"You sure you just don't want to hang out with your little sister?" I joked.

"Yeah, you're just so embarrassing. Can you just stay in the house all summer. I don't want to have to explain to my friends that you're my sister. They won't believe that I'm so hot and you're so...not."

I rolled my eyes and gave her a light push. "Go to work."

She kissed me lightly on the cheek. "Jayden will you keep you company again. Won't you?"

"Again?" he whined. She gave him her puppy-dog face. No one could resist that, no one. "Fine. But you owe me."

"Play nice you two. Oh and Jayden? Go show Reagan her room."

As soon as she left, Jayden started glaring at me. "What is your problem?" I hissed.

"My problem is you."

"Can we just make an effort to get along? For Talia?"

"Haven't we been doing that?"

"Just take me to my room and I'll leave you alone for the rest of the day, okay?"

"Follow me," he growled.

I padded up the never-ending stairs, my feet sinking in the plush carpet with each step. He opened the door and froze.

"Jayden? Jayden, are you okay?"

I shook his arm and shocks of electricity flowed through me. He didn't respond. I frowned and looked past his shoulder to see surprised him. And boy did it surprise me too. The image would be permanently etched in my mind. I saw the naked back of my mom doing some inappropriate things with a man. A man that was not my father.

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