Try-Hard (BNHA x Male OC)

By silverowlbells

111K 6.3K 1.1K

After a classmate tells Mizuno Jun his quirk is gross, the 15 year old just snaps. Now on the run from the po... More

1: You've Got The Trigger, Pull It
2: Introduce Us
3: A Fresh Start
4: Its Only The Beginning
5: Hard To Get
6: But Its Kinda Funny
7: Just Peachy
8: You Know What?
9: Night To Remember Pt. 1
10: Night To Remember Pt. 2
11: Those Were The Days
12: The Long Con
13: Deep Fake
14: This Wasn't Supposed To Happen
15: You're In Our World Now
16: Look At You
17: Where Are You?
18: Something's Up
19: Budget Cuts
20: Pace Yourself
21: A Conversation
22: Pleased To Meet You
23: Why Oh Why?
24: The Beginning Of The End
25: When The World Stops Spinning
26: When It Burns To The Ground
27: When All Is Said And Done

Epilogue-Will You Still Hold Me

3.1K 199 56
By silverowlbells

Bakugou wasn't exactly excited for the class trip. It was a chance to train and to gain experience working in rural areas and with snow, but he wanted to work in the city. He had no use for this shit. 

Still, Aizawa had insisted that all of 3-A go and had gotten permission from all of their parents. It was their first big trip since the training camp and everyone was cautiously optimistic. 

"You look distracted, Bakugou." Kirishima said, observant as ever. Katsuki grunted. "Its not going to end with you getting kidnapped again, you know. The league hasn't been active since the statue incident and you're way too strong for anyone to kidnap anyways!". 

He knew Kirishima was trying to cheer him up, but mentioning the league did the opposite. That whole part of his life felt like a haze. Like after going through that portal he had been transported to an entirely different world and only came back when U.A was rebuilt. 

The league had planned it quite well. Destroy everyone's trust in U.A and destroy the symbol of peace by retiring him. Then they had destroyed U.A and killed the principal. Made them rebuild their school inside and out. Forced them to correct their mistakes. The statue was the end of that plan. Riots started after that. Demanding justice not just for the heroes killed by Todoroki Touya and Mizuno Jun but for the villains themselves and everyone featured on the tape. They wanted social programs, they wanted Todoroki Rei released from her mental hospital and they wanted Nezu's name wiped out of newspapers as anything other than a villain. 

They had gotten what they wanted and with Hound Dog, a trained teacher and mental health professional as the new U.A principal, things were running smoothly. Bakugou, Midoriya and Todoroki had become the big three as everyone expected them too. They held all the records ever set by U.A.

He had even fixed his relationship with his parents, deciding that he and his mother shouting at each other wasn't going to work anymore. They both struggled with being emotionally available for each other, but it was worth working at. 

Basically, Katsuki had everything he wanted. Almost at least. 

-------- -------- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 

"A test of courage?!" Deku said, his voice shocked. Mr. Aizawa nodded casually. 

"It helps build teamwork. Class 3-B has already set it up, so you can't back out now." The teacher said. Then his eyes landed on Bakugou. "Unless you think it will trigger something. This is about conquering your fears, not giving yourself a panic attack.". 

Bakugou rolled his eyes. "I'm not fucking fragile. Its a walk through the woods, what's the worst that could fucking happen? A Blizzard?" He spat. Okay, wrong choice of words. Very wrong choice of words. He coughed awkwardly, eyeing the group to make sure he hadn't offended anyone. His friends were facepalming, but they looked amused, not sad, so he supposed it was alright. 

Shinso. His partner was goddamn Shinso Hitoshi. What luck. Katsuki had to admit, it was better than Icy Hot, but still. He would have rather gone with Ashido, or Kaminari or Kirishima or really any of his actual friends. Not eye-luggage. 

"I don't like this either, you don't have to glare at me the entire time." Shinso said, glaring right back at Katsuki. The blonde rolled his eyes but averted them. There was nothing that glaring daggers into Shinso could do anyways. 

He decided to focus on the path ahead of them through the snowy woods instead. Honestly Katsuki had no idea why they would want to spend all this time outside in the cold just to scare a couple high schoolers. It didn't seem very rewarding, especially in winter. 

They were like the 7th group to go at that point so the path was littered with footprints. He followed each of the tracks with his eyes, not paying attention to the 'scary' sound effects rigged in the trees. 

Then, something caught his eye. One track of footprints went off the path, straight into the woods. His heart rate picked up. What if someone had been kidnapped? What if they were lost? He hadn't been paying attention to how many ghosts they had already passed, so if a 3-B student went missing he wouldn't notice. 

Without a second thought Katsuki ran off the path into the woods, holding his phone up as a flashlight. 

"Hello?" He called out, once the footprints looked fresher. "Who's out here? I can lead you back to the path!". No response. Annoyed, Katsuki trudged on. 

"Don't make me do this all fucking night!" He bellowed into the forest. The longer he went without a response, the more panicked he became. Eventually he broke into a run, franticly following the footprints to whoever made them. 

It seemed he eventually caught up with whoever it was as he slammed right into a person who squeaked and fell over. 

-------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------- 

"What the fuck?" The person under Katsuki groaned. "Shit, you got snow down my neck.". The body shivered violently, obviously trying to avoid the snow in their clothes. 

"Maybe if you hadn't run off the path I wouldn't have had to follow you!" "What path?" "The path for the test of courage dumbass!" "What test of courage?!". 

It was then Katsuki realized that this person had no idea what was going on and he had let his trauma from the last trip blind him to the logic of the situation. The glow of Katsuki's cell phone was muffled by the snow it had been dropped into so the hero student picked it up, wiping it off on his shirt (Because he never zipped up his jacket. Ever.).  

He brought the light right to the person, who's hips he was now straddling, and illuminated their face. Katsuki nearly dropped the phone all over again.

The straight nose, the delicate features and pink-brown eyes covered partially by grey hair that was half up half down. And the horn. 

It couldn't be, and yet it had to be. It could be no one else. 


The grey haired boy made a confused noise, probably wondering how this rando knew his name, so Katsuki placed the phone back in the snow, this time with the light facing up so it would illuminate everything softly. 

"Katsuki?". Jun's voice was soft, so confused yet hopeful. The hero student nodded, his eyes involuntarily pricking with tears. "Its really you.." Jun mumbled, his eyes widened a little before they crinkled into a smile. God, Katsuki had missed that smile. 

Without any more delay Katsuki leaned back down and grabbed Jun's jaw, pulling him into a kiss. It was soft, sweet and said everything words couldn't. 

'I missed you' 'I dreamed of you' 'I still love you' 

Eventually the two pulled away gasping for breath, staring at each other with so much adoration that even Present Mic would call it mushy. "This is the best Christmas gift I've ever gotten." Jun mumbled between breaths. Katsuki rolled his eyes playfully. "Its the 23rd dummy." The blonde replied before capturing Jun's lips again. 

Right before things could get anymore heated, a light suddenly overtook the area. The teens squinted, trying to look through the glow to see whoever was behind it. 

"What the fuck?!". Oh shoot. It was Shinso. Katsuki flushed bright red and realized his current position. He was caging Jun in with his arms while he sat on the aforementioned teen's hips. It was more than a little vulgar, even though this was just how they fell and it hadn't been planned.  

"I can explain!" Katsuki said quickly, admittedly embarrassed. 

"I don't think I want an explanation if I'm being honest." Shinso said, averting his own eyes. Jun burst out laughing. 

"Oh of course this is funny to you." Katsuki groaned fondly. Jun just giggled harder. "I find everything funny. Now, do I need to kill him or is he allowed to see this stuff? I can make it quick and easy to clean up." Jun said, punctuating the sentence with a chaste peck of the lips. 

Bakugou had no idea if he found the threat of murder hot or concerning, but that had always been what he liked about Jun. "I see you're still a sociopath." The hero student said, pressing his nose against Jun's in a display that must look utterly lovey-dovey to poor Shinso. 

"I see you're still fucking ripped." Jun retorted, feeling up Katsuki's biceps. "I don't live too far. You could spend the night? I haven't seen you in literal years.". 

"Tell everyone I wont be coming back until morning and not to call the police. No matter what do not call the police. Or for any heroes, got that?" Katsuki said, rising to his feet and helping Jun up. 

Shinso was about to say something like 'you're not the boss here' but before he could even open his mouth Jun's quirk whisked them off in one fluid blob of pink.  

-------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------- 

As sunlight streamed through the windows, illuminating the room, Katsuki realized it hadn't been a dream. 

Right next to him, nuzzling into the pillow, was Jun. He was alive and still in Japan. And also not arrested or even currently on and wanted lists. People gave up finding the league about a year ago. It was actually more than Katsuki could have ever asked for. 

He stayed like that, just marveling at the sleeping form next to him. Eventually he decided Jun was too far away and pulled the now slightly shorter boy into his chest. 

"Are you going to keep staring at me while I sleep or are we going to talk?" Jun asked. Katsuki startled a little bit but relaxed back into cuddling with Jun. 

"I think I'll just stare at you.". The villain, or former villain now, Katsuki supposed, huffed fondly and turned over so he could face the hero student. 

"I see you're still attending U.A." He said, stating the obvious. Katsuki nodded. "And I see this is where you went after you fucked Japan up beyond recognition." He retorted. 

"I actually just got back from spending a year and a half in Korea. Someone recognized me in Hokkaido after staying there for just a few months so I left. I got the house just a week ago." Jun explained. 

"An 18 year old with his own house?" Katsuki said, "U.A ditched the dorm system in favor of making the students feel 'normal', so I still very much live with my parents. You're seven levels above me on the adult scale". 

"Well my family's kinda loaded, in case your forgot." Jun laughed, "Now that everyone has their own new identities we're finally reaching out to each other again. I was sent the money for the house because none of those old bastard could stand the idea of me renting.". Katsuki rolled his eyes. Yeah, that was the league he remembered. Jun always complained about them being overprotective. 

"So you've been alone this whole time?" The blonde asked, suddenly worried. Jun shrugged. 

"I've seen Dabi twice in the past 6 months. He and his boyfriend are living in Tokyo now. He's basically a house husband at this point." Jun said, smirking to himself. 

"Boyfriend?" Katsuki asked incredulously, "Someone tolerates him?". Jun laughed a little. "Well someone has tolerated him since you were in first year high school. This boyfriend of his was the only reason he disapproved of our relationship. He was also in it for information at first.". 

"Hawks?!" The hero student asked, shocked. It kind of made sense. Jun had shared his sightings of the winged hero around the league headquarters at weird hours, so they had assumed that he was Dabi's informant. 'I guess everyone got with their informants in the end' Katsuki thought to himself before he realized something. 

"I haven't actually asked you to date me yet, have I?" "No you have not." "Are you gonna say yes?" "Are you actually going to ask me?".

"Its not a proposal or something." Katsuki grumbled. 

"No, but we'll never get to the proposal stage if you don't ask now." Jun pointed out. Katsuki's heart skipped a beat. "But before you actually ask you have some things to consider. I'll have to live here until you graduate, I can't come to Masutafu with you just yet. You want to go to a big city when you graduate right? We'll have to be careful not to get caught at any point." 

"I can do long distance until I graduate in spring." Katsuki said, adamant in his decision. 

"Then ask away.". 

"Alright, I will. Mizuno Jun, do you want to be my boyfriend?" The hero student asked with a smile. Jun pretended to think about it for a second. 

"Sure, why not." He answered with a smirk. "You're a brat." Katsuki grumbled. "And you love me for it." Jun replied without missing a beat. 

Suddenly the grey haired boy tensed up, his expression pinched with worry. He looked so unsure. Did Katsuki love him? Was that a bit too soon?

"I do. I love you for that and a lot of other things, you violent piece of shit." Katsuki said, leaning in to kiss Jun again. 

"I resent the piece of shit label." Jun said, pouting. "And not the violent part?" Katsuki asked with a smirk. Jun just pulled his now boyfriend in for a kiss. 


This is one of the longest epilogue's I've ever written but it had to be done! 

If you want any perspective on what's gonna happen when they're adults, Katsuki becomes a pro hero (obviously) and Jun starts stalking and hunting down pro heroes like Endeavor who abuse others in their off time. He also starts releasing scandalous information about pro heroes who are just not nice people. Its a petty revenge type job that suits him perfectly. 

I might release a chapter about that part later, but for now, goodbye! 

o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ

(also bonus points to anyone who figured out that the last few chapters put together say 'When the world stops spinning, when it burns to the ground, when its all said and done, will you still hold me?' I tried to use it to foreshadow how the book ends 😅) 

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