Get Into It [𝕸𝖎𝖑𝖊𝖘 𝕸𝖔�...

By melissaneedssmut

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𝙮/𝙣 𝙞𝙨 𝙣𝙚𝙬 𝙩𝙤 𝙑𝙞𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝘼𝙘𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙢𝙮, 𝙣𝙚𝙬 𝙩𝙤 𝘽𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙠𝙡𝙮𝙣 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙘𝙚𝙧𝙩𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙡𝙮... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19

chapter 6

2.4K 64 98
By melissaneedssmut


To be honest, I didn't expect Y/N to answer in that way. I was used to girls who would just do as I say. For a long time, no female has made me feel this defeated as Y/N did. Her confidence made me feel a certain way and that feeling weirded me out.

,, Oh so we're normalizing people breaking into other people's rooms now?'' I wanted to inquire with her.

She ignored my question and scrolled through her phone. Rude.

,, Ey don't they teach you how to be respectful in where ever you come from?'' I asked her.

Y/N narrowed her eyes at me as she crossed her arms. Then she looked me up and down very slowly.

,, You think you can talk to me however you want huh? '' Once again she approached me and I slowly rolled back with my chair.

Her E/C eyes looked deep into mine as a huge grin started to grow on her face. Her eyes looked at mine then at my lips but they rapidly went back to my eyes. As she came closer I started to become nervous and I'm telling you if I weren't a negro (I'm black btw) my face would have been red as a tomato.

Weirdly I didn't want her to back off, but closed my eyes and slowly leaned in for a kiss. Even though my will forced me to stop I didn't, because a part of me wanted to crash my lips on her's. We were about to kiss when suddenly she chuckled and stepped back. I opened my eyes confused about what just happened.

Y/N just smirked at me. ,, It's funny how easy it is to play you''

She packed her bag,, See you around Morales'' and climbed out the window. I looked after her in shock but also embarrassed. Why did I let her deceive me so easily? I buried my face in my pillow and let out what I wanted to let out the entire day. A damn loud scream.


I laughed to myself almost the whole way to school. Miles' facial expression playing in my head over and over again. I arrived at hell- *cough* I mean school but I had to find a way to break in. Shit, there was a security guard at the entrance

I waited for about 4 minutes until the guard finally went to the restroom. Yes, now I just have to find a way to sneak in. It was challenging but I used my athletic skills and made my way to the dorms.

With the key, I got earlier that day from the principal I searched for my dorm number and entered it. Looking around I noticed that the room belongs to someone else too. Great a roommate, that's all it needed for my brain cells to commit suicide.

The girl was already asleep so I tried to be quiet and get changed but as soon as I came out of the bathroom she was sitting on the bed eyeing me with a confused face. It was Gwen.

,, Where were you?'' she asked me.

I sigh and rubbed my forehead trying to find an excuse.

,, It's okay, you don't have to tell me'' Gwen said acknowledging that I was uncomfortable. I nodded my head and climbed up to my bunk. Damn this mattress is hard as hell.

,, Miles told me you were in his room'' Gwen said with a slight chuckle.

I just rolled my eyes.

,, And?''

,, Did you see anything weird there''

I raised my eyebrow. Why was she asking me that?

,, Besides the fact that his dorm is tidier than mine will ever be, no why?''

,, Just asking''

Gwen took out her phone and began texting someone, I bet it was my sister.

Gwen POV

miles :)

Alright, she didn't see the suit.

delivered at 12:48 pm

I texted Miles and let him know that Y/N was clueless. Gabriella had asked me several times if I knew where Y/N was but I didn't answer her yet.

,, I think you should tell your family that you're okay'' I told her.


Shit, she was right they're probably worried sick. I opened my phone to tons of notifications.

29 missed calls from dad

13 missed calls from gabi

32 missed calls from mama

And a few texts from Tyron. ,, Hope you aren't dead <3 But if you are, I'm taking your shit'' I replied with the middle finger emoji.

I took a deep breath and called Gabriella. After a few seconds, she answered.

,, Oh my god Y/N are you okaay?!''

,, Yeah I'm fine. How about y'all? Are you in school or home?''

,, Tyron and I are in school, mom and dad arrived home about 30 minutes ago and they are worried as hell'' she responded.

,, Can you let them know that I'm fine, please? I'm so tired''

,, Sure get your sleep you still have to go to school tomorrow''

,, Great. Good night''

,, Wait is Gwen awake?''

How does she know that Gwen was my roommate? This is getting serious you guys.

,, Yeah she is why?''

,, No specific reason, umm good night'' Gabriella said and hung up.


After repeatedly imagining how today went down I somehow fell asleep.

Next morning


I woke up to Gwen hectically walking around the room grabbing her books and slamming them in her backpack.

,, What's up with you?'' I asked her while yawning and rubbing my eye.

Gwen jumped as she heard my voice, as if she had just heard a demon speak.

,, Damn is my morning voice that bad?'' I said chuckling a bit.

,, Noo, it's just weird having a roommate'' she answered smiling.

I looked at the clock and then back to Gwen, confused. It was 7 a.m. and we didn't have any classes until 8:30 a.m.

,, Why are you in such a hurry?'' I asked her.

,, I have to meet up with my friend, we have to memorize our text for a presentation''

,, Alright when are you going to be back?''

,, Not until school ends so better take your keys with you''

I just nodded and got down to get ready for school too. Looking in the mirror I saw a big catastrophe that needed to be fixed immediately. I took a deep breath and entered the shower.

In the shower, I started to wonder about a lot of things. How did my siblings and I even manage to enter this school? We weren't really geniuses but somehow made it in. Comparing myself to other students here I'd say I had about an average IQ.

Suddenly I started to think about Miles. How tf did he come to my mind? To be honest, though, last night was surely something I wouldn't forget mostly because I have never done something like that before. He's a weird dude.


My alarm had been ringing for the last 10 minutes but that didn't get me out of bed.

,, MILES! Su el tiempo para la escuela!'' Mom yelled from the kitchen. I just groaned and turned off the alarm. Today was going to be a long day...

Changing into my clothes I checked my phone and I noticed that I have gotten a message from Gwen.

Gwen :)

Alright, she didn't see the suit.

Pfeww, thank god. See you in school.

delivered at 7:21 a.m

I went downstairs when the indescribable smell of breakfast entered my nose. I rubbed my hands. ,, What do we have here'' As I was about to take a huge bite of the pancakes my mother held me back.

,, No no no these are only for early risers'' she said chuckling.

,, Come on mom'' I groaned.

I tried to swipe a pancake away from the plate but mom caught me and slapped my hand away and shook her head no. Rolling my eyes I jumped on the couch and turned the TV on. I was searching for a cartoon channel but ended up watching the news instead.

,, We report on last night when a girl known as Y / N L/N jumped from a skyscraper. Fortunately, none other than our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man caught the girl in the last second. Turning to our next topic...''

I didn't notice that my mother had creeped behind me and bounced as she started talking.

,, We are lucky to have him'' she said.

,, Yeah, we are'' I answered.

Rio gave me a plate with pancakes and some fruits, it looked delicious. I dug in without hesitation and she just laughed at me.

,, Dad already out?'' I asked her while munching on my food.

,, Yes he has an early shift''

,, You two came out of the bathroom in robes, what was that all about'' I asked her with a small smirk on my face. Of course, I know what went down in there I just wanted to know, if she would treat me like a small kid and lie to me.

Mom raised an eyebrow looking exposed and her face was a bit flushed. I fought trying to hold in a laugh but then I just burst out laughing.

She punched my shoulder and started to laugh too.

,, You're sooo funny boy'' the woman said sarcastically.

,, Oh I know'' I responded with a huge smile on my face.

,, Care telling me what went down with you and Y/N after you dragged her into your room?''

,, W-what? Nothing went down''

My mother just raised an eyebrow while smirking at me. I rolled my eyes.

,, It's a long story''

1627 Words

A/N : Hiii. I'm literally screaming you guys Gwen and Miles in the trailer are just-

sorry, don't mind me see you next chapter :P

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