Rent A Boyfriend :: Muke

By mukecIemmings

79.2K 5.4K 2.4K

in which luke rents michael to be his boyfriend for a month but michael is straight. [alternate universe] © m... More

chapter 0.
chapter 1.
chapter 2.
chapter 4.
chapter 5.
chapter 6.
chapter 7.
chapter 8.
chapter 9.
chapter 10.
chapter 11.
chapter 12.
chapter 13.
chapter 14.

chapter 3.

5.4K 406 354
By mukecIemmings


days left: 29

"You still haven't told me any details of the date with that lad, Michael." Liz hummed while preparing pancakes for Luke.

"And I'm not planning to, mother." Luke sighed, pouring some apple juice in his glass.

"Why not? I barely know anything about your new boyfriend." Liz argued, placing a plate full of pancakes on the dining table, in front of her son.

"It's none of your business, mom."

"Oh really? Because you didn't hesitate to ask me for motherly advice when you were still with A-"

"Can we not talk about him, please?" Luke groaned in frustration, letting his head fall on his hands.

"I'm sorry, but you used to be so close together." Liz sighed, pulling her chair closer to Luke. "He was your first real relationship after all."

"And he has moved on. So will I but I can't not forget him when you keep bringing him up."

There was a weird silence in the air since none of the two exchanged a word, until Liz cleared her throat:

"Aren't you hungry? You'll be starving in school."

"I can buy something to eat."

With that, Luke stood up and left the untouched plate where it was before grabbing his backpack and throwing it over his shoulder.

"At least eat an apple or a banana, Luke."


"I don't want to have you collapse on the ground just like in elementary school and pick you up in hospital!"

Back in his early days, Luke indeed once collapsed in school because he didn't have breakfast in the morning. Since that event, Liz always made sure he ate something proper before she sent him off to school. The thing was, Luke was already in his last school year.

"Well, that happened how many years ago? Oh yes, when I was nine! Now I'm eighteen and I surely know when I need to eat." The broad boy pointed out.

He was quickly defeated when Liz gave him a glare and pointed to the basket filled with all kinds of fruit. Unwillingly, Luke forced his feet to move away from the door and grabbed an apple on which the middle aged woman smiled in victory.

Luke then sighed: "Anything else?"

"I think Jack would want to have your pancakes then." was Liz's only remark and Luke rolled his eyes, before he headed towards the door and shouted "Goodbye!" and the door fell close behind him.

Deep in his thoughts, the boy walked along the pavement and eventually took a bite out of his apple before he threw it in the next trash can. He wasn't feeling hungry at all.

Suddenly someone shouted "Lucas", making Luke jump up. His surprised expression turned to a slight frown though, once he saw Michael on his holy motorcycle, a prominent smirk painted on his face.

"What do you want?" Luke snorted, continuing to walk to the bus stop while Michael was following him with his vehicle.

"I shall be here to give you a ride to school." Michael shot him a toothy grin and stopped. He thought that Luke wouldn't halt but he did.

"I didn't call you, did I?" Luke furrowed his brows, tucking is hands in the pockets of his black skinny jeans.

"But I'm your boyfriend either way." Michael argued on which Luke nodded in agreement.

Then he moved forward and patted behind him, saying: "What are you waiting for?"

"I don't like motorcycles and you know that." Luke confessed in a low voice.

"Well then you just wasted precious money on me. The price won't get any cheaper."

Michael had a point and Luke was aware of that. He didn't know why Michael still made the effort to spend some time with him when he'd get the double price paid anyway. Truth was, Michael felt sorry for him and it became a habit of his to bring his girlfriends to school so they had a reason to brag in front of their friends. In this case, boyfriend.

The last two years, Michael had realized that people only called rent a boyfriend to either make their exes jealous, move on from their exes or they were plain losers who were thirsty for a boyfriend (most of the times it was the third reason). Either way, Michael didn't care what their background story was as long as he got his money.

"Fine." Luke gave in and climbed on the motorcycle, right behind Michael and rested his hands on his rented boyfriend's waist.

"Just get over this quickly." Luke grunted once Michael started the engine.

"No need to be so aggressive, Lucas."

"My name's Luke, not Lucas."

"Jesus, I was just trying to be sarcastic and enlighten you." Michael huffed when they stopped at the red light.

"I don't want you to enlighten me. I just want to-"

"Get over this quickly. I get it, you want to get off my motorbike as soon as possible."

By then Michael deeply regretted coming here in first place. Luke was acting like a girl, he told himself.

"How do you know where my school is, by the way?" Luke questioned, bringing Michael away from his thoughts.

"I asked you where you went yesterday while we were at the Purple Moose." Michael exclaimed coolly. If Luke had really thought that he was creeping on him, he had some serious issues. Michael was a boyfriend to be rented, not a creepy, old stalker.


Once the familiar, white painted building called hell, according to Michael, came in sight, he slowed down and parked right in front of the entrance. Luke didn't hesitate to jump off the thing he had to sit on for quite a while and was happy to stand on his own feet again. Motorcycles had always scared him for some reason.

"When are you done with hell?" Michael asked the blond before he had a chance to run. Again, it was a habit of his to pick up his current girlfriend.

"At three. I guess you'll wait here?" Luke cocked a brow on which the biker boy smiled cheekily.

"Have fun in hell." Michael cooed but before had the chance to drive away, Luke asked him a final question.

"Don't you have to go to school either?"

"I dropped out when I was sixteen." He shrugged nonchalantly, hoping he could go now.

"Cool, then I'll see you later, Clifford."

"I could say the same to you, Lucas."

The heat was rushing in Luke's cheeks and he was about to argue back but he contained himself from doing something he might regret.

"Just go." Luke snorted before he turned on his heel, not wanting to see him any longer. One thing he already was sure; Michael Clifford was definitely not what he had expected.


While Luke was boring himself to death in school, Michael killed his time by staying at his friend who lived close by.

"Well, duty calls." Michael sighed as he grabbed his black leather jacket, wanting to leave to get Luke.

"New girl, I see?" His friend asked him cockily. "How is she?"

In his mind, Michael said "she's not even a she" but to the his friend, he replied with a brief "Different." Without any other first goodbye or similar he opened the door and stepped outside, rushing to his beloved motorcycle.

Fortunately he arrived just in time where the students were flowing out of the school doors so he casually leaned against his bike, waiting for Luke to show up. At first, he made the effort to look for him within the huge crowd of students but moments later he gave up and focused on his phone.

The crowd slowly started to decrease and the boy was blasting Green Day in his ears. By the time Minority started to play, someone tapped his shoulder making him look up. Luke was standing in front of him but he seemed distant.

"Luke!" Michael snapped, leading to that the blond jumped up again.


"Are you ready?"

The pale boy gestured to his shiny, black motorbike yet Luke just nodded subconsciously. Soon Michael was bothered by that and smacked him.

"What is it this time?" Luke snapped at the shorter boy but Michael just rolled his eyes, before explaining:

"You seem distant. And you keep looking to those two there."

With that he gestured to two boys, both well built. The first one had dirty blond, curly hair which was tamed with a bandana while the second one was very tanned and had black hair with blond highlights who had his arm wrapped around the shorter bandana lad. Both of them seemed to have loads of fun.

"Who's that?" Michael piped up, trying to fight off a grin as he saw Luke tense up.

"No one special."

"Then why are you watching them?"

"Why do you have to question everything I do?"

"Because I'm an annoying piece of shït."

He had a point, Luke told himself. Since Michael was his boyfriend after all, he should know in a way. But then, Luke came up with a better idea.

Since Michael was his boyfriend after all, they should show some affection in public.

"I know this seems weird at first." Luke started, rubbing the back of his neck, "But I need you to kiss me."

After he finished, Michael's jaw fell open.


"I said I need you to-"

"I understood that but no! I surely won't kiss you!"

"If you haven't forgotten the rules and regulations yet, you have to!"

Michael knew the rules and regulations too good and he despised them with all his heart. That was the consequence for him, though. Getting paid for basically kissing and fucking. He just hoped that it wouldn't come to the fucking because he would never want to do the dirty with a guy, no matter how attractive he was. Lastly he came to the conclusion that they could argue all day but it won't change a thing.

"Let's get over this quickly. so um..." Michael's voice trailed off as he raised his hands, irritated where to place them. Surely there was barely a difference in kissing a girl and kissing a guy but it was his first time and he had every right to feel awkward.

"Just go with it." were Luke's final words directed to him before the blond smashed is lips against his and tangled his fingers into Michael's platinum blond hair.

Michael instantly reacted to the kiss and granted him the access he was craving for before fisting Luke's shirt. The kiss was wild and heated as their tongues were fighting over dominance. It was a weird sensation for Michael and all he wished for at the moment was to not get a boner since it was the last thing he needed right then.

Neither of them wanted to let the other win and what started out as a heated simple lip action slowly turned into a full makeout session on school grounds. Some people gave them wolf whistles as they passed by but that didn't stopped either of them.

Luke opened his eyes and looked to the side where the two boys were standing, the dirty blond visibly gulping. That made him smile and of course Michael took that in notice.

Thinking that that was more than enough for now, Michael pulled back, panting heavily while Luke wasn't any better.

"Luke, that was-" Michael started but cut himself off once he realized the boy was staring back at the two guys. By then, the black haired guy muttered something to (what Michael assumed was) his boyfriend since he pecked curly's cheek.

It didn't take him that long to figure out what the hell the kiss scene was supposed to be.

"Get up, Luke." Michael ordered, suddenly feeling exhausted, starting the engine. This time, Luke didn't bother to start a fight with him.

Even though Michael wanted to get away as soon as possible, he waited patiently until Luke was finished with shifting around and clung tightly to him. Again, Luke kept his lower body away from him which was a relief, but this time it seemed like the blond was trying harder than usual.

"If you move away any further, you'll land on your ass the moment I start driving." Michael warned on which the blond slightly gulped. He was secretly hoping that Michael wouldn't notice that he got turned on.

"Just drive, Clifford."

Michael shrugged then and did as wanted. If Luke fell down, it was his own fault since he didn't want to listen to his warning. Besides, he'd eventually move closer while they were at a high speed for the sake of his butt.

Just as predicted, Luke did move closer to him whilst driving and there was no serious problem, until they stopped at a red light, that was, when Michael felt Luke's little problem poking his backside.

"Luke?" Michael asked, eyes still focused on the road.


"Do not ask me to fix your boner problem because I'm definitely not going to suck you off."

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