๐ƒ๐„๐•๐ˆ๐‹ ๐“๐Ž๐–๐; Stiles S...

By voiddangell

12.9K 483 473

-ON HOLD- " i'll lose my mind atleast another thousand times. " ๐–๐„'๐‘๐„ ๐€๐‹๐‹ ๐ƒ๐„๐€๐ƒ ๐ˆ๐ ๐ƒ๐„๐•๐ˆ... More

๐ƒ๐„๐•๐ˆ๐‹ ๐“๐Ž๐–๐
001. bitten
002. hunger
003. the diner

004. bloodlust

1.5K 73 49
By voiddangell


   A COUPLE HOURS AFTER FAYE HADLEY HAD GOTTEN HOME, she was now sat on her bed, curling her hair in the mirror as she as getting ready for the party in an hour or so. She'd invited Allison round to get ready with her, although they'd only been friends for a couple days, it seemed as if they knew eachother already.

"So, what do you think about this shirt?" Allison asked, prancing out of Faye's walk-in wardrobe with a white shirt against her body, dancing around as Faye laughed.

"It looks great, maybe with that jacket?" Faye replied, referring to her jacket that was sprawled on the chair, Allison hummed, before picking it up and trying it on, looking in the mirror with a bright smile on her face.

"Would you mind if I wore this for the night? I'll give it back at the end, I promise." Allison asked, and Faye just shrugged it off.

"Keep it. It looks better on you, anyways."

"Faye, you can't be serious. No, I can't take that from you." Allison denied, and Faye chuckled a laugh.

"It's fine, Allison. I can just get my dad to buy me a new one. You can have it." Faye told her, and Allison squealed, before jumping towards Faye and giving her a hug before yelling in pain as the curlers burnt her arm. The two girls began laughing, lying on the Hadley's bed.

Allison looked up at Faye from where she was on her back, though when a knock was heard from the other side of the door, the two friends attention had been switched to it opening, revealing an exhausted David Hadley, who leant against her wall.

"You kids alright? I've gotta run some paperwork for this weekend, so I can't give you a ride to your little party. I'll see you tomorrow." He spoke, and before Faye could even answer and tell him Scott were picking them up, the door had slammed shut. Faye frowned, trying to remember the last time she'd actually spoken to her father without him getting angry or just leaving half way through. Allison had noticed her shift in. behaviour, furrowing her brows.

"You okay?" She asked, though Faye had just simply nodded. "Okay, I'm going to the bathroom, be back in a sec." She added, before standing up and walking into Faye's on-suite.

The Hadley sighed, turning off her curlers and lying back to check her phone, before noticing a bunch of messages flooding in from Stiles Stilinski. He'd gotten her number off Scott, and needed to tell her about what he suspected she was turning into.

I know you're probs still pissed
about what i said, i wanted to
tell you that i'm sorry.
You're not easy or attention
I mean idk that for certain yet
but from what you've come across
i don't think you are
But anyways, Scott's in a piss with
me so I'm hoping you'll be a
little more believing.
Just call me, please?

Faye sighed, hesitating for a moment. She looked towards the door, knowing Allison probably wouldn't be out for another minute or so. The Hadley jumped off her bed, before walking into her closet in hopes that no one could hear the conversation she would soon have with Stiles. She pressed his name, before lifting her phone up to her ears and waiting for it to stop ringing.

Stiles had answered with a splutter of 'hellos' as if he wasn't expecting her to actually call him— or even read his messages.

"What do you want, Stilinski?" Faye sighed, wanting to get ready for the party.

"Faye? Look- I know you're probably putting your makeup on or whatever but I really need you to listen to me. I've been doing some research, about you and Scott. I don't have a great idea on what's happening to you, but I think Scott might be turning into a- a Werewolf." Stiles explained, and Faye bursted out laughing, not believing the boy one bit.

"Stilinski, don't be ridiculous, what- he's gotten good at Lacrosse, how'd you make that deduction?" Asked Faye, and Stiles rolled his eyes.

"I know- I know what you're gonna say, I'm crazy, I'm stupid, It's all in my head. But, Faye, super senses, hearing, agility, and I won't forget to mention he knocked my chair over and there were claw marks in the back. Whatever's happening to him, I think it might be happening to you too." Stiles told her, and suddenly the Hadley felt a little more believing. Her brows furrowed, remembering the feeling she'd had for the past couple days of hunger, weakness and burning.

"That's- that's different. Look- Stiles, your bestfriend is not a werewolf, and neither am I." Faye began, hearing the bathroom door unlock, knowing she'd have to hurry up so Allison wouldn't hear her extremely odd conversation. "Listen, I've gotta go- have fun at the party, okay? And stop worrying, Scott and I are fine." She added, before ending the call before Stiles could say anything else and running out of her closet to face a curious Allison looking in the mirror.

"Who were you talking to?" She teased, gaze shifting to Faye's in the reflection. The girl shrugged, putting her phone back on charge.

"Just, a friend from school."

"Oh yeah? Let me guess, Stiles?" Allison joked, and Faye furrowed her brows, laughing slightly at how spot on she was.

"How did you know?"

"I mean, the only people you really hang out with at school is me, Lydia, Jackson, Nathan, Scott or Stiles. People talk, Faye." She replied, and the Hadley raised her arms in defence, chuckling. "So, what did he want?"

"Oh- just, answers for a homework. Not much." Faye lied, and Allison raised a brow in disbelief, smirking slightly before brushing it off. Faye looked down, everything Stiles had told her began to sink in. It was a stupid idea, her and Scott being Werewolves— but the possibilities left her wondering just how favoured the odds were.


After an hour, Scott had gotten to the Hadley's home, mouth gaping at how large the house was, with grand pillars at the entrance and a large staircase in the middle, it were completely opposite to the small home he shared with his mother. The two girls had ran out, Faye dressed in a tight dark blue skirt with a black shirt, and Allison wearing black trousers, matching blazer and a white blouse.

After ten minutes, the three had pulled up at the party, walking in and trying to weave through the sea of bodies drunkenly dancing, they'd reached the back garden, and Scott widened his eyes when noticing Derek stood watching him, he glanced at Faye, who had noticed him too, both friends sending each other confused looks.

"I'm gonna go find Nathan, I'll see you guys later." She told them, before leaving and walking towards where Derek was standing, trying to get through the crowd. Though when she'd looked a second time, the man was gone, causing her to frown in suspicion. Faye brushed it off, before turning around and beginning to walk inside. She'd reached the drink stand, and Stiles had caught her eye, talking to a bunch of teens she didn't know.

The girl smiled, before begging to walk in his direction though when she'd bumped into someone, she gasped when cold punch had split all over her top, looking up in shock and noticing that it was Nathan, who bit back a laugh.

"I'm so- sorry, let me get that for you." He joked, before caressing the girl's chest, trying to 'get the stain out of her top' Faye pushed him away, brows furrowing when noticing the slight blush to his cheeks, and red around his iris'.

She ignored the gawks and stared from everyone around her, including Stiles who watched to make sure Nathan wouldn't do anything she didn't want him to do. Faye gripped ahold of Nathan's jaw with her hand, tilting his head side to side and inspecting it.

"High or drunk?" She asked, raising a brow as Nathan scoffed, leaning back.

"Maybe a little bit of both..."

"Great. Look- you brought your car?" She asked, followed with a nod from Nathan. "If you feel sick, find me and I'll take you home, but as for now I'm not looking after you, i'm gonna go enjoy the party." She explained, and Nathan nodded before she rolled her eyes and walked away pissed off, finding the bathroom to try and get rid of the red stains all across her shirt.

Though, before the door could shut, a hand had blocked it, jumping into the room was Stiles, staring at Faye who just furrowed her brows at him.

"Hey- uh, um- let me-," He spluttered, grabbing a towel and soaking it before dabbing it on Faye's shirt, as she watched in confusion as to why he was doing so. She stared at down his hands, trying to scrub the stain off though all it was doing was making it worse.

"Stiles, it's not gonna come off-,"

"Give me a second, it will." He ushered, scrubbing a little harder as Faye huffed, rolling her eyes as she stared up at him with raised brows.


"Give me a second!" He repeated, a little more harshly whilst Faye looked up at him through her lashes, before taking ahold of his hand and pushing it off her chest.

"What's going on? You're either upset or desperate to touch my boobs." She joked, and he chuckled slightly, standing away when realising what it looked like. The boy looked down at floor, a silence washing over the two of them.

"I don't know- I guess I'm just still sorry for what I said to you. And i'm sorta worried about what could happen to tonight. With the whole werewolf thing, y'know?" He told her, and she let out a huff of laughter.

"Stilinski, for the last time— I don't care, I'm over it. And unless we start seeing claws and fangs, I don't think Scott and I turning into werewolves would be realistic. Now come on, just- enjoy the party, that's what I'm trying to do." Faye explained, though Stiles didn't believe her.

"But, Faye-,"

"No, no more Werewolf bullshit. Atleast, not until I've had my beauty sleep. I am not a werewolf." She interrupted, before chuckling and prancing away.

"I didn't think you were a Werewolf." Stiles mumbled to himself, wanting it to be for her. She wouldn't be able to hear by how far away she probably was by now. Though for some reason, Faye could hear it perfectly, brows furrowing.

The girl continued throughout the party, dancing with a load of random strangers, before reaching a girl she'd never met before. The music boomed through her ears, the dim light making it hard for her to see as the Hadley's hips swayed from side to side, her arms clinging onto the stranger as she leant into her neck, before the sweet scent of metal could be smelt, followed with the feeling of her head pounding at the sight of the girl's neck.

Her mind began to fuzz, eyesight turning into a sudden haze as she widened her jaw, almost about to bite down on the girl's shoulder before realising what she was doing. What the fuck was wrong with her? She thought to herself. When Faye had pulled back up, the girl she was dancing with furrowed her brows when noticing the dazed expression.

"Faye, are you alright?" She asked, holding onto to arms though the Hadley had shook it off, eyes flickering before apologising and slipping away from her grasp, getting lost in the crowd. Her heat began to thump what seemed a million beats per second, and a ringing was beaming through her ears as she stumbled around.

Faye noticed Scott, doing the same thing as he made his way towards the door, and that was when she knew something was wrong. For the both of them. It were as if her gums were aching, and her stomach churned from hunger as she felt herself grow weaker.

Faye began to stumble after Scott, though someone had grabbed onto her, pulling the girl towards the party yet again so that she was faced with Nathan on the floor, a drink in one hand, completely drunk out of his mind.

"He was throwing up a second ago, kept saying your name." The boy who'd pulled her there told Faye, who just nodded. Despite how unstable she felt as of now, the girl bent down and chucked Nathan's arm around her shoulder, pulling her 'boyfriend' upwards and walking him out of the party whilst Nathan muttered a bunch of apologies for ruining her night.

She pulled him towards his car, grabbing his keys and unlocking it before throwing him in the passenger and her in the drivers seat. She knew she shouldn't be drinking and driving, especially with a reputation as pristine as hers— but Faye had no other choice.

"Faye, I'm sorry- I ruined your night." She heard Nathan mutter again, too drunk to even function.

"Be quiet. I'm trying to concentrate on the road
so we don't die." She hissed, Faye had always had anxiety about driving, especially going over bridges after what happened to her, though the alcohol must've given her the confidence to drive today, even if she was clutching the wheel for dear life. The girl had pulled out of the driveway, catching sight of Allison and Stiles running out of the party in her windmirror— though her mind was so confused that she just kept driving.

After five minutes, Faye's vision began to blur a little more than it already was, and she knew the minimal alcohol she'd consumed was not the cause of how odd she felt. Her throat became dry, and it felt as if something was crawling up it, eyes flickering open and shut, she cocked her head towards Nathan— who sat there, half asleep.

Her breathing began to grow erratic as her gaze switched to his neck, and she could practically hear the blood flowing though his veins. Faye clenched her jaw, teeth aching. Suddenly, the girl was startled when the car had jolted to a stop, the lights flickering.

"What the hell?" She muttered, looking around the dark and empty road. The commotion had caused Nathan to awake, groaning slightly as he watched.

"Stay in the car, I'll be back." She ordered, before opening and the slamming the car door shut and walking towards the front, lifting up the bonnet to see the smokey engine.

"Great. You broke my fucking car." Nathan shouted from inside. Faye rolled her eyes, clenching her jaw in anger.

"Just- let me fix it, okay?" She spluttered, panicking slightly in guilt as she rearranged parts of the engine, which had only pissed Nathan off further as he jumped out and slammed the door shut, storming towards her.

"Let me do it, for fucks sake." He snapped, pushing her out of the way which Faye had furrowed her brows at.

"Don't push me." She argued back, sending a shove in his direction as a challenge. Nathan scoffed, before pushing her even harder, where she was thrown against the car, looking up and him in pure disgust.

Nathan sighed, rubbing his forehead in frustration and regret. "Faye- I'm sorry." He hummed, walking towards her and taking ahold of her arms, though she'd swatted his hands away. "I said I'm sorry- Faye, please!" He urged, wrapping his arms around her frame, which she'd melted into uncomfortably. She just wanted to go home, that's all. And the quicker she got this argument over with, the quicker she could.

"I didn't want to do that- I'm sorry." He added soothingly, and Faye looked past his shoulder into the preserve, where memories from a few nights ago had came flooding back. The girl then looked down at his neck, and she could practically feel his blood rushing through his veins.

She knew she shouldn't, but it was as if her mind was a fog, and there was a small voice in the back of her head telling her to do it.

Fight through it, Faye. The girl thought to herself, though her actions had betrayed her, and she'd ooened her mouth, fangs retracting before peircing into Nathan's flesh which had caused him to let out an agonising scream, unable to pull away against her strength.

Dark veins formed beneath her eyes, her whites blending into a black whilst her iris' turned red, and the feeling of pure euphoria stirred inside of her as she drank the blood from his neck. It was an odd taste, metallic and warm against her tongue, though she loved every part of it.

"Faye- what- help! Someone help!!!" Nathan screamed, dropping limp to the floor in which she followed with him, fangs still stuck in his neck whilst he tried all he could to get her off
of him. Though, when the sound of a car pulling up, and lights flickering could be seen, it had snapped Faye from her trance— who looked into the distance at a boy yelling.

Her gaze travelled to Nathan underneath her, shock and guilt began to rush through her veins, mixing with confusion as it ate away at her stomach. Her breathing grew heavy, and the girl threw herself off of her boyfriend, who lead there with his hand on his neck— bleeding out. He looked dead, and Faye was finding trouble deciding whether he was or not.

"Faye- is that you? Oh my god." She heard the voice of Stiles Stilinski calling out, rushing by her side as tears fell from her brown hues, blood covered her face. The boy grabbed ahold of her arms, before moving to cup her face as he looked down at her, veins still prominent.

"Stiles- what's happening-?" She spluttered through gasps, and the Stilinski shook his head, having no idea what to do. His gaze swept between Nathan and Faye, stuck between which person to help.

Of course, he hated the Carter boy's guts and wouldn't exactly mind to see the dick dead— but knowing he had a chance to save a life and he didn't would've torn him apart.

"Okay- um, S-stay there. I'll be with you in a sec." Stirls muttered, before leaning towards Nathan and putting his head on the boy's chest in hopes of a heart beat— which thankfully, the small rhythm could be heard. "Carter- Can you hear me? Hey, Nathan. Stay awake, okay? Let me call my dad-," Stiles added, before getting cut off.

"No, no, you can't tell your dad, Stiles. Look at me! Look what I've done!" Faye cried, still knelt on the floor, guilt rushing through her at the sight of her almost-dead boyfriend. Stiles struggled to swallow a lump in his throat, hands shaking.

"We'll figure it out, okay? I promise you. But he needs a hospital, Faye. You- you're turning into something," Stiles explained, before standing up and running towards his jeep to signal the radio. The boy looked away for one moment, though the second he chose to check if Nathan and Faye were okay,

He was met with the sight of an empty road, the remains of Nathan's blood across the concrete.



im so sorry for not updating this in almost a month , i've had no motivation for this story and i have an upcoming one soon that is probs gonna be my fav so far

gonna warn you, there will be slow updates on this book and it does have a possibility of getting discontinued but i'm hoping i somehow get motivation back

anyways, happy new year please don't forget to vote and comment!


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