Coral - Power Rangers Dino Su...

By AlexNeko_990

18.8K 441 39

Coral (Completed)πŸ’Ž -Final Book of the Aquatic Duology- --- Long ago, an alien named Keeper entrusted the gre... More

Meet Aaron Johnson
Meet Leo Johnson
Chapter One: When Evil Stirs
Chapter Two: Forgive and Forget
Chapter Three: Nightmare in Amber Beach
Chapter Four: A Date with Danger
Chapter Five: Roar of the Red Ranger
Chapter Six: Forged Under Fire
Chapter Seven: Home Run Koda
Chapter Eight: Riches and Rags
Chapter Nine: Bestie 4Eva!
Chapter Ten: Gone Fishin
Chapter Eleven: Turquoise Surprise
Chapter Twelve: Love at First Fight
Chapter Thirteen: Trick or Trial
Chapter Fourteen: Recipe for Disaster
Chapter Fifteen: Silver Secret
Chapter Sixteen: Wings of Danger
Chapter Eighteen: Worgworld
Chapter Nineteen: The Rangers Rock!
Chapter Twenty: Edge of Extinction
Chapter Twenty-One: End of Extinction
Chapter Twenty-Two: Here Comes Heximas

Chapter Seventeen: Freaky Frightday

481 13 0
By AlexNeko_990

A/N: In the chapter, when they swapped bodies, I'll put something like this "Riley(Ivan) said", this means Riley is talking while being in Ivan's body. Also Aaron, won't be having his body swapped, so he'll stay himself.

Aaron POV

All of us were at the Dino Museum, hiding in a box. "See anything? I think I eat bad Bronto Burger." Koda said. "I see nothing." Riley said.

Chase coughed. Riley look back. "Oh, sorry. I should've made more eyeholes." Riley said. We silently agreed. "Is this graffiti art thief, even gonna show up?" Chase asked.

"He struck the museum during the day for the past three to five days." Shelby said. "So, odds are. He'll do it again." I said.

"Uh oh." Koda said, as he farted. All of us covered our noses. "The smell is so ghastly." Ivan said. "My eyes are burning." Shelby said. "Mine too." I said.

Riley shushed us. "Guys, I think he's here." Riley said.

"That's him." Riley said. "I need air." Tyler said, as all of us went out of the crate. "Stop!" I said. "You're graffiti ends here, buddy!" Shelby said.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, chill." The guy said. "Show thy face, scoundrel." Ivan said, as he pulls the guy's hood off. The guy looks like Ivan. "What? You're me." Ivan said. "Whoa." The guy said. "Gasp." Ivan said.

"It's uncanny." Ivan said. "Yeah, you mean creepy. It's lie we're related or something." The guy said. "Related, to you? I think not. I have noble lineage." Ivan said.

"Are you from Zandar, by any chance?" Riley asked. "Not only am I from Zandar. My great-great- blah-blah-blah-blah granddad, was like a Knight of Zandar." The guy said.

"Good heavens, that means you're my-" Ivan was about to say, but Kendall interrupted. "Uh, cousin. That must be it. You guys, are long lost cousins." Kendall said.

"No, Kendall. What Ivan trying to say, is that he's his gran-" Koda couldn't finish, because Shelby pulls his hair, to stop him.

"What's your name?" Kendall asked the guy. "Zack." Zack replied. "Well, Zack. Clean up this mess, we won't notify your parents." Kendall said. "Why? I think it looks pretty good." Zack said.

Kendall gave him a look. "Okay, fine." Zack said. "I'll see to this, Ms. Morgan." Ivan said, as he grabbed his bag.

"Get started. Cousin." Ivan said.

⎾≋𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐋 ≋⏌

All of us were at the Dino Café with Zack. Ivan, and Kendall came over. "Hey. Well, you did a good job, Zack. It's as good as new." Kendall said. "Thanks. Yeah, guys. I'm really sorry, I never realized how much work it was to clean up." Zack said.

"But, I promise I'll never do that again. To anyone." Zack said. "Well, I'm glad to hear it." Kendall said. "That just leaves one more lesson to be learned." Ivan said.

"Aw, man." Zack said. "Don't, 'Aw, man' me. You, my boy. Are going to learn true artistry from an expert... me." Ivan said.

⎾≋𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐋 ≋⏌

Me, Riley, and Ivan arrived where the others are.

"This way! Come on!" Riley said.

"We've arrived!" Ivan said.

"Look out!" Shelby said.

"Too late!" Nightmare said.

I got out of the way, as he did something to Riley, and Ivan.

"What happened?" I asked.

"We switched bodies! This is not possible!" Riley(Ivan) said.

"Well, I'd say it is possible! But, we must forged onwards!" Ivan(Riley) said.

"This will take some time to get use to." I said.

"Tis Morphin' Time! Dino Charger!" Ivan shouted, as he held his Dino Charger.

"Ready!" We shouted. We pressed on our Dino Chargers, and Morphed.

"Dino Morpher Blast!" I shouted, as I fired at the monsters.

"Dino Saber! Power Slash!" Ivan(Riley) shouted, as he attacked the monsters.

"I finally get to try this! Lightning Strike!" Riley(Ivan) shouted, as he attacked Nightmare.

"Lucky we're good swordsman!" Riley said.

"And a good marksman!" I said.

"Awesome!" Tyler(Shelby) said.

"Good job!" Shelby(Tyler) said.

"Even with switched bodies, they're too strong!" Professor Strickler said.

"Let's get out of here!" Nightmare said.

"Class Dismissed!" The monsters said, as they teleported away.

"Curses, they got away!" Ivan(Riley) said.

"And now, we're stuck in each other's bodies!" Riley(Ivan) said.

"Well, you guys are." I said.

⎾≋𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐋 ≋⏌

All of us are back at the base. Everyone who got their bodies swapped, changed into each other's clothes.

"Shelby, just come out." Kendall said. "I'm sure, it's not that bad." Tyler(Shelby) said. "Tis something, we're all dealing with my lady. Well, except for Sir Aaron." Ivan(Riley) said.

"I'm kinda wondering. Who's body I'll be swapped with, if it happens again. Not that I want it to happen, but I'm just curious." I said.

"None of my clothes fit." Shelby(Tyler) said, as she(he) walks out. "This is the worst thing ever." Shelby(Tyler) said.

"Mine are a little loose. But, hey. I really don't mind." Tyler(Shelby) said. "Don't worry, Shelby. We'll find a way to fix it... I think." Kendall said, as she walks away.

Chase(Koda) was rising on his skateboard. "Look at me go, Chase. Woo." Koda(Chase) said, as he was eating a burger.

"Whoa, slow down there mate. I work hard to get that body." Chase(Koda) said.

Riley enters the base. "Hey, guys. I was taking out the trash, and I found this." Riley(Ivan) said, as he showed us a painting.

"Ah, yes, Riley. That would be, Young Zack's work. Quite terrible, I say." Ivan(Riley) said. "The Knight of Zandar on a motorbike? That's awesome!" Tyler(Shelby) said. "Yeah!" I said.

"He talented. Like cave drawing, much better." Koda(Chase) said. Chase(Koda) stops him from eating a trashed tomato.

"Than what was it doing in the trash?" Riley(Ivan) asked. "Can you not see, the shadows, the color palette. It's all wrong." Ivan(Riley) said.

Keeper, and Zenowing appeared. "Ivan, think for a moment. Even if you don't enjoy Zack's artwork, that does not mean it is bad." Keeper said.

"I just want Zack, to be a great artist." Ivan(Riley) said. "Perhaps, that he is. You just don't realize it yet." Zenowing said. "You may be right, my feathery friend." Ivan(Riley) said.

"Now, I must go find my great-great- blah-blah-blah-blah grandson. My lady." Ivan said, as he left the base.

⎾≋𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐋 ≋⏌

All of us arrived where the monster are. Morphed.

"We've switched things up, in round one! Wait, 'til you see round two!" Nightmare said.

"Challenge accepted!" Ivan(Riley) said.

"Tyler! Power Ranger Red!"

"Chase! Power Ranger Black!"

"Koda! Power Ranger Blue!"

"Riley! Power Ranger Green!"

"Shelby! Power Ranger Pink!"

"Aaron! Power Ranger White!"

"Ivan! Power Ranger Gold!"

"Dinosaur Might! Ready to fight!" All of us shouted.

"Power Rangers!" Tyler(Shelby) shouted.

"Dino Super-" All of us were interrupted.

"Got it figured out? Than it's time to switch again!" Nightmare said.

Ivan got switched with Chase.

Riley got switched with Shelby.

"Again?" Riley(Tyler) said.

"No!" Shelby(Ivan) said.

"I finish my assignment, Professor!" Nightmare said.

"'A+' Now Let's wipe them out!" Professor Strickler said.

"Guys, let's sue Dino Steel!" Tyler(Shelby) said.

"Dino Steel! Armor On!" All of us shouted, as we summoned our weapons.

All of us begin fighting.

"He switched our bodies, so we gotta switch our weapons! Take this!" Tyler(Shelby) said.

"Great idea, Tyler! Here you go, Ivan!" Shelby(Ivan) said.

"To you, Sir Koda!" Ivan(Koda) said.

"Chase, catch!" Koda(Chase) said.

"Use your T-Rex Smash, Tyler!" Riley(Tyler) said.

"Awesome!" Tyler(Shelby) said.

All of us regrouped.

"That's right! We got you now!" Tyler said.

"I'll get you first!" Nightmare said.

Suddenly he got attacked.

"Unleash The Power!" Zenowing shouted, as he Morphed, and begin fighting the monsters.

Zenowing, and Professor Strickler got switched.

"They've swapped bodies!" I said.

Zenwoing got kicked.

All of us continue fighting the mosnters.

"You creeps are gonna pay for that!" Tyler said.

Nightmare dropped the Switch Eraser.

"Gotcha! Now, Tyler!" Shelby(Ivan) said.

"Time to erase this eraser! T-Rex Smash!" Tyler(Shelby) shouted, as he(she) destroyed the Switch Eraser.

Everyone switched back to their bodies.

"This is like a bad dream!" Nightmare said.

"Finally!" Ivan said.

"It broke the spell!" Riley said.

"Awesome! We got our bodies back!" Tyler said.

"Monster, get body back too!" Koda said.

"It's time we erase them for good!" Zenowing said.

"Silver Prism Slash! Titano Saber! Final Strike!" Zenowing shouted, as he defeated Professor Strickler.

"Dino Charger Engage!"

"Activate! T-Rex Super Charge! Ready!" Tyler shouted, as he got into T-Rex Super Charge.

"Together!" All of us shouted.

"Dinosaur Might! Ready to fight!" All of us shouted.

"Combine!" Tyler shouted.

"Dino Chargers! Engage!"

"T-Rex Super Charge! Victory Maximum! Final Strike!" Tyler shouted, as he defeated Nightmare, and Game Face.


Professor Strickler, Nightmare, and Game Face Enlarged.

"Come on, guys!" Tyler said.

"Summons Zords!" All of us shouted, as we summoned our Zords.

"Dino Charger! Engage!"

All of our Zords fired at them.

"Activate! Dino Charge Ultrazord!" Ivan shouted, as we formed the Ultrazord.

"Zords Combine! Dino Charge Ultrazord! Ready!"

"Dino Charger! Ready!" Ivan shouted.

"Dino Super Drive Charger! Engage!"

"Dino Super Drive! Activate!" Ivan shouted, as all of us got into Dino Super Drive.

All of us appeared in the cockpit.

"Let's defeat these scoundrels!" Ivan said.

"The terrible three, are about to become the terrible zero!" Tyler said.

We attacked them, and they fell.

"Our turn, to teach them a lesson!" Ivan said.

"Titano Cannon!" All of us shouted, as we formed the Titano Cannon.

"Dino Super Drive Saber! Activate!" Ivan shouted.

"Dino Charger! Engage!"

"Dino Super Drive Saber!" Ivan shouted.

"Titano Cannon! Final Strike !" All of us shouted, as we destroyed the monsters.

"Monster Extinct!" Ivan said.

⎾≋𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐋 ≋⏌

All of us are back at the Dino Café. Ivan gave Zack his painting back to him. Koda brought the Lime Smoothies Ivan ordered to them. All of us watch them interacting with each other.

Ivan sudden got a brain freeze. "I think Ivan's got a..." Riley said. "Brain freeze." All of us said, and we laughed.

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