𝐀 𝐍𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐨 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐞 (ᵃⁱ...

By running_reality07

41.6K 1.1K 1K

"You think hitting me will solve anything?" I try getting up when he grabs my hair and pins me against the wa... More

*Part 1*
*Part 3*
*Part 4*
*Part 5*
*Part 6*
*Part 7*
*Part 8*
*Part 9*
*Part 10*
*Part 11*
*Part 12*
🔞🚩*Part 13*🔞🚩
*Part 14*
*Part 15*
*Part 16*
*Part 17*
*Part 18*
*Part 19*
*Part 20*
*Part 21*
*Part 22*
*Part 23*
*Part 24*
*Part 25*
🔞🚩*Part 26*🔞🚩
*Part 27*
*Part 28*
*Part 29*
*Part 30*
*Part 31*
*Part 32*
*Part 33*
*Part 34*
*Part 35*
🔞🚩*Part 36* 🔞🚩
*Part 37*
*Part 38*

*Part 2*

1.8K 48 92
By running_reality07


I shake my head and groan as a major headache forces me awake. I try to reach to touch my head, but realize that I was tied up to a chair. I start to panic and try pulling my hands out of the rope, which only caused my wrist to start bleeding. I stop as it starts to burn. I look around, it was dark. Except for a light coming through the window.

"Help! Please let me out!" I scream. I continue to pull through the ropes, as my eyes start to tear up. I hear a door open and close shut behind me. I try turning around, but couldn't move. Frustrated, I speak up, "Who are you!" I flinch as I feel a hand touch my jaw. Their fingers travel along to my chin, and finally, move away. A young man, wearing an expensive white suit, with black pants, and black shoes, smirks down at me. I narrow my eyes at him," Who are you! What do you want?" he smiles, like a fucking psychopath.

"I'm Aidan, princess," he says kneeling down to my eye level, "and well," he lets out a dark chuckle, " I want you,"

"What? For what?" he smiles, holding my face.

"To stay with me, where you belong," he says. I try moving away but it was useless.

"Can you untie me? I'm starting to cramp," I say innocently, trying to sound as vulnerable as I could. He stares at me for a few moments, he removes his hands from my face and unties me not breaking eye contact. I hold my wrist, looking down.

"Where am I?" I ask.

"Mexico," he says.

"What! What the hell! Why did you bring me here!" I say standing up. He pushes me back down holding me in place.

"Because I can,"

"You kidnapped me!" I yell.

"And?" I scoff.

"What do you mean "and?". You fucking kidnapped me and-" he slaps me.

"Cuidadito como me hablas, sin groserias,"  I hold my cheek and just stare at him. I started paying more attention to his features now that my eyes got used to the dark. He had green eyes, black hair, l-

He kisses me.

He fucking kisses me.

I smirk kissing back, he seemed surprised but his hands then travel to my waist. Then I throw a fist at his face. He groans and I shove him off, making him fall to the ground. I run off behind the chair, towards the door. Before I reach it, he grabs my wrist and pulls me, shoving me towards the ground.

"You think you're so smart, huh?" he grabs my hair pulling me up. I try getting myself lose, but he pulls me closer to his face, "No one, fools me," he says. I spit at his face and kick him. I crawl back, but my back meets with the wall. Surprisingly, he licks off the spit from his face. I frown in disgust, but he hits me, straight across the face. I hold my face and felt my eyes start to tear up again.

"Please let me go," I beg. He scoffs.

"You really think, that after that shitty little act of yours, I'm going to let you go?" I don't respond, he lets out a short laugh, "And even if you didn't do that, I wouldn't in the first place,"

"Why? What do you want?"

"Look, I'm just going to say this once, okay?" he doesn't wait for me to respond, when he grabs my face hardly, " It took me a long time to get you over here, alright? You belong to me now, you always did. I claimed you a long time ago. I recommend you not to try to escape, because one, you won't make it out of the house, y dos, te va ir mal si lo intentas,"

"You're fucking crazy! I don't belong to anybody!"

"It's upsetting to me for you to think that, but trust me," he gets close to my face, " You'll soon know the complete opposite,"

"Vete al carajo!' I hiss. He slaps me again, "Don't fucking touch me!" I yell. He slaps me but harder this time.

"I can touch you whenever and however I want to,"

"Not if I stop you from doing so!" he scoffs.

"And what will you do?" he says almost laughing. I stand up and tackle him down. I hit him a couple of times. He seemed surprised by the sudden impact but he quickly regains control, spinning both of us around, so that now he was on top of me. He slaps me twice and then punches my side. I grunt in pain, holding my side, "Don't even try," he says, "You really think, that you can escape from me that easily?" he asks, hitting me again.

"Stop!" I yelp in pain.

"This is what you get for challenging me," he hits me again.

"Please, stop!" I scream. He continues for a while longer before, leaving me in the ground. He closes the door shut. I start sobbing uncontrollably, hugging myself. I lose consciousness as I notice a puddle of blood under me.


I sit, my back leaning against the wall, just staring at the door, waiting for him to come back, and probably give me another beating, or kill me, who knows what the hell he wanted. I wonder what my brother was doing right now. What day is it? How long has it been? Though it had only felt like hours, who knows it could have been already a full day. Was he looking for me right now? Or does he think that I'm with Jonathan right now? How is Jonathan? Does he realize I'm gone, or does he think that I'm with my brother right now? I felt my eyes water up, but I stop myself, as my eyelids start burning from all the crying. The door opens. My head jerks up, but instead of it being Aidan it was someone else.

Camila. I groan.

"Of course, you are involved," I say rolling my eyes.

"Come on, get up," she says reaching down to me.

"I can't, it hurts," I say. She sighs.

"If you don't want that to happen again, you should start listening to what Aidan wants you to do," she says, placing her hands around my arms, pulling me up. I don't respond, and I hold on to her to walk. She leads me out of the room, to a huge house.

"Pretty nice, right?" she says. I look away, she sighs, " Let's take you to you're room," we walk up the stairs slowly. After a few turns around upstairs, she finally opens the door to a room, "Welcome to your room,"

"This is my room?" I ask, a bit surprised. I expected maybe a jail room or something, with just a bed and a toilet.

"Yeah, I'll let you get comfortable. You can take a shower if you want, there are clothes in the closet," she says before leaving. She closes the door, not locking it surprisingly. I wait a bit, I hear talking from downstairs, then a door open and close, I check outside the window, Camila had left with another guy.

I had to get the fuck out of here.

The window was a bit obvious and it was daytime, they would easily see me. I reach the door quietly. I open it a bit and peek outside. No one was there. Cautiously, I get out and limp-walk around, remembering how Camila had taken me. I find the stairs and walk down quietly, looking around to make sure no one was there. I walk back, as I hear footsteps.

"Is she alright?" I hear Aidan ask.

"I guess she is, she's right now probably showering," Camila says. I curse underneath my breath, rushing up the stairs, but went the wrong way. Frustrated trying to find the way back to my room, my arm gets grabbed.

"No deberias estar fuera de tu cuarto," a man says.

"I-I was looking for Camila," I blurt out.

"What's going on?" I turn around quickly. Aidan looks at me a bit angry, while Camila gives me a worried look.

"She was out of her room," the man says.

"I-I was just-uh-looking-for," I stutter. I started to get nervous, as Aidan's glare grew wider, "Camila," I finish quietly.

"Let her go," Aidan says, the man lets me go. Aidan grabs my arm hard, pulling me away. He opens my bedroom door and pulls me inside. I stumble a bit but regain my balance, as he shuts the door, "What were you doing?" he asks getting close.

"I was looking for Camila," I say stumbling back.

"Don't treat me like an idiot, you were trying to get out, and don't even think about lying," he says. I collide with the side of the bed.

"Why wouldn't I? You kidnapped me! I don't want to be here!" I yell, he grabs my wrist pulling me close to him. I try pulling back but he just tightens his grip.

"Well, you should start getting used to it, because here," he pulls me closer to his face. I feel his breath warm against my cheek," You're not getting out from," he says.

"Let go!" I yell trying to get loose. He lets go too suddenly, and I fall back to the bed. I quickly get back up.

"Don't even try getting out, you'll just end up hurting yourself," he says, he reaches to kiss me but I move my head away. He grabs my hair and kisses me roughly. He lets go to leave the room. He closes the door and locks it. I burst into tears again burying my face against my hands.


I get out of the shower, my PJs on, drying my hair with the towel. I stare at the bed. Should I even risk going to sleep? What if he just comes inside and kills me? I sit down on the bed looking straight at the door. I check the clock near my bed. It was past six. It was too early, but I felt exhausted and tired. I was about to reach to pull down the blankets but then I hear a knock.

"Can I come in?" I hear Camila ask. I sighed sitting down on the bed.

"Y-yeah," the door opens and Camila comes inside.

"Are you hungry?" she asks. I was actually starving but didn't respond. What if the food was poisoned or something, "Don't worry the food isn't drugged," she says. I look away, " You won't be alone with Aidan. I'll be there too, you don't have to be scared,"

"What's the difference between you and Aidan?"

"Well for one, I won't hurt you. And I'm actually much nicer,"

"So what? That doesn't mean I naturally trust you now,"

"True, but might as well have someone to trust," she says sitting next to me.

"Is he some kind of millionaire or how the hell did he get this house?" I ask. Camila raises an eyebrow.

"Well, clearly you haven't recognized him," Camila says, " He is a Narco,"

"A what?" My eyes widen.

"A Narco? You know, Narcotraficantes? The ones that-"

"I know what they are," I say, "He's," I think for a moment remembering the name, "Aidan Gallagher right?"

"The one and only," Camila smiles.

"Great, I got kidnapped by one of the most powerful drug dealers," I sigh holding my face. We stay silent for a while.

"Come on," she says. I don't respond. She sighs, "We'll be waiting downstairs," she starts leaving.

"Wait," I call out, she turns around, "I don't want to go down there by myself," I say. She smiles. I stand up and we walk out of my room. We walk down the stairs to the dining table. She sits down on a chair. I sit down next to her. She was about to tell me something when Aidan comes. He looks at me as he sits down.

"How did it go with Noah?" she asks. Noah? Is he a Narco too?

"Good," he responds plainly.

"Are you going to work tomorrow?" she asks, trying to start a conversation. The maids serve our plates. It looked good, but still had my doubts about eating it.

"No, I'm staying home all day," he responds, not breaking eye contact with me. Camila starts eating as soon as Aidan does. She looks at me from the corner of her eye.

"Eat," she whispers. I look down at my plate. When I look back up Aidan was staring at me.

"I'm not hungry," I say. Camila nudges me with her foot.

"You have to eat," Aidan says, taking a bite of his salad.

"I don't want to," I say. Camila nudges me a bit harder forcing me to look at her.

"Just eat, Y/N," she whispers.

"Eat, now," Aidan says a bit loud, making me flinch. Camila looks at me again.

"I'm not hungry," I repeat again a bit quieter. Aidan drops his fork and looks at me.

"Y/N, if you don't start eating, I will give it to you myself," he says.

"Can I just go to the room?" I ask.

"No, now eat,"

"But I'm not hungry," I say standing up.

"Sit down, and finish your damn food!" Aidan yells standing up too. I ignore him leaving the table, "Y/N!" I hear him call, " Come back here, now!" he yells. I walk quickly up the stairs.

"Aidan! Don't be too rough with her!" I hear Camila say, which gave me the hint that he was coming after me. I enter my room quickly, I close my door but it gets stopped by Aidan. He comes inside closing the door loudly. He comes close to me and slaps me. I hold my cheek looking at him angrily.

"Embarrass me like that again and see what happens!" he yells.

"I wasn't hungry!" I yell back. He slaps me again.

"Don't fucking yell at me!" 

"Don't touch mehe hits my side, and I fall down to the ground.

"Stop with your nonsense!" he yells. I don't respond holding my tears.

"Aidan!" I hear Camila call from the door.

"What?" he yells.

"Noah is here, he needs to talk to you," she says. He turns to look at me.

"Hope you learned you're lesson," he says, grabbing my hair and pulling me up. I hold onto his hand trying to get him to let me go. He forces me into a kiss and leaves. I was getting tired of this.

But I'm not staying here, and I will get out.


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