Not Just The Side Character

Od Super-Cool-Potato

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'Pointless' That is how the protagonist saw everything. It all started with an accident, but it is pointless... Více

Ch 0: New Game+
Ch 1: Travelling Above The Clouds
Ch 2: An Unexpected Encounter
Ch 3: A Memory Unlocked
Ch 4: Late Knight Problems
Ch 5: A Proper Knight
Ch 6: I Got a Job. Then I Brought a Strange Girl Home
Ch 7: A Colourful World
Ch 8: Loose Ends-
Ch 9: -Tend to Catch Up
Side Story 1: The Days in Between
Ch ???: R|||n
Ch 10: Priorities
Ch 11: The Sixth Thread
Ch 12: The Mob Life
Ch 13: A Change Of Heart
Ch 14: They Shall Kneel
Ch 15: A Withered Heart
Ch 16: A Breath of Fresh Air
Ch 17: A Date
Ch 18: Will You Go Out With Me?
Ch 19: How To Love
Ch 21: Snowfall
Ch 22/Christmas Special Part 1/2: I Know Who You Are
Ch 22/Christmas Special Part 2/2: I Remember Who You Are
Ch 23: Not Even a Minute
Ch 24: Make A Wish
Ch 25: Please Be Happy
Ch 26: Robin Cross
Sidestory 2 part 1/4: From Otome To 18+ Eroge| Mini Edition
Sidestory 2 part 2/4: From Otome To 18+ Eroge| Rough Edition
Sidestory 2 part 3/4: From Otome To 18+ Eroge| Desire Edition
Sidestory 2 part 4/4: From Otome To 18+ Eroge| Villainess Edition
Ch 27: No Turning Back
Ch 28: A Productive Night Out
Ch 29: Proposal
Ch 30: Suits and Suitresses
Ch 31: The Calm Before The Storm
Ch 32: Without Hesitation
Epilogue: Not Just The Side Character
DLC Bonus 1: The Days Following
DLC Bonus 2: Final Boss
DLC Bonus 3: A Normal Girl
DLC Bonus 4: Babysitter
DLC Bonus Finale: Epik Adventure
The Halloween Treat

Ch 20: A Battlefield

2.3K 111 99
Od Super-Cool-Potato

Clarissa POV

It's been a week now since Robin had dropped out and the heat has already died down. People are still trying to speculate what could have happened to the strongest first year but that's only a side topic now.

While most people have gone back to their normal lives, some have yet to recover. I still wonder where he's gone and if he's doing alright, sometimes I even feel lonely if I think for too long.

Even though we haven't talked all that much, I feel like I've known him for longer. I can't help but think of the resemblance between Robin and the boy from my dreams.

Then a notification from my phone snaps me out of my thoughts. I pull out my phone and read the text from Grace.

Grace: "Something came up, I won't make it today. Sorry Clare, I'm gonna have to cancel our plans." Along with an emoji with an apologetic look.

Welp, there goes my plans for today. Maybe I should call Lucas or something, actually, casually calling the second prince is a bad idea.

I get enough bad looks as it is. Even now, just sitting on a bench in the courtyard I can feel eyes filled with prejudice facing my way.

But that won't get me down! Robin once told me to keep my head up at all times! I've worked hard to get where I am now, and I'm not letting that boy's efforts go to waste!

And so I decide to just walk around and find out where my whims take me, I've always lived in the moment. Yet I can't get that mysterious boy out of my head! I'm sure I owe him something and I'm dying to pay him back.

???: "What are you doing so far away from school?" A voice asks me.

Wow, I can even hear him now. That's amazing!

???: "Clarissa? Hello?" They repeat.

Huh, he sounds so life like too, maybe I have been thinking about him for too long. Then I feel someone tap my shoulder making me jolt.

Clarissa: "I've imagined him into existence!" I yelp quickly spinning around.

Then my eyes lock onto a set of dull teal eyes.

Clarissa: "Robin!" I exclaim.

His eyes widen ever so slightly and he quickly grabs my arm and pulls me into an alleyway. Wait a minute, how did I get to the city!

And why does Robin look so threatening right now. His dull gaze begins to pierce me as if trying to warn me to stay in place, and his hand covering my mouth.

Robin: "Scream, and I'll suffocate you with my scarf." He warns flatly.

My eyes widen after processing what was happening and I rapidly nod my head, but suffocate me with his scarf?

He lets go of me and just stares at me for a moment, seemingly at a loss for what to do.

Robin: "So..."

Clarissa: "You're back!" I whisper yell, throwing my arms around the blank faced boy.

Normally Robin tries to avoid me for whatever reason, and I was sure that he'd just step out of the way since he's super fast.

But to my surprise, he allows it and even reciprocates my hug, albeit hesitantly and gingerly, but he hugs me nonetheless!

And the hug reminds me of family.

Robin: "Yeah, I'm back." He says softly.

Clarissa: "Where have you been!" I ask curiously.

Robin: "A different island for a breath of fresh air." He says flatly.

I guess he took my advice a little too seriously, he does seem a little bit different now though. But more importantly.

Clarissa: "Did you really drop out of school?" I ask worriedly.

He looks at me for a moment with a strange expression. Then he sighs and mutters something inaudible, but I think he mentioned Robert?

Robin: "No, I didn't." He says plainly. "I'm going back there now actually, but I'd like to keep a low profile for now." He says, leaning his back against the wall.

Clarissa: "That's gonna be hard, the moment someone spots you they'll tell everyone." I say biting my lip.

Robin: "I know, that's why I won't be spotted." He says in a flat confident voice.

Clarissa: "Well that's good." I smile. "What are you going to do first? You should go visit certain people immediately, they haven't been doing the greatest since you left." I say before he answers.

His look softens.

Robin: "That's actually what I was going to do first." He says a bit nervously. "Do you happen to know where they are?" He asks with a sort of blank puppy dog look.

It's pretty cute actually. Stop! What are you thinking about right now?! Focus on Robin's request, not Robin himself.

Despite not mentioning any names, we both seemed to understand who both of us were talking about, and because of that I readily nod my head.

Clarissa: "I do, in fact, I was supposed to see each one of them with Grace today, but she ended up having to cancel." I frown. "So you want to go together instead?" I ask with a smile.

Robin hesitates before answering and glances away from me, scratching his head. Then he sighs and turns back to me.

Robin: "Some support would be nice." He says flatly.

I begin to beam, finally a chance to properly hang out with the overly distant Robin!

Clarissa: "Great! Let's go!" I exclaim beginning to leave.

Robin swiftly moves beside me looking the most anxious I've ever seen him. Actually, this is the first time I've seen him have a different look other than the unreadable blank expression.

I wonder what he's about to do that made him want for me to be by his side?

As we begin walking back to the school, I constantly steal a few glances at Robin, trying to find something to strike up a conversation.

Clarissa: "That's a nice pin by the way." I comment nudging my head towards one end of his scarf.

Robin: "You think so?" He asks caressing the gold four point star pin. "This is the first time I've had the chance to wear some sort of accessory, I think it looks good too." He says warmly.

In the corner of my eye, I see his scarf twitch, I guess his scarf likes the accessory too. I sort of wish I had a scarf like Robin now, imagine all the cool things I could do.

Ah, stay on task Clarissa, and ignore Robin's new kind of air. Don't let it distract you.

But he looks so good right now, like he's a model. Is that make up?

Robin: "Do I have something on my face?" He asks flatly.

Clarissa: "No, you just seem a bit different to be honest." I say continuing to examine him. "You seem more...confident." I begin to nod.

Robin: "That's good then, confidence is key after all." He mumbles.

Clarissa: "Hmmmmmmm..." I hum while scanning Robin's face.

Robin: "Are you sure there isn't anything on my face?" He asks, glancing at me.

Clarissa: "Are you thinking about accepting one of the girl's confession?" I ask teasingly.

Robin looks at me with a slightly surprised look.

Robin: "How did you know?" He asks flatly.

It was my turn to give him a surprised look, I was right?! Compose yourself Clare, take a deep breath and answer calmly.

Clarissa: "I-I didn't! It was just a guess!" I blurt.


Robin: "Why are you more surprised than I am?" He asks with a brow raised.

How did he notice?!

Clarissa: "I waaaaaas...just surprised you looked so good in that new outfit. You really look like you're dressed to impress." I say nudging his side with my elbow in an attempt to deflect the question.

He eyes me with a blank look for a few moments and I begin sweating profusely.

Robin: "I wasn't the one who chose this outfit." He says flatly. "I have someone who's really good when it comes to fashion."

I breath a sigh of relief as he speaks, I'm glad he didn't try to push my odd behaviour. He would never believe the things Grace told me.

She said that Robin would return looking for a girlfriend. I thought she was just teasing me like how she always does, but I guess she wasn't.

Maybe that's why we constantly visited those girls, maybe Grace wanted to get to know the potential girlfriend candidates. I can never tell with her, she's a lot like Robin in terms of unreadability.

Just what is Grace planning?

Time skip brought to you by chibi Grace playing with Clarissa while setting the stage

Somehow, due to Robin's surprisingly adept stealth skills, we've managed to get into school without anyone spotting us.

Clarissa: "Who do you want to see first?" I ask as our backs press against the hallway.

Robin: "Whoever's closest." He says with his eyes closed, he's focusing on the sounds from people's footsteps to avoid them.

Clarissa: "That would be Lisa, she's been sick in her room for the past few days." I frown.

Robin's eyes snap open and he quickly turns to me alarmed.

Robin: "What happened?" He asks in a flat urgent voice.

Clarissa: "Well...ever since you left, she's caged herself in her room refusing any and all visitors. A few days ago me and Grace came to visit her and she didn't even answer when we knocked. I got worried and insisted on going in anyways to check on her, that's when we found her lying in her bed with a high fever." I explain. "We've been visiting ever since to make sure she's alright."

At my explanation a flash of guilt appears on Robin's blank face and I notice him clench his fist.

Robin: "Take me there now." He commands with a certain worried tone.

I nod my head.

Clarissa: "It's not far, follow me." I say beginning to lead the way.

Suddenly Robin grabs my arm and we're propelled upwards, his scarf keeping us stuck to the ceiling and wrapped together tightly with Robin's arms wrapped around me for extra security.

Clarissa: "Wha-"

Robin covers my mouth and points downwards with his other hand. Beneath us is a pair of girls rounding the corner we were about to walk past.

The position we're in is highly embarrassing for me since his scarf has wrapped around us like a skintight cocoon, since I'm in front of Robin it outlines my breasts very clearly.

Finally, after what feels like forever, the girls are out of sight and Robin's scarf releases us. Robin lands gracefully onto the floor without making any noise with me still in his arms.

Robin: "Sorry about that." He says flatly.

Clarissa: "I-It's fine, y-you can let go of me now." I say meekly.

Robin: "Right." He says letting me down nicely.

The moment my feet touch the floor I spin around so Robin doesn't see my red face.

Robin: "Are you alright?" He asks sounding completely innocent!

I don't think Robin understands a woman's feelings.

Clarissa: "Y-Yes, I'm quite alright. Say, that just now felt pretty familiar." I say nonchalantly to change the subject.

Robin: "I'm unsure how being wrapped in a scarf would be familiar to you, but we should get going." He says changing the topic himself.

Close call, I sigh in relief.

Clarissa: "Follow me, I'll go slow this time." I say steadying myself.

I take a deep breath and then turn to Robin.

Robin: "That would be a good idea." He nods.

Allowing him the last words, I walk pass him and towards the direction of Lisa's room.

As we walk, I glance behind me every now and then to make sure Robin is still following me. I watch his feet touch the ground but emit zero noise, it's pretty cool.

Clarissa: "How are you doi- oh, we're here." I cut myself off when we arrive at Lisa's room. "Are you ready?" I ask Robin.

He flinched at my question and quickly glances towards the door. He clenches his fist and takes a deep breath, as he exhaled his clenched fist opens.

Robin: "Yeah." He nods once in confirmation, with a special determination in his eyes.

I find myself smiling at my friend, I forgot how enjoyable his unique company is. Though my smile falters at certain thoughts.

I'm helping my friend, and my other friends too, I should be happy. And I am, but I also feel slightly strange.

Robin: "Clarissa?" He calls my name nervously.

This time I flinch.

Clarissa: "Sorry, I'll get the door." I say quickly with a smile still on my lips.

I pull out a key from my pocket and unlock Lisa's dorm room.

Clarissa: "She let us take a spare key." I tell Robin before he asks.

He doesn't reply and we enter Lisa's room with the utmost caution.

I lead Robin to her room and, without hesitation this time, he's the one to open the door. The moment he spots Lisa sleeping in her bed, clearly uncomfortable, he moves to the side of her bed.

Lisa: "Why are you here again, useless mounds of flesh." She says weakly, not bothering to open her eyes.

Clarissa: "I'm not here alone today." I say as I glance to Robin who was kneeling right beside where Lisa was asleep.

Lisa: "I don't care who you're with, just leave anything you've brought and get out of my room." She says arrogantly, furrowing her brows.

Robin: "Even if it's me?" He says, finally gaining the courage to say something.

Lisa jolts at his voice, and begins to frown. Then she starts to silently weep.

Lisa: "Why did you leave?" She asks without moving an inch.

Robin doesn't say anything for a moment and glances downwards. Then he glances up to find Lisa looking at him through tear stained eyes.

Lisa: "I thought I'd never see you again." She says as her voice cracks.

Robin wipes a tear away and begins to caress Lisa's hair comfortingly. Lisa doesn't stop crying but her frown turns into a smile.

Robin: "I'm sorry for leaving all of a sudden like that, but I'm back now." He says reassuringly.

Lisa: "Thank you." Is all she says as she weakly tries to sit up.

Robin: "Just sleep Lisa." He says gently laying her head back on her pillow. "You're sick, you need rest."

Lisa frowns.

Lisa: "But what if this is just a dream and when I sleep the dream will end?" She sniffles.

Robin looks at her with dull, gentle eyes.

Robin: "This isn't a dream Lisa, I'm really here for you." He says softly.

Lisa: "Then..." her already red cheeks begin to redden. "Can you hold my hand as I fall asleep?" She asks meekly.

Without a word, Robin finds her hand from underneath the sheets then brings it out for Lisa to see. Robin notices her ring then clasps his hands around hers.

Lisa begins to smile again and attempts to fight back her urge to sleep by opening her eyes every time they try to close, clearly trying to stay awake for this moment.

Then Robin does something very unexpected.

Robin: "As the snow falls~ on this cold windy day~ we'll be here~ huddled together in our room~ so close your eyes and rest my dear~ for I will be here to keep you warm~" He begins to sing with a low and semi flat tone.

Lisa: "That' fair..." She says as her eyes close once more, allowing only one last tear to fall on her cheek.

Robin: "On a day when the sun rises~ I'll be there watching it with you~ Your smile shining brightly~ Bright enough to make the sun jealous~ How fortunate am I to have that smile pointed at me~ A sight forever engraved in my heart~" He continues as he watches Lisa's chest slowly rise and fall and decides to end the song there.

Once he confirms Lisa is asleep he gently releases her hand. Unconsciously, her hand begins to search for Robin's and she begins to frown.

Robin stands up and watches her squirm in her bed for a few moments before leaning his face towards her forehead, brushing away her bangs, and planting a gentle kiss on her open forehead.

Robin: "Sweet dreams." He whispers just loud enough for me to hear. "Clarissa." He says my name suddenly as he stands back up.

Clarissa: "Y-Yes?!" I blurt as I jolt at his call, I didn't realize how entranced I was in his voice.

He presses a finger onto his lips signalling for me to be quiet and I rapidly nod my head.

Robin: "Could you heal her?" He asks me.

Clarissa: "Oh! Uh, of course." I nod, quickly moving to Lisa's side, still a little red after witnessing the scene.

I put my hand above her but hesitate.

Robin: "Why couldn't you just heal her before?" He asks flatly.

I glance at him and answer.

Clarissa: "I offered her before, but she refused. She wanted an excuse to stay in her room and skip class." I frown.

Robin: "Well, thank you for being a good friend to her." He nods appreciatively. "But I think she wouldn't refuse you now." He says glancing at Lisa.

I look down to her as well and spot the small smile on her lips. I begin to smile as well.

Clarissa: "Yeah, you're right." I say closing my eyes, letting the energy flow into my hands.

I feel the warm sensation enter my hands and leave just as quickly. When I open my eyes I see Lisa's breathing has calmed down and her face look more comfortable.

Robin puts a hand on her forehead and turns to me.

Robin: "Her fever has gone down, thank you." He says looking relieved as he watches Lisa's face.

Somehow, I find myself captivated by Robin's face. For some reason, this kindness felt familiar, like he's helped me once before.

Robin gets up and looks around Lisa's room. He finds a convenient paper and pen and starts to write something down. He folds it and places it on the desk beside Lisa.

Robin: "Let's get going." He says quietly as he leaves the room.

I glance back at Lisa feeling just as content as her sleeping face seemed. I'm glad I could help.

Clarissa: "Wait up!" I whisper yell as I catch up beside him. "What was that song you sang?" I ask curiously.

Robin: "Something I made up." He says without turning to me.

I wonder what he went through to make up a song like that from scratch.

Time skip brought to you by chibi Lisa dreaming of Robin carrying her as her prince

Robin: "Are you sure we'll find her here?" He asks skeptically

It was a reasonable question since we were currently making our way through a forest a bit north of our school.

Clarissa: "Yeah, while other students were trying to figure out where she kept disappearing off to, Grace found her with ease. She said something about how the forest was special to her." I say also getting some familiar memories from being in the forest.

Robin: "That makes sense then." He says slashing at the branches blocking our way.

Clarissa: "Where'd you get that sword?" I ask, finally addressing his weaponry.

Robin: "We passed by the training yard earlier while you were talking about her behaviour after I left." He says flatly.

Clarissa: "What are you gonna use it for?" I ask with a worried brow raised.

Robin: "Discipline." He says menacingly.

I shudder at his menacing aura, is not picking up her sword for the entire a week that big of a deal to him? I don't say anything out of fear of the way he grips his sword.

Soon we make it to the edge of a clearing and we spot the target polishing her sword while sitting on a stump. She has a rather empty look as she mindlessly wipes down her sword.

Rachel: "I know you're there Clarissa." She suddenly says without looking up. "Grace too." She adds.

I hesitate on stepping into the clearing and Robin suddenly does it first with firm steps.

Robin: "I heard you've been slacking off." He says planting his sword into the ground.

Rachel's eyes widen and she raises her head to find Robin looking at her with a disapproving look. She even does a double take to make sure she's not seeing things.

When she confirms she's not, her mouth breaks into a large smile.

Rachel: "R-Roby-"

Robin: "Pick up your sword." He orders her as she stands up.

Jolting at his commanding tone, she does as she's told and puts on a serious look. I can't help but see a student and a teacher when I look at them.

Robin: "Have you gotten rusty?" He asks with an intimidating blank face.

Rachel: "N-No! I...I just haven't picked up my sword in a while." She says finding it hard to look Robin in the face.

Robin: "I'll just have to find out myself." He says pulling the sword out of the ground and pointing it at Rachel. "You know the rules, and so do I, now come at me!" He yells with a booming voice that makes both me and Rachel flinch.

Rachel: "Y-Yes!" She yells, sloppily charging at Robin.

Robin blocks her first attack with ease and he lets her blade slide off his while stepping to the side causing Rachel to stumble pass him.

Robin: "You really have gotten rusty." He says disapprovingly.

Rachel manages to recover and still refuses to look him in the eyes.

Rachel: "I-I haven't, I swea-"

Robin: "Look me in the eyes!" He shouts again with the same booming voice that forces Rachel to obey. "Prove to me that my teachings haven't gone to waste." He says more gently while pointing his sword at Rachel.

Rachel grits her teeth just as hard as her sword and rushes Robin once more.

Robin: "Your swing is too obvious." He says as he leans back, dodging the attack with ease.

Rachel attacks again.

Robin: "Your stance is off." He says dodging again but this time slightly kicking her shin, causing her to trip.

Rachel gets up without a word, only pure determination on her face. With a yell, she charges at Robin again.

He parries the attack, spouts out advice, and she grins her teeth and attacks again. Parry, yell, attack. Dodge, yell, attack. Trip, yell, attack. Over and over again.

But Rachel doesn't seem to be giving up, in fact, it seems like she's getting faster.

Robin: "Tell me why you refuse to give up." He orders her again as he deflects her attack and pushes her back.

Rachel's exhaustion is evident with her haggard breathing and slightly slouched posture, but her steely look has yet to falter.

Rachel: "There is something I need to do." She says through gasps of air.

Suddenly, Robin is in front of her midway through a strike. Rachel just barely manages to block it and they remain there, swords pressing together as they push against each other.

Robin: "I didn't hear you." He says calmly.

I watch as Rachel's knuckles whiten as the grip around her sword tighten, and she begins to grin wildly.

Rachel: "I am going to be the greatest knight in the kingdom!" She yells as a burst of energy courses through her arms and she manages to win their clash, sending Robin back.

Robin lands on his feet and begins to look at Rachel with an approving look.

Robin: "Has your dream gotten bigger?" He asks flatly.

Instead of words, Rachel answers with an attack faster than my eyes can see and Robin still parries it sending her back. But this time, Robin follows up with a strike of his own, finally going on the offence.

As I continue to watch I become entranced by their battle. In this small clearing in the forest, their clashing of blades become a dance with fireworks exploding every time their blades kiss and erupt with sparks. Their dance is fluid and fierce with powerful emotions being exchanged through their blade, and I find the dance beautiful.

I'm only able to keep up with their battle because of the scarf that always follows Robin but during the times I do manage to catch a glance their faces I see pure joy and determination in Rachel's, as if fighting Robin is what she had been yearning for.

Even Robin appears to be enjoying the fight, despite not showing any change in emotion.

Finally, Rachel manages to kick Robin back and they each pause to look at each other from opposite ends of the clearing.

Rachel: "This is just like two years ago." She grins with flushed cheeks and heavy breaths.

Robin: "Are you sure about that?" He says seemingly not tired at all.

Rachel: "We're about to find out." She says right before entering a low stance with her blade undrawn at her hip.

She was going to use her famous move [Blink]. Just as the name suggests, the moment I blink and register the scene in front of me, I find Rachel knocked to the ground with Robin standing right above her in a nonchalant manor.

Robin: "You've gotten faster." He nods in satisfaction.

Rachel spreads her arms out as she lies on the floor, accepting her defeat. But you wouldn't be able to tell she lost with how wide her smile was.

Rachel: "But still not fast enough to land a proper hit on you!" She laughs trying to catch her breath.

Robin reaches his hand out to her.

Robin: "Then you'll just have to train harder." He says flatly.

Rachel looks at him for a moment scanning every inch of his face trying to make sure this wasn't a dream. She takes his hand and pulls her self up.

Then quickly wraps her arms around him for a hug.

Rachel: "You're really back!" She exclaims with a burst of tears.

Robin: "In the flesh." He says softly as he reciprocates the hug.

In that moment, I forget that Rachel was called the Iron Maiden by a lot of the students. In this moment, she was just a girl in love.

I feel a small prick in my heart.

They remain like that for a while until Rachel's tears slow to a halt and her legs suddenly give out. Robin catches her and gently lowers her down.

Rachel: "S-Sorry, I'm just so relieved." She smiles pulling back from the hug with very red cheeks.

Robin: "Just rest for a while, and..." He leans closer and whispers something in her ear, leaving her in a daze of disbelief.

Robin stands up and leaves his sword lying on top of her.

Robin: "I'll see you in a little while, and the brooch looks good on you." He says flatly to the unresponsive Rachel.

Robin begins to leave and I give a quick wave to Rachel before catching up.

Rachel: "You were holding back again right Robyn?!" She calls to us suddenly.

Robin suddenly stops, making my chest and I bounce off of his back. As I blush he turns around to face Rachel.

Robin: "A dance between two partners cannot be one sided, or else the other partner would not have a chance to shine." He says flatly. "And you shined beautifully." He says with a soft look.

Rachel begins to blush as Robin nonchalantly turns away, maybe he's actually a player!

Maybe that's how he got all of those girls to like him.

Robin: "Is something wrong?" He asks me, snapping me out of my thought. "You look a little red." He adds. "Did you catch Lisa's fever?!" He asks worriedly.

Clarissa: "N-No, it's just that this forest scene seems familiar to me." I say deflecting the question.

Robin: "We should get out of this forest quickly then." He says to my relief and a little too quickly.

I don't mind though, on to the next girl!

Time skip brought to you by chibi Rachel being left in the forest with a steaming face

Clarissa: "The size of the library never ceases to amaze me." I say in awe as we enter.

Robin: "This place is larger on the inside than on the outside, there's a lot of space distortion magic going on in this place." He states as if he knows it as a fact.

Clarissa: "Uh-"

Robin: "Melissa is around here isn't she." He says moving on to more important things.

Clarissa: "Yeah, but she's in a different place everyday. How do we find her?" I ask him.

He glances around the giant room and his eyes lock onto one area somewhere above us.

Robin: "Please excuse me." He says to me before picking me up.

Clarissa: "Wha-"

I'm cut off once again when he suddenly launches up into the air, using his scarf to grab onto towering shelves and propel us upwards.

Stuck once again in Robin's princess carry, I find myself feeling red...from embarrassment of course! How does he keep doing these things to me so nonchalantly.

Soon his scarf pulls us over a balcony and Robin lands on the floor with grace, and is instantly assaulted by a humanoid figure.

Fire for hair, water for eyes, darkness as clothing, and light as flesh. In the split second before Robin decimates it with a kick, I notice that they look very similar to Robin, only in figure though, all they have on their face is the blueish eyes.

Clarissa: "What wa- behind you!" I shout pointing behind Robin, still in his arms.

Without even looking behind him his scarf pierces the elemental version of him.

Robin: "Thanks." He says, turning to me.

Clarissa: "N-No problem." I stutter as I notice how close I am to him.

I hop out of his arms and look around the floor we're on, searching for any more ambushes.

Robin: "What were those things?" He asks warily.

Clarissa: "Melissa tried to recreate a mirror image of you to just comfort her. It wasn't this bad before." I say shaking my head. "If only I noticed how unstable she was getting sooner."

Robin: "Unstable?" He asks under his breath. "We've got to hurry." He says hastily before looking around again. "This way." He says breaking off into a sprint.

I follow close behind him, watching his scarf take out any approaching copies. Soon we find our selves at a corner of the area where there is a large wall of copies between us and the very corner, the place I assume Melissa is in.

There's an intense stare off between Robin and these fakes and I begin to get nervous. What was Robin going to do now?

Robin: "Melissa Blite." Is all he says, in his normal monotonous voice.

I look at him awaiting his next move, but when he doesn't do anything but remain in place I ready myself for a fight.

Then, the wall begins to break and a small wide eyed girl holding one of the copies's hand, that was wearing a black and white hoodie, emerges.

Melissa: "Robin?" The small girl with empty eyes asks.

Robin: "Yeah, I'm back." He says softly looking into the shy girl's eyes.

Suddenly, all of the elemental fakes disappear at once and Melissa starts running towards Robin with tears running down her face and her arms wide open to hug Robin. Like a little kid running back to her father.

Robin crouches down so Melissa can wrap her arms around his neck. As they embrace Melissa rubs her face into Robin's shoulder saying his name over and over as if willing him to stay forever.

Melissa: "Robin, Robin, Robin." She repeats his name warmly through tears.

Robin: "It's alright now, everything is alright." He consoles her.

They remain like that for a while and I feel my own heart warm up at the sight. Soon Melissa calms down but remains holding into Robin.

I watch as Robin's scarf pick up the hoodie off of the ground and brings it into Robin's hands.

Robin: "I doubt you've let that thing take this off since it put it on." He say flatly, releasing himself out of Melissa's grasp. "But I'll let you wear it for now." He says putting the hoodie on Melissa.

Melissa looks at her oversized sleeves and examines the hoodie as if seeing it for the first time and begins to smile brightly. She begins to wobble back to Robin wearing her oversized hoodie.


Robin catches Melissa before she falls and props her up using his body.

Robin: "You've been maintaining those body doubles all week haven't you, what would you have done if you collapsed from mana exhaustion?" He scolds her.

Melissa only looks downwards like a child being scolded with a pout. After Robin finishes his lecture he begins to gently rub her head.

Robin: "I just don't want you getting hurt." He says softly.

Seeing his troubled face seem to be almost enough for Melissa to start crying again. But she doesn't start to cry and instead begins to nuzzle into Robin's neck holding back her tears.

Now Melissa looks like a cat.

Just like with Rachel, Robin leans into Melissa's ear to whisper something that leaves her in a daze.

He picks her up by the armpits causing her hoodie to fall down to her knees like a stretched out cat and he plops her onto a chair.

Robin: "You should wash my hoodie when you get the chance, and I hope you've learned how to put on those earring by yourself now." He says rubbing her head one last time before moving back to me.

Clarissa: "One more to go?" I ask cheerfully.

Robin: "One more to go." He nods.

I wave goodbye to Melissa but at the moment she's curled up into a ball with a very happy look while wrapping herself in her oversized sleeves. I'm alright with being ignored, I like to see her enjoy herself.

So I catch up to Robin who seems just as inscrutable as when I first reunited with him. I wonder what goes on in his head.

I've been meaning to ask him what's he's been whispering to them and what he wrote on the letter but I feel like it would be rude to intrude. So I remain content as his guide.

Time skip brought to by chibi Melissa wearing cat ears

Robin: "Where is she?" He asks sounding a bit impatient.

Clarissa: "I don't know, I hope she isn't being bullied right now." I say worriedly.

Robin: "Bullied? Yukio?" He asks with a disbelieving brow raised.

Clarissa: "Yeah, it's really bizarre. She became super docile when you left and often kept to herself. You're really important to these girls Robin." I tell him.

Robin: "I realize that now." He mutters scratching his head.

Clarissa: "So why did you leave them like that after they confessed to you?" I ask for maybe the sixth time now since we've reunited.

He doesn't say anything and just turns away from me

Clarissa: "You know it wasn't right." I say getting frustrated.

He continues to remain silent.

Clarissa: "Answer me Robi-"

Robin: "Because they're just as important to me!" He suddenly snaps, almost as wide eyed as me at his sudden shout. "I didn't know what else to do at the time." He says turning away again. "But now I do." He says softly.

My mouth remains shut after that and I start to feel guilty for probing him like that. I should have known Robin has his own things to deal with.

Clarissa: "Robin I'm-"
Robin: "Clare I'm-"

Robin: "Sorry, yo-"
Clarissa: "S-Sorry yo-"

We pause for a moment.

Clarissa: "G-Go-"
Robin: "Go ahe-"

We both look to each other at the same time, our eyes lock and I begin to laugh. Robin looks at me without saying anything but I could tell he found this amusing.

Robin: "No hard feelings?" He asks flatly.

Clarissa: "Of course not." I smile, looking into his eyes.

Finding myself being sucked into those dull teal voids. I quickly shake my head, Robin's just a friend and not the person from my dreams, I need to stop thinking about that.

Robin: "It looks like we've found ourselves to my room." He says stopping in front of a door. "Would you like to come in? I can make you something as thanks for leading me around." He gestures to his door.

Clarissa: "O-Oh! Uhm, I-it's alright, I'm just glad to see yo-"

I'm unable to finish my sentence when Robin once again cuts me off, but this time he pulls me into his room without hesitation.

Robin: "Sorry, people were coming." He explains flatly.

Clarissa: "U-Uhm, that's okay and all, but can you please move back a bit. You're sort of kabedonning me right now." I say looking to my feet while pointing out our close proximity.

(Kabedon: when someone pushes someone else up against the wall, not directly, with their hand. 'Kabe', meaning 'wall' and 'don' meaning the thud or slap that comes from slapping the wall. This action is normally used as an art of seduction and was popularized by mangas. This has been, Cool Potato Facts.)

Robin: "Kabedon..." He says thoughtfully.

He releases me from his hold and I find my heart racing, the Kabedon is a very dangerous move.

Robin moves further into his room and rounds a corner.

Robin: "Oh, I've been looking for you." I hear him say.

With my curiosity peaked and my heart rate calming down. I decide to go see you he's talking to.

As I round the corner I find a green haired girl grinning at Robin.

Yukio: "What took you so long?" She asks cheekily.

Robin: "What are you doing in my room?" He asks with a brow raised.

Yukio glances around Robin to see me.

Yukio: "Hey Clare." She waves to me.

Startled by being acknowledged for once by one of these girls, I give an eager wave.

Clarissa: "Hi Yukio!" I exclaim.

Yukio: "See Robin? That's how you should have reacted to me being here. I mean, at least act excited." She chuckles.

Robin: "I-"

Yukio: "And what are you doing bringing a girl to your room on your first day back Hmm?" She asks waggling her eyebrows. "Don't tell me you've snagged another one!" She mocks a shocked face.

Robin: "No she's jus-"

Yukio: "Well Clarissa, would you like to explain how you've ended up here?" She smirks looking past Robin again.

Clarissa: "I-I think you should focus on Ro-"

Yukio: "Well I guess you would be too sh-"

This time she's the one cut off by Robin who pulls her into a hug.

Yukio: "W-Woah Robin, did ya miss me that much?" She chuckles nervously, her arms outstretched but hovering over Robin.

Robin: "Yes, did you?" He asks flatly.

Yukio clearly wasn't expecting that response as her brain seems to stutter for a moment and she her mouth remain open but silent.

Yukio: "W-Well, I was, but it's not like I was worried about you never coming back or anything like that." She tries to laugh it off poorly.

Robin: "You're lying." He says flatly.

Yukio: "What makes you think that?" She asks, her eyes looking off to the side.

Robin: "Your legs are trembling." He points out.

Her face poofs with steam.

Yukio: "S-Shut up." She says with a frown before wrapping her own arms around him tightly. "Of course I was worried, dumbass." She says putting on a tough look with tears slowly streaming down her face.

That's four for four Robin, I'm impressed.

Robin: "Couldn't you have just asked the wind?" He asks softly.

Yukio: "That was the first thing I did! Do you want to know what they told me?!" She asks tightening her hold on Robin.

Robin: "What did they say?"

Yukio: "They didn't tell me anything! If it surrounded you they didn't speak a word! I tried and tried but they wouldn't tell me anything." She cries.

Robin: "Until now I'm guessing." He says flatly.

Yukio: "Yeah, the moment they told me you were returning I've been waiting here, thinking about what to say." She says letting the truth flow out of her.

Robin: "How did you get in my room?" He asks flatly.

Yukio: "What kind of girl doesn't know how to lock pick her crush's door?" She chuckles.

Robin: "A lot, but the doors have magic locks." He says more interested in the lock part.

Yukio: "But not the windows." She grins through her tears.

Robin: "That's an oversight." He comments.

Yukio: "You're right about that." She chuckles.

Yukio wipes her eyes and steps back with a bashful look.

Yukio: "Man, this isn't how I was going our reunion would be." She chuckles, scratching her neck.

Robin: "Me neither." He nods in agreement.

Yukio bites her lip and holds onto her bracelet, as if preparing herself to say something.

Yukio: "Look Robin, I-I'm sorry we overwhelmed you with our confession, confessions sorry." She chuckles nervously. "We tried to stay strong for a while, but...well I'm guessing you saw what happened. You don't need to answ-"

Robin: "No, I've already thought of my answer, for all of you, it's what I've been doing for the past week." He confesses. "And it is mostly my fault for leaving at that time, I-I didn't know what else to do at the time." He says what he said to me earlier.

Yukio's eyes begin to glisten again, but this time I assume it's tears of happiness.

Yukio: "R-Really?" She asks breathlessly. "W-What about the other girls? I need to text them righ-"

She's cut off by a knock at the door.

Robin: "That should be them now, I told the other three to meet me here for my answer earlier." He says flatly. "I'll go get them."

Yukio: "L-Like right now?!" She stammers alarmed.

Robin: "It's not like I can keep them waiting." He says flatly.

Yukio: "W-Wait! L-Let me clean myself up first." She says hastily, wiping her eyes.

Robin: "Wait." He says to her before she leaves.

Yukio: "Y-Yeah?" She asks with a sniffle.

Robin: "I'm glad you still wear that bracelet, it suits you." He comments flatly.

Yukio: "Whaaaat?" She chuckles. "As if a girly thing like this suits me." She scoffs turning away from him.

Robin: "At least, I think it does." He says softly.

I watch as Yukio begins to smile and giggle to herself as she caresses the bracelet. Then she suddenly glares at me.

Yukio: "You don't tell anyone about what you saw here got it?" She threatens me through puffy eyes.

I quickly nod my head as Yukio rushes to Robin's bathroom. Looks like she familiarized herself with the room during her time here.

I glance to a slightly open door leading to what I'm assuming is Robin's bedroom. When Robin isn't looking, I close it for Yukio. This is what a good friend would do in this moment right?

After I finish my good deed I walk back to Robin who was waiting at his door. From here we could hear the other girls.

Rachel: "Is he not here yet?" Her muffled voice asks through the door.

Lisa: "He better not keep me waiting for very long." Her arrogant tone is heard through the door, I'm glad she's back to her old self now.

Rachel: "Just be patient Lisa, like Melissa." She says, possibly rubbing her head?

Lisa: "I am patient! But I've waited for far too long already, two years- twelve years is much more than enough." She says with a huff.

Rachel: "Twelve?" She asks confusedly.

Lisa: "I'm his childhood friend remember? We've known each other since we were five." She says boastfully.

Yukio: "Alright, I'm ready!" She calls from further inside the room.

Robin gives a nod in confirmation and takes a deep breath.

Clarissa: "You've got this!" I whisper yell encouragingly to Robin.

He look at me for a moment and gives me an appreciative look. Then he ruffles my hair as if it's natural, not that I'm complaining.

And I don't think much of it at all, he does this a lot anyways.

Robin's door clicks and he slowly opens it to greet the three girls. The moment they spot him they all go silent.

Robin: "Would you like to come in?" He asks, breaking the silence.

They all give a silent and blushing nod. When they walk through the door they all give me a look of acknowledgment.

Lisa: "Cowti- I mean Clare. Thanks for healing me earlier." She mumbles, too prideful to look me in the eye.

I just give her a smile and all of them a cheery wave, before beginning to walk out of the room.

Robin: "Where are you going?" He asks me.

Clarissa: "I don't think I should be here for this, it's between you and them after all." I say giving him a smile.

His mouth opens and then closes. Then he gives me a nod.

Robin: "Alright, thanks again." He says warmly.

I can't help but smile at his slight change in tone.

Clarissa: "Yeah, no problem." I smile.

I turn back and take a step past his door and into the hallway.

Robin: "Let's hang out sometime soon." He says before I leave.

I turn back around with a hopeful look, was he really initiating a plan to hang out? When I see his face, it's completely serious, as usual.

Clarissa: "Yeah! Let's!" I grin.

He gives me one more nod before turning back to his room and closing his door. Even after I hear his door click shut, I find myself still looking at where he just was.

I hope everything works out for them, even if I have to be left out.

With a sigh, I turn to just walk around aimlessly. But instead, I end up leaning my back beside his door, apparently not ready to go just quite yet.

It's been quite a day for me, I've done a lot today, with Robin even! I'm still amazed he's back, and as usual, he's already made a splash.

It's hard to believe he's a commoner, just like me. He's worked hard to be so amazing, the exact opposite of me who just managed to get lucky. I wish I could be more like Robin.

???: "What's got you looking so glum Clare?" A frivolous voice asks me.

I look up to find Grace, with two other girls behind her.

Clarissa: "Hi Grace!" I smile. "Who are these two?" I ask, hoping to change the topic.

Grace: "This is my sister." She gestures to the cold looking girl to her right. "And this is Leticia." She gestures to her left.

???: "Elizabeth Astley, second year, pleasure to meet you Clarissa. My sister has told me all kinds of things about you." She says with a sort of warm and chilly tone.

Leticia: "I-I'm Leticia Pierette, hello." She says meekly.

Clarissa: "I'm Clarissa, but you guys can call me Clare." I say energetically, eager to make new friends.

Grace: "What are you doing in front of Robin's dorm room?" She asks curiously.

Clarissa: "Oh well! After you told me you couldn't make it, I ended up wandering into town. Then I met Robin!" I exclaim, and at the mention of his name, the other two girl's ears perk. "We went around meeting up with all the other girls who we already planned on seeing, you should have been there, it was quite an adventure." I chuckle.

Grace: "Ah yes, I would have been there if someone didn't call me over to tell me all about her week and some, very interesting news." She says clearly glancing at her sister.

Elizabeth/Leticia: "So where's Robin now?" They ask in unison.

Clarissa: "He's right in there talking with those girls, I don't think this is the best time to interrupt them." I say glancing between the two girls who were producing some scary auras.

Elizabeth: "Key?" She asks her companions.

Both Grace and Leticia pull out a key.

Grace: "How'd you get one?" She asks teasingly.

Leticia: "How did you get one?" She asks back.

Grace: "I'm his master, of course I have a key to his room." She says nonchalantly. "You?" She raises a brow with a winning smile.

Elizabeth: "That doesn't matter, we're going in to see them now." She orders.

Clarissa: "Wai-"

Before I can stop them, Leticia unlocks Robin's door and they all funnel through.

Clarissa: "H-Hold on guys wait!" I say walking in after them.

The moment I enter the room though, I feel the temperature drop immensely as the two sides stare off at each other.

The first four girls on the far end and Grace, her sister, and Leticia on the other. With Robin in between.

Robin: "Oh uhm, hello." He says not seeming to notice the drop in temperature.

Grace: "Hello Robin, would you mind leaving the room for a bit?" She asks with a sweet smile.

Robin: "But I-"

Yukio: "Yeah, just for now Robin." She chimes in.

Lisa: "There's something we need to discuss without you here." She adds.

All of the girls on the room seem to agree on Robin leaving, for whatever reason.

Seeing as he is outnumbered, he reluctantly gives a confused nod.

Robin: "Alright, I'll see you guys later then." He says giving everyone a one over and a wave.

I begin to leave as well but Grace stops me.

Grace: "And where do you think you're going?" She asks me with a scary smile.

Clarissa: "No where I-I guess." I say with a nervous laugh.

We all watch as Robin leaves the room and we hear a familiar voice outside.

Robert: "Heya Kid! When's you get back?" We hear his grinning voice.

Instead of a normal greeting or response, we all feel a chill from Robin's menacing and anger filled words.

Robin: "I heard that you've told everyone I left." He emphasizes the word.

Robert: "L-Look kid, I can explain!" He says fearfully.

Robin: "Then I'll gladly listen." He says in a chilling tone.

From the looks of everyone's faces, we all could agree that we felt pity for our teacher.

But that only lasts for a minute before an intense stare off ensues between sides.

Grace: "Did we interrupt anything?" She asks with a smile.

Lisa: "Yes, yes you did." She crosses her arms.

Yukio: "Something very important in fact." She adds.

Grace: "Was it a confession perhaps?" She asks cheekily.

This causes Yukio's side to flinch but Yukio recovers fast.

Yukio: "So what of it?" She cocks her hip.

Then, silence.

Elizabeth: "You all confessed to him? You can't be serious." She laughs.

Rachel: "We are very serious about Robin, we've all agreed that we're in love with him." She says bluntly.

Melissa nods her head vigorously, wearing her freshly cleaned over sized hoodie.

Elizabeth: "Well, unfortunately for you, Robin Cross is taken." She smirks.

LRMY: "By who?!" They exclaim in unison.

(A/N: it's a hassle to write all of their names)

Elizabeth takes out a magazine and flips to a specific page that has a very big red circle around her and...Robin?! When did he become a model?

Elizabeth: "We made it official a few days ago." She says haughtily.

Grace: "Yes, my dear sister has already claimed my cute little servant. So what did Robin say to you all?" She smirks with a devious glint in her eyes.

Yukio's group all glance at each other and turn back all with some form of a victorious smile.

Lisa: "He didn't say yes." She declares.

Elizabeth: "Hah! So then-"

Rachel: "But he didn't say no either." She says smiling.

Leticia: "Ehehe, I knew he'd do that." She says quietly as if she knew about their confession.

Melissa: "He asked for more time." She says standing tall, despite being short.

Yukio: "Meaning we still have a chance!" She grins looking victorious over Grace's side.

Grace: "How interesting." She smirks, then she turns to me. "How about you Clare? Do you also have a crush on Mr.Cross?" She asks cheekily.

At that one question, all eyes are on me. All of these important figures pointing their judgmental gazes on me made me extremely nervous and afraid.

But in that same moment, the image of Robin and that boy from my dreams flash in my head. I feel my fear fade away as I clench my fists with determination.

Clarissa: "Yes, I most definitely have a crush on Robin." I confirm to both them and myself.

Everyone is silent for a moment, then they all let out a sigh at the same time.

Lisa: "Of course she does." She sighs.

Yukio: "You're killing me Robin, I was joking earlier." She says with a chuckle, shaking her head.

Melissa: "At least you're a nice person." She mumbles.

Elizabeth: "I cannot believe you Robin, here I thought being your girlfriend would make me special." She grumbles.

Leticia: "He's just that amazing." She giggles.

Rachel: "Another rival huh."

Grace: "We'll be happy to add you to this fight Clare, I wish everyone here good luck on winning the blank faced boy's love." She says sounding genuine.

I'm stunned at everyone's reactions at first but when I see all of their determined looks I knew nobody was playing around.

I've placed myself on this battlefield called love, and there's no turning back.

Clarissa: "I'll try my hardest." I say determinedly.

Almost everyone: "And so will I!"

Grace: "Now this will be an interesting play to watch." She smirks devilishly.

I get the feeling that Robin's life is about to get eight times harder.

Gah! Lifeguard test tomorrow! Almost 2:00am! Need sleep! Next chapter will be the last before the Christmas special! See you next chapter!

Date of chapter completion: Dec 12 1:53 am
Word count: 9033

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