By ReaganKey

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Disclaimer: All rights go to Wandanat on AO3 who gave me permission to share their work ... More

Chapter 1: Teeth
Chapter 2: Fight so Dirty
Chapter 3: Beg you to stay
Chapter 4: Call me in the morning to apologize
Chapter 5: Only thing that's burning when the nights grow cold
Chapter 6: Some days, you're the best thing in my life
Chapter 7 (Full title of chapter inside becuase it doesn't fit here)
Chapter 8: Talk so pretty, but your heart got teeth
Chapter 9: But your love's so sweet
Chapter 10: Late night devil, put your hands on me
Chapter 12: Push me away, push me away
Chapter 13: Don't know if you love me or you want me dead
Chapter 14: Then you turn into somebody I don't know
Chapter 15: You're looking at me like you don't know who I am
Chapter 16: Blood on my shirt
Chapter 17: Heart in my hand
Chapter 18: Still beating
Chapter 19: Never, never, never ever let go

Chapter 11: Sometimes you're a stranger in my bed

787 29 1
By ReaganKey

"Ms Romanoff, Ms Maximoff, glad to see you made it back safely"

"Fury, what are you doing here? It’s 3am" Natasha asked tiredly.

"I thought I'd tell you personally that I expect a debrief at 9am." He stated, his facial expression hard to make out in the dim light outside the compound.

"Of course you do. I'm just grateful you're allowing us to sleep first" Natasha shot back bitingly, Wanda remaining silent throughout the exchange.

"Goodnight ladies" He said lightly, his deep baritone voice carrying in the silence of the night.

They were both exhausted from a full 24hrs travelling again and Natasha was genuinely thankful that they weren't expected to debrief the team right away.

They had spent a further night in the Maldives after the private function with Muller and had then arranged their travel home, feeling that they had exhausted all avenues of investigation at the island.

Neither woman had mentioned the night they had spent together and it hadn't occurred since. Natasha was unsure if Wanda regretted what happened between them but didn't particularly care. It was just sex to the Russian; no strings, enjoyable, passionate sex. Natasha had successfully scratched her itch and fulfilled her desire for the Little Witch as far as she was concerned. Wanda Maximoff was out of her system. The only thing that unsettled her slightly was that she couldn't seem to get the brunette out of her head. At random intervals during the day an image of Wanda moaning her name would pop into her head; every time they touched she would feel electricity pulse through her veins. She hadn't really done casual sex without a purpose before; not willingly pleasured someone for the sake of it or taken pleasure herself in doing so. But for some reason taking Wanda over the edge was one of the most erotic and blissful moments of her life. She needed some space.

They walked into the compound quietly, their bags still in the car waiting to be unpacked the following day. Luckily FRIDAY didn't feel the need to announce their arrival to the entire house.

Everyone else seemed to be asleep. Well, almost everyone.

"Luka!" Wanda half shouted, half whispered.

The grey feline had grown a noticeable amount in the week or so since they had seen him; his fluffy tail and green eyes even more pronounced. He pranced straight up to Wanda and rubbed against her legs, purring contentedly as she scratched his head.

"I have missed you my boy, shall we go to bed?" Wanda asked him as he sauntered over to Natasha and decided to slink around her legs too.

"Hey little dude." Nat greeted, stroking his back softly.

"You're glad to have your momma back huh?" She asked as he continued to purr.

"Come on Maximoff, go shower and then sleep. We'll only get a few hours as it is." She directed, reverting to her mentor role as they entered the lift.

"Goodnight Natasha" Wanda said quietly, her sparkling blue eyes looking at Natasha with something she couldn't identify. Sadness? Affection? Tiredness? Definitely tiredness.

"Goodnight Wanda"

Natasha closed the bedroom door behind her and leaned against it, letting out a deep sigh. She stripped off and slipped into bed, vowing to shower in the morning instead.

She fell asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow, her dreams filled with flashes of pale skin, brown hair and ocean eyes.

Natasha blinked sleepily and looked at the clock with bleary eyes. 6:12. Three hours sleep.

She huffed and hoisted herself out of the bed, feeling uncharacteristically heavy on her feet. Deciding a run would clear her head and shake off some fatigue she slipped into an old hoodie and leggings.

The sun had already risen by the time she started around the compound but the air was crisp and fresh, dew still coating the grass. She felt her muscles stretch and her mind relax as jogged at an easy pace for 45 minutes or so.

After showering and changing she entered the kitchen in desperate need of coffee and was surprised to find it wasn't empty.

Natasha usually resented what the Red Room had turned her into, but she was quite thankful today that she was emotionless enough to keep her features neutral when she saw that Carol Danvers was stood in the kitchen before breakfast.

"Agent Romanoff" The blonde greeted.

"Danvers" she nodded, ignoring Wanda and pouring herself a coffee.

"Nat, Wanda, you're back!" Steve greatly happily as he entered the kitchen, giving Wanda a quick hug.

Natasha raised a lazy hand in greeting; she knew Steve's main concern was their safety, she didn't need to be cheerful to show him she was safe.

"Did you find it ok Wanda? Learn a lot?" Steve asked genuinely.

Carol and Natasha turned to look at Wanda.

"Yeah Little Witch, was I a good teacher? You were a very good student" Natasha asked with a smirk, her eyebrow raised.

Wanda turned several shades redder than usual.

"I had a good time Steve, thank you. And yes, Natasha taught me several things, I was very lucky to be able to learn from her" Wanda replied, her voice cracking slightly.

"I'm making eggs, anyone want some?" Steve asked politely, tying his apron around his waist.

"No thanks Rogers"

"So, Carol, what brings you to this corner of the universe?" Steve asked.

"Oh I just happened to be around and Fury suggested I come to the compound, maybe take a few training sessions"

"Sounds good, are you staying here?"

"Yeah, only for a few days though."

Natasha gripped the handle of her mug tightly, 25+ years of training the only thing standing in the way of her cracking it over the blonde's head. God she was irrational recently.

"Wanda I was thinking maybe we could catch up while I was here? Go grab some food or something?" Carol asked quietly.

Wanda glanced at Natasha who pretended not to notice.

"Sure, I'd really like that" Wanda replied.

Natasha knew it was none of her business if Wanda went out with the blonde, but it didn't mean she had to like it.

"Vis!" Wanda exclaimed happily as the Red android floated silently into the room.

Wanda ran to him and threw her arms around his neck. Natasha smiled.

Since Vision had clarified his relationship with the girl, any animosity Nat felt towards him had disappeared; she was genuinely thankful that Wanda had someone in her life that cared about her so much.

"Hello Wanda." He said softly, hugging her back.

"Did you both enjoy your trip?"

Wanda nodded, still grinning at him.

"We did thanks Vision. It was very beneficial" she said, throwing Wanda a subtle wink and causing her blush to return tenfold.

Natasha wasn't quite sure why she was teasing Wanda again or why she was referencing their night together but she couldn't seem to help herself.

"So, to welcome Carol and celebrate the girls returning home, shall we have a movie night tonight?" Steve asked, his school boy smile firmly in place as he looked to Natasha for approval.

"Sure, I'm easy."

"Seeing as we're all here, how about we start this meeting a little early?" Fury's voice filled the room from the doorway.

The team obediently followed Fury into the smaller meeting room to find Tony already sat at the head of the table.

"Kid, Romanoff. Nice to have you back" he greeted as Wanda faux glared at him.

Natasha and Steve took the seats to Tony's right, Carol, Vision and Wanda the seats to his left. Fury remained standing.

"So, Agent Romanoff, did we learn anything of substance?"

"Confirmed details? No. Vague locations and overheard conversations? Yes"

"Spit it out Natasha" Fury insisted.

"There's a Hydra base somewhere in the Tatra Mountains. The mountains create a border between Poland and Slovakia. I don't have a precise location however I was led to believe the base will be on the Polish side." Wanda answered before Natasha could.

"The lack of coordinates isn't an issue, I can send a suit to fly over and it will pick up imaging and thermals. There won't be many domestic buildings there I imagine so it should be easy to spot" Tony informed them.

Fury nodded, looking at Wanda and Natasha to continue.

"I managed to complete a sweep of Muller's room but there were no devices in there to search. I planted a bug and it gave us limited info to say the least. Muller doesn't seem to be directly involved in whatever Hydra are doing, he's not the boss anyway. He's funding it and is quite interested in whatever the project is, but doesn't seem to have the final say. They mentioned testing and weapons but again didn't give specifics. We think there were six other Hydra members on the island at the time, Maximoff extracted the information about the location from one of the men while we were at dinner. It was too risky to push for more" Natasha concluded.

Fury nodded.

"I trust your judgement Romanoff. And Maximoff, well done."

Wanda blushed.

"I'll ask Maria to take a deep dive into Muller's finances again, see if we can link any payments from him to Poland. Stark, let me know what your tech finds in the mountains and we can go from there" Fury directed, leaving the room without saying goodbye.

"Natasha, are we training today?" Wanda asked tentatively.

"No Maximoff, take a day off. Just be down here later for movie night and then we'll train from tomorrow OK?"

"Yeah that's fine."

"So Wanda, we can go out right?" Carol asked.

Natasha almost threw up. Maybe she would hit the punch bag a little.

"Yeah sure!" Wanda said excitedly.

Natasha's disgust eased a little when she saw the excited shine in Wanda's eyes, she wanted her to be happy after all.

"Have fun guys" Nat said, standing up to leave.

"Romanoff, can I have a word?"

"Sure Tony what's up?" She asked, watching the other occupants leave the room. Steve stayed seated.

"I think we need to take a small team to this base, just to scope it out and see what we're dealing with"

"Isn't that why you're sending a suit?"

"Yes, but if it’s spotted they could move everything and leave. However, if say, three or four of us went we'd be able to deal with it there and then. If needed of course." Steve remained silent and allowed Tony to speak, which told Natasha he was completely on board with the plan.

"Who?" She asked, because not for one second would Wanda be walking into a dangerous, hostile situation without them having some kind of plan first.

"You, me, cap and Barton if needed."

"Yeah ok. We've done worse I guess. I mean, we did similar when we first met the twins. What's the worst that could happen right?" Natasha shrugged.

"OK, that’s the plan then. 2 weeks from today."

Natasha had managed to nap during the afternoon and felt completely refreshed. She was so full of energy that she had managed to turn up to family night first for a change. In preparation, she had changed into pyjama shorts and Steve’s hoodie, then grabbed a big fluffy blanket and a beer and proceeded to claim her favourite spot in the corner of the big couch.

"Hey Nat!" Wanda said cheerfully as she entered with Carol. Both women had also changed into shorts, Carol in some kind of band t-shirt and Wanda in a tight black tank top.

"Hey you, good day?" She asked softly.

"Yeah, we went to the city! We did loads of shopping" she chatted animatedly as Natasha smiled.

"Buy anything nice?"

Wanda took a seat beside Natasha in the middle of the couch, Carol settling on the other side of her.

"Just clothes really. I got you a present" Wanda mumbled shyly.

"Did you now?" Natasha raised a perfectly shaped brow as Wanda nodded.

"It’s upstairs"

"You can give it to me after the movie little witch"

Carol had remained silent throughout the exchange, watching the two avengers with interest.

"Wanda do you want a drink?" She asked.

"Sure, I'll take a beer please."

Carol rose to grab their drinks as the men shuffled into the room carrying multiple pizza boxes. Only the three women, Steve, Sam and Vision were in attendance. Clint was on the farm, Thor on Asgard and Tony working.

"Tonight's film will be Top Gun!" Steve announced.

"Ooo I love this film" Carol said as Wanda giggled.

To prevent the eye roll she could feel coming, Natasha moved the blanket so it covered both Wanda and Carol; she wasn't completely heartless after all.

Natasha curled her legs underneath her, full of pizza and sipping her beer when Wanda's cold feet came to rest on her legs.

She glared at the younger woman who grinned cheekily at her.

"Your feet are freezing" she hissed, pulling Wanda's legs onto her lap properly and adjusting her position slightly.

"Sorry, my legs were cramping" Wanda whispered back.

"Will you two hush up!" Sam yelled dramatically as Carol and Steve laughed.

Natasha's hands absentmindedly trailed up and down Wanda's calves.

"Oh this is a good bit!" Carol said, clearly enjoying the film, paying no mind to Wanda or Natasha.

Natasha glanced at Wanda as she felt her legs tense a little and goosebumps appear on her soft flesh.

"Are you still cold?" She whispered.

"No" Wanda replied, her voice hoarse.

Natasha realised it was her that had given Wanda the goosebumps and a thrill ran through her at the thought of it.

She continued to stroke Wanda's legs, her manicured fingers inching higher and higher until they reached her thighs. Natasha slid her hand slowly in-between Wanda's thighs, gently tracing the skin just below the hem of the girl's shorts, unwilling to push any further.

Natasha heard Wanda's sharp intake of breath and smirked.

"Are you ok Wanda?" Carol asked, concerned.

"Yeah, fine, just a hiccup" Wanda said quickly, gulping, as Natasha's nails grazed the swell of her ass.

Even with just the TV illuminating the room, Natasha could see the blush on Wanda's cheeks and the desire burning in her eyes.

"I'm gonna head to bed" Carol said, yawning as the credits began to roll.

The others followed suit quickly, leaving Natasha and Wanda alone together in the room.

"Not going to bed Little Witch?"

Wanda turned to face her and Natasha was staggered by the longing she saw in Wanda's eyes.

"Need something to help you sleep?"

Wanda nodded, unable to talk.

Natasha felt her arousal gush between her thighs at the thought of taking Wanda again.

She slid off the couch onto her knees, throwing the blanket on the floor and roughly pulling Wanda to the edge of the sofa. Natasha made quick work of Wanda's shorts and panties, carelessly tossing them to the side as she hooked the girl's legs over her shoulders and pulled her even closer.

There were no kisses or caresses this time; Natasha knew exactly what Wanda craved. She dove her practiced tongue straight into Wanda's soaking wet folds and tasted her desperately.

Wanda was already panting and twisting, the pleasure too much yet not enough.

"Fuck fuck fuck" she chanted as Natasha's tongue circled her clit and her hands gripped her thighs tightly.

Natasha was sure she had never heard or tasted anything so fucking sweet in her life. Her face was covered in Wanda's juices and she couldn't think of anything she'd rather be doing. This girl was intoxicating.

She pushed Wanda's thighs further apart and licked vertically over her sensitive clit as she entered her with her finger.

"Such a pretty pussy" she sighed, leaning back slightly to watch the erotic sight of her finger moving in and out of the tight entrance as Wanda moaned and gasped.

She could feel Wanda clenching around her already and knew she had been ready to come as soon as they had started. She moved her thumb to Wanda's clit and applied gentle pressure, moving in a circular motion and sending the girl into a frenzy.

"Nat- fuck- Natasha- oh my god. Fuck. Nat" Wanda's pitch was increasing to the point where they would wake the whole house if they weren't careful.

She sped up slightly, her thumb continuing to circle the bundle of nerves as she slipped another finger in. She felt the muscles contract instantly and watched Wanda's face screw up in bliss as her orgasm rocked her, her thighs clamping around Natasha's neck and her mouth releasing a stream of unintelligible noises.

Natasha removed her fingers slowly and lapped up Wanda's come with her tongue as she twitched and jerked above her.

Natasha grabbed Wanda's underwear and shorts and redressed her, the younger woman still catching her breath lying back on the couch offering no resistance.

She really needs to build up her stamina, Natasha thought, idly wondering how many lovers the girl had had.

Nat stood up and readjusted her own clothing, folding the blanket up as she went. She glanced at Wanda who was watching her from her seat.

"7am training tomorrow Maximoff. I hope you sleep well" Natasha said, winking as she left the room and headed to bed as if nothing had happened, leaving Wanda slightly confused but very satisfied on the couch.

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