πΈπ‘›π‘’π‘šπ‘¦ (vi x reader)

By sandwich_j1ll

22.1K 741 566

You come from the underground world of Zaun following your friends Powder, Ekko, Mylo, Clagger and your close... More

A/N <3
|1| Welcome to the playground
|2| Welcome to the playground
|3| Some mystery's are better unsolved
|4| The base voilence neccesary for change
|5| Happy progress day!
|6| Everybody wants to be my enemy
|7| when these walls come tumbling down
|9| Oil and water
|10| The monster you created

|8| The boy saviour

1.5K 62 36
By sandwich_j1ll

These kids ain't playin' with you, actin' like you live rap
And all those little mishaps
That only happens to you, misfits, I'm here to fix that yeah

Caitlyn began grunting and wiggling around in desperation to break from her chains "I knew it was a mistake trusting you!" She argued at Vi

Vi sat on the opposite side of her unfazed at our current situation "You've been a real picnic yourself." her tone laced with sarcasm

"Look it's pretty obvious we can't get out of these chains Caitlyn. So can you please stop nudging my arm every time you have another hissy fit?" I mumbled as I made an effort to see through the sack on my head.

Caitlyn turned her head "how are neither of you fazed by any of this? We've just been kidnapped by silco and all you guys are doing is sleeping and daydreaming!" She then whipped her head to face Vi's side her words began to target her "And I'm not the one who walked us into, not one, but two of Silco's traps.

Vi grunted with irritation "This isn't Silco, it's someone else."

Caitlyn polled "How do you know?"

Vi confirmed to the girl "Cause we'd already be dead."

"Oh, very nice. When were you planning to tell me that your lunatic sister works for him?" Caitlyn fought

Vi grew more frustrated and her tone raised "Just as soon as you came clean about what the hell you're really doing down here."

Caitlyn yelled, "I told you the truth!"

Vi conveyed "Bullshit. What was that glowing stone?"

Caitlyn sighed

Vi had won the argument "That's what I thought."

I grunted and shouted "Can you two please just shut the fuck up for like 2 minutes? This whole time all you've done is bickered like your some married couple! The only time you got along was when I was fucking dying for crying out loud!"

They both went silent

"Thank you." I sighed

Suddenly I was thrown upon someone's shoulder and I no longer felt the cold ground I previously sat on

"Uh, Vi what's happening!" I panicked

Caitlyn grunts "What's going on?"

Vi's voice sounded like it was below me. As if she was being dragged across the ground. "Hey, stop! Get your hands off of her!"

Caitlyn cried out "Leave them alone!"

"Let us go!" I fidgeted and moved my body aggressively

Caitlyn called out "Y/n?" The door bangs "Y/n! Vi!"

our bags had been removed and we were now able to see our surroundings. we were thrown onto the ground and locked against a thick pipe.

The beast left the room and we were face to face with a masked man.

Vi glared at him "You shy? Or just ugly?"

"Why have you brought us here," I demanded

He pulled off his mask and revealed his familiar face "You two look good for dead girls."


"Ekko? your alive?" I said softly.

he paced back and forth and looked at both of us

"What do you know about this?" he opened up a mechanic chest that he carried in his hands and showed us the blue crystal powder had been holding before

"Nothing. What the hell is this all about?" Vi was overcome with questions

Ekko exhaled "What were you doing with Jinx?"

Vi had stood up now "Her name is Powder. And I just found her when you and your goons showed up." she scoffs "It's me. Vi. Same person who used to take you down to the junk heap and hose you down when you got covered in grease."

"and y/n. the same person who used to help you at benzo's shop when you had to fix something" I looked up at the boy whilst trying to break out of my chains.

"That was a long time ago. People change," he said with hurt in his voice

"Yeah. I'm getting that." Vi gritted her teeth

"Are you working for Silco?" he asked

she scoffs "f*ck. You." she spat

he stammers his words "I thought you guys were dead. Now you show up with a Piltie and give her a tour of the Lanes?" he then looked at me "And you became a fucking piltie! you were the one saying how much you hated it and now you are a part of their city...I expected different from you."

"Leave me the fuck alone! I thought I had nowhere else to go what did you expect me to do?" I shouted

"And You were following us? Why didn't you say something?" Vi butted in

"I didn't know if I could trust you." he pointed at the both of us

"So... so you just come out swinging?" Vi squinted her eyes at him

"Gee, I wonder who I learned that from?" his voice was filled with sarcasm

"Ah, well, you shoulda learned more. You still punch like a little boy." she mocked him

"And you still block with your face! And your girlfriend's only weapon choice has been bricks and broken pipes for a good 7 years." he teased me

"I'm sorry do you want me to ride around on a little hoverboard because I'm too lazy to walk on my own feet?" I laughed

my chains break loose

he scoffs at me

it's silent for a few seconds before Vi speaks up

"I remember when you wouldn't stand up to me." she looked down

the chains clang and she hugs him "I missed you, little man."

she then looks over to me "C'mon" she then pulls me into the hug and we stay like that for a while

Ekko talks into my shoulder "How long have you guys had those off?"

"How long have you been whining little man?" I kissed the top of his head "I missed you so much Ekko" I mumbled

time skip

kids were chattering and laughing in the distance "Come on. Go!" a child said "I got it. Whoo-hoo!" said the other

"Is that a real tree?" Vi looked in awe

Ekko smiled "Pretty cool, huh? When I first saw it, I knew this was the place. If a single seed could make it down here, so could we."

"it's beautiful. I kinda wish I ended up with you now" I laughed and looked to Ekko

"I thought maybe you would actually. I made a room for you and all. I even saved most of your stuff from when we were kids if you wanna check it out later." he spoke

Vi was amazed "You built all this?"

"Not alone. After Vander...died, Silco flooded the lanes with Shimmer. He didn't care what it did to people. Everyone here was an addict or a victim." he told us and I looked at the people below.

"Hi," one of the girls said to me and waved and I mimicked her actions and smiled at her

Ekko sighed "They needed somewhere safe to start again."

"I should have been there. For you. For everyone." Vi looked down

"That's a good way to drive yourself crazy. If I just went with you that day, maybe none of this would have happened. Or maybe you'd be dead. Or... changed." she clenched her knuckles

"Powder's gone, Vi. All that's left is Jinx and she belongs to Silco." Ekko admitted

"You're wrong. She's still in there. I can reach her." she turned to face him

"You can't." he conceded

"We have to try." I sighed

"I got another thing to show you," he told us and led the two of us behind the tree and I was amazed at the beautiful painting of everyone I once knew and loved. he even decided to put me next to Vi I chuckled a bit in my head

Ekko recited "This is everyone we've lost. The price of our freedom. Some of it was Enforcers. Ekko: Most was Silco. Your sister works for him not because she has to, but because she wants to. I'm sorry, but that's who she is now."

Vi breathes deeply and I notice her stare into the painting of little powder

"you wanted to see your stuff y/n?" he said

He lead me to around the tree and up the ladders and opened a wooden door with my name on it in green paint. the room had all the things I had collected over the years of being at Zaun.

"I'll give you some space," he said and left the room

I grazed the drawings I made with powder and all the inventions I planned on making. I even saw the Rocketship I promised powder...I was so childish

I looked at all my weapons and inventions I made but after I was met with a certain pair of goggles I had used back in my days of being a part of Zaun. I grinned and felt a sense of nostalgia as I noticed splatters of paint from powder and the smell of rust on the leather.

I heard the door creak open and saw Vi leaning against the frame "I remember you were obsessed with the idea of becoming an inventor. I know Mylo took the mick out of you about it but I always thought your obsession was kinda cute cupcake" she smiled at me

"well thank you. violet" I laughed

"Wow, that's a nickname I haven't heard in a long time." she huffs out a laugh

Time skip

The door creaks open as Caitlyn breaths heavily as her chains are unlocked and her bag is removed from her head.

Caitlyn stutters "What have you done with Y/n and Vi?" she has sadness in her voice "Listen, let them go. I brought them here. It's me you want." she gasps as we both come into view

"My love." I say with sarcasm as I hug cait "did you think we'd just leave you without any company?" I said

she stammers "You're... But I thought you... I thought they were hurting you!" she looks at me

"These two tell me I can trust you. You get a pass back topside, that's it. Let's go." Ekko sits by the door and gets up to take us out of the room

time skip

"It's beautiful," says Cait

"If your people had your way, it'd be rubble and ash." Ekko turns to her

"It's a misunderstanding. They think you work for Silco," she confirms

"Your people hunt us like animals. Silco pays them to do it." Ekko yells

"That's not possible. You're wrong." she fights back

"Say that one more time." he clenches his teeth and gets right up to her face before he could do anything Vi pushes him away

"Ekko, she believes what she's saying, alright? She's not the enemy." I tell him

He scoffs "Oh, yeah? Then what's this?" he pulls out the blue crystal and shows it to her

Caitlyn's eyes widened "You got it. You have to let me take that back."

"What is it?" questioned Vi

"It's a Gemstone. It was stolen during the attack. By Powder. She caused a fire and everything...things got messy." I told her

"You just forgot to mention that? this whole time?" Vi said to me

Cait spoke up "With this, someone with the right knowledge could build... any Hextech device. If enforcers are becoming more... aggressive, that's why."

An idea popped into Ekko's head "We could beat Silco with this."

"That won't solve things." Cait doubted

"Easy for you to say. Your people aren't dying all around you." he threw his arms in the air motioning towards the area.

"Ekko, it's wrong what's been done to you. You'd be well within your rights to keep it. I couldn't blame you. But... if you do, this cycle of violence will never stop. This is our best shot at setting the record straight. This city needs healing. More than I ever realized. Please, let me help you." she pleaded

"You got a plan?" Ekko raised a question

"I have a friend on the council. Let me take the Gemstone to him. He'll listen to me. Your people wouldn't have to hide anymore." she tells

"One condition. I'm the one who gives it to them." Ekko replies

Time skip

we were near the other side of the bridge when suddenly Vi stopped walking

"You okay Vi?" I asked

she sighed "I can't leave her again."

"You can't change her." Said Ekko

"I have to try." she looked at the boy

Ekko scoffed "Don't get yourself killed."

Vi chuckled and hugged him "No promises."

Vi then quickly side hugged Caitlyn "It's been real, Caitlyn. thanks"

Ekko and Caitlyn slowly walked on

Vi then looked at me with fear in her eyes and hugged me tightly

"Please don't die on me, Violet. I lost so many people I can't lose you" I mumbled into her shoulder

"It'll be okay. Your strong you always have been." she then cupped my cheek and looked at me with a soft smile before kissing me gently on the lips. the kiss was short but it still felt like it meant something to the both of us.

That's when I realised these feelings I've felt towards her weren't just friendly...they were something more.

I turned and caught up with the others and walked beside Caitlyn before a bright light blinded my eyes.

"halt!" shouted one of the enforcers.

Ekko exclaims "What the hell is this?"

"Sir! We have proof. Silco's behind everything." I put my hand behind Caitlyn's back referring to the both of us. I showed the Enforcers my badge letting them know I was one of them.

Marcus stepped into view "Show me." he walked towards us

Ekko murmurs to me and Cait "No." realising who the man was

Caitlyn hummed in response signalling for him to show the enforcer.

He sighed "shit" he showed the man the blue crystal

Ekko then sensed something wasn't right with Marcus and closed the bag. His thoughts were correct as Marcus pulled out a gun and shot him.

"No!" I shouted and ran to Punch the man clean in the face but was pulled back from Caitlyn

"it's too risky" she whispered to me

Vi's voice was heard in the distance "Y/n! Caitlyn!"

"I told you to leave this alone." Marcus got up in our face and pointed the gun at us

I noticed everyone was looking above us so I followed and saw thousands of what I thought were firelights surrounding us. they began to sit at a top of the enforcer's heads and arms and part of me thought they were quite pretty.

I was certainly wrong

They began to explode all around us and I tried my best to cover Caitlyn and Ekko but I felt a sharp stinging sensation on my upper stomach. I felt blood drip from my shirt and did my best to stop the bleeding. I crawled to Caitlyn and groaned before speaking

"shit are you okay?" I asked

"My leg is bleeding but I think I'll survive. it's you that should be worrying about yourself" she murmured

Marcus coughed and croaked out "Tell my..." he grunts "Tell my daughter I..." he was unable to finish his sentence as he was now dead.

Vi came running towards us and kneeled to cup my cheek "are you guys okay?" she whispered

before we could reply I looked in front of me with wide eyes as Powder looked straight at the three of us. She pulled out her gun and shot for us but we managed to dodge the bullets.

Ekko came into view and I sighed in relief knowing he was okay

he threw the bag to Caitlyn "Go!" he cried out

Vi supported Me and Cait before helping us walk away from the scene. She had tears welling up in her eyes realising she wasn't the girl she once was anymore.

A/n sorry this took a week to write I have been dealing with a lot of shit lately lol.
maybe it wasn't the best idea writing a book when you're hitting mf rock bottom but at least I have like the best readers to see my work. you guys have really made me happy with your comments and I'm so glad you like my work :)

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