Beauty of love (DISCONTINUED)

By Imnotlauriane

298K 13.8K 5.4K

BTS X READER - SOULMATE AU (The only reason why I'm keeping it on Wattpad is because people want to keep it... More

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3.1K 221 66
By Imnotlauriane

I'm sorry it took so long to update, I actually had to help my dad all day so I didn't manage to get much writing time in! Still, rather late than never!

Jimin's POV

A new heartbeat suddenly starts echoing weakly in the silent room and I sit up from my laying down position on the cushioned floor to have a look at the bed, five other pairs of eyes also falling on Y/N's small body, Namjoon's having never left her for more than a minute since the beginning.

Her heart stayed inactive for so long that it almost feels like a miracle to finally hear it start pumping again and the collective sigh of relief that follows lets me know I'm not the only one feeling like that.

"It took her heart three hours to recover" Yoongi mumbles, eyes meeting Jin's in a silent question. I observe the both of them, trying to find any hints of something abnormal happening but they hide whatever they're sharing very well when they turn back to gaze at her without me finding anything.

"Is that bad? Is she okay?" Taehyung hurries to ask, Jungkook also eagerly awaiting an answer as Hoseok stands up from the floor to reach Yoongi's side by the bed.

Namjoon also stares up at them anxiously, eyes red, as if he's expecting to hear that his venom wounded her more than supposed, that he harmed her to a point that she might never open her eyes again even though everything shows that she will no doubt wake up soon.

My heart melts for him because he's so caring, so sensitive under all this mass of muscles that he is. He's just as afraid as we are and nothing can take that from him, no matter how he's perceived by others.

Jin notices it as well and rests a hand on his shoulder for a reassuring squeeze that has him relaxing.

"She's fine. Or she will be. The venom had time to spread throughout her body evenly while she was out so I don't think she'll hurt that much now, but her body has to heal so it won't be comfortable" he explains, to which I let myself fall down on my back, relieved to no end.

These last hours were hard, so hard, thoughts taking me in any directions, instincts just needing to hug her, to take her in my arms, to hug Namjoon, to let them know that I love them, that they're safe, that everything will be okay, but it's a fact that although we are his mates as well as hers, he would've been only overwhelmed by our touch.

All of him is focused on her, he has to, keeping him away from giving her all of his attention would only make him feel aggressive towards us and he doesn't need that stress, doesn't need to have to process such a reaction towards us on top of everything else.

It's hard, but having my other mates nearby and cuddling with me has been helping me remain patient, it's been helping all of us.

"So she's currently starting the step three of turning then?" Namjoon asks, voice hopeful.

Hopeful, because the second step is the worst. From what we learned as young vampires in school, a necessary class that we had to take in case of a human being our mate, in case of a possible turning, we were told that as soon as the heart stops beating, it would take at most one hour to recover before it starts beating again.

When that happens, the human changing into a vampire will gain consciousness without necessarily waking up right as the venom starts melting every cells that make a human what they are.

It's a terrible step that has most of them screaming and trashing around, nerves unable to handle being teared down as such until it's time to heal, but for Y/N? There was nothing. Nothing at all.

When the first hour had passed, we'd watched as Namjoon had begun growing fearful, anxiety making him believe that he'd really killed her, that he'd killed our mate, that she wouldn't wake up.

It reached a point where Yoongi had to forcefully push him down to bite his mark to help him calm down, his body almost reaching the state of a lifeless doll as Jin had explained to him calmly that there were exceptions to that rule and that although rare, it could take longer.

Such cases are unheard of but greatly welcomed because that means she wouldn't suffer from the worst step. Or that's what we think anyway, there's no way to know for sure until she finally wakes up.

"I think she is. Her pulse is already getting stronger, it's slow, but it's getting on the right path to recovery" our eldest reassures him with a smile.

Jungkook slumps down on my body, unable to keep the groan from leaving his lips. "Thank fuck, my mind was getting insane from the suspense".

Hoseok chuckles, relief showing clearly on his face as well. "I know, I would jump every time I heard something similar to a heartbeat, I was starting to feel crazy there".

I let my eyes fall on him, a smile of my own stretching my lips. "You're already crazy, hyung, it can't get worse than that". His eyes snap to my form and he frowns. "Say that again?" he lets out, feet turning towards me as he discreetly gets ready to jump on me to attack, something I recognize easily because I love teasing them until they let their instincts loose.

I giggle when Jungkook scurries off my lap to join Taehyung, the latter welcoming him in his arms as they stare at the game I'm starting with Hoseok. I show him my teeth, eyes creasing in a silent laugh.

"I said you're already crazy. So crazy that we all have to be careful to not catch it from you" I tease him, a squeal fleeing my lips when he bounces forward, body gracefully landing on top of me to trap me between his arms and legs, orbs flashing yellow stating by themselves that he's not taking anything I'm saying personally, that he enjoys the distraction l offer him.

"You're sure about that?" he asks again, a smile coming back to his face when I nod with a laugh, his lips going to tickle my neck as he hugs me tightly, our nervousness slowly fading away as Y/N's heartbeats start growing stronger and louder by the minute.

We roll to the side, arms still wrapped around each other, eyes eventually closing to silently listen to the sound of her recovery, her breathing everything we needed to finally allow ourselves to rest a little until she fully wakes up.

Namjoon's POV

Feeling her skin so cold under my fingers was enough to have me on the verge of a panic multiple times, as if I'd done wrong.

They said the venom I injected her was just the right amount, but what if it was too much? What if I gave too much of it and instead of turning her, it literally killed her? What if... her blood couldn't handle the venom and was rejecting it? What if her heart never started beating again?

"Impossible" Yoongi had said multiple times, the vampire remaining close to me from the beginning, ready to take care of my mental state as he could see easily how the gears were turning in my head.

Jin and Yoongi's ability to remain calm appeared foolish in my eyes quite a few times and I found myself growing angry sometimes when I'd find them nibbling on a snack, needing to occupy themselves one way or another as we waited.

I had to remind myself constantly that she was just as important to them as she was to me and that they wouldn't be acting like that if she was really leaving us, but it was hard. Harder than I expected.

So to feel her heart beating under my fingers? To feel her skin slowly warming up, eyelids starting to flutter, eyebrows furrowing in pain but nothing that seems unbearable?

I can finally breathe. I can finally put a stop to the thoughts that were swarming my mind and calling me a murderer, someone who had killed his mate. Those thoughts were slowly breaking me and to have them finally shut up? It feels amazing.

I cup her cheeks, let my nose bump softly against hers, the air hitting my skin at regular intervals, a small hitch leaving her from time to time, this I can handle a lot better. I can't wait for her eyes to fall on me, to see the colorful emotions flash in her beautiful orbs, which ones will show up first.

Will she be angry at me? Angry because of the pain she had to go through because of me? Will she be happy? Happy because she made it through? Overwhelmed? Senses too much to bear right from the beginning?

I looked through her guide a few times, enough to memorize it, the different colours and their meaning and it's been life changing. We all have seen a difference in such a short amount of time, how we can react accordingly, some colours we had guessed wrong, some colours with more than one meaning, sometimes a few of them merging to create complicated emotions but she's figured them all out, her brain somehow managing to explain the unexplainable.

My mates like to say that I'm a genius, that I'm overly smart and all that, but I can honestly say the same for her. She sees things that we don't and she manages to explain them to the world in a way that makes sense, something that is so easily misunderstood into something simple.

Her book on half-bloods changed so much, the view the world had of them going from monsters to simple beings who only want to be treated like everyone else. We might be sorts of hybrids, humans stronger than humans, vampires with a heart beating louder, skin warmer than most vampires, but other than that? We're not that different.

We haven't suddenly grown magic powers, we can't rule the world just because of our difference and the world is finally starting to see that. She's changing the future for us all, for the future generation and I'm not even sure if she realizes it.

A small whine leaves her lips and I coo softly, lips going to press on her forehead to try and reassure her, unsure of if she can even process my presence but still doing everything I can to make sure I can tell her that I took care of her to the best of my abilities.

Just some more, just some more before she can start her new life by our side.

Your POV

It hurts so much, the feeling of burning from the inside, of broken bones reconstructing, as if my limbs are all detached, in need of skilled fingers to sew them back in place.

It feels as if I'm being reconstructed, every single part of my body, every single cells, down to the smallest percentage of who I am adapting to the burning liquid that travels through me to burn and heal everything it touches.

It's a need to shout and scream that my body locks in, as if it doesn't want to process the pain, as if it needs to be kept under silence. I'm not allowed to show that I hurt after all that I did. My blood destroyed my family, I can't be weak, I don't have that privilege.

Yet it hurts so bad. I wish to twist and whimper as a wave of burning fire takes place in my heart, as it shreds the organ into dust to reconstruct it and I long for a cold touch, anything to help and give relief even though I don't deserve it.

I don't know how long it lasts, mind going to my soulmates, wondering if they are around, if they kept their promise, if they're taking care of Namjoon before the ravaging heat takes over again and makes me unable to think again, healing much more painful than anything I've ever experienced in my life, a process that usually takes time in accelerated.

I don't know how long it lasts, but I know that at some point, the fire starts dimming, just slightly. I start growing aware of a cold touch on my skin, every single trail of it on my body helping ease my mind.

Sounds get clearer, louder, more precise, detailed, hearts beating in unison, breathing slow and deep, murmuring voices I can analyze down to the vibration of the throat, the rasp, the huskiness, the tone, the pitch, everything making my brain tingle with love, because I know these voices and yet, it feels like I'm hearing them for the first time.

And then my nose notices the smells.

I inhale deeply, relax instinctively as they fill my lungs, delicious scents that scream home.

But there's one that is strongest right now, right there, so close I can touch its source, my nose finding a wonderful trail of pine trees, of wild flowers, a forest found only in dreams, yet it's right there, I can almost taste it on my tongue, the surface under my lips moving, a heart thundering quickly, so pleasant to my soul.

I press a kiss, slow and tender before moving my head to where I can keep breathing it in, sleep taking me into a warm hug of sweet promises, that the next time I wake up, it'll be to a beautiful world of wonders and discoveries.

Jin's POV

We all observe with amazement as Y/N shows signs of awakening, all of her pulled in by Namjoon as she so carefully, so delicately grazes his throat with her nose, his breath hitching before exhaling shakily making me almost jealous, his dilated pupils, a vibrant red flashing before he's closing his eyes to take in this moment, to relish in it.

As she falls back into a slumber, her head nestled in his neck, we all release the breath we didn't know we were holding.

"Damn" Yoongi murmurs, a hand to his chest where his heart is beating wildly, all of ours in a similar state as we process what just happened.

"That was... sexy, yet so... pure" Jimin muses, adoration in his eyes as he gazes at her with love. "It really was" Taehyung adds, just as lovingly.

"That was beautiful" Hoseok coos as he walks closer to the bed to tuck her hair behind her ear, Namjoon looking absolutely blissed-out as he looks up to meet our eyes.

Jungkook giggles at the expression he's making. "Hyung, you look like you just entered a whole new universe, did you like what she did that much?" he teases, but Namjoon can only nod cutely, bashfully as his cheeks turn a pretty pink.

"It's because I did. That was... magical" he replies softly, still looking like he can't believe what just happened, with good reason. A human wouldn't have such a behavior, mate or not. That's vampire behavior.

We observe as he plays with her hair softly, lips curved into a content smile, something we'd been missing these last hours.

Adorable, he's simply too cute right now, my heart cannot resist melting for them everyday, not with all that they do.

I reach their side and sit on the bed to ruffle his hair gently, my heart and soul proud, content because what just happened? Her senses wanting more of him? The way she got so close to scent him?

It's good. Really good.

"Her body is not fighting against the senses, she welcomed them in so naturally, a naturalness that probably has to do with her being half-blood" I let out, feel their gaze fall on me at these words.

"You think that her being a halfie helped?" Jimin repeats, curious by my observation. I nod, eyes taking in the way she snuggles closer to Namjoon, the latter beaming as he tilts his head slightly to the side to give her more room.

"I think that instead of only overriding her human blood, Namjoon's venom also upgraded her already existing vampire blood, added to it. Creating a vampire from a human half-blood... I think we'll have to be careful, for her" I state, that new side of the situation bringing new worries as well.

"What do you mean, hyung?" Namjoon asks, eyes flashing with worry.

I look around the room to stare at them all. "I'm saying that Y/N might indeed be incredibly strong. Not just stronger than me, but stronger than all of us. A new range of vampire strength might have opened up to the world".

Silence welcomes my words and I know that they're taking me seriously. "How much stronger are we speaking?" Hoseok asks, a question they all want an answer to but the thing is... so do I, what I just said is but a possibility, a guess.

I shake my head. "I don't know Hobi. I just know that she's adapting very well. As a matter of fact, too well. Listen to her pulse".

They all turn to her, eyes widening slightly. "It's just like when she was human" Taehyung states his observation. "And she's just as warm as she used to, maybe even more than before" Namjoon adds, confused.

"She's a hybrid" Yoongi lets out, eyes taking her in with newfound respect. "I heard of only one other case like hers during my thug days. A vampire who could blend in the human mass without getting found out. Incredible control over herself, she was a hard one to track down" he explains, the little knowledge he has making her new state that much more curious to us.

"So she could pretend being still human? Could she control her eyes changing colors?" Jimin asks but again, what we're talking about is but a wild guess.

"Let's not get too far in our guessing game. We can see and observe her as we go, keep an eye on her" Namjoon cuts the subject short for me and I shoot him a thankful smile. I hum to get the attention back on me.

"What's important right now is that she's well and healthy. Let's focus on that for now and keep the rest for when she wakes up" I tell them, watch the pouts take place on a few faces but other than that, they nod, knowing it's for the best.

"Right, and let's not mention anything to her just yet, she'll already have a lot to worry about, she doesn't need to know that it's possible she's a completely new type of vampire" Yoongi adds, to which we all agree.

"I'm for keeping silent, but not forever, if it ends up being true that she's indeed different, powerful, then she deserves to know what she's in for as a reborn" Jungkook states, eyes showing us that he's not going to relent on that one.

Taehyung nods, eyes falling on her. "She deserves to know, it's who she is, what she is after all, her identity. Everyone deserves to be aware of how different they are, especially her. She can handle it".

"She can, but we need to be sure of it. We can't throw her into our blind guesses and stress her out only for it to end up being nothing in the end. Let's note what we notice in the coming days and gather our observations later on, that way we can explain to her in details what we've found" Namjoon offers a way that seems easy enough.

"We can do that, no problem" Hoseok lets us know and soon, the whole coven agrees to be careful and observant.

Our little baby mate just keeps getting more impressive, doesn't she? I just hope it doesn't put her in danger, our goal is to keep her safe, not the opposite.

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