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"inside out, you beenโ€…flippinโ€…my mind latelyโ€…i've been feelin inside out" ๐ƒ๐„๐‚๐„๐Œ๐๐„๐‘ ๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ More



619 70 12

"𝐖𝐞 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐭𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥"

i yawned looking around the weight room. i laid out on the floor mats closing my eyes. it was going on 7 in the morning and the girls were about to get here.

"look at this nigga cade!" i opened my eyes seeing a few of my teammates laughing at me

"fuck you niggas i'm tired" i chuckled

"that's what yo ass get for stayin up til one in the morning onna game"

"i'll do it again tomorrow night" i mumbled yawning again

"aye come spot me so i can go" i got up talking to jahmere

jahmere was a good friend of mine that i met last year when i got up here. i guess you could say he was my bestfriend we shared a housing apartment together and that's how we got close. it turns out we went to the same highschool we just never knew each other. mere acted very similar to nana which was probably why i calked him my bestfriend. we would argue almost every other minute and then laugh right after that only thing is we both get way too into our emotions. i can't count how many times we done got into fights because our arguments got a lil too heated.

mere spotted me while i did 15 bench presses tuning out everyone else. once i hit the last one i put the bar back in its place grabbing my water.

"alright gather around everyone good work today i know i been all cooped up in the office but y'all worked hard today. short practice today as soon as the girls get off the court we're on and clean up that dump of a locker room break out and y'all can go" coach said

"ight rattle on three" i said putting my hand in the middle




"RATTLE" we clapped before everyone started filing out the weight room. i jogged to the locker room unlocking my locker grabbing my phone and bag before i shut the locker door walking out to the court. i scanned the court looking for #3 seeing her shooting free throws with another girl.

"aye bailee bet you can't do 30 right now back to back" someone challenged her

bailee bailee bailee why that sound familiar ?

it clicked nana's lil cousin last time i seen her was at the repast. she looked different not the same 15 year old with light pink braces she had grew more into her features. bailee had always been pretty but outta respect for her cousin and our friendship i'd never do anything with her. i watched for a bit as she did free throws effortlessly making me smirk. the leg tattoo that stretched from her knee to her ankle caught my eye it looked similar to mine. it was a mural for her cousin, a picture with his face and a basketball with a saying at the bottom.

lemme go

i left out the gym walking to my car unlocking the doors getting in. i had a student meeting for the club i was apart of discussing our next event. i was apart of a black male club, we got dressed up once a month going to talk to middle and highschoolers trying to get the interested in different things and showing them shit outta their norm. i liked using the excuse to get dressed up.

i can't decide between them being besties or dating
vote comment allat & excuse mistakes

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