Love Hate Things | Mikey x Fe...

By KarmaToTheStrays

55.2K 1.6K 776


Intro + info
Chapter 001
Chapter 002
Chapter 003
Chapter 004
Chapter 005
Chapter 006
Chapter 007
Chapter 008
Chapter 009
Chapter 010
Chapter 011
Chapter 012
Update/im dying
Chapter 014
3K Special
Christmas special
Chapter 015
Chapter 016
A/N/short break
Chapter 017
Chapter 018
Chapter 019
Chapter 020
Chapter 021
Chapter 022
Chapter 023
Chapter 024
Chapter 025
NOT A CHAPTER! Important question

Chapter 013

1.1K 50 16
By KarmaToTheStrays


Finally I'm posting a new chapter🙄
Votes are not necessary but are greatly appreciated💞💞


Triggers for this chapter


Chapter 013


Shifting around in the sheets your body awoke itself. Upon opening your eyes you looked around the room that you didn't recognize at first. It was dark around the room cause it was still dark outside and the light in the room was off, but you could tell that it wasn't yours.

Thinking and recalling the events that happened last night you remember that you where currently at Baji's place 'taking a break' from Draken. Fully sitting up and pulling your legs over the edge of the bed you let your feet rest on the floor.

Baji was peaceful sleeping just a foot or two away from you wrapped in a thick blanket like a baby. You didn't expect someone like Baji to be so nice. He honestly looked cute when sleeping with his blanket neatly tucked around his sleeping form.

Shaking the thoughts away from your mind you picked up your phone that was sitting on his night stand. '5:47'. Is what the time on the clock read on your phone. You almost completely ignored the missed calls and texts from Draken, Emma and Hina. Though you felt a little bad about not replying to Emma or Hina you didn't really feel all that bad for Draken.

You didn't pay much attention to them as you turned your phone back off. You where honestly surprised that your phone wasn't completely dead yet but the percentage was at 12% which wasn't all that surprising.

'I should probably go home to get a new change of clothes and shower since it's still early. Ive been running around in these since yesterday morning' you thought to yourself as you looked at the outfit you were wearing. Then you remember something else..

You had hid your motorcycle behind some buildings yesterday after riding it for a while while running around. You needed to go get it.

Standing up you went over at Baji's desk, silently sneaking around him carful not to wake him. Finally making it to his desk she smiled upon seeing what she had come over here for. Picking up a pencil and pulling off one of the colored sticky note you wrote down a small thank you note for Baji.

After that you picked up your shoes and hand bag you left his room. Peaking around a few of the corners just to make sure no one was there, you noticed that all the rooms where empty. Finally making it to the front door you quickly got out and let out a sigh. Looking at your phone again the time read 5:53. You should hurry up since you have little time and you have to walk.

After putting your shoes on you quickly ran down the stairs at the side of the building. You had some ways to go before you can get in a train station to take you back to the district you and lived in.

Once you made it to the last few steps you saw someone standing at the bottom. Stoping in your tracks you looked up to see one of the few people you didn't expect to see.

"Y/N?" Was the only thing the blonde male said as his eyes widened. "Y/N everyone has been looking for you all day!" Chifuyu's voice yelled out. 'Everyone's been looking for me? Who's everyone?' You wondered in your head.

Before you could ask anything you saw him reaching for his pockets. A second later he pulled his phone out. "What are you doing?" You quickly questioned him. "Calling Draken to tell him i found you?" He answered back.

"Wait don't!" You slightly yelled as you snatched the phone out of his hand. "Don't do that... please" was all you mumbled out before handing his phone back to him. "Why?" He asked you.

"It's a long story I don't want to repeat to another person" you breathed out. "Ok then can I ask what you are doing here?" He asked next.

"I was just wondering around" you lied. "What are you doing here?" You asked him back. "I live here..." he slowly said as he pointed to the building behind you. 'Wow this is awkward..' you both thought.

After a short second with an extremely awkward silence in the air Chifuyu spoke up. "Can you tell the what your really doing here?" He asked you. "What do you mean?" You played dumb. "I've been sitting on these steps all night. I would have noticed if someone was just now wondering around" Chifuyu stated calling you out on your lie.

You where shocked to say the least. You didn't expect that. You needed to get home though you where running out of time. Sighing you looked up to Chifuyu. "I was staying the night with a friend" you confessed. It wasn't much of a lie. You did just spend the night with friend.

"Hmm what floor?" He questioned you. "The fifth floor?" You said back. You didn't pay much attention when you came in or left but you knew it was around the fifth floor.

"What's your friends name? I might know them" he continued to press you with questions. "Chifuyu I'm kind of in a rush can I-" "was it Baji?"

Chifuyu's question didn't surprise you that much. You could tell he knew it from the beginning. "If it was then could I please ask a favor of you?" Chifuyu's voice almost sounded sad when he asked you. Looking up to meet his eyes you could see the he was looking down at the floor with clouded eyes.

"What is it?" You now asked the question. "Can you please tell him he doesn't need to try and do anything alone. Tell him to leave Valhalla... It's dangerous" by the end of his sentence he seemed to almost be out of air. He was about to cry. "I'll do my best... but I'm afraid that I might not be able to get you very far" you answered back to the blonde male who nodded in response.

"Anything is good enough.. wait... why where you with Baji all night?" Chifuyu's head shots up as he thought about it more. He was getting the wrong idea. "It's not like that!" You almost yelled before he could even blurt anything out.

"We happened to run into each other last night and I needed a place to stay and he let me stay with him for the night" you explained. He nodded his head as his answer. "But I really am I a rush so I need to go now" you said to him but before you could walk off he called back to you.

"Where do you need to be I can take you there" he offered. "Really?" You asked him. He nodded his head before pulling his keys out of his jacket pocket and leading the way to his bike. Silently following him he lead you to the side of his building where there was a bike neatly parked.

Tracing his steps you both made your way onto the bike before you climbed up behind him. "So where are you going?" He asked you. Thinking back you couldn't exactly remember the name of the old shop you hid your bike behind and you didn't want Chifuyu to just take you to your 'home' since it was actually just a brothel and that would be a little awkward.

Telling him to just take you to the old bridges you decided you'd go from there cause you didn't actually hide you bike far from there. Wrapping your arms around Chifuyu's waist as he started the engine you began to think about what you'd do after you had gone home and got new clothing and anything else you needed.

The ride on Chifuyu's motorcycle was only about 20 minutes or so to the place you had retreated to yesterday. Pulling up to the bridges and stopping you hopped off Chifuyu's motorcycle and took a step away, waiting for him to leave.

"What are you doing here?" Chifuyu questioned you as he looked around at the bridges. You took a second to think before you turned to Chifuyu's direction and spoke. "I.. I can't remember where I hid my bike so can here cause this is the place I was before.."

Your voice came out quite and embarrassed. You couldn't think of a good excuse so you just told him the truth. "How did you forget where you left you bike?" He asked you as a small chuckle could be heard accompanying his question.

"It's a long story but I know it's close" you told him. He nodded his head before repositioning himself and getting ready to leave. Before for he could though you called to him.

"Yeah?" Was all Chifuyu responded with. "Thanks for the ride and please.. don't tell Draken or anyone else that you had seen me at all today" you said in a lower tone. Nodding his head he started his motorcycle and drove off, leaving you alone next the the river.

From there you went straight to the places you could remember until you saw the old store that you had hid you motorcycle behind. Silently sneaking behind the building you wondered over to the dumpster you had placed you bike beside.

Thank god it was still there and in just as you left it. Nothing had been done to it which surprised you a little. Upon sitting down on the seat of the bike you put your keys in and started it. The gas percentage was dangerously low making you scowl. 'Well isn't the great' you thought to yourself.

You phone was almost dead and you motorcycle was almost out of gas. Opening your little hand bag you felt a little relief when you saw a small amount of cash shoved into it. You could buy some more gas now. Rechecking the time you just angered yourself more seeing it was already almost 6:30. You needed to hurry up.

Taking your phone you placed it in your hand bag before getting ready to go to the closet store that had gas. After arriving you quickly got gas and continued to speed home. By the time you arrived it was already 7:00 in the morning and the sun had already started to make an appearance. Was time moving faster today just to spite you?

You didn't go all they way to the brothel because you didn't want anyone to hear your motorcycle and know you had returned. It was only about a five minute walk to your so called home.

Once you arrived there you went to the back of the building and came in through the back exit. The back exit was fairly close to the elevator and stair well so it wasn't that hard to sneak in. You decided it be better if you went up the stairs instead of the elevator so no one would really be able to slow you down.

Once you reached the forth floor you hesitated. Slowly peaking out the door you saw that the hallway was clear. Unfortunately for you though your room was on the other side of the hallway so you still had a little more sneaking around to do. Even though this is basically your house.

As you safely made it back to your room without being caught, you shut and locked the door. Heaving out a heavy sigh you turned around and scanned over your room. The first thing you did was take your phone and put it on the charger. The time was 7:14. You should hurry up.

Picking out a new set of clothing you quickly started a shower hoping the sound of the water hitting the tiled floor wasn't loud enough to inform others of your return. It was still pretty loud though so had to make it quick.

While in the shower you quickly washed your hair and your body with your favorite scented soaps. After your shower you changed into a new pair of clothing.

You made your way over to your phone seeing as it was now 7:36 in the morning. 'How many damn times have I checked this time today and why is it passing by so fast!' you hissed in your head. Your phone was only at 42% but it was better than almost being dead so you couldn't really complain.

This time while leaving you made sure to be prepared. You went and grabbed a book bag before putting another pair of clothes in it, your charger, some of the cash you had been saving up and a few others things that you'd most likely need.

After finally putting your shoes back on you looked at the time again. "8:00. Great its gonna be harder to get out the later in the day it gets" you annoyingly mumbled to yourself before taking hold of the backpack filled with the things you'd need. You weren't sure if you'd be able to stay at Baji's again but you knew you still didn't want to really see Draken.

You knew you could be over reacting a little at what happened but they way Draken said her name so causally in a way that almost felt like he didn't care of how it would hurt you. Not to mention you where still mad at him for wanting you to just apologize to Mikey so y'all could just 'get it over with' pissed you off.

Now that you had done everything you needed to do here and got anything that you needed you shut your light off before slowly cracking your door open to see if anyone was out in the hallway. You'd still need to make it all they to the other end of the building, down the stairwell and out of the building before you'd be mostly out of sight from anyone that would be looking for you.

Upon noticing the hallway was completely empty you slipped out of your room and gently shut the door. As you were starting to walk away you noticed the slim bit of light that filtered through the tiny gap underneath Draken's door, telling you that he was already awake.

You couldn't waste anymore time now. You needed to go. Leaving from the spot you where just standing you made your way to the stairwell. However as you got there you planned your hand on the handle ready to open the door but the door wouldn't budge. 'Not now damnit!' You angrily scowled in your mind.

That was one of the few problems here in the brothel. The stairwell doors had been here since the building was built and they sometimes got stuck. You usually would just take the elevator but you didn't want to be slowed down plus there was a chance one of the girls that worked here and raised you and Draken would be awake by now and Draken probably told them about how you ran off. You didn't want to be stuck in an elevator being asked a lot of questions.

You had seen people ram themselves into the door or kick at it to help the open it but you didn't want to make any noise. Letting out a sigh you just left it be. 'It would only be the workers here and you could easily explain to them what was happening if you really did bump into them' you thought as you went to the elevator.

Quickly shutting it and pressing the 1st floor button you watched as the door closed. The building seemed really quiet but you knew that most of the girls would be getting coffee and breakfast or hanging out in the lobby with others or just wondering around so you'd still have to try and sneak out the back exit.

Once the elevator stopped you looked up from the ground and a second later the doors started to open. The moment they got wide enough to show what was on the other side you wished that you would have just jumped from the window to get to the first floor. 'Well isn't this great' you sarcastically spit out in your mind as you looked at the one and only person you knew wouldn't let you off the hook as easily as Chifuyu did.

Instead of Chifuyu's short blonde hair you where greeted with the shoulder length blonde hair of one of people you most definitely didn't want to see.

The one and only Mikey.




I've been dying in that hospital forever. I mean I got out 4 days ago but it was still annoying but I finally finished this chapter!

Also thank you all so much for 2.43k reads!!! It mean so much to me💕💕 I didn't expect a lot of reads when I started writing and I don't care how many reads I get but still thank y'all so much!💕💕

Anyways make sure you stay hydrated, eat something, rest well and keep on doing your best lovelies!! <3

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