Beauty of love (DISCONTINUED)

Imnotlauriane tarafından

299K 13.8K 5.4K

BTS X READER - SOULMATE AU (The only reason why I'm keeping it on Wattpad is because people want to keep it... Daha Fazla

Before you start reading
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Extra scene
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Imnotlauriane tarafından

Yoongi's POV


This is so unfair.

Hoseok's memory changed. Her memory of Jimin changed, so why not the one she had of me too?

After having eye contact with everyone, it was confirmed that only those changed, with the exception of the small adjustment Namjoon's had, nothing else.

We had an impact on the future, enough so that her near death in Hoseok's memory changed to something completely different. Something that made him nervous, but not as bad as before.

But why not mine? What is going to happen in the future? It annoys me to no end, to not know.

"Hyung, are you okay?" Namjoon asks softly and I open my eyes to find him gazing at me from the other side of Y/N's sleeping form, the both of us having cuddled up to her at her request when she started falling asleep.

The others left to their own rooms, eager to rest some after the long night, reassured now that she woke up and was fed, a simple thing, yet enough to have them assured that her health is not going to drop just because they close their eyes for a little bit.

I remain silent for a moment as I observe him, worry seeping into his eyes and I know mine are not hiding much of how I feel so I close them again. "I will be" I tell him, hear his sigh, his gaze burning my skin, not surprised to see me flee being honest.

Not like it happens often, but it's indeed nothing new. It's not because I don't like opening up to them, it's just...

How do I tell him that I'm hating fate so much right now? That I feel like it's having fun making me pitiful? That all my life, it's always been catastrophes after catastrophes and to have her possibly be part of one because of me?

It makes me feel failed. A fucking failure. I can't keep her safe, can't give her the life she deserves. If we didn't have six other wonderful mates, she would be having such a terrible life with only me.

Things got better, for a while. We left the world of death and pain behind, said goodbye to close friends and moved away. Decided to do something for ourselves, for once, a chance at a normal life, at a happy life.

No more having to deal with treachery, with murder and danger, with plotting behind backs and of failed assassinations. Just... normal, simple days in which we can love each other and be happy.

It was supposed to be simple, right? We gave up on our ranks and left. The end.

So why aren't things simple yet? Why does Y/N have to suffer? First from being close to us, from being our mate, from her blood being so damn mouth-watering, from things that I have yet to understand.

Why did I say what I said in her memory? She didn't go into details, but she was very clear on me saying that I want someone dead, someone I can't handle anymore. She thought it was her, but it can't be, it simply cannot be.

Y/N could rip me apart, break and step on my heart, she could say the most awful words to me that I would still die for her, would still give her my life if that means giving her a normal one. I could never want her dead. Never.

So who do I hate that much? What is going to happen?

A soft touch on my cheek has me opening my eyes to find her eyes on me. Pale blue, a gentle glint, so beautiful on her.

My pretty doll, so perfect, so good to me. I lay a hand on top of hers, nose at her wrist, where her blood mark is, Namjoon's teeth having left the prettiest stamp of belonging on her skin, the one that changed her.

"You're worried about my memory not changing" she states, not a question, she knows. I slowly nod, eyes closing and her other hand goes to cup my other cheek, one I lean into because her warmth makes my heart feel so at peace.

Yet peace doesn't last when I can only think of all the things that can turn wrong, of all the ways she can get hurt. A lump forms again in my throat and I try to swallow it down, without success. Tears rise to the surface and down my cheeks and I hide my face in her hand, body shaken by silent sobs, ashamed for being so weak, so broken right now.

I just want us to be safe, smiles and laughter everyday. Is that asking for too much? Y/N's past is a fucking shit show and I'm about to make her future one too. How am I supposed to look her in the eyes and feel like I deserve to have her look at me with love?

Her hand slides to the back of my head and she pushes my face into her neck, and at first, I am confused, taken aback, enough to abruptly end my tears. What does she want? To comfort me? Or is she offering me her bare skin?

Her fingers start going up my scalp to massage at the base and I let myself relax under her caresses, so soothing and comforting, remaining tears soaking her shirt slightly, but she doesn't mind, doesn't say anything about it.

"I am safe, right now, Yoongi. I am where I want to be, with every single one of my soulmates. You are part of those I love, so dearly I love. You believe everything your fault, but it's not. You don't control life, you don't control the future nor do you control the past. I am yours and if that can help you see it, feel it, my skin is also yours to mark first".

My eyes widen and I lean back to stare at her, needing to make sure that she doesn't feel forced to offer me that, but when I see only love in shades of purples, my soul swells with adoration for her.

"Are you sure?" I ask her, not wanting her to regret it, to allow me to be the first to mark her... can I really?

She smiles and nods, head tilting back against Namjoon's chest to give me full access to her throat and my breath hitches at the sight, eyes meeting with the vampire's behind her, his warm gaze along with a nod of the head encouraging me to take the present she's gifting me.

"Go on, hyung, don't make her wait" he teases kindly and I huff, body losing some of its tension at being offered what my soul needs the most right now.

Y/N's giggle is all I need to lean in and nose at her throat, lips grazing the place where her pulse quickens, excited, expectant, maybe a little nervous but otherwise buzzing with contentment.

Already having an idea of where I want my mark, where everyone can see it, where hiding it won't be possible, I start leaving open-mouthed kisses along the column of her throat until I reach her left collarbone and just as I thought, when I mouth at the soft skin above the bone, it feels perfect.

Her hands clench on my arms, a small gasp leaving her when I lick the favored spot, as I relish in the thrill of being allowed this, how much my instincts needed this, unable to remain calm because of everything bad concerning her.

I was losing myself into a spiral of fear but here she is, so selflessly offering herself to me like that.

"My perfect little baby doll" I murmur, loving the way her heart skips a beat and after a little while of teasing her, of keeping the tension going, for my sake, my guilty pleasure, I sink in my teeth, a low moan leaving me as the connection uniting me to her intensifies, as her soul welcomes in mine, as her blood starts coating my tongue, the divine liquid simply... Indescribable. It is heavenly.

Knowing that this is no feeding time, I keep my drinking to a strict minimum, my instincts already starting to feel settled, less on edge, less panicked, less torturous and I sigh as I suck in one last load of her life essence before licking the skin to heal it.

I then lean my head against her chest, ear right where her heart is and I close my eyes, finally able to rest, to feel at peace.

It had all been so much to handle, all the information, the fear of hurting her, but her trust in me, her love, the deep connection she allowed me to have, to feel her as mine, she really gave me the best way to calm down.

She brings a hand to my hair to play softly with the strands as Namjoon whispers sweet words to her, how good she was to me, such a beautiful mate she is for all of us and I smile, eyes closing to fall into a nice and warm sleep in her arms.

Your POV

Being marked feels like nothing I've ever experienced in life. So different from being the one to mark.

It's so... intense, powerful, to feel a connection take place on a deeper level than being simple soulmates, to be on the receiving end, to have your soul and body become as one.

Even with my eyes closed, even while being half asleep, I could feel the tension in Yoongi's body. A tension that made me uncomfortable for him and I knew his instincts where spiraling out of control, that they were starting to affect his mindset.

Instincts are such a fragile thing when it comes to your loved ones and too many bad things happening to them can make you feel like you'll never be enough to them because you can't keep them from happening, no matter what you do.

When I let my eyes fall on him, I knew he was already deep in the process and when he started crying?

Oh how my heart broke. Like glass, my heart cracked and exploded in pieces, all of me wanting nothing more than to soothe him, to comfort him and I knew only one way that could reach him at the moment, only one method that would be highly effective, that would bring him relief.

And so offering him to mark me was obvious. Wanted and necessary. He needed it, I wanted it, there was no reason for me to hesitate.

But goodness.

The experience... was unlike anything I've ever felt in the past. It made me feel like I belong in his arms, like I am safe where he is, that he will care for me, protect me until his last breath, a love so high that was reserved for me, for our soulmates, it just flowed within me without resistance and I could only take all of it.

It felt like I was the one being soothed, like I was the one being comforted, reassured and that made me understand why vampires use their marks when their soulmate is pained, worried, stressed, angry.

Yoongi was feeling lacking in how he was caring for me, and by marking me? He could show that he can provide, that he can care, that he can protect. It cleared my soul of darkness and let the brightness of his soul shine on mine to show me that I am in good hands.

I look down at his sleeping form, face cuddled where my heart beats and I kiss the top of his head, just... too much love right now needing to reach him.

Namjoon nuzzles the back of my neck in a ticklish touch and I squirm before turning my head to look at him, just to see if he's alright too but as soon as our eyes meet, I see a flash of purple before his lips are meeting mine for the third time, his lips soft, gentle and when his tongue slides across my lips, I willingly part them for him.

With a hand cradling my head, he hums, a sigh leaving him as he commits to memory the taste of my tongue, the shape of my lips, seemingly never getting enough, this vampire worse than Jimin, who I thought would be the most needy concerning kisses but Namjoon so far takes the lead and I can't help but giggle at that thought.

He pulls back, curious eyes staring at me, amusement in his orbs as he caresses my cheek. "What's got you laughing, peach?" he asks, eyebrows quirking and making him look so sexy right now.

I hum and grin. "Just that you're surprising me. I thought Jimin would be the one going in for more kisses but so far, you're the only one coming back for more in such a short amount of time" I inform him, grin widening when his cheeks blush slightly.

He pouts and boops my nose with his. "You can't blame me, peach, I just need the contact with you after all that happened, what's more... I just love kissing you, what can I say?" he muses before leaning in again to press his lips against mine but a groan coming from Yoongi has us breaking into small laughter, the sleeping vampire not gone enough that he's not aware of the moving happening.

Namjoon smiles and kisses my eyelids before making us lean back on the bed to be more comfortable, Yoongi remaining as close as he can, his little puffs of air, small lips parted looking so cute right now.

"Let's sleep some more, this night was long, we'll have all of the weekend to be together once we wake up" he whispers and I nod, sleep coming back like an old friend to carry me on its back into a world of dreams, my body safely tucked between my two soulmates.


"Baby girl, wake up" a deep tired voice whispers in my ear and I frown, eyes not wanting to open up but still, I force myself to wake up, recognizing there Taehyung and wondering if something happened.

My eyes fall on him to see his pout, the rising sun casting a golden glow to his skin from the window and I fall in awe for a moment, until his pout deepens and I slowly lift myself up and out of the tight hold Namjoon and Yoongi have on me, not finding it as difficult to free myself as it would've been before.

I slip out of bed to reach Taehyung's side as he steps aside to give me space and I stare up at him, unsure of what's going on.

"Tae?" I let out in a whisper, hands pulling him with me out of the room to leave the other two to sleep in silence. He follows and when the door closes, he remains silent, lips pursed, apparently going to leave me to guess.

His eyes aren't any particular colours, so he's not upset, he's not sad, but he's not happy either. Just what is going on?

"I'm hungry and Jin hyung won't wake up, none of them will, I don't want to cook" he eventually lets the truth of his misery out in the open and I stare at him, his words sinking in before I'm pressing my lips tightly to avoid bursting into laughter.

He woke me up because he wants me to cook him something?

"Make me breakfast, please?" he pleads cutely, puppy eyes set on me and hands grabbing mine, his whole behavior on a mission to convince me.

"What do I get in exchange?" I ask him, wondering what he'd have in mind. His eyes light up and his magnificent boxy smile appears. "I'll do anything you want! Anything at all!" he exclaims in a whisper, body jumping up and down as I chuckle before taking him with me to the stairs to get down to where the kitchen is.

I never worked in Jin's kitchen yet but surely I can find my way around easily. I just need to make sure it's clean when I'm done, everything back where I found them.

I have done easy meals with blood for Rosé and Lisa at times so I'm not too worried about that and anyway, it's not like blood is necessary in every single meals, it happens sometimes that there's none, what I'm more worried about is the fanciness of what I can make compared to Jin.

"It doesn't matter what you make, as long as I'm not the one cooking" Taehyung reassures me and I snort. "You lazy boy" I muse, amused as he smiles happily behind me, excited that his attempt to be babied worked so easily.

"Alright. You will be the lucky one to taste my cooking first, I've never had to cook once since being here after all" I tell him and his eyes widen in beaming joy.

"You're right! This is even better!" he chirps, to which I laugh, endeared by the older vampire. We reach the fancy room and I make him sit somewhere out of the way so I can move around freely without having to push him around all the time.

I take a look in the fridge, eyes wide because I've never seen anything so full in all of my life, ingredients everywhere the eye can see and that shows me just how much Jin works hard on feeding us, everything done with patience and love because there's nothing but raw ingredients.

I start humming to myself as I grab ingredients to make french toasts, a favorite of mine. Simple, but delicious. I might be cooking for Taehyung, but he never said I wouldn't be allowed to have some too. I just have to make more.

Enough for eight, actually. Surely they'll be waking up soon, especially Namjoon and Yoongi once they realize that I'm not in the bed anymore.

Will there be enough? Maybe I should make some side dishes as well...

As I start searching through the fridge and cupboards to find anything I could use, Taehyung leans against the counter and observes me, a permanent smile on his lips, eyes flashing a bright pinkish purple, his eyes noting the content yellow in mine and his heart fuels on love, something in his chest that settles with satisfaction.

This is the life we should have until the end of days. Hundred years later, this is what life should look like for our coven. Nothing else but happiness and cuddles and joy and love.

If you had the opportunity to order Taehyung around a little (let's keep in mind the story, nothing too intense) what would you have him do? I might pick a favorite idea among the comments here if I find something interesting!

EDIT: That will be all for the week! Next week will about Luna of three, hope to see you there!

Okumaya devam et

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