Stuck Together (Nightmare!San...

By rainbowlixur

39.6K 1.2K 1K

(First wrote this on Quotev loll) Humans and Monsters. Most people despise monsters, but not you. In fact, yo... More

Story Information
Chapter 1 - Meeting The Nightmare
Chapter 2 - Calm Cafรฉ
Chapter 3 - Simply Sleepy
Chapter 4 - Ginger Genocide
Chapter 5 - Friend Feud
Chapter 6 - Book Worms
Chapter 7 - Crazy Castle
Chapter 8 - Dreams and....Kittens?
Chapter 9 - Kitten Cuddlier
Chapter 10 - Peaceful Path
Chapter 11 - Interesting Incidents
Chapter 12 - Service Situations
Chapter 13 - Gorgeous Garden?
Chapter 14 - Party Participants
Chapter 15 - Battle Buds
Chapter 16 - Dream Duo
Chapter 17 - Helping Hands
Chapter 18 - Friendly Fire
Chapter 19 - CATastrophe
Chapter 20 - "Sleepy" Squid
Chapter 21 - 'Unreachable' Story
Chapter 22 - Halloween Special :D
Chapter 23 - Devious Date - Part 1
Chapter 24 - Devious Date - Part 2
Chapter 25 - Star Gazing Situation
Chapter 26 - Relaxing Rest
Chapter 27 - Thanksgiving Time! (Late Thanksgiving Special)
Chapter 29 - Nightlight Love
Y/N and Nightmare Couple Moment + Bloopers

Chapter 28 - Just Dandy-lion

871 28 37
By rainbowlixur

I woke up to some light meows to my left. I could still feel Nightmare's weight laying next to me in the bed. I groaned and sat up in the bed.

Last nights memories started to flood my thoughts as I slowly started to wake up. The stupid games we had played around the castle. The thanksgiving dinner itself was amazing. Horror's cooking was fantastic.

The thought of food made my stomach grumble. I placed my hand on my stomach to stop the grumbling, as if that'd work in the first place. I bit my bottom lip and looked over at Nightmare. He seemed to be peacefully sleeping.

I slipped off the covers and glanced around the bed, trying to find a way to quietly leave. I sat up and crouched on the bed, crawling past Nightmare. The bed sheets shuffled underneath me, and I swung my legs around to place them on the ground. As I did, I placed my arms to my side on the bed for support, accidentally putting my hand on Nightmare's leg.

His one eye socket shot open and stared at me. It sent shivers down my spine, and I was frozen in place. I clenched my teeth and Nightmare's expression relaxed at my shocked and spooked expression. I let out a sigh of relief and stood up.

"I'm going to make breakfast. Do you want anything specific?" I turned around to face Nightmare entirely, who was now sitting on the bed instead of laying. He still looked tired and his eye socket was drooped.

"No. Anything you make I like." I felt my face heat up a bit at his opinion on my cooking. He sat staring at me with a tired expression for a few seconds, not realizing what he said. As soon as he did realize. His eye socket widened a bit, and a light teal was brushed across his cheek bones.

He turned away quickly and scoffed. He laid back against the headboard of the bed and sighed. "A-Alright then. I'll make some waffles." I opened the door and made my way out of the room quickly. I shut the door with a light slam and leaned against the door for a second.

I tried to calm myself down a bit. While it was a simple and unintentional compliment, it still sent me into a blushing frenzy. I waited for my face to cool off so that I could focus when I was making the food. I stood in the hallway for a few more seconds even after my face was cooled off.

I fee as if what Nightmare said was intentional on some level...

I shook off the thought and made my way downstairs to make the waffles.


I had finished the waffles and had set the table. I was making my way up the stairs when I heard a crash coming from my room. I dashed up the stairs making my way to my room, almost falling a few times. I burst the door open and quickly glanced around my room for a blob of black anywhere.

Nightmare was laying on the ground with a lamp on top of his chest. The lamp was shattered and in many pieces, even a piece was sticking into his jacket.

"What happened here?" I crouched down next to Nightmare and he sat up. The lamp slid off of his and into his lap.

"I was trying to make something for ya. Clearly, I've made a mess and failed." A faint grin was on his face, but clear annoyance was placed in the grin as well. He sighed and got ready to stand up.

Rain meowed right behind him and rubbed up against his ankle. The annoyance in his grin disappeared, but then was quickly replaced with embarrassment. He stood up and Rain continued to rub up against him.

I picked up the pieces of the lamp and placed them on the nightstand. Nightmare didn't bother to help, and instead looked down at me, watching me clean.

Nightmare's POV: (Short)

Y/N seemed to act a lot like a house keeper. They were always cleaning up, cooking, and doing household tasks. They always cared about the condition of others and the house itself. They always put others before them, whether it be a living being or an object. In may have only known Y/N for a month or two, but they truly did care.

I stared at them picking up the lamp, only just then escaping my thoughts. I shook my head and blinked. I crouched down to help pick up the rest of the tiny bits of lamp. I was the one who broke it after all.

Well technically, Pitch did. He decided it was a good idea to mess around with my tentacles. They do have a mind of their own at times, and the tentacles tried to catch Pitch, but instead knocking a lamp over.

I didn't even know where Pitch had gone after I broke the lamp. I tried to catch the pieces, but fell off the bed, with the lamp on top of me. I just hope Pitch was fine, otherwise Y/N would kill me. Not literally.

"Breakfast is ready downstairs. I've already set it up at the table." Y/N had a smile on their face as they scooped some pieces of the lamp into their hands. I nodded and grabbed some of the lamp pieces with my tentacles as well.

We brought the pieces downstairs, and threw them away. Y/N was already at their seat eating the waffles by the time I got to the table. They seemed to really like waffles.

I stared at my own plate. They were simple pre-made waffles. All you would have to do was heat them up. I took a bite out of one of them, and they tasted just fine. They were outstanding, nor did they taste bad. They weren't anything compared to Y/N and Horror's cooking though.


Y/N's POV:

Nightmare seemed unimpressed with the waffles. I wouldn't blame him though, they were pre-made. He did though, seem to have something on his mind. I wanted to ask, but I didn't want to disrupt his thoughts.

Me and Nightmare had been sitting at the table for a little while now. I was about to ask him something, but he got to it first.

"I have a question for you." He refused to make eye contact with me. I looked over at him, and his head was facing down. He looked up at me, but his eye light was the only thing that moved. I nodded awaiting his question.

He seemed to tense up for a second, but then relaxed quickly. "Do you want to go to the park later?" His expression gained a little confidence knowing that he was able to ask me the question.

"Sure! I've got nothing to do later." I smiled and Nightmare's head turned up to look at me. His expression was filled with relief and confidence.

I reached over the table and grabbed onto Nightmare's plate. I picked up my plate as well and made my way to the kitchen. I wonder what Nightmare was planning.

I placed the plates into the dishwater, and made my way back to the dining room.

By the time I made it back, Nightmare had already left. I assumed he was either in the living room, or he left to go back to the castle. I made my way to the living room to confirm my theory. He wasn't present, so it was likely he wasn't here.

I took a seat in a dark colored chair and let out a relaxed sigh. I sank into the chair's soft back and sat there for a few seconds. I hadn't seen Swap in a while. I wonder how he was doing.

As soon as I thought about that, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I sat up and reached into the pocket, taking the F/C phone out. A text notification was present. I clicked on it and waited for the messages app to open.

As soon as the app opened, I realized the text was from Blue. What a coincidence. I read is text to myself. "Hey Y/N! It's been a while since we last saw each other. Do you want to meet up at the usual field for a bit?"

I immediately responded with a "Sure!" I waited for Swap to say anything else, but he didn't. I took that as a sign that he wanted to meet up right now. So be it then.

I tucked my phone back into my pocket and ran up stairs to my room. I hadn't changed since yesterday. I grabbed a and placed a overtop of it. I then grabbed the first pair of in my drawer and put them on. The outfit was simple, yet it worked. It was also quite cold outside, so the long sleeved turtleneck and pants helped.

I ran down the stairs and grabbed my small (color) bag. I placed my phone into it and zipped it up. I ran out of the house and walked down the sidewalks. Left, Left, Right, Left, Right, Right, Straight, Left, Right, then behind the tree line. The way to the field ran through my head over and over again. The walk was quite long, but it was worth it.

Swap was sitting on the rotting bench we had placed their a while back. I smiled unintentionally at the sight. He was looking down at his boney hands twiddling his fingers. He didn't have a usual grin from what I could see, which made my grin lessen.

"Hey Swap! I'm here now. How long have you been waiting for?" I waved widely at Swap with a sorry smile. A smile made its way onto his face finally. That's all I wanted to see. I didn't want to see Swap not smiling.

"HEY Y/N!" He returned my wave. "I HAVEN'T BEEN WAITING THAT LONG. ONLY AROUND 10 MINUTES. YOU SURE ARE QUITE AND EAGER TO SEE ME AGAIN." His smile formed into a bit of a mischievous one with his response.

"Yeah yeah. I'm just glad I wasn't late. And for the record, yes. I am eager to see you again." I had a confident and serious look on my face, but it turned into a happier and more relaxed face as I heard Swap giggle.

"ANYWAYS. I'M GLAD TO SEE YOU ALIVE. WHEN I FOUND OUT NIGHTMARE WAS LIVING WITH YOU, I PANICKED A LITTLE. THANKFULLY HE HASN'T HURT YOU. RIGHT?" Swap's visible concern could be seen on his face and heard through his voice. He treated me like a younger siblings sometimes, which I didn't mind. I was an only child, and the feeling made me feel like I had a place.

"I'm 100% fine Swap. There's no need to worry about me. In fact Nightmare has been extremely nice to me. I have a theory about it, but whenever I think about it I second guess it..." I looked down at my hands as my face grew a little pinker. I heard Swap gasp at my physical reaction to what this theory could be.

"No way..." His voice was quieter, truly surprised. "YOU? NIGHTMARE? THAT'S NEW." I knew exactly what Swap meant. He seemed excited but also in disbelief. It seemed unlikely, but I still had hope. The meetup with him later could be something special if I do what I plan to do.

"Yeah... I couldn't believe myself either when it first came to my mind. Falling in love with someone purely made of negativity. It seems truly impossible. But I guess when the negative being himself has a soft spot for you its easier to." I placed my hand behind my head, and let out a nervous chuckle, then an embarrassed sigh followed.

"JUST KNOW Y/N, I'M HERE FOR YOU. I THINK IT'D BE AN INTERESTING RELATIONSHIP, AND IT'D DEFINITELY HELP NIGHTMARE." Swap placed his now gloved hand on my shoulder, and turned my head to face him with the other hand. He was a supportive yet nervous smile on his face. All I responded with was a smile.

The wind started to pick up, making the grass blow in the wind. The pieces that were below me and Swap's feet brushed against our legs and a light scraping noise was present in the silence. The flowers in the field also blew, yet blew less, considering they were a bit heavier. Bits of dirt and grass blew up into the air, and immediately fell. The flower's smell flew through the air and into me and Swap's direction. We both got a smell of the flower's aroma.

The smell was magnificent. I had never smelt anything like it these past times I've been to the area. Something must have changed their smell entirely. I didn't hate the change at all. The past flower's didn't smell good, but their looks made up for it.

Swap leaned back into the wooden bench, and placed his hand behind his head. He shut his eye socket and smiled a bit. "What an amazing smell." He whispered to himself, yet I was still able to hear it. I responded with an 'mhm' and continued to look at the flower's. If I looked hard enough, I could see some bees on the flowers collecting pollen. The flowers also resembled Dandelions quite a bit.

I shut my eyes and inhaled the smell once more. I was about to open my eyes on my own, but before I could I felt myself falling. Swap let out a gasp and I shot my eyes open. We both landed on our backs with an 'oof'. He had leaned a bit too far backward and tipped the bench over.

We burst into a laughing fit. I wasn't expecting Swap to knock over the bench out of all things. Of course I wouldn't expect anyone to knock over anything in a field. We've been here for less than 10 minutes and its already a positive mess.


Before I left, I picked a few dandelions to take home. I had spent at least 4 hours with Swap. I decided it was time to go back now. Well, my stomach decided it for me. It was lunchtime after all.

I made my way home using the same path as before and stepped inside my house. Nightmare still wasn't present, which was a bit odd, but I brushed it off. I placed the dandelions in a cup with some water in it. I then sat down on the couch and shut my eyes. A little sleep before meeting up with Nightmare wouldn't hurt, right?


It's been just a few since I last wrote. Y/N has finally noticed their feelings and mentioned it to someone else! I wonder what Nightmare is planning with that meetup later though...

Stick around to find out >:)

Anyways, I plan to write whenever I can. Other than that, I'll try to write every 5 days. Its Friday now, so I'll write again next Wednesday <3

Pages: 6.8

Words: 2,521

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