Stuck Together (Nightmare!San...

By rainbowlixur

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(First wrote this on Quotev loll) Humans and Monsters. Most people despise monsters, but not you. In fact, yo... More

Story Information
Chapter 1 - Meeting The Nightmare
Chapter 2 - Calm CafΓ©
Chapter 3 - Simply Sleepy
Chapter 4 - Ginger Genocide
Chapter 5 - Friend Feud
Chapter 6 - Book Worms
Chapter 7 - Crazy Castle
Chapter 8 - Dreams and....Kittens?
Chapter 9 - Kitten Cuddlier
Chapter 10 - Peaceful Path
Chapter 11 - Interesting Incidents
Chapter 12 - Service Situations
Chapter 13 - Gorgeous Garden?
Chapter 14 - Party Participants
Chapter 15 - Battle Buds
Chapter 16 - Dream Duo
Chapter 17 - Helping Hands
Chapter 18 - Friendly Fire
Chapter 19 - CATastrophe
Chapter 20 - "Sleepy" Squid
Chapter 21 - 'Unreachable' Story
Chapter 22 - Halloween Special :D
Chapter 23 - Devious Date - Part 1
Chapter 25 - Star Gazing Situation
Chapter 26 - Relaxing Rest
Chapter 27 - Thanksgiving Time! (Late Thanksgiving Special)
Chapter 28 - Just Dandy-lion
Chapter 29 - Nightlight Love
Y/N and Nightmare Couple Moment + Bloopers

Chapter 24 - Devious Date - Part 2

963 36 29
By rainbowlixur

The whole entire movie theatre was calming. The movie played through with no complications, and was very enjoyable. Everyone once and a while I could sense Nightmare looking over at me. I showed pure enjoyment the entire time I was inside the theatre. I couldn't help it honestly.

Nightmare seemed to be enjoying himself as well. None of his tendrils made any big movements. They seemed relaxed, unlike the negative being himself. I had glanced over a few times at the guy, and he seemed tense, but once I was enjoying something, he loosened up.

I only heard him sigh once. Probably out of relief for something. I paid no attention to it, and continued focusing on the giant tv fixed in front of us and the many others in the room.

There were a few distractions that couldn't go unnoticed though.

The cries of children, whispers of other monsters and humans, including all ages. Bright lights from a few phones were present 2 rows in front of me. It didn't bother me, though I could tell it bothered a few others by the whisper shouts.

There was something in particular that I couldn't miss though.

Nightmare being tensed and wary.

He kept looking around the two of us, as if someone would sneak up on him. I tried to relax him a few times, which did work, though it ended in him being stressed again not even a minute after. I eventually gave up and just tried to focus on the movie. I wanted to help him desperately, though I just couldn't.

Besides these, the move was great. I was glad Nightmare had taken me out today.

The screen faded to black and words started to shoot up from the bottom of the screen.

The movie had ended.

"Well that's that." Nightmare stood up, and as soon as he did I saw a few teenagers behind us gasp at his appearance. He ignored them.

"It is. I guess we'll be heading home now." I grabbed the popcorn bowl and my own drink, while Nightmare grabbed the candy bag and his drink. I walked out of the theatre and entered the hallway.

"Agreed. Though, a few uninvited people should be waiting at your home. Apologies in advance for their actions." He bit him tongue when speaking, clearly not wanting to apologize. He seemed to hate these unnamed people.

"No need to apologize. I'm sure I can handle them." I gave Nightmare a small smile, trying to reassure him that he didn't have to care for me so much.

"I wish you could." He sighed and then placed the candy in the empty bucket. He latched onto my arm and then the world faded into my living room. I could see three figures standing in the room, all with a grin on their faces.

Nightmare scoffed and scrunched his nose up. He was disgusted. I placed the theatre items in my arms onto the coffee table. The three people had only just noticed us both. I looked up to face them.

They were all skeletons.

How many skeletons would I meet in my life? I'd never know, and I would probably lose count. I stared at them for a few seconds before being pulled back by Nightmare.

"They're so overly positive I hate this already." He motioned to his mouth and then stuck his tongue out, as if he was puking. Showing that he didn't like these guys or positivity. I giggled and then faced the trio again.

"Ahem. Y/N, these three are the Star Sanses. Star Shits, this is Y/N." He grinned sadistically at the little nickname he gave the trio. One of their faces scrunched up in annoyance, while the others stayed neutral.

"The first one is Swap. Some call him Blueberry to mock him." Nightmare pointed to a skeleton with blue star pupils... wait. Swap. This was Swap. I'd known him for 3 months. We were best friends, till Nightmare came along. I kept my composure as Swap lost himself in joy seeing me again.

"I haven't seen you in forever Y/N! I'm glad you're okay. Has Nightmare hu-" He was cut off by Nightmare placing a tentacles over his mouth. He glared at him and Blue backed down.

"This one is Dream. You've seen him in a one of your dreams before. We both fought in that one." I blinked once and my memories came flooding back to me. I had seen this skeleton before.

His gold, dark teal, and black attire was all too familiar. He was Nightmare's brother as well. I nodded at Nightmare's introduction of him. Dream didn't dare speak not wanting to know what would happen if he did, considering this was about me.

"The last one is Ink." That was it. Nothing too special was said about him. All Ink did was look away from us and outside to stare at the birds and squirrels in the yard. His pupils changed to show his enjoyment.

His pupils changed.

Now that was something I'd never seen before. It was interesting, and I stared at him with confusion and surprise for a few seconds before escaping my trance.

"Well. I'm Y/N as Nightmare's already explained." I stood there with my arms by my side. They dangled loosely in the awkward silence. I swallowed saliva that was in the back of my throat and stood there.

"To break this silence, let's get to business. Me, Ink, and Swap have come here to check up on you. We had learned of your existence a while ago, and wanted to make sure that you weren't hurt." Dream spoke with elegancy. He acted like a prince. He even has a crown.

"I'm not hurt. This guy wouldn't dare hurt me." I grinned looking over at Nightmare, who had a playful annoyed expression on his face. I widened my grin, more sadistically, waiting for the next action.

"That's hard to believe. With everything he's done I wouldn't be surprised if you were even a little hurt. But the fact that you aren't does surprise me." I tried to completely ignore all of the possibilities of horrible things Nightmare could of done.

There was a lot.

Murder, Theft, Arson, Vandalism, and probably worse. I wiped the thoughts from my mind in an instant and focused back on the trio.

"If you're completely fine, then we will be taking our leave." Dream bowed his head and stared at Nightmare with a joyful look. Some sort of brother thing I wouldn't understand. Ink jumped and looked over at Dream with an annoyed expression.

"What!? I though we came here to take Y/N away from Nightmare! What made you change your mind?" Nightmare's expression immediately changed to an angered one. He was about to lunge at Ink before I grabbed onto his jacket. Or was it the fact that Dream had drawn his bow.

Either way, he quickly stopped. Dream lowered his bow knowing that I was there to calm Nightmare, and turned to look at Ink with a defeated look.

"That was the plan. But seeing how calm and less homicidal he is with Y/N shows something. I'm not sure myself quite yet but Y/N isn't in any harm." Ink scoffed and whipped a giant paintbrush from his back. A pile of ink appeared on the ground, and Ink jumped in while letting his tongue aim itself at Nightmare in a joking way.

Nightmare growled at Ink's efforts to annoy him, successfully doing so. Dream and Swap followed behind Ink quickly. The trio disappeared from our sights.

I grabbed the leftovers off of the coffee table and brought them to the kitchen to throw them away. As I threw away the trash, I glanced over at the clock. It read 12:06. I shut the trash can lid and made my way back into the living room.

Nightmare was sitting on the couch looking at something in his hand. I peered over his shoulder to see what it was.

It was a bright lilac. I could smell it from where I was standing. Not long after Nightmare noticed my presence, and wrapped a tentacle around me. He placed me on the couch right next to him. His face had a very faint teal color to it. The color was always pretty.

Nightmare placed his hand out in front of me. I went to grab the lilac, but he just dumped it into my hand instead. I turned the flower over and rubbed the petals. They were soft and I would basically feel their scent.

I subconsciously smiled at the flower. I felt the room become warmer and lighter. As if all negative feelings didn't exist. I let myself relax into the couch a bit more. I glanced over at Nightmare who had a genuine smile on his face. He quickly turned his face away, trying to get rid of his smile.

So that's why the room felt lighter and warmer. I sighed and leaned against Nightmare. He jumped a bit from the sudden contact with me. He relaxed quickly after realizing it was just me.

"Thanks for taking me to the movie earlier." I didn't move after I spoke. I felt Nightmare reposition himself so both he and I were comfortable. I was touching shoulder to shoulder with him now.

"No problem. I was bored, and figured it'd be fun." He mumbled something else at the end of his sentence, but I wasn't able to hear it, so ignored it, not wanting to pester him about it.

I stayed leaned against him and we both sat in a comfortable silence. I could see Nightmare was thinking about doing something. Without hesitation, he placed his skeletal hand on my head. His hand was cold, yet calming.

What was the point of this? I'd never truly know. All I knew is that I wanted to stay here forever. I felt safe and calm. Being near Nightmare was a nice feeling. There isn't a true way to explain the feeling, all I know is that its nice.

I quickly inhaled as he took his hand off my head and got up. I frowned a bit as he stood in front of me.

"I almost forgot to mention. The gang wanted to see you. They were planning something. Not even I know." He shrug and held out a hand for me to take. I gladly accepted and he brought us to his castle.

I stumbled a bit at the new feeling of the floor. I'd never get used to the falling sensation. I let go of Nightmare's hand and stood there for a bit.

He had teleported us into his throne room, and it was pitch black. All I could see was Nightmare's single eye light. The lights turned on, and a flash was all I saw. It took me a second to get used to the new light source, but before I could comfortably get used to it, the gang had already started their plan.

I heard Nightmare grunt from being hit with something. I blinked a few times and saw Killer right in front of my face. Dust and Horror laughed and I heard them running away. Killer grabbed onto my arm and started to drag me. I tried tugging away, but eventually gave up and ran along side him.

"DUST!! HORROR!!" Nightmare boomed throughout the entire castle. Cross and Error peaked out of their rooms as the four of us ran through the hallway. I turned around and Nightmare was gaining on us. And fast.

"He's catching up!" I called up to the other three. Dust and Horror teleported away and Killer started laughing. He dragged me to be running in front of his. He tossed me over his shoulder and continued to run. He most likely couldn't teleport multiple people.

We eventually came to a dead end. I could see a tentacle heading our way. Killer threw me out in front of him as if I was a shield. I braced for the impact of the tentacle, but it never came.

"You sneaky little shits. Give me Y/N back." He snapped at the three. They only continued to laugh. I stared at them, and then looked over to Nightmare. We both look just as equally confused as the other.

"That shows just how much you care for Y/N! That's funny! Who knew-" Dust was stopped in the middle of his sentence by a tentacle slamming down on his stomach area. It knocked the wind out of him. He was still struggling to laugh through the pain though.

"What?" Killer wiped a fake tear from his eye, then grinned at me. "Nothing special. It's just that Nighty over here seems to care for you in a different way" How could he determine this through one simple prank? I guess him being able to detect it was me and stop the tentacle from hitting me was one thing. But other than that, I'm sure that a prank can't determine someone's feelings.

Nightmare walked up to the three and stared at them. "You three, my throne room, now." He narrowed his eye socket at the three, giving them a dirty look. They all immediately teleported away. Nightmare turned to look at me. "You can explore. I have to deal with the three musketeers." He rolled his eyes at the nickname he gave the three. I just giggled at it. As Nightmare left he had a faint smile on his face.

Now where to explore...


Well that's that! I didn't think I'd have time to write tonight adfkjls

I'm also surprised this has been getting more reads. I would have never expected it. I genuinely started writing this just to see how well I could write something.

I'm going to start actually having Y/N's and Nightmare's relationship progress into love interests. Maximum by chapter 30??

Pages: 6.6

Words: 2,335

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