
By WeedsForLauren

13K 387 101

Deanna Wong hated Carly Hernandez, plain and simple. Of course, who could blame her? Carly had been the one w... More

CHAPTER-23 (The Trial)


366 16 7
By WeedsForLauren

She had feelings for Carly.

Deanna looked down at the smaller girl next to her and bit her lip. Of course she couldn't have fallen for the friendly girl that always smiles at her in Starbucks, or the blonde haired girl in her Art History class.

No, she had to fall for Carly. The eccentric, messy, human tornado that had shown up on their doorstep.

But Carly was so many other things to Deanna. Adorable, affectionate, endearing, genuine, cuddly, goofy, enchanting, and yellow.Yes Carly is Yellow For deanna.

Deanna understood why Carly liked that color so much. Carly was the human equivalent of the color yellow. Bright, cheery, and joyful. Yellow was also the color of sunshine, which Deanna considered ironic.

So to answer her own question, yes. Deanna would let Carly kiss her. There was only one problem, and that was the fact that Deanna had no idea if Carly even knew what kissing meant. What if Carly just wanted to kiss everyone she met?

It was obvious that Carly was capable of love. Deanna could tell by the way the smaller girl would give the gentlest of care to even something as trivial as a flower. Carly loved. Carly loved everything.

But did Carly know how to love?

The fact that Deanna could see herself loving Carly surprised even Deanna herself. She had never seen herself falling in love. In fact, Deanna had basically sworn off any type of relationship before she met Carly.

Deanna didn't like people. Most people. She liked her family, her roommates, and now Carly. That was about it.

She was always afraid that someone was trying to befriend her for the wrong reasons. Or that someone was being nice to her as a joke. She hated secrecy, and lies, and everything else that most people considered to be just a normal part of life.

But now, there was Carly. Carly was pure, Carly was innocent. There wasn't even a word to describe Carly. She was just so genuinely Carly.

There was no way of knowing if Carly returned her feelings, really. Deanna sighed heavily, realizing that she would just have to wait and see what happened.

Carly lifted her head and furrowed her eyebrows when she felt Deanna sigh.

"Didi?" she tilted her head to the side. "Are you sad?"

Deanna laughed softly and shook her head. "No, silly," she crinkled her nose. "I'm just tired." She noticed Carly yawn and realize the smaller girl was probably still exhausted from the night before. They both hadn't gotten much sleep.

"Goodnight, Didi," Carly mumbled, before burying her head in Deanna's shoulder. Deanna bit her lip to stop herself from smiling. "it's only 10am in the morning Carly" .

Deanna stared up at the ceiling for a while, continuing to cycle through her thoughts about Carly.

Carly's hand twitched and Deanna giggled when she realized she was asleep. She scooted over a bit so they could both fit long ways on the couch. She laid her head back and sighed softly, inviting sleep to overtake her. Eventually her eyelids grew heavy and she drifted off to sleep.


Meanwhile, Eya and Ivy were being dismissed from their only class that day. Eya wiped the sweat from her forehead and took a big gulp from her water bottle.

"I'm beat," Eya huffed as Ivy grabbed her bag and slung it over her shoulder.

"Same. And I'm starving," Ivy patted her stomach for emphasis. Eya nodded in agreement.

"Hey, why don't we meet Riri at DiClaudio's for lunch and discuss this whole... situation?" Eya asked, following her roommate down the school hallway and into the parking lot.

"I'll call her and ask," Ivy nodded, throwing their bags into the car and whipping her phone out of her pocket.

Ten minutes later they were being led to a small booth in the back of the diner, where Riri already sat waiting for them. She greeted the girls with a soft smile. Eya and Ivy slid into the booth.

"So what's up?" Riri asked. She was a tad oblivious to the entire situation with Carly. And Deanna and Carly. Her two roommates exchanged glances and Eya sighed.

"Carly," Eya nodded once. "Her and Deanna are getting... rather, close."

Riri smiled and nodded. "I know, isn't it great? They're getting along way better than I thought they would." The oldest girl dipped her straw into her drink and took a sip. She noticed the concerned look on Eya's face. "Is there something wrong with that?"

"You heard what Carly said the other day," Ivy spoke up. "About wanting to kiss Deanna and all... I think... We think that Deanna's starting to... to develop feelings for her."

Riri raised an eyebrow. "Wait, you're serious?" Both girls nodded.

"Carly obviously like... idolizes her," Eya drew patterns in the condensation on her glass. "But this is Deanna we're talking about, you know?"

Riri nodded. All three roommates knew well enough that Deanna was not one to do feelings. Or emotions in general. Deanna wouldn't even let the other girls see her cry most of the time.

The waiter came over and took their orders, and soon they arrived at the table. Riri sipped a spoonful of her soup and furrowed her eyebrows.

"Do we talk to Deanna about this?" she asked. "I mean, that might not go over so well with her..."

"She denies there's anything going on whenever I try to get it out of her," Eya sighed and shook her head. "Stubborn ass," she chuckled.

"What do we do, then?" Riri asked. Eya and Ivy exchanged glances before turning back to Riri.

"Well we don't want Carly to get hurt," Ivy nodded softly and thought for a moment. "I think all we can do right now is keep an eye on them and make sure they don't get too close, right? We could get Carly to sleep in another room."

"I think that's a little extreme, Ivy," Riri sighed and shook her head. "I mean, I hope Deanna is smart enough to know that if she does get involved... it's going to be... different."

Eya sighed. "Riri's right. Y'know we'd get our asses kicked if Deanna even finds out we were talking about this right now." Both her roommates laughed softly. "I say we just drop a few hints to Deanna to make her realize the... intensity of Carly's situation."

The other two girls nodded, finishing their conversation just as their check arrived at the table. They paid, thanked the waiter, and left.

"I'll see you when I get home," Riri waved from the parking lot. The smaller girl had more classes that day, while Ivy and Eya were heading straight back to the apartment. All three girls said their goodbyes and went their separate ways.

"What do you think they're doing right now?" Ivy joked as they ascended the stairs up to their apartment. Eya laughed and pursed her lips in thought for a moment.

"I bet Carly made a giant mess and Deanna is still asleep," Eya smirked, and both girls burst into laughter. Both of them knew how accurate Eya's guess was. Which is why when they opened the door to their apartment, their jaws dropped open in shock.

Deanna and Carly were both asleep on the couch. Carly was completely on top of Deanna with her head tucked into the crook of the girl's neck. Her hands were balled up in the sleeves of Deanna's hoodie, as if she was holding onto her to make sure she was still there. Meanwhile, Deanna's arms were wrapped around Carly's waist and holding her close against her chest.

"That's kind of adorable," Ivy admitted, biting her lip and turning to Eya.Eya just laughed softly and walked into the kitchen. Ivy followed and hopped up to sit on the counter.

"You don't think Deanna really has feelings for her, do you?" Eya asked suddenly, turning around and facing Ivy. The dark haired girl shrugged and glanced back at the pair in the living room.

"It sure seems like it," Ivy bit her lip.

"I just..." Eya sighed. "Deanna hated her, and now," she motioned to the girls on the couch. "It's just hard for me to see her forgiving her when Carly hasn't even given her an apology. And I know it's horrible because we don't even know if Carly even remembers doing that to Deanna, but..."

Ivy nodded in understanding, knowing how protective Eya could get of Deanna. The girl had practically been Deanna's bodyguard after she was outed in high school.

"I think anyone that can somehow turn Deanna from hating them to cuddling with them on a couch must be pretty special," Ivy joked. Eya smiled softly and nodded.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," she ran a hand through her hair. "I'm gonna go get a shower, I'm all smelly after class."

Ivy giggled and nodded. "Let me know when you're done," she watched as Eya jogged upstairs. Just as she turned to walk in the living room, the bathroom door shut rather loudly. She saw Carly stir on the couch and quickly ducked back into the kitchen.

Carly yawned, pushing her palms into the couch and looking around. When she saw Deanna underneath her, she giggled happily. Ivy watched from behind the wall as Carly studied Deanna's face for a few moments. Just as Ivy was about to turn away, Carly leaned down and kiss the sleeping girl on the lips.

Ivu had to cup her hands over her own mouth to stop herself from gasping. Had Carly really just kissed Deanna?

Deanna remained asleep, and Carly carefully rolled off of the couch and headed towards the kitchen. Ivy quickly acted busy, pulling out her phone and scrolling aimlessly through it.

Carly jumped when she entered the kitchen and saw Ivy, but she smiled widely and waved at the other girl. Ivy laughed nervously and watched as Carly skipped over to grab a banana.

"Sleep well?" Ivy bit her lip to hide her smirk. Carly turned around and nodded happily.

"Didi is warm, yes," she smiled and held the banana out to Ivy. "Help?"

Ivy peeled the banana and handed it back to Carly. The small girl smiled happily and climbed up to sit cross legged in the middle of the island.

"How was your day?" Ivy asked, setting her phone down and tilting her head to the side. Maybe Carly would reveal something without even being asked. Carly looked up at the ceiling and thought for a moment.

"Didi painted," Carly pointed to the window in the back of the apartment. Ivy took a few steps to the side and studied it, realizing that the silhouette in Deanna's painting looked familiar.It was Carly image. She smirked. Deanna had it bad.

"How was your day?" Carly repeated Ivy's previous question.

"Good," Ivy smiled softly. Carly took a bite of the banana and giggled. "Eya's home too, she's showering," Ivy added and pointed upstairs. As if on cue, Eya's voice filled the apartment.

"Ivyyyyy! Shower's open!" Eya jogged down the stairs and cursed when she realized Deanna was still asleep on the couch. The dark haired girl didn't stir, so she shrugged it off and turned into the kitchen. The minute she was in the kitchen, she was already being dragged into the other room by Ivy.

"Carlt kissed Deanna," Ivy whispered when they were out of earshot. Eya's eyes widened.


"Yeah, Carly woke up and kissed Deanna, and then just came and ate a banana like it was nothing," Ivy nodded towards the sleeping girl on the couch.

"Well shit," Eya laughed, running a hand through her hair and thinking for a moment. "Do you think they've kissed before?" Ivy shrugged.

Deanna whined, stirring on the couch and rolling over. She realized she wasn't on her bed as soon as she hit the ground with a thud. Groaning, Deanna sat up and wiped her eyes.

Eya and Ivy retreated back into the kitchen as soon as they heard Deanna wake up. Groggily, Deanna pushed herself up to her feet. When she realized Carly wasn't there, she grew worried.

"Car?" she called, wiping her eyes and looking around. Carly's face lit up when she heard Deanna, and she hopped off the counter.

"Didi," she hummed, finding the Deanna in the living room. "Look, banana," she smiled and held up her food for Deanna to see.

"Car?" Eya whispered from in the kitchen. Ivy raised an eyebrow at the nickname.

"We should probably make our presence known," Ivy mumbled. Before Eya could argue, she walked into the living room.

"Oh, h-hey Ivy," Deanna smiled, taking a step away from Carly to try and drown the girl's suspicions. Carly only took another step closer to Deanna and offered the girl a bite of her banana.

"No thanks," Deanna couldn't help but giggle at how happy the smaller girl appeared to be now that she had the fruit. "I didn't know you guys were home," Deanna bit her lip when Eya soon followed Ivy out of the kitchen.

"Have a nice nap?" Eya teased, shoving Deanna playfully.

"Hey!" Carly gasped, pulling Deanna away from Eya and holding onto her arm protectively. "Be nice to Didi," she said firmly, patting Deanna's shoulder.

Deanna laughed softly and shook her head. "It's okay, Car, they're just joking around," she crinkled her nose at the smaller girl, who seemed to be thinking over what she had just said.

"Car?" Eya questioned, taking the opportunity. Ivy bit her lip to try and stop herself from laughing. Deanna's face turned bright red, but she quickly composed herself.

"Yeah, Car. It's easier than saying Car--ly," she stressed the syllables before shrugging softly.

"Mhm, sure," Eya smirked, plopping down on the couch. Ivy couldn't help but laugh at how blunt Eya was being. Deanna sent Ivy a questioning glance.

"Can we tell her?" Ivy whispered, leaning over and cupping Eya's ear. Eya pursed her lips in thought and shrugged.

"I guess so," Eya glanced at Deanna. "Go ahead. I'll watch the banana princess," she nodded towards Carly, who was sitting in the middle of the floor and smiling contently. Ivy nodded and motioned for Deanna to follow her. She led Deanna upstairs, just incase there was a reaction larger than they would have expected.

"What's going on?" Deanna asked, growing more concerned by the second. Ivy sighed and sat down on her bed, patting the space next to her for Deanna to sit down. Deanna shook her head and stayed standing up.

Sighing, Ivt chose her words carefully. "We got home right before Carly woke up," she explained, running a hand through her hair. "And when she did... she sorta kissed you."

Deanna's hand immediately shot up to her lips. "What?" she asked quietly, feeling her heart speed up in her chest. How did she not wake up?

"Yeah," Ivy nodded, unsure of what else to say. She saw a blush form on the other girl's cheeks and couldn't help but laugh. "Bet you wish you would've been awake for that," she smirked.

Deanna's eyes widened and she quickly moved her hand off of her lips. "I-I... I don't know what you're talking about."

"Deanna, we all know," Ivy laughed softly. "It's okay."

Sighing, Deanna sat down on the bed and ran a hand through her hair. "What am I supposed to do?" she asked, finally giving up on denying her feelings for the girl downstairs.

Ivy scooted over slightly and turned to face Deanna. "What do you mean?"

"About Carly," Deanna bit her lip and glanced down at her hands in her lap. "I mean, I have these... feelings, or whatever they are, for her... but she's just... Carly. How am I supposed to know if she... y'know?"

Ivy raised her eyebrows in surprise. She hadn't expected that. "So you're scared she doesn't... return your feelings?" the dark skinned girl asked carefully. Deanna nodded and sighed heavily.

"Didi?!" a panicked voice came from downstairs. Deanna stood up quickly, biting her lip and glancing at Ivy.

"Go ahead," the other girl laughed, and Deanna jogged downstairs.

"Yeah?" she asked, sliding to a halt in the living room. Carly whipped her head around when she heard Deanna's voice. She ran into the older girl's arms and clung to her.

"I lost you," Carly mumbled into Deanna's shirt. The older girl bit her lip when she saw Eya stand up from the couch. Eya mouthed 'Did she tell you?' and pointed upstairs. Deanna nodded slowly.

"I'll give you two some privacy," Eya grinned, disappearing up the stairs before Deanna could argue. Sighing, Deanna placed her hands on Carly's shoulders and took a step backwards.

"Hey, I was only upstairs," Deanna said softly, feeling bad that she'd scared Carly. The smaller girl nodded and bit her lip. "C'mon," Deanna led Carly over to the couch and sat down next to her.



Hindi sa pinag ooverthink ko kayo ah, what if nag kukunwari lang si Carly sa ugali nya para mapalapit Kay Deanna para makapag sorry? Yes na accident sya pero what if Hindi naman talaga na damage utak nya?

Hinding Hindi ko gagawing sinuwaling si Carly sa story .💜💙

"Carly was the human equivalent of the color yellow. Bright, cheery, and joyful. Yellow was also the color of sunshine"

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