The Abnormal Girl (Egon Speng...

deadlydazy_new_ tarafından

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When Kim is home hiding her boyfriend. he calls the ghostbusters. after they realize she isn't possessed but... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5

Chapter 4

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deadlydazy_new_ tarafından

It's been a week since I started working here and I have gotten used to the strange antics of the ghostbusters. I have found myself spending most of my day in the lab answering questions with Egon or in my room working on my artwork which no one has seen yet. right now it's three am and I am getting caught up with a ton of calls. "you don't understand it's ruining the furniture" the woman I am currently talking to proclaims. "they have to come now" 

"I will have them out there as soon as I can ma'am but if the entity seems violent then you need to leave for the night they will show up as soon as they can." 

"when" she cries and I couldn't help but feel bad. 

"I'm not sure ma'am but I promise it will get taken care of" I hear the woman shuffling around and then a door slam 

"I'm out oh god where do I go," she asks 

"a hotel nothing fancy unless you have someone you can go to are you injured" 

"no I'm fine thank you" she then hangs up and I sigh. I make sure to type everything in and I hear something fall from the lab and I sit up straight. I look behind me but the hall that leads to the lab is dark. I try to ignore it but I couldn't deny the anxiety that was banging at my chest. I get up and I look down the hall too scared to actually go down to see what the hell may have caused such a sound. I go back to typing and printing out the first page of the list of clients when a door slams shut and I turn quickly sharp items from my desk fly to the noise but stop just in front of Egon. once I realise who it was they dropped to the floor. 

"Egon" I take a deep breath "what the hell are you doing up" I snap he picks up the items. 

"I was working, sorry didn't mean to startle you" he informs and I take the items from his hand as he grabs the list for tomorrow. 

"you got a lot of work to do in like three hours you need to go to bed" I insist. 

"I'll be fine" he mutters jotting down some note in his notebook" 

"what are you writing," I ask and he shrugs. 

"just some observations" he then turns to head back to the lab and I get up quickly and I rush to stop him. he looks and me and frowns. "what" 

"bed now" I cross my arms "you need to take care of yourself what if you're too tired tomorrow and you get hurt," he frowns his brows as if trying to study me, damn psychologist. he turns back around and sits next to the desk. "what are you doing" 

"going over my notes" he mutters taking out the notebook. I go and I sit next to him. it is silent for a few minutes and I notice my sketchbook on the table I quickly reach to get it but I slam my knee into the desk. "are you alright" Egon asks and I nod lying about the pain that is shooting through my knee cap. he notices the sketchbook and takes it. 

"no" I try to snatch it but he was already looking through it. 

"you did this," he asks and I nod knowing it's too late to get it back. he looks at a page that has a girl with a collar and scars all over her body in different colors. it had meaning to it I was trying to do self-therapy through the art but I haven't shown any of it to anyone. "are you okay" he asks. 

"I guess my knee still kinda hurts" I chuckle and he looks up. 

"what does it mean," he asks holding up the drawing and I hesitate. 

"it a self-portrait" I admit. "the collar represents how trapped I feel and the scars are a representation of mental, emotional, and physical pain I've been through" I take it from his hands and I look at now hating the drawing for some reason. I close the sketchbook and I put it to the side I get a call and I try to compose myself as I take it. "hello ghostbusters how may we help you" I start and the person on the other side explains what they are seeing and I write everything down putting it into a class that the boys made up. I hadn't noticed that Egon had taken the sketchbook again and went back to the same page. 

I finish the call and I look over and he is still sitting there just looking at that stupid drawing. I sit watching him silently. "what made you draw this," he asks 

"I don't know I guess I was just in a dark place and needing to show how I felt and so I could see it" I shrug. 

"do you want to talk about it" he mutters and I think on it for a minute, he is a doctor in this kind of thing so it may not hurt to hear what he'd have to say. I mean we've talked about stuff before but it always revolved around my abilities and nothing more. 

"well the blue is mental scars, mostly the exorcisms but you know about those," I shrug "the purple is emotional, I don't know it was easy when it was just mom and I but after she meet that religious jack ass it changed. I went from playing with dolls to having to sit in a dimly lit room reading the bible for hours straight not being able to leave until I read the whole story that he wanted me to read even if I fought it I couldn't do anything till I was finished reading" I smile sadly

"my parents didn't believe in toys" Egon comments 

"Really," I ask and he nods. 

"All I had was half a slinky and I straightened it" he smiles and I couldn't help but laugh a little. 

"oh poor thing" 

"no it's fine I used most of my time outside honestly collecting things from nature and then studying about them I managed to keep myself occupied"

"that sounds magical" I admit "like an elf" 

"I don't believe in such things" he admits 

"so you believe ghost but an elf," I ask and he chuckles which was the first time I have ever heard him do so.

"an elf was created in the image of J.R.R Tolkien it is a fictional being" 

"Okay but you have to admit it is cool, I mean he made up languages for each race" 

"he was linguistic  so it isn't shocking he made up his own" 

"what's that," I ask feeling a little sheepish because I might sound stupid. 

"it's the scientific study of language" Egon informs, "I thought about going into it but I think print is losing its charm" he admits. 

"so you don't read" 

"I read just not as a hobby" 

"what are your hobbies" 

"collecting, spores, mold and fungus" 

"like an elf" I joke and he rolls his eyes. 

"yes like an elf if it makes you happy" 

"it does" I smile before getting another call feeling a lot chipper than I did then the last call. once it was over I clap my hands getting Egon's attention. "well time for you to get to bed" I get up and I hold out my hand and he looks at it for a moment before taking it and I help him up. I rush him up the stairs and he hurries knowing I wouldn't take no for an answer. the rest of the night was kinda dull without having someone to talk to but once six rolled around I couldn't wait to go to bed. 

I wake up around noon and I make sure to get ready for the day. I leave to go make some breakfast when I hear the boys are back. as I eat the guys manage to make their runs before getting ready to head out. I go down to the lab to see a big bulletin of stuff on me and it all leads to a question as to where my abilities came from. I notice some stuff that I said last night was put on the board and I didn't mind. as I am about to head out Peter notices me and walks over. 

"morning sleeping beauty" he comments and I wave to him. 


"I just wanted to let you know that shit head known as your ex-boyfriend is out on bail but isn't allowed around you because that would break the bail or something so no need to worry." he grabs some things before heading out leaving me alone to prosses what he said. my mind starts running with worry but I try to suppress it. I go out to see Egon drinking some coffee well more like chugging it. 

"slow down you don't want to burn your throat" 

"it's iced " he comments 

"oh but it's fall why" 

"it's been proven to be more effective" he interrupts. 

"told you to go to bed sooner" I pat him on the back "don't get hurt" I call out as I go back to my room. once the door was closed I lose my composer that I fought so hard to keep. I feel the flex and thing even heavy furniture move to the walls with a small thud. I sit on my bed and I try to think of what Peter said. this can't be happening, who the hell bailed him out. I try to go through the list of friends he had that still liked him but I could only come up with a handful who didn't know who he really was. I look at my phone and I have voice messages. I hesitantly click to answer them the first being from some of his friends asking me for money to bail him out and telling me he wasn't himself and to forgive him but then the last ten were him going back and forth to begging to know where I'm at to threatening me to come over willingly. I lay on my bed the sound of his voice was defining. I throw my phone at the wall but it didn't break. the door burst open and I see Janine looking at me like I'm crazy. 

"what is going on," she asks and I just glare at my phone she goes over and looks at the messages and started getting upset. "come on you're going to hang out with me" she comes over and gets ahold of my hand and leads me out of the room. while hanging out she manages to block the numbers so that no one can contact me. "so according to this pale skin looks good with dark color" she starts looking at the magazine she was reading. We have been doing this for the past hour. she brought some makeup today for god knows what reason and she made me pull out my stuff. right now she is doing my makeup. "you know I have never seen someone who has black lipstick" she comments that is right I have black lipstick that I hardly ever wear. 

"I got it when I was an edgy teen" I chuckle "I still like it though" I admit. 

"here do your eyeliner" she comments as she pulls away we decided to recreate a look I tried in high school. I do the sharp winged eyeliner and I look at her. "damn" she smiles "you used to dress like this" she asks and I nod

"yep still do on occasion" I admit. 

"what occasion" 

"concerts" I shrug I then put on the jet black lipstick and I look in the mirror. I turn to Janine and I hug her. "thank you" I smile and she hugs me back. 

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