
By 19RaeNegade

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As Marinette continues to emotionally recover, she finds out about a long-forgotten secret her family has kep... More



534 24 11
By 19RaeNegade


Marinette's P.O.V

   "Is there anything you two want to do tomorrow for your first birthday together?" dad asked, glancing between me and Mallorie. I paused from taking another bite then set my fork down. I honestly don't know what to say.

   The idea of sharing a birthday with Mallorie is one thing (and a strange one at that). Yet, spending it with the person I'm not very fond of is a whole other scenario. I know I'll be at school tomorrow with the drama queen of the school. Though, Chloe has been acting oddly quiet nowadays.

   Now that I think about it, it's recently been too peaceful. No loud screeches. No "utterly ridiculous" or "I'm calling daddy" being shouted. No mean comments or retorts. Nothing. I know I should be happy about the change but it is very concerning. I should probably check up on Chloe through Sabrina.

   But that is a later problem. Right now, I've got my head full of spending time with someone I resent on a special day.

   I glanced at Mallorie from the side of my vision, seeing her with a distant look. It somewhat surprises me she hasn't put on her "innocent" mask and chirped about what we should do tomorrow. I'm once again concerned with the quietness and at the same time, kind of glad.

I'm also very confused. She was so sly and malevolent minutes ago. Now, she is blankly staring at a plate of food.

I wish I knew what she is thinking about. I've never seen her phased by anything until now. It's somewhat clear that something is bothering her.'s the photograph. Did she notice it's missing? I returned my gaze to dad, seeing him frown with worry. He bowed his head.

"Girls, I know things are different and new for the both of you," he started, raising his head back up, "This is Mallorie's first time in a new country on the other side of the earth, and Marinette has never experienced having a sibling, let alone, a twin before. Everything is rickety between the three of us. But I'm willing to set all this aside for tomorrow to have some fun."

Unsureness settled in my stomach. I know dad means well and wants us to spend our first birthday together happy. Although...why is Shadow here now? What happened to Shadow before going to America? Dad seems too eager to celebrate something he could have done for the past sixteen years.

"Dad..." I spoke up, seriousness laced in my voice. This earned his full attention, wondering what I'm about to say.

I asked, "What happened all those years ago with Mallorie?"

Shadow scoffed, glaring at me. She stood up and stormed off, leaving the apartment. I watched her go, having the urge to follow her for some reason. Maybe it's my instinctive habit of concerning over people or...maybe it's something else. Could it be tomorrow that put Shadow in a bad mood?

Dad sighed.

"I don't think answering that question now is the appropriate time."

But why? Is tomorrow related to Shadow going off to America? What? What is it?!

I got up from my seat and ran after Shadow.


I eventually tracked Shadow down and found her kicking a mailbox. I carefully drew closer, hearing her cursing under her breath. There's a bit of a dent on the side of the metal mail containment. Passerby's watched in surprise before continuing on their way, not wanting to involve themselves in whatever issue the teen has.

"Shadow," I spoke up, keeping my distance as to not get punched or something. My twin stopped her assault and sharply twisted her head to look over her shoulder. I'm met with a fuming face, eyes burning holes into me.

"What do you want you pathetic excuse of a human?" She growled, teeth clenched. I winced but didn't deter me from staying. Slowly, I drew closer to my sister.

"Can we talk?" I asked, trying not to tip Shadow's scale any further into the raging fire. I need to try and calm her down as to not turn into an akuma. With all that negativity built up in her, I can only imagine how powerful she could become.

"Talk? I think we are far past civil conversations," Shadow hissed, roughly jabbing my chest, "I don't want anything to do with you or that fat, old man. You both and that dead beat mom are the vain of my existence."

"Why are you so mad at us, especially me? I didn't even know I had a sister until you showed up that very day," I argued. Shadow rolled her eyes before her gaze landed on my waist. She narrowed her eyes before grabbing the wallet-sized picture from my pants pocket. Shadow looked at it for a moment then returned her dagger-eyed glare on me.

"Did you steal this from me?" She deeply seethed in a menacing voice. I'm a bit offended at how quickly she believes that I would steal from her but it's not very surprising either. I bet she would use any excuse in the book to blame me for something I didn't do.

"No, I found it on my chaise! It probably fell out of your pocket," I explained, defensively.

"I'm sure it did, you liar," Shadow sarcastically replied. Then, she turned and continued down the sidewalk. My boiling anger exploded in outrage at the proclamation Shadow titled me—a liar. The statement triggers something off within me. My hands clench before stomping closely behind Shadow. What once was a spark is now an inferno, burning and swallowing me whole.

"I am not a liar," I stated, going ignored.

We somehow end up at a mall and enter a clothing store. I didn't pay any attention to what store we entered, too angry to care. I need to get a point across.

"Stop following me and go die in a hole. You'll probably accomplish more in your sad life doing that. Good riddance," Shadow said, annoyed. Okay, that is uncalled for. I won't lie, what she said did hurt me. I just can't believe someone I've known in such a short amount of time has such a deep and burning hatred for me. Plus, I've tried to be nice!

I'm just so done with her!

"Why do you hate me so much? What the heck did I ever do to you?" I asked with annoyance, following her into an empty elevator.

"You existed," Shadow grumbled, tired of this conversation. She is stubborn. I sighed, needing to stop trying to get answers out of Shadow when she is clearly not going to give them. Maybe, it's for personal reasons...even though I'm involved in those reasons.

   The elevator doors shut and the small area jutted, starting its climb to whatever floor Shadow picked. Yet, it barely took a few seconds when the elevator came to an abrupt stop. I stumbled into the wall, trying to keep my balance. The light above us flickered.

   "What's going on?" I said within my mind, trying to figure out the situation. Shadow stands from the ground in confusion, looking around for the cause of the elevator's malfunctioning. The elevator's warning light flashes on, covering the small room in red.

   The sounds of screaming and running can be heard outside the elevator. A chilling feeling washes over me like my blood froze in my veins when hearing the outside noises. I gulped, thinking an akuma is attacking...and I'm stuck in this elevator.

   "What the hel-" Shadow exclaimed before being cut off by water suddenly gushing through the elevator doors. I gasped, stumbling into the farthest wall from the door. The cold liquid is rapidly filling the elevator, nearly past my knees already.

   Instinctively, I quickly searched for a way out and spotted a hatch above. With a newfound determination, I turned to Shadow to tell her my plan to escape.

   Yet, I stopped.

   Shadow is completely petrified except for the slight trembling in her tense muscles. The pupil in her widened eyes has shrunk to a bare minimum, terror filling those familiar gray. Her breathing is uneven, deeply gasping like her head is already underwater. Her skin turned shades paler than ghostly white.

   I've never seen so much fear in a person. Her look is far off like a different scene is playing before her instead of this present moment.

I slosh through the water and over to Shadow. This is the first time I've seen Shadow lose her chill and not fake it. I can tell she is genuinely afraid, probably having a traumatic episode.

"Shad—Mallorie," I corrected myself, "We need to get out of here but I need you to calm down."

Suddenly, Mallorie snapped and panicked. She latched onto me, trying to climb my figure as if the now waist-deep water wouldn't be able to get her on top of me.

"Mallorie, stop!" I yelled but my twin continues freaking out. We need to get out of here or else we will both drown. I sigh. Well, she already knows my alter ego. There's no point in hiding it. Without much choice, I said three words, "Tikki spots on!"

   I felt my suit materialize over my body. My hand reached into the water, grabbing my yoyo from my waist. I threw it up, calling upon my power for help. A ladybug-decorated crowbar appeared and fell onto my hand. I begin to work out a plan with the tool I'm given but it's hard to think when a person is trying to climb on me. I don't even think she realized that I transformed because she is so out of it.

   "Mallorie! Please, calm down so o can get us out of here!" I yelled again, trying to break through the thick walls of fear, "Snap out of it or you'll make us both drown!"

Finally, Mallorie stopped her struggling and breathing heavily. She unlatched herself from me, many different emotions crossing her face. Obviously, terror is still present. Yet, shame and anger accompanied it. I didn't spend much time evaluating Mallorie. Instead, I figured out how to use my Lucky Charm.

I threw the crowbar as hard as I can like a spear. The tool stuck itself in the space between the latch and ceiling. I threw my yoyo, raveling it around the crowbar and pulled it as hard as I can. Yet, it isn't budging enough to open. I'm going to need someone to help me pull.

I shot my gaze over at Mallorie, who looks like she could start panicking again at any second.

   "I need your help," I said, getting to the point.

   "Why would I help you?" Mallorie growled. I hold back the urge to call her out for her stupidity. Mallorie isn't able to think straight right now, mind clouded by fear.

   "I need your help so we can get out of here alive," I shot back. Mallorie didn't waste any time swimming behind me and grabbing some of the string. We both pulled with all of our strength, feeling the water creeping up nearly to our shoulders. I have to place my feet on the wall when I started to float.

   My earrings begin to beep. Four minutes left. It is at that moment I insult myself in my mind for forgetting to bring some food with me. The water rises more and more. The ceiling getting closer and the space for air declining.

   "Come on you dumb lock! Break!" I shouted in my head, gritting my teeth.

   Beep! Beep!

   Three minutes left.

   Time is running out. The lock is still not budging much even with the two of us pulling.

   "Chat..." I begin to pray in my thoughts, "Please...we need your help...I need your help!"

   Still, I continue to desperately pull on the string. This isn't over yet. Chat Noir isn't coming to save us. He's probably dealing with the akuma right now than looking for me. I need to get us out of here! This is my duty—a means of life and death itself!

   Beep! Beep!

   Two minutes.

I'm running on adrenaline at this point yet feeling cold. My muscles are pushing their limits, hurting and tiring from pulling. My heart is pounding, knowing that time is almost up. Our last hope of escaping will disappear in nearly a minute.

"Mom...please...we need help," I thought, pleading.

   Beep! Beep!

   One minute.


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