Cover Girl |Chris Brown|

By -BleedingPrada

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"Think of it as you're're his Cover Girl" "I'm his what? More

Karma snippet
Cover Girl Season Two
OG ending


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By -BleedingPrada

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Cover Girl: S1E47

Se'anie Price
Saturday •December 23rd, 2017
Sherman Oaks, California

I sat at my table with Keeis.

At first I was extremely pissed by what he did but I understand that it was eating at him and Chris was his best friend before he was mine.

"Jay I'm-"

I put my hand up, silencing his apology.

"It's fine, I understand why you did it and I apologize for putting such a heavy secret on your shoulders" I apologized and he smiled softly.

"Doesn't it feel better now that Chris knows?" Keeis asked , leaning on the table.

"Yeah I guess so" I shrugged , leaning back in the chair and rubbing my stomach.

"Your album is dropping in a few hours Se'anie, you're about to be known as a real artist" Keeis beamed

"I know, it's scary" I pouted

"Does Chris know about the album? because I'm about to head to his house after this and I don't need him questioning me about ya hash tags"

I giggled and nodded "he asked me about the hashtag earlier and I told him I have an album dropping at midnight so he should turn his comments off at eleven"

"Damn, you warned him? Maybe you did love him" Keeis smirked

"Of course I loved him, I'll always love Chris but I love myself more and I know that being with him is not what I need right now" I shrugged, choosing to tell Keeis exactly what was on my mind.

"So do you see yourself dating him again?"

I sighed and bit my bottom lip "I don't know, my trust for him is basically non-existent at this point but who knows, maybe AFTER the baby is born then yeah" I shrugged and Keeis nodded.

"That's understandable" he shrugged , standing up "but imma head over to Chris' now so text me if you need anything"

He came over to my side and hugged me

"Okay I will"

"Thank you for not killing me" he joked and I smirked

"Who said I won't?" I asked looking up at him "I told you, after I give birth, I'm considering a lot of things"

"Uhhhm, imma go" Keeis chuckled nervously and ran out of the dining room.

I chuckled and got up so I could head to my room but my doorbell rang. I walked over to the door and swung it open, knowing it was somebody who knew my gate's code so in result, it had to be someone I knew.

"There she is" Bryson beamed and I smiled

"Hey Bry" I hugged him "KENDRA" I screamed in glee, seeing her behind him. I pushed him out of the way and pulled her into a big hug.

She's been over seas for a month for modeling and to say I missed her was an understatement. We grew closer over some time and now I considered her a very good friend of mine.

"Jay Jay" she beamed, hugging me back "I missed you love bug"

"I missed you more" I pouted

"Well it's fuck me huh?" I heard Bryson mutter from behind us and soon his footsteps fainted into the house.

"I come bearing gifts" she smirked and I squealed, pulling her inside.

"Oh my gosh what did you get me?" I asked

"It's not for you, it's for your baby boy" Kendra laughed and I pouted.

"Imagine that, you aren't even born yet and ya aunty is spoiling you" I said to my stomach

"Of course I am, I'll always spoil him, no matter the weather" Kendra smiled, passing me the gift bag she had in her hand. I opened it and pulled out a blue and white blanket with the name 'Baby Brown' on the side. I smiled softly and ran my fingers over the perfect stitching.

"This is really happening huh?" I giggled through my happy tears.

"Yeah , you're really about to be a mommy" Kendra smiled , hugging me.

"This is insane"

Chris Brown

I opened my door and Keeis walked in.

"Wassup bro?" Keeis greeted and I just nodded my head in acknowledgement.

I wasn't necessarily angry at Keeis but I was hurt and confused.

"What you been on?" Keeis asked, trying to make conversation.

"Keeis I won't sit here and act like ain't shit wrong when I know there's an issue" I shrugged

Keeis sighed and bit the inside of his cheek.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Jay being pregnant bro , I know I was wrong and I apologize if I hurt your feelings" Keeis apologized and I looked at him

"I just don't get how you could come here, smile in my face and hide something so big from me" I shrugged, trying to make sense of it all.

"That's why I called mama J, I couldn't keep hiding it from you man" Keeis confessed and I raised a brow

"So my momma knew before I did?" I asked, confused.

Keeis nodded and ran his hands over his face

"I wanted to call you but I knew Se'anie would've killed me if I did" Keeis sighed and I chuckled

"Yeah, she would've murdered you for sure, I understand though plus she came clean about everything" I shrugged "well except where she went when she left"

For some odd reason, Se'anie didn't want to tell me where she was or if she even left the country.

Keeis and I sat in silence for a few seconds before he broke it.

"Anguilla" Keeis muttered and I raised a brow

"What?" I asked

"Se'anie was in Anguilla, she was the one that bought the house, that's why you couldn't go back when you wanted to" Keeis revealed and I nodded.

When Se'anie left, I thought of so many things to get her back. I remember she told me how much she loved the house and I was going to buy it for her but the owner told me somebody made an offer he couldn't say no to.

I'm just now finding out that it was Se'anie who bought the house before I could, I guess it still went to the person who I had in mind.

"So that's where she was hiding?" I asked

"Yeah, that's where she wrote almost all the songs on the album" Keeis nodded

"Speaking of which, I gotta turn my comments off before she drops it" I pulled my phone out and went to Instagram. I turned off my comments and turned off the option to DM me.

"Yeah, it's good that she warned you because I promise you, you'd be torn apart" Keeis chuckled

"You've heard the album?" I asked and Keeis nodded

"I've sorta been her go-to person since y'all broke up but you know we're platonic, that's my sister man, she has my back so I gotta have hers" Keeis revealed and I smiled

"It's good to know you're taking care of her"

"Yeah but I wanna ask you something" Keeis said , sitting up from his slouching position.


"Do you think you and Se'anie are gonna get back together?" Keeis asked

"I don't know, she doesn't seem to want that at all, I mean it's been what? two months and she's still mad" I shrugged

"It'll take some time for her to get over it though and you haven't really done anything to show her that you really regret what you've done" Keeis shrugged and I looked at him

"Nigga what you mean? I texted her hundreds of times, called her almost as much and I don't know where she lives so I can't send her shit plus she asked me for space so I'm giving it to her" I stated , shrugging my shoulders.

"I'm not saying do stuff directly Brown, I'm saying you should try to get caught doing good stuff" Keeis said and I cocked my head to the side.

"Fuck do you mean?"

Keeis groaned "I gotta spell shit out to you? Bro go out and reject bitches but don't be disrespectful with it just reject them enough to the point people peep it and start talking about it, she'll start hearing stuff and then boom you can get back with her quicker"

"That's actually smart" I chuckled

"Yeah I know, that's why I'm the brains between the two of us"

I flicked him off and he laughed

"I ain't with that gay shit, go ask Jeremy" he joked and I scoffed

"This is exactly why Se'anie called Jeremy her best friend earlier" I smirked

"She did what?" Keeis asked, squinting at me

"She called him bestie bro, she walked in all hyped up too like she does it on the regular" I exaggerated and Keeis grumbled something under his breath.

"Imma call her ass right now" he spat and I bit back my laugh.

Keeis was so jealous it was hilarious. He'd throw fits anytime somebody called Se'anie bestie and she wouldn't dare do that shit in front of him.

Se'anie Price

"Keeis- can I- who told you-"

Bryson looked at me confused and I just waved him off. Keeis was yelling at me for calling Jeremy bestie earlier and the only person who could've told him that was Chris.

"and that's how I thought we were cool?" Keeis finished and I rolled my eyes.

"You're forever my bestie and I love you the most" I reassured him and I heard him mumbled something.

"Fine but you better not slip up like that again" he said as if we were children on a playground.

"Yes mom and tell my SNITCHING ass baby daddy , imma shoot him in his kneecap for telling you" I smiled and Keeis chuckled

"You on speaker, he can hear you"

"Hey Jay" Chris said loudly and I rolled my eyes.

"You happy now but wait until I see you Nigga, you gon' wish this album is the only hit I made on you"

I hung up the phone and Bryson started laughing.

"What?" I asked confused

"You be giving bro empty threats"


"Yeah empty, Se'anie you know you love Chris, everybody can see it , you'd never put him in harms way" Bryson shrugged and I rolled my eyes knowing he was telling the truth.

Kendra was knocked out on my couch while Bryson and I stood in the kitchen. They decided to stay with me since my album was dropping at midnight and Bryson is featured on it.

"Yeah yeah but it's only five minutes to midnight" I beamed, looking at the likes and comments on my Instagram post go wild. The photo in the background was taken when I had just gotten back to L.A so my stomach didn't look strange at all.

"Yeah, you about to put out your first project, how you feel?" Bryson asked

"Nervous" I admitted "imagine they don't like it?"

"Not like it? Jay you called your baby daddy out in twelve different songs, how can they not like it?" Bryson asked , chuckling.

"Yeah I guess you're right" I sighed "I low key regret being so angry at him"

"Why?" Bryson asked, biting into the chocolate chip muffin he took from the box on the counter.

"Because I know our son is gonna come out lookin' just like him" I grimaced

"Wouldn't he look like Chris regardless?"

"Yeah but he'll look exactly like him now or maybe even act like him" I pouted

"Just because you were mad at him?" Bryson looked at me confused and I sighed.

"Yes there's a belief that goes if you hate someone during your pregnancy your child comes out looking or acting like that person and in this instance I can be cursed with my son having both"

Bryson laughed and shook his head "you can go ahead and believe that shit but I'm telling you now, you hating Chris has NOTHING to do with your son acting and looking like him, if he's supposed to be his dad's twin, it'll happen" Bryson shrugged and I sighed.

"I guess so"

"Have you thought of baby names?"

"I was going through some names earlier while you and Kendra were sucking faces" I smirked and he blushed.

"Yeah sorry about that, I just haven't seen her in so long, I've missed her" Bryson explained

"Aww it's okay, no need to apologize, you guys are cute" I smiled and he nodded

"Thank you" he smiled

"Of course"

"Now about the names?"

"Oh yeah uhhm I saw the name Carter and I fell in love" I beamed and Bryson nodded his head in approval.

"That's nice but shouldn't you pick names with Chris?"

"Yeah but I wanna give the baby a name that starts with the letter C so he can keep the CMB" I shrugged "that's my only wish"


"Oh and he can't be named Christopher" I rolled my eyes "we are retiring that name in this family"

"Family? So you're saying you plan to have another one?" Bryson smirked

"Nigga I'm barely done here , how can I already want another one?" I asked and he chuckled

"Sorry, just asking" he put his hands up in surrender.

"I don't even know if Chris and I will get back together, I can't think of another baby" I shook my head

"Well, if y'all do get back together and you get pregnant again, what would you like to have?" Bryson asked

"If I had to choose? Definitely a girl" I smiled

"A girl? Why?"

"Because I've seen Chris as a girl dad and it's the cutest thing I've ever witnessed , it's amazing how much he loves Royalty and I know he'll probably die if he has another princess" I responded, smiling at the thought of Chris chasing around a mini me so she can put on some pants.

"See that twinkle in your eye?" Bryson pointed at me and I cocked my head to the side in confusion.


"That twinkle that you get when you speak about him, even through the anger and pain, you still held that twinkle, Jay you don't love Chris , you're in love with him and until you accept that, you'll always reject him" Bryson shrugged and I bit the inside of my cheek.


"Nah, you can sit here and act all mad and upset all you wish to but we both know you love that man to bits and you'd probably lose your shit if anything happened to him"

he read me like a book.

"I'm scared" I admitted

"Everybody is scared of something Se'anie and I'm not saying you should get back together with him but I am saying you gotta acknowledge the love before it fades away, life is too short to be so bitter and angry" Bryson sighed and I nodded.

"I know" I responded

We sat there in a comfortable silence before my phone started going off. I looked down and saw that my notifications were going wild. I opened Instagram first and fans were talking about how they were three songs in and was ready to burn their ex's house down. I smiled and looked up at Bryson who was already smiling at me.

"They love it" I said

"They love it?"

"THEY LOVE IT" I screamed standing up and running around the island to where he was. He pulled me into a big hug and I squealed.

"Congratulations, I told you that they would" Bryson chuckled

"What's all the screaming about?" Kendra asked groggily, sluggishly walking into the kitchen.

"They love my album" I smiled looking over at her.

"Wait the album dropped already?" She asked looking at her phone "why didn't y'all wake me?" She whined

"I was busy giving this one relationship advice" Bryson said, pointing at me.

"Relationship advice? Jay you tryna move on?"

"What? No! It was about Chris" I reassured her and she nodded.

"Well, I'm rooting for chreanie, y'all are cute" Kendra smiled

"Thank you" I smiled and she nodded

Now I have something else to think about.



Chris and Se'anie sat in the doctors office, waiting for his arrival. Se'anie was now six months pregnant and over the entire pregnancy.

"My feet hurt" the girl pouted and Chris rolled his eyes.

She was becoming more whiny and irritating as the days went by.

He would often thank God for making Se'anie refuse to move in with him when he offered back in January because he couldn't see himself dealing with her shit daily.

The two had become more civil in the past two months and their friends were grateful for it. Se'anie was no longer angry about what went down or at least she didn't show her anger any more. Instead, she's been very nice to Chris , inviting him to her appointments and sending him funny videos of baby's mimicking their dads.

Everyone around them thought they were days away from getting back together but the two were the complete opposite. At first, Chris tried the scheme Keeis had came up with but Se'anie didn't take it as Chris trying to win her back but rather him choosing to stay single so he can be a hoe in peace.

Since she thought that of him, the singer has made it his business to date and mingle around.

Although Se'anie didn't show much emotions to Chris' behavior every time it popped up in the tabloids, she was hurting inside.

She knew she didn't have a right to be hurt since her and Chris were no longer together but she was still in love with him. She couldn't help how she felt and because of that she tried to keep their conversations on the topic of the child.

"Ah Miss Price, good to see you and Mr.Brown" Dr.Creek smiled and closed his door.

"Hey doc" Se'anie greeted

"How are you feeling today?"

"I'm okay" Se'anie nodded

Chris occupied his time with his phone since he knew he wasn't going to be questioned. He texted one of his sneaky links telling her that he would be a little late because he was running errands.

"Well mom , I need you to lean back and pull your shirt up"

Se'anie did as instructed and pulled her shirt up. The doctor put the cold liquid on her stomach before placing the wand. He moved it around a bit , looking for the baby.

"There goes your little boy" Dr.Creek smiled , pointing at the unborn child as a strong heartbeat boomed through the room.

"Wow" Chris said astonished, listening to the heartbeat. It didn't matter how many times he heard his son's heartbeat, he couldn't believe that the child was his.

"So Se'anie how's your diet?" Dr.Creek asked wiping off Se'anie's stomach.

"It's goo-"

"She loves eating hot stuff and I be telling her not to doc" Chris snitched causing Se'anie to mug him.

"Miss Price , you have to eat well if you want your baby to be well" Dr.Creek said , giving her a soft glare.

"I know but hot Cheetos are so hard to say no to" Se'anie pouted

"I understand that but you have to say no"

"You heard him, stop with the hot shit or you're gonna get pinched" Chris smirked and Se'anie pouted.

"Do I really have to?" Se'anie asked

"Yeah, if you don't want heart burn"

"Fine, I'll try" Se'anie sighed

"Good, I'll write your prescription for more prenatal pills and then you'll be good to go"

The doctor scribbled something on a paper and handed it to her.

"You two have a good day" he smiled walking out of the room.

Chris helped Se'anie off the table and she pulled her shirt down.

"Alright, do you need me to stay or can I leave?" Chris asked

Se'anie felt her heart sink , knowing he probably wanted to leave so he can go fuck some random bitch.

"you can leave" Se'anie mumbled , walking out of the room with Chris behind her.

"What's your problem?" Chris asked her while she simply , pulled her hoody over her head and slipped her sunglasses on to help her stay unnoticed.

She leaned against the wall in the elevator, choosing to ignore Chris' question and his existence all together. He stared at her , wondering why she was being so weird toward him all of a sudden.

The elevator dinged and he scoffed.

"Whatever man , I'm outta here" Chris waved her off , leaving Se'anie behind in the elevator.

She wiped away her stray tear and waddled out of the elevator. She slowly made her way to her Porsche and unlocked it. She blinked away her tears and got into the car.

"Telling him wasn't a bad idea" Se'anie whispered to herself, trying her hardest to be convincing.

Failing to make herself feel better, she began to cry. She violently wiped away her tears and leaned back in her seat, hiccuping and gasping for air. A knock on her window startled her and she looked over seeing Chris standing there.

She lowered her window just enough for him to see the top of her head.

"What?" She sniffled, refusing to allow him to see her cry.

"Se'anie man what you crying for?" Chris asked , irritated

"Nothing, leave me alone" Se'anie croaked out , feeling her eyes well up with more tears.

Chris sighed deeply and walked to the other side of the car, pulling at the door handle. Shockingly, the door was open so Chris got in.

He looked at Se'anie as she cried and wiped her tears away. He leaned over and wiped her tears away.

"You know I hate seeing you cry" Chris whispered

Se'anie simply looked at him with tear stained cheeks.

Instead of giving him a verbal response she did something she had been missing since November. She leaned in and pulled Chris into a soft kiss, feeding into her emotions.

She knew she was jumping the gun and allowing her hormones to take over but she didn't care.

In her head, she was doing what was right, it felt right.


Hey guyssss

How y'all doin'?

So like I have TWO book ideas and y'all gotta tell me which one y'all want first.

1) pixel buddy - she makes an online friend but things aren't as they appear to be.

2) A Serpents Kiss- Greek mythology based. Artemis runs away and flees to earth in attempts to dodge her arranged marriage, what happens when a certain mortal captures her attention?

I absolutely love Pixel Buddy , I told my friend the plot and he lost it. Pretty sure y'all gon lose it too if you decide to read (yes it's a CB story..,,, well he's the face claim)

So tell me which one y'all would like to read next and I'll get on it.

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