By RYUK20221

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In the year 2060, there was once a dark rider who destroyed countless worlds and killed innocent lives with t... More



1.5K 32 26
By RYUK20221

In the year of 2060.

We see a magenta rider named 'Kamen rider Decade', also known as the 'Detroyer of worlds' who likes to passed through and journeys into a bunch of different rider worlds is now fighting someone in a dark tunnel...

"Don't you dare get in my way of destroying the worlds, you fake!" The guy in the dark armor told him and swing his left hook at Decade, but he dodged the attack then punch him and kick him in the chest plus his abdomen.

"Who you calling fake, the only fake person around here is you, Dark Decade!" Decade yelled then spin kick him away. Dark Decade then wipes his bruised away from his armor and looks at him with a glare as his visor then glowed.

"Tell me, why do you wish to destroy every world that you journey through and steal every powers of the dark rider by murderung them!?" Decade demandingly asked.

"You wouldn't understand, and you're not worthy of knowing of my past!!!" Dark Decade refused then take out his ride book turning it into a sword then slash Decade three times.

"Yare, Yare, you really are a hard person to communicate!" Decade said in annoyed tone and shoots him four time causing him to fall down.

"It's over!" Decade announced and hold out the 'Decade Final Attack Rider Card', as he opened his Decadriver then insert his card in it.


Then Decade close the Decadriver.


Decade jump up as a bunch copies of 'Decade Final Attack Rider Card' starts to appeare between him and Dark Decade then as he dive through the cards then kicked Dark Decade.


"Sigh*, Dark Decade...just what happened to your life that turns you into this way?" Decade wondered.

Meanwhile somewhere in the darkness...

The scene shows an unconscious Dark Decade all beaten up with his armor broken floating in the darkness, until suddenly...

"'ve been defeated by that damn Decade." A mysterious voice said causing Dark Decade to wake up from his unconscious and began to hear voices.

"Who are you, what it is this place, and what do you want from me?" Dark Decade asked.

"Don't worry i'm not your enemy, but i can't tell you my name yet...however i can tell you that I'm on your side and the place you're in right now called 'The void of Darkness', it's where the souls of the wicked come." The mysterious voice explained.

"You must be Dark Decade, the rider who destroyed coutless worlds and murder many innocent lives is that correct?" The mysterious voice asked.

"Yeah, so?" Dark Decade asked.

''Well, would you like to continue on your revenge or spent your days in the void of darkness?" The mysterious voice offered.

"Wait. How do I know I can trust you?" Dark Decade asked with a serious tone.

"To prove my trutworthiness, I'll heal your damaged body cause of what that damn original 'Decade' did to you." The mysterious voice told him as Dark Decade body started to glow as his body starts to repaired by itself including his armor too as he's now finally healed.

"There I healed your entire body, including your armor as well. Now do you trust me?" The mysterious voice asked as Dark Decade sits up and started to look at himself, seeing his body all healed up, and became very suspicious about the mysterious voice.

"What is your game with me mortal or whatever you are?" Dark Decade asked with a serious tone.

"No game, just giving you a second chance to revive again and letting you to continue on destroying parallel worlds once more chuckled*..." The mysterious voice assured him with a chuckle.

"So I ask thee once again, do you want to be revived again or stay here in the void of darkness for all of eternity?" The mysterious voice asked as Dark Decade began thinking.

'Normally I don't trust anyone but myself and i have so many suspicions about him or her whatever...however I rather not spend my eternity on living in this damn dark place, but to be revived again and start destroying worlds all over again should I trust this voice or do I not trust trust this voice, that is the question?' Dark Decade asked himself by poking his head three times and then finally decided.

'Hmmm, guess I have no other option then.' Dark Decade thought before looking up.

"Very well, i'll accept the offer that you'll give me the second chance to live again." Dark Decade accept the offer.

"Wonderful, a very wise decision indeed...Now, allow me to give you the gift to be live once more." The mysterious voice said as a grayish portal suddenly appeared infront of him.

"Is that, a portal?" Dark Decade asked in confusion.

"Indeed it is." The mysterious voice replied.

"Where does it lead to?" Dark Decade asked in a serious tone.

"To a special world that rider never existed?" The mysterious voice answered causing Dark Decade to get surprised by this.

"Elaborate me on this special world." Dark Decade requested.

"In this world, 80% of the human populations on the earth have a power called 'Quirks' and 20% of the human populations are born without a power called 'Quirkless', which means they're powerless. They use these 'Quirks' powers for good, and some use them for evil, so to make it short, this world is full of superheroes and villains, plus riders doesn't exist here." The mysterious voice explained.

'Hmmm, a world where riders doesn't exist, but only superheroes and villains from a comic book lives in this world, that's an interesting world to destroy, and who knows maybe I could steal some useful new powers from them and added to my arsenal.' Dark Decade thought in interest as he then made an evil smirk.

"So, are you ready for your next journey?" The mysterious voice asked.

"Oh-ho-ho, you bet I do!" Dark Decade answered excitedly before standing back up.

"Then what are you waiting for, get in there so you can start your journey." The mysterious voice told him.

"Hell yeah, Voice I don't know who you are and what you are, but thank you so much and I'll be sure to repay you back someday. " Dark Decade said in gratitude then went inside the portal.

"You are welcome. Hm, come to think a bit, I feel like I forgot to tell him something very important before he went inside that portal, but what was it again?" The mysterious voice asked himself and began to think of what he had forgotten.


We see Dark Decade is exiting the portal feeling exciting that he got a chance to be revived and destroy the worlds once more, however...

"Hm, what the?" Dark Decade said in confusion as he found himself in some kind of dark place looking at his surroundings left to right checking if there's a nearby people around, but no sign of life anywhere.

"Where the hell am I, everything here is completely empty...have I been tricked by that mysterious voice." Dark Decade asked in then clenched his right fist in anger.

"Shit, I vow myself that i'll never trust anyone but myself, but when I trust that voice saying that he'll transport me to the world of heroes and villains, he instead trasnported me into whatever this place is, Groan*, I knew I shouldn't trust that voice bastard. DAMN IT!" Dark Decade said in regret for trusting the mysterious who transported him into this weird dark place.

''I need to find a way out of here, but how and where though!?" Dark Decade asked himself as he then starts running while finding the way out.

A few minutes later...

After a couple minutes of searching Dark Decade is now lost and can't find the exit.

"God damn it, there's no way out of here. Just what in the world did that mysterious voice transport me into?, He said that he'll transport me to a world where 80% of the human populations on the earth have a power and 20% are born without powers. Well... WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY?, THIS IS NOTHING BUT AN EMPTY PLACE OF DARKNESS!"Dark Decade yelled in anger before taking out his ride book beside his belt.

Then turning it into a gun and shoots front to see if there's an end or a wall in this place, but nothing...

"And what's more, this place doesn't even have a wall or an end to it!" added, then groaned in irritation.

"How could this get any worse than this?" Dark Decade asked before facepalming himself, when suddenly a bright light shone behind him as he turned around and got blinded by the light for a sec, then looked at it.

"That light, is it possible that's the way out of this joint, cause if it is finally there's a way to get out here!" Dark Decade cheered in relief as he ran towards the light until...


He suddenly got his head hit by the light in front of him and falls to the ground in pain.

"ITE, WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED!?" Dark Decade asked in surprised then stands back up from his feet then examines the light in front of him.

"What?" Dark Decade asked in confusion before knocking the mysterious light twice, seeing that instead of a way out, it was a wall instead.

"Are you kidding me, this isn't a way out, this is just a wall made out of light, GOD DAMN IT I'VE BEEN TRICKED AGAIN!" Dark Decade yelled angrilly before kicking the ground, just then he suddenly heard a baby crying behind him causing to get his attention.

"Wait, was that a sound of a baby crying, HM?" Dark Decade asked confusingly then turns around as the light behind him showing him some kind of screen of video.

"WAAH, WAAH, WAAH!!!" The sound of the baby cried in the screen as it then shows the baby is being held by the doctor in his arms.

"Congratulations Inko Midoriya, you have a wonderful healthy little baby boy." The doctor informed her before giving the baby to the mother.

"I'm sorry what?" Dark Decade said blinking his eyes in confusion.

"Really, oh thank you doctor, hello little Izuku, my name is Inko your mom, welcome to the family my cute little baby." Inko welcomed baby Izuku in tears as baby Izuku then made a cute a smile. Meanwhile back to where Dark Decade wad he watches the baby's mother in confusion as he then starts to analyze the situation.

"Hm, wait a second...first a light suddenly appeared right behind me and showed me the outside world of a baby coming out of his mother's womb, and this place is full nothing, but darkness...Oh no, no fucking way, don't tell me that damn voice!?" Dark Decade asked himself before the scene zoom out of Izuku's eye showing his cute smile

"TRANSPORTED ME INSIDE A BABY'S MIND!?!?!?" Dark Decade yelled in shocked as the camera zoom back to himself then he falls both of his knees to the ground and start screaming.

"No,No...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-Cough*, Cough*, crap, Cough*, Cough*!" Dark Decade got cut off because he got a cough then clears his throat first before starting another scream.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Dark Decade yelled in fear because now he's trapped inside a baby name Izuku Midoriya cause of the mysterious voice who transfered him here, he then clenched both of his fists in anger as he is now became pissed off by this.

"Mysterious voice...I'll never forgive for what you've did to me, mark my words when I get out of this damn mind prison cell. I will find you and when I do, I'll repay you with death, do you hear me, DO YOU HEAR ME YOU DAMN VOICE!!!!!" Dark Decade finished as the scene screen stop showing his angry yelling face.

"This is me, my name is 'Dark Decade' a dark rider or a demon lord that once destroyed countless of worlds, killing innocent peoples in the past, and traveled through many different worlds to unlocked the Dark rider powers by murdering them to make theirs powers permanent for my arsenal. My only goal in life was to eradicate every worlds that I traveled into dust, and the reason why I did such a thing is because 'Revenge' on how the worlds treated me in the past, hm, what did the world did to me you ask?, well you'll find out about my past in this story, anyway moving on. While I was continuing destroying the worlds there was one rider that gets in my way on destroying and the name of that rider, was 'Kamen rider Decade' the original rider who looks like me from the Heisei generation, we met in the tunnel when I was about to travel through another world but he stopped me and told me that I have to stop destroying worlds, of course I refused him and fought with him, until 2 hours later...I got defeated by him and then got trapped inside a baby's mind by that mysterious voice, groan*, I swear i will find the identity of that mysterious and when I do i'll murder him or she with my attack, if it's the last thing I do!" Dark Decade narrated in anger as he then sighed.

"Anyway, putting that aside, you all probably wondered how I would ever get out of this baby's mind. Well, let's start in the beginning, the very beginning of this origin of this brat!" Dark Decade narrated as he showed an orb of video in his palm showing the audience of little Izuku is crying for some reason.

"Why are you being so mean. Your making him cry Kachan, if you keep on hurting him, uh, I'll uh, I'LL STOP YOU MYSELF!" Izuku said trembling in fear with his fist in defence position with a boy behind him crying holding his stomach as we a kid name young Bakugo and his friends standing in front of him.

"Even though your quirkless you want to pretend to be hero. You don't stand a chance without a quirk, Deku." Bakugo said with a grinned as he and his friends closed in on Izuku and starts beating him up then leaves him.

"The kid you see here that got beaten up right in front of you, is 'Izuku Midoriya', as you can see here his life is seriously worst and has lots of problem, how did this happened you ask well it all started when he watches he watches a little video of his idol here." Dark Decade narrated as he shows another video of him.

"Mom hurry, come on mom, it's computer time!" Izuku yelled to his mother excitedly.

"Already?" Inko said then turned off the water then went to his room which was full of All Might posters and turned on the computer and searched for an All Might video while he rocked back and forth in his chair so excitedly.

"Jeez, I think you've added 10.000 views to this one yourself Izuku. I don't know why you like it, but i think it's scary." Inko said as Izuku watches All Might with a smile.

"He's the coolest hero ever, and once I get my quirk. i'm gonna be a hero just like him!" Izuku declared then imitated All Mights laugh.

''Yeah that's what he said alright...until one day, at the day of his checkup of his quirk something shocking happened to him to when he hears of what the doctor said to him." Dark Decade said as he shows another video about Deku has a checkup at the hospital.

"Sorry kid, it's not gonna happen." The doctor said causing Izuku to turn white in shocked.

"His dream got completely crushed, why you asked, is because the doctor said he is quirkless like the rest, he explains the reason why he's quirkless is because when superpowers first began appearing they were many research studies conducted and discovered a link between the bones in a person's foot and their likelyhood of developing a quirk, in short people with powers need some kind of one joint in their pinky toes to have a quirk and since Izuku has two joints, he won't be able to manifest the power." Dark Decade narrated as the videi then changed to Izuku's apartment raining.

''And after that shocking moment at the hospital...he went home and goes to his room crying alone while watching that Dumb video of that comic smiling hero, and asked his mother a question, which is a bit sad to answer his question..." Dark Decade narrated.

"See that mom, there's always a smile on his face no matter how bad things get, when things seem impossible he never gives up..." Izuku said as he turned his chair around to look at his mom with tears in his eyes.

"Do you think, I can be a Hero too...?" Izuku asked while crying as his mom just walked over to him slowly then hugged him crying.

"I'm sorry Izuku...I wish things were different..." Inko said sadly while crying.

"Wow...that's not a good supportive way to say to your only son, hm, what's that, is there any hope for Deku to have a 'Quirk', well we're getting into there so don't interrupt me. WHILE I'M TELLING THE DAMN STORY!!!!" Dark Decade demanded the audience.

"Ahem, anyway how he got his quirk is when it all started when the brat is on the way home from school after bullying and met 'him'..." Dark Decade narrated as he showed a video of him walking under a tunnel on his way home from schoo when l suddenly the man-hole cover blows open and coming out of it was a slime villain.

"What the!?" Izuku yelled in panic as he saw the slime villain and attacks Izuku planning to take over his body. Izuku tries struggled and tries to escape when suddenly, All Might burst out of the man-hole.

"Have no fear you are safe, now that I am here that is." All Might reassured as the slime villain tries to him attack, but he dodge then rush toward him and launch a punch at the slime villain.

"TEXAS SMASH!" he said punching causing a gale of wind

"I can't.hold it.together!" the slime villain said weakly then break apart freeing Izuku who see All Might for a bit before passing out.

A few minutes later...

"Hey, wake up, hey." All Might called while continuing to slap Izuku trying to wake him up and a few seconds later he finally woke up.

"Thought we lost you there." All Might said causing Izuku to get shocked because he sees his idol All Might then screams in shocked and backed away quickly.

"Well looks like you're moving around all right, sorry about that back there I didn't mean to get you caught up in my justice thing. Usually I pay more attention to keeping bystanders safe, but it turns out this city sewer system is pretty difficult to navigate. HAHAHA!" All Might explains with a laugh while Izuku looks at him in shocked that he gets to see his idol for the first time.

"Oh yeah...that's 'him' that's the one i'm talking about alright. The goofy comic book hero that the kid admired him so much (I seriously wanna murder this fool), sigh*, so right after that scene, All Might tries to leave the boy and made a big jump, however when he did that the kid did something stupid by latching his leg flying up into the air, because he need to asked his idol an important question." Dark Decade explained as he shows Izuku and All Might are standing on top of the roof.

"Is it possible to become a 'Hero' even if I don't have a 'Quirk', i'm a normal kid without any powers...could I ever hope to be someone a like you!?" Izuku asked and this question cause All Might to turn his head to him.

"Without a 'Quirk'?" All Might said confusingly, just then steam starts to came out of him as he quickly tries to cover himself.

'No, not yet!' All Might thought in panic.

"People think I don't have a chance, not having any powers makes me some kind of weakling, my classmates likes to make fun of me...but you know what, that makes me want to prove them wrong ever since I was a kid I thought that saving people is the coolest thing you can do. I want people to see my fearless smile and feel safe and be the kind of hero everyone in the world looks up to, just like you!" Izuku explained then screams in shocked when see a skinny All Might in front of him.

"Oh shit (english accent), who in the world is that skinny guy, well folks at home the skeleton you see right in front of yoy all is All Might's true form, which i like to called it 'skinny bones', how in the world he became like this you asked, is because he explained that someone destroyed his stomach in the battle and cause of that he has a 3-hour time limit on doing heroing for a day, plus he pukes blood once in a while btw, so after he explains himself, he answered the kid's question which kinda made his answer like an arrow that shatters the boys heart, and you'll know why." Dark Decade narrated.

"It would be a lie if I said, 'You can be a Hero without a 'Quirk'." All Might answered which shocked Izuku breaking his heart.

"I see..." Izuku said sadly as All Might then stands up

"If you admire the thought of saving others, you can become a policeman. They are ridiculed as Villain deliverers but it's fine occupation.It's not bad to dream, but you need to face reality, young man." All Might said then leaves Izuku up on the roof.

"Damn~, way to ruined his dream smartass, but he's not wrong though people, without a power you can't do anything to become a hero or save hero, but instead to work as a regular citizen, however don't worry about it though folks the idol change his mind when he witness the kid tries to save that Bakugo kid bravely from that same slime villain." Dark Decade narrated as he showed a scene of Izuku tries to save Bakugo from the slime villain.

"Kachaan I couldn't just stand there and watch you die!" Izuki said trying to get him out while smiling tearfully as All Might watches him in shocked.

'GET THE HELL OFF ME!' Bakugo thought in anger.

"I have to do something, no matter the cost!" All Might thought as he started to bulked up.

"Just a little longer kid and I stop playing with you!" The slime villains yelled as he's about to attack Izuku.

"SAVE THE BOY, THIS THING WILL KILL HIM!" A hero name 'Death Arm' yelled as he and three other hero rush in and tries to save him until...


"I really am pathetic." All Might said as he block the villain's attack from attacking Izuku.

"All Might, but..." Izuku said in surprised

"I told you the trace to make a great champion, but I see now I wasn't living up to my own ideal!" All Might lectured breaking free from the slime as Izuku watches him in awe. All Might the grabs Bakugo's hand and gets ready to pull him out from slime's villain.

"Pros are always risking their lives, that's the true test of hero!" All Might finished with blood puking from his mouth.

''Damn you All Might!!!" The slime villain yelled angrilly as he tries to attack him, however...

"DETROIT SMASH!!!!" All Might counter atfack with a Detroit smash defeating the slime villain and made a big gale of wind of hurricane.

"Sigh*, yare yare daze, too bad the kid didn't get any praised and a thank you for trying to save thia asshole from getting killed, but luckily there one person here who wants to say thanks and said something that makes Izuku cries happilly." Dark Decade narrated as he then shows All Might stood in front of Izuku in his skinny form, at a residential area.

"Young man... I came here to thank you and also to discuss your question from earlier, If you hadn't told me about your life, if you hadn't run into that fight. I would have been a worthless bystander watching from the crowd... so thanks" All Might said in gratitude.

"Oh No, It was my fault, he was there to begin with, I got in the way of your work, I waisted your energy and not to mention your time-" Izuku got cutoff by All Might.

"I'm not told me you didn't have a power, so when I saw this timid quirkless boy try tp save a life it inspired me to act too" All Might said as Midoriya looked up at him in awe.

"It's about every hero how they became great, most have one thing in common, their bodies moved before they had a chance to think, almost on their own" All Might explained as Izuku began crying in tears of joy as All Might told him that's exactly what happened to him.

''You thought the same way, didn't you?" All Might asked as Izuku collapse to his knee while crying as a gust of wind blew past them.

''Young too can become a 'Hero'." All Might told him causing Izuku to cry harder in joy.

"It's not over yet, he also said this to him as well which is quite shocking to hear btw." Dark Decade informed the audience.

"I deem you worthy of my power, my Quirk is yours to inherit." All Might said which surprised Izuku causing All Might to laugh.

"You should see your face right now. Don't worry i'm not going to force this thing on you." All Might reassured then raised his finger up in the air.

"Listen well young man, this is your choice, do you wanna accept my awesome power or not?" All Might offered while throwing up some blood.

'What is this?' Izuku thought confusingly.

"There are a couple things you should know about my abilities, Journalists always guess my quirk is super-strength or some kind of invulnerability. When people ask in interviews, I always make a joke and dodge the question, It's because the world needs to believe that their 'Symbol of Peace' is just a natural-born hero. But I'm not, there's nothing natural about my ability, I wasn't born with this power it's a sacred torch that was pazsed onto me from someone else." All Might explained causing Izuku to get shocked.

"Someone gave you this quirk, no way?" Izuku said in disbelief.

"Yes way, and you're next. I can give you my abilities!" All Might told him.

"Wait, hold on. This is a lot to process, It's true that there's a lot of debate as to what your quirk actually is, nobody's ever figured it out, it's one of the world's greatest mysteries. People are constantly talking about it online, but the idea of passing on a quirk or inheriting it just doesn't make any sense to me I've never heard anything like that before powers are supposed to be unique to each individual I mean since the first superpowers nobody's ever been able to just give someone else their power like a present that's crazy..." Izuku muttered continuously as All Might watches him confusingly.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this kid likes to mutter a lot, which PISSES ME OFF HEARING THIS A LOT OF TIMES WHEN I'M SLEEPING BTW!!!" Dark Decade narrated in anger.

"Sounds like you're overthinking this whole inheriting thing. STOP NERDING OUT!" All Might shouted as Izuku stops muttering.

"You'll have to adjust your reality and accept this new truth, I can transfer my quirk to someone else, and that's just one facet of my secret abilities. The true name of my power, is One for all!" All Might explained as white light appeared in his palm.

"One...For...All..." Izuku said in awe.

"Yes...One person improves the power, that hands it off to another, it continuous to grow as its pass along, It is this cultivated power, that allows me to save those who are in need of a 'Hero', this is the truth behind my strength."All Might explained before clenching his fist.

"But, why would you choose to give me a gift like that, what if I can't live up to it?" Izuku asked worriedly.

"I was on a long hunt for a worthy successor, and then...I watched you jump into action as the rest of us just stood idly by, you may just be a quirkless fanboy, but you try to save that kid, you acted like a 'Hero.'" All Might explained to him before he noticed Izuku starts crying again.

"Seriously, you gotta stop crying so much if you want my quirk, come on kid." All Might joked as Izuku quickly wiped his eyes and look at him.

"Okay I'll do it, yes." Izuku accept with determinination.

"No reluctance, that's exactly how I figured you'd respond." All Might said with an impressed smile.

"Ever since that wonderful moment, he began training his muscles in ten months time with skinny bones here and becomes ripped then finally inherit the power of One for all in a disgusting way, which I rather not show and tell you guys on how he does it, you know audience, I was planning on stealing that power from the boy when i first hear this incredible power of his and added to my arsenal, however I change my mind because well..." Dark Decade narrated as he shows a video of Izuku punching the Zero Pointer wih his One for All.

"SMAAASH!!!!!" Izuku mentally yelled and punched the robot in the face leaving a huge dent as the robot backed away and began exploding, as Izuku then received a big backlash on his one arm and legs.

"That's see the combined physical abilties of everyone who's ever used it creates a big hurricane of pure force. So if an unprepared body can't fully inherit it their arms and legs would shoot off like a rocket, and that's why I rather not steal it and not risking to break my damn bones, but thanks the training he had for the past 10 months the kid only received backlashes instead, so he'll be fine and when he finally knows how to control it he won't be receiving any of those backlashes anymore." Dark Decade narrated.

"So there you have it folks, this is how the life story about this child that i'm trapped here for 16 years all began and inherited the quirk of One for All from All Might himself, oh look at the time people, now it's time for me to show you all how I escaped from that mind prison of the brat for 16 damn years are you ready...cause if you are...let's go shall we, Hahahahahahahaha!!!!" Dark Decade yelled as he snapped his finger dissapearing himself as the scene then turns completely white and change into an another scene.

In the present time at the sports festival...

We see Izuku is badly injured fighthing a boy name Todoroki Shoto in the third round.

"SMASH!!!!" Izuku yelled and launched a punched at him as Shoto went back, and he used his Ice to stop him.

"Why are you doing this anyway." Shoto asked.

In Izuku's mind.

"To kill himself, that's for sure." Dark Decade said in dissapointment shooking his head as he watched the fight between Izuku and Shoto inside Izuku's mind prison.

"I want to live up to people's expectations." Izuku said and caught Dark Decade's attention back to the screen.

Back with Izuku.

"I wanna be able to smile while doing something good for them, I wanna be a pro, whatever it takes to be a 'Hero'." Izuku yelled as Shoto remembered something


Little Todoroki was sitting next to his mom, smiling.

"Shoto." His mother said.

End of flashback.

Shoto was knocked out of his daydreaming when Izuku headbutted him in the head.

"That's why, i'll give it my all, just like you should be, there's no way i know what you've gone through or why your even here your life had been much different than mine, but right now, stop screwing around, if you wanna reject your father than fine. But you don't have the right to become 'Number 1' if you aren't gonna use your full power!" Izuku yelled at him.

Back with Dark Decade.

"This kid is a fool, why if I was in there I would just shut my mouth and defeat this guy with my own power, but instead he tries to save him while breaking his weak bones at the same time. God, if only there was a magic door appeared right beside me that allowed me to control over his body, so I could take his place in fighting that guy and perhaps, steal his powers by killing him." Dark Decade said in irritated pinching his nose.

"Yeah right, like that could ever happened in 3 sec-" Dark Decade got cut off when he sees a blue light beside him revealing some kind of door with a Decade symbol on the door.

"Oh my goodness, did my wish came true...cause if it is....THANK YOU GOD!!!!!" Dark Decade said in gratitude with anime tears in his visor

Meanwhile back with Izuku and Todoroki.

Shoto got shocked hearing this from him as the scene the zoom from his one eye.

Flashback 1.

Little Shoto was coughing as his father stood above him.

"Stand up, If you get hurt that easily you can forget about defeating All Might, or even a small time Villain." Endeavor told his son as he lay on the floor throwing up when suddenly Shoto's mom came to her son

"Please stop pushing him, he's only 5 years old." Rei begged.

"He can take it, get out of my way!" Endeavor yelled and smacked his wife.

"Mama..." Shoto said as he looked at his mother in fear.

End of flashback.

"Shut up!" Todoroki said as his right side began to freeze.

Flashback 2.

Little Shoto cries in his mother's arm.

"I don't want to mom, please i don't wanna be the kind of guy who bullies you and hurt people Mama." Little Shoto told his mothers in tears

"But honey, you still wanna be a hero don't you, just remember, stay true to yourself, you can be the kind of hero you wanna be when you grow up." Rei told him.

End of Flashback.

'That's why I'm gonna win this!' Izuku declare punching Shoto in the gut again while he was lost in thought.

Flashback 3.

Little Shoto watching his older brothers and sister playing, before his father dragged him away.

"Ignore them Shoto, they live in a different world then the one i'm training you." Endeavor reminded him.

End of flashback.

Flashback 4.

Little Todoroki waking up and saw his mother in the kitchen talking to his grandma over the phone

"Mom, I feel like I'm going crazy, I can't take it anymore, everyday the children seem more like him, and Shoto, that child's left side seems unbearable to me, all I can see is his father, I can't raise him anymore,I wanna run away from this life." Rei told her mother

"Mom, what are you saying." Shoto asked, shocking his mother, as the kettle on the stove began to hiss, as she turned around with crazed eyes.

End of flashback.

'I remember.' Todoroki thought as splashing sounds were heard.

Flashback 5.

Little Shoto was seen with his left eye bandaged up from the burns.

"Moronic woman, to hurt you at such an important time." Endeavor said in disgust

"Where did Mama go." Little Shoto asked his father.

"Huh, oh, she hurt my masterpiece, so I put her in a hospital, to keep you safe." Endeavor explained, and this made Shoto mad hearing this news.

"That was your fault, your the one who made her hurt me." little Todoroki told his father angrily.

End of Flashback.

"I refused to used my left side!" Shoto reminded himself.

"IT'S YOURS, YOUR QUIRK NOT HIS!" Izuku shouted and triggered Shoto to remember one more thing.

Flashback 6.

Rei and Little Todoroki were seen watching All Might on TV.

"Yes, that's right, children often do inherit quirks from their parent's, or develop similar power sets but the most important thing to remember is that a quirk, is what you make of it, regardless of your history, you decide how you use it, that's what I mean when I say I am here, only you can decide to become a hero, no one else, take this to heart kids, you got it?" All Might said on Tv.

"Honey, you do still wanna be a hero don't you, just remember, stay true to yourself." Rei told her son

"I didn't realize how much I've forgotten." Shoto realized

"You are not a prisoner of your lineage, it's ok to use your power, To Become what you want to be." Rei finished

End of flashback.

Steam began to emerge from Shoto, as he Flamed up.

"Is that!?" Present Mic asked in shock

"He's using his fire." Ochaco said as the others were surprised by his flames

"When I'm in battle, I never use my left side." Todoroki voiced over

"Incredible..." Iida said in awe

'You made him use his father's power, Midoriya, don't tell me you two were trying to save Young Todoroki the whole time.' All Might Mentally asked.

"Your helping your opponent, you fool, even though you two wanna win this battle, now which one of us is fooling around." Todoroki asked Midoriya as he melted the Ice from his right side

"I wanted to, I'll be a hero." Todoroki declared, as he and Izuku began smiling at each other.

"SHOTOOOOOO!!!!" Endeavour shouted causing Present Mic, Aizawa, and the crowd to get surprised by his reaction.

"Have you finally accepted your purpose, that's it, very good, this is the dawn of a new era for us, with my blood in your veins you'll surpass me, you will live up to the reason I created you!!!" Endeavor shouted as Shoto was actually tearing up for letting his father win.

"Endeavor suddenly shouted words of encouragement, what a doting father." Present mic announced in surprised.

'Amazing...' Izuku said as he watched hs fire.

"Why are you smiling, with those injuries, in this hopeless situation, you must be crazy you know that, don't blame me for what's going to happened next." Shoto warned him as he released both ice and fire.

When Izuku was about to power up his quirk, something unexpected happened to him...

"NOW!" Someone yelled in his mind causing Izuku to stop powering up and get surprised by this.

'Uhm, did someone just yelled inside my head just no-' Izuku got cut off as his eyes got completely blanked and zoom into his mind seeing him being dragged by Dark Decade out of the door.

"Ow, what the, where am I, what is this place, huh, and who are you supposed to be!?" Izuku asked in shocked pointing at Dark Decade who's standing there beside the door.

"Who me, I'm just a guy who's going to borrow your body in order to steal that man's power by killing him for a while." Dark Decade answered with a smile.

"Oh i see, WAIT YOU'RE GOING TO DO WHAT NOW, YOU CAN'T DO THAT!?" Izuku reprimanded him.

"I can now, so have fun watching here inside your damn mind for eternity, while i'm going to enjoy freedom from the outside world destroying worlds again, right after I steal that brat's power first, later breaking bones!" Dark Decade finished before slamming the door then take over his body before locking it.

"WHA HEY, GIVE ME BACK MY BODY YOU, UH....WHOEVER YOU ARE, GIVE IT BACK!" Izuku demanded while banging the door and tries opening it turning the door knob to opened it, however it's lock as he's now trapped inside his own mind.

"Damn who was that guy, huh!?" Izuku asked himself before noticing a big screen beside him and watch the outside world seeing Shoto standing infront of him in panic.

''Oh no, Todoroki kun's in trouble!" Izuku shouted panickly.

Back in the outside world.

Izuku's eyes suddenly turned blue as Dark Decade looked at himself for a sec and has successfully taken control over Izuku's body then made a mischevious grin. Aizawa noticed it as there's something not right with Izuku here.


''No..." Aizawa denied causing Mic to get confused.

"I don't think he's giving up, but instead something's not right here with him..." Aizawa stated.

"Hm, what are you talking about?" Present Mic asked confusingly.

"If you look closely, you'll know..." Aizawa informed as Present Mic turned his head back at Izuku.

''Hehehehe, HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" D-Izuku laughed maniacly for a sec causing Shoto to look at him confusingly.

''Sorry for me laughing like a maniac, ('Nazete, Watashi wa jiyūde, mōichido fukkatsu da!' "Why you asked? is because I have been freed and revived once more!")" D-Izuku announced and strikes a pose.

"Hah, what?" Shoto said confusion.

"Eh?" Ochaco and the rest of the class said in confusion including All Might and Aizawa.

'ITE, that damn brat really pushed himself and broke a lot of bones did he, well at least I can move my other arm and the leg is still fine so I guess I can end him here with my one hand and a blast.' Dark Decade thought before turning back at Shoto.

"You there, it seems that you have an interesting power you got there and one torture life history you had than this kid huh, so... mind if I take that power of yours and end your miserable human life suffering right here and now in this fight?" D-Izuku asked with an evil smirked as he used his other hand to summoned his 'D-Decadriver' to appeared on his waist.

"What the, hey did you guys see that!?" Kyoka asked confusingly pointing at D-Izuku.

"Eh, see what?" Kaminari asked confusingly.

"You kidding me dude, a weird belt just appeared on Midoriya's waist!" Sero informed him.

"Oh i see, say what now!?" Kaminari said in surprised as Sero and Kyoka facepalmed in annoyance.

D-Izuku then took out his 'D-Decade ride card' from his ride book and raised it up to Shoto.

"Hm, what's that, a card?" Present Mic said confusingly as D-Izuku opened the belt and flip his card then insert the belt in it.


The belt then starts a standby noise as D-Izuku smile and made an evil laugh.

"Dark..." D-Izuku announce then makes an Ouija transformation pose.

"HENSHIN, ORA!" D-Izuku yelled and closes the belt with his one hand.


Several gray silhouettes of a warrior appeared around D-Izuku as several black cards flew out. The images moved towards him forming into a black armor with a blue visor before the black cards moved towards his face attaching it as some gold lines starting to appear on his armor including a large X on his chest and left shoulder this is 'Kamen rider Dark Decade'!"

After the transformation everyone in the stadium is now shocked and surprised when they sees D-Izuku's transformartion.


"DO YOU HAVE ANY COMMENTARIES ON THIS ERASER!?" Present Mic asked Aizawa beside him.

"Well to be honest... no." Aizawa said calmly while he looks at Dark Decade in suspicions

"WHAT!?" Present Mic said in surprised.

With All Might.

'Young Midoriya... just what in the world is that armor you're wearing right now!?' All Might thought in surprised.

With Class 1A.

"Awesome, I didn't know Deku kun can do that!?" Ochaco said in surprised.

"That armor he's wearing looks like a dark knight." Tsuyu said in surprised.

"I know right?" Ochaco said in impressed.

"Impressive, it would appear that Midoriya kun has some kind trump card in his sleeve to beat Todoroki kun in this fight." Tenya said in impressed.

"That's so cool!" Mina and Hagakure said excitedly in unison.

''No way, since when did Midoriya have that kind of power to transform into that, it looks sick as hell!" Kaminari said in excitement.

"Woah, I never thought that Midoriya had that power!?" Sero added.

"Indeed, although there's something not right about that transformation of his he did just now." Tokoyami said causing some of Class A to get his attention.

"What do you mean?" Ochaco asked.

"Tell me, did you guys notice something different about Midoriya, before he transformed into that armor?" Tokoyami asked.

"You mean the part when he starts laughing like a maniac and said
'Sorry for me laughing like a maniac, ('Nazete, Watashi wa jiyūde, mōichido fukkatsu da!' "Why you asked? is because I have been freed and revived once more!"), like that?" Kyoka asked confusingly.

"Exactly." Tokoyami replied.

"So, what are you trying to say Tokoyami?" Hagakure askedasked confusingly

"This is just a theory, but it seems like Midoriya has some kind of two sides of light and dark, or he has another soul living inside his body and mind." Tokoyami assumed and this caused some of the Class A to get shocked and surprised.

"Hold on, are you saying that Midoriya kun who transformed into that armor just now, isn't Midoriya kun at all!?" Tenya asked in shocked.

"Perhaps, but I don't know this is just a theory for now." Tokoyami said meanwhile Bakugo didn't listen of what Tokoyami says as he just focus on glaring at Dark Decade angrilly.

'That...damn...Deku...he had this kind of power this whole time and never used it back at the Hero training, that bastard is keeping another secret from me again. I'm going to kill that damn nerd! Bakugo thought angrilly while glaring at him.

Back with Dark Decade.

"Now..." Dark Decade spoke then takes out his Ride book to turn into a gun.

''Shall we begin?" Dark Decade asked then points his gun at Shoto as his visor then glowed.


Finished date: December 11, 2021.

(Let the dark journey begin!)

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