Idea Catcher

By Ace_Stories24

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This is just random writes I've had. All of them aren't finished, and I don't really plan to unless they blow... More

A Nightmare's Curse
Scaled Wings
Nightmares Chapter 1
Nightmares Chapter 2
RipTide (Part 1)
RipTide (Part 2)
RipTide (Part 3)
RipTide (Part 4)
Fugitives (Failure)

Scare Me

8 0 0
By Ace_Stories24

Tw: Blood, Gore, and cursing.

Word count: 9,334


The Dream SMP. Everyone knows the stories of the place. A young man  and his friend hiding their prized possessions from the server owner.

People who built a new community and started wars for power and control. To find leverage over someone else. 

A man of pure evil that would control and manipulate people. He used powerful tactics of mind control to keep people in his grasp. It was almost a sin to say his name. He might have been locked up but his memory still haunted the people of the SMP, cursing it. 

In Pandora’s Vault, we called him the prisoner like his name was forbidden. 

I was new to the Vault. Sure I helped AweSamDude build it but I had never spoken to the man it now held captive. 

The prison held its own creator, Dream. He had ordered its construction. At the time, I didn’t think he would be its prisoner.

The place was truly inescapable. Walls of pure obsidian and deadly traps to keep people out and a prisoner in. 

I made my rounds around the black hallways, checking for any flaws. This place had to be perfect to meet Sam’s standards. He had to own the perfect prison to make his title. 

Dream coming to the prison was a hard task to take. Sure, after he came and was put into the obsidian box and he had never left but his games were still getting out. 

His mind games started, Sam taking the brunt of it. The prisoner found it fun to burn the only thing he possessed in the cell. A clock that counted down the hours. 

The prisoner would beg for a new one until Sam finally gave in, giving him another clock to which he would only throw into the lava a few days later.

Sam was starting to become a prisoner to the vault. With the prisoner’s crazy mind games and Sam needing to fulfill his duty was slowly taking a toll on him. 

The prisoner was allowed one visitor a month but that soon changed. 

A young blond, in his 20's came into the prison. Sam nodded as the tall boy approached the lobby office. I was standing guard by the main hallway. 

The boy had a white bandage over his nose and had bright blue eyes that glowed like lightning. He was wearing a white and red shirt with a green bandanna around his neck. He wasn’t wearing any armor like Sam and I were.

“Hello Tommy.” Sam welcomed the boy.

“Hey Sam! I’m here to see Dream.” Tommy said, resting his elbows on the counter. He spoke with a British accent.

“Very well. Read this aloud and then sign it.” Sam passed him a paper, “Have you been to the prison before?” 

Sam was looking in the visitors log and Tommy shook his head, “Nope! First time!” 

His energy was almost exhausting, making me want to sit on the floor and fall asleep so I wouldn’t have to feel his energy.

I swept my shoulder blade length, brown hair to my back so it would stay out of my way. I brought out a small dagger to check my reflection. 

My purple eyes stared back at me. I had a small scar on my right brow. I had gotten it when I was training with Sam.

Tommy began to read the contents on the paper aloud in a bored voice. Sam nodded as he had memorized the complicated words on the paper. 

Once Tommy was done reading he took the pen and signed his name sloppily at the bottom. Sam took the paper, taking a quick scan over the signature.

“Alright Tommy, I will open the locker for you. Put everything in the chests.” Sam ordered. 

Tommy walked into the locker room and started to empty his inventory into it. Once he came out he saw me. “Is that a woman?” He asked.

“Yes Tommy.” Sam answered annoyed, “That is Tip, my head guard.” Sam told him to go down the hallway for a personal check. I stood guard still. I had always wondered what the prisoner was like. 

I was left alone in the lobby to guard for around 20 minutes. There was a rumble, causing me to stabilize myself and then an explosion sound echoed around the prison. The alarms started to go off. My heart sank. 

Was the prisoner escaping? 

Sam ran in a few seconds later, “Tip! Come with me!”

“What is happening?” I asked, following him through the portal.

“There was an explosion during the visit! The prison is on lock down!” Sam said quickly.

“Did the prisoner get out?” I asked him. 

“No. Thankfully. But Tommy is locked up with him right now.”  

We headed outside and he used his trident to get up to the roof of the prison. I followed him up with my own. 

The flat roof was barren and no one was in sight. Sam walked around and I explored as well.

I looked down and saw black scorch marks on the dark obsidian. The obsidian looked undamaged but there was definitely an explosion here.

“Sam! Over here!” I called to him. He ran over and crouched over the black marks and brushed his finger in the soot. 

“This is over the main cell.” Sam muttered. 

“The obsidian is undamaged though. I think it was just a scare.” I noted, looking around for a suspect. 

“Still I don’t like it. I’m going to figure this out before I even open that cell again.” Sam stood up, pounding his trident on the roof.

“Sam. That could take a while. We have to get Tommy out of there.” I argued.

“Yes I know but this could be a trick. I’m not falling for anything. Tommy signed the paper, he knew the risk.” Sam started to walk away from the explosion mark, “I want you to watch the prison while I look around. I don't want anyone going in or out.”

“Alright. Good luck Sam.” I nodded. 

He flew off with his trident and I went down to the ground and into the prison. I turned off the portal. 

That was the last visitor to the main cell. Tommy had been locked up in the cell for a month. Sam didn’t tell me what happened but the prisoner did something to the boy.

Once Tommy left he was jumpy about nearly everything. He freaked out when Sam and I were in armor but we refused to take it off. What did the prisoner do to him to make him fear everything?

This guy really must have been a psychopath to do that to someone who seemed so innocent. Visitors were no longer allowed until one person came.

A young man, short but still taller than me. He and Sam had gone out to talk for a while. He had dark black hair covered by a blue beanie but he almost didn’t look human when it came to his face.

He was definitely human but the left side of his face was almost missing. The skin was ripped off. His ear was stretched and ripped while the other ear had lots of gold earrings.

The left side of his lip, nose and eye were all missing. I could see the white of his skull where the missing flesh should have been. His teeth were showing a bit on the left side. 

Whatever happened to him was horrific and surprisingly not fatal. 

He was wearing a loose white button up shirt and dark blue jeans. He had a large netherite axe on his back with a few blood stains on its sharp blade. There was a gold chain around his neck.

“Tip. This is a friend, Quackity. He will be talking to the prisoner.” Sam introduced you. 

“Hello Tip. It is a pleasure to meet you my dear.” He took my hand in his cold fingers, bowed slightly and kissed the back of my hand. It felt odd with his scar. All of his fingers had large gold rings.

‘Thanks.” I said uncomfortably, pulling my hand away. 

“Y’know? You are very beautiful.” He said smugly.

“Quackity. Quit hitting on my guard. I will take you to the main cell.” Sam rolled his eyes.

“Why don’t you come with us, Tip?” Quackity smirked.

I looked at Sam for instruction. Sam shrugged and I decided to follow them. Sam didn’t ask him to empty his inventory, allowing that axe past the defenses.

What was Sam doing? 

That was against all the rules. I had to trust Sam. He knew what he was doing.

"So Tip? How long have you been here?" Quackity asked, walking on my left.

"Ever since the prison was built." I answered simply.

Sam closed one of the lava floors allowing the three to continue down the path.

"That long huh? I'm surprised you've been here that long without me knowing. I know all the ladies on the SMP." Quackity smiled at me, making me grimace from the sight. 

"Well I don't leave the prison. I have a job to do." I responded. 

"I think I can change that. Why don't you take a break and come and see my place? I have quite the home and I'd love to see you in something other than armor." He said. I wanted to punch his guy. He was so disrespectful.

"Thanks but no thanks. I am busy here." I declined.

"Well if I don't get what I want from Dream today I will be seeing you quite often. So I kinda hope he doesn't. I'd love to get to get to know you more Tippy." He gleamed at me. 

Now I wanted to kick him below the belt for the nickname. I followed Sam down a guard tunnel and Quackity went down the visitor path. 

"Why is he here, Sam? And why is he armed?" I whispered.

"We are trying to get something from the prisoner and he won't give it to us willingly." Sam answered but we came back to the room with Quackity. 

I was a bit confused. They were trying to get something from the prisoner? What? Information?

Wait, Quackity was armed and Dream was not willing to give them something? 

Are they going to get if from Dream by torturing him?

But he was defenseless and trapped in a box. That was unfair. He might have been evil and a psycho but no one deserves that. Maybe they would just threaten him.

We made it to the final room and to be honest I was kind of nervous. I had never met or even seen Dream before. I just heard the stories which made him seem as if he could kill you by just looking at you.

Sam pulled a few levers and me and Quackity stared at the lava wall. I had never been this far into the Vault. 

The heat the lava gave off was breath holding as it seemed to give me sun burn by just looking at it. Quackity did his best to hide the axe from the sight of the lava wall.

The lava took a while to drain but once it did I saw the lava cassum go all the way around an enclave. 

Faceing us was a small room in the enclave was the main cell. There he was, the prisoner. He was behind a netherite wall to keep him in while the visitor traveled to the cell. 

I couldn’t see his face because it was covered by his famous smile mask. He was wearing the orange prison suit and his hair was messy behind the mask.

 I couldn’t quite see how tall he was from how far away he was but I could tell he was much taller than my 5’2 height.

Quackity smirked at the man in the cell. 

Quackity threw an Ender pearl into the teleportation chamber so he could be teleported back from the cell. 

He went up to Sam and they exchanged some words I couldn’t hear before Quackity stepped on to the platform that would take him across. 

Sam pulled a leaver and the platform started to go across. Quackity did well to hide his large axe. 

Sounds began to start as the lava was dropped from the dispensers. The two disappeared behind the wall of lava and Sam and I stood in silence.

“Sam? Should we be doing this? This is a violation and could be dangerous. What if the prisoner gets a hold of the axe?” I said softly.

“It will be fine and if he does get the axe I will take his life.” Sam patted the crossbow at his side.

“What is Quackity trying to get?” I asked.

Sam sighed, “You know why Dream is in here right?” 

“Because he did some awful things.” I guessed.

“No. If it was that simple he would be dead. He has something that could benefit the SMP.” Sam explained.


“Dream had gotten something we call the Revival Book from Schlatt during the L’manburg election. Dream memorized the book and burnt it so only he could have the power. It is the only thing that is keeping us from killing him. He can bring someone back from the dead. We are trying to get it from him so we can get rid of him. He is too dangerous to have on the SMP.”

I scrunched up my nose. How could one person have the ability to do that and have that much power? I could see why they didn’t want to kill Dream in case someone important died but Dream was playing smart. 

He knows that if he tells us about the book he would be killable. 

“WHAT?! SAM!” Screamed a voice, breaking my thoughts. It was muffled by the lava but I could hear the sheer terror in the voice.

It wasn’t Quackity. It was Dream. My breath hitched as it went silent again. There were long minutes of silence. 

Did Quackity just kill Dream?

Sam walked over to the teleportation chamber and closed the trapdoor, breaking the pearl and bringing Quackity back.

My jaw fell open and my eyes narrowed at him in shock. Quackity had dark red splatters of blood on his white shirt. Blood dripped off the blade of his axe and onto the floor. 

Quackity brushed his thumb on his chin, smearing a bit of red on his face.

“Did he say anything?” Sam asked.

“Nope. But I’ll be back tomorrow to see if he wants to try again. I’ll come everyday until he does finally break.” Quackity beamed.

Quackity seemed to see the look on my face, “Don’t worry Tippy. He is useless anyway. He brought this upon himself.”

We made our way back to the prison lobby and I was still horrified by the sight of Quackity. 

“I’ll see you tomorrow Sam.” He turned to me, “And to you as well my dear.” 

He leaned forward, giving me a peck on the lips. I shoved him away harshly and grabbed the hilt of my sword. 

He laughed, “We will try again tomorrow then.”

I glared at him as he left through the portal.


About a month went by and Quackity requested that I come with him every day to the main cell. 

A couple of weeks ago I couldn’t even see Dream over the netherite wall. Sam even stopped putting up the netherite wall when Quackity went over giving me the ability to see inside the cell. 

Dream was on the ground on the far back wall and unmoving. I thought he might have died but when Quackity came back he assured us he wasn’t.

I started to worry. I know, why should I give two fucks about a prisoner, little alone Dream?

But something didn’t feel right deep down inside of me. This wasn’t right. It was had been almost two months of endless torture. It was amazing he was still alive at this point.

I decided to do something. It was the night I had the night shift and I opened the keycard chest to get one.

I might have been in the wrong helping the enemy but he was now a victim. It was a horrible game of cat and mouse but the mouse was nearly dead from being cornered and outmatched.

I grabbed a few of my regeneration potions and a bit of steak. Dream had only been surviving on potatoes and those were not enough to heal him properly. I also grabbed a few Ender pearls so I could get back from the cell. 

I used the keycard to get to the main cell. I knew this was risky. If I got caught I would be removed from the prison, or worse, put in the prison.

I closed everything up behind me, remembering the patterns Sam took.

I was soon in the final room before the main cell. I lowered the lava but didn’t raise the netherite wall. 

I pearled over and landed in the cell. I kept my weapons close in case I needed them but I didn’t think I would. The cell wasn’t clean. There was dried blood everywhere on the black obsidian. 

Dream was still in the last place I saw him, unmoving. I had a fear he was dead but he moved his head slightly to expose his eyes which were tucked in his arms and knees moments earlier. 

I thought he never took the mask off. That’s when I saw it shattered on the floor. The white shards had a bit of red splattered on them. It was so broken I couldn’t even recognize the black smile.

When I turned my attention back to him, he looked at me with the most green eyes I had ever seen. It was like looking into a bright aurora but they were full of pain and misery.

Every inch of his skin was either bruised or cut up. The prison jumpsuit was tattered and stained red.

I recalled the merciless stories he was in and the wars he would start but this was not the person from the story. This was someone who had nothing left but a little bit of power that was barely keeping him alive. 

His blinks were slow as he watched me. He had dark circles under his eyes. I couldn’t tell if they were black eyes or bags from lack of sleep, maybe both.

I kneeled down two feet in front of him so we were nearly eye level. 

I brought out the regeneration potion I brought with me. He looked at it with interest. 

“Hey Dream,” I said softly, “I just thought you needed this.”

I handed him the glass bottle. He took it gently in his thin fingers, looking between me and the bottle, puzzled. He lifted his head up from his knees to inspect the pink liquid.

That’s when I realized I was one of the few people that have seen his face. Even though it was hard to see from the cuts and bruises, he had a few freckles scattered on his cheeks and nose.

 I also noticed a long scar going down his face, from his left brow, over his nose and down to his right jaw. There was also a big scar on his neck but it looked old so he didn’t get it from Quackity.

His cheekbones and jawline were very prominent from being so thin. 

“Why?” He asked. His voice was raspy and dry.

“I just think that what they are doing is awful.” I answered honestly, “No matter what you did.” 

He seemed to dwell on that thought for a second before popping out the cork in the potion and downing it.

I reached out a hand for the bottle and he gave it back. He rested his chin back into his knees and arms. 

I brought out the steak I had, “I also brought this but you have to eat it now. I think Sam would kill me if he found out.” 

Dream looked hungrily at it and took it. He started to eat it without hesitation.

I gave him a weak smile.

Once he finished he shifted his legs but then suddenly winced, “Fuck.” He growled in pain.

He clamped a hand around the back of his right calf. Blood started to seep through his fingers. His nose was scrunched up in frustration as he tried to stop the bleeding.

I took a closer look. I guess he saw because he moved his hand, exposing a deep gash in his flesh. It was a grey-ish green around the edges and was bleeding badly in the center. It was badly infected and oozing puss.

The sight was worse than Quackity’s scar. That must have been why he wasn’t standing anymore. 

“Did Quackity do this to you?” I asked, looking back into his eyes. 

“Yeah. That bastard got tired of me trying to run.” Dream grit his teeth. 

There was nothing I could do. Regeneration Potions did more internal healing than physical. It might help stop the infection but it wouldn’t close the wound.

As if he read my mind, “I’ll be fine. You better go before Sam gets here.” Dream nodded at the clock that was on the wall, he was right. Sam would be here in about thirty minutes for the morning check.

I nodded and stood up. Dream looked like he had gotten the gash to stop bleeding for now.

I turned to leave, “What’s your name?” Dream asked.

I was hesitant to give it to him but I couldn’t see the harm in it, “Tip.” 

He nodded, “Thanks Tip. Really.” 

I smiled, “Of course.” Maybe you could fix monsters.

I threw a pearl back to the control room. I turned back to look at him. He did look a lot better with his strength coming back. 


Every night it was my turn to watch the prison, I would visit Dream to give him some regen pots and proper food. 

I could tell that my efforts were starting to become unuseful. Quackity was dealing twice the damage I could heal off of Dream. 

It was also not good for him to be taking so many regen pots so some nights he would decline them.

Some nights we would even talk about the little things. He told me about two friends he used to have before they betrayed him. He had a current ally. 

I was curious as to why he was telling me this. Did he trust me? Or was he lying? Both sounded reasonable.

I found out he had ADHD and that is what improved his senses. 

He still wasn’t able to walk from the gash. The infection wasn’t as bad as it used to be but it really needed to be covered before it got worse. 

When he wasn’t thinking about power and regaining his SMP back (Which was a common subject for him) he was actually quite funny. 

Sometimes though, his dark side would come out and he would get a little crazy. He would soon tone it down realizing that it would terrify me.

His dark side was like a switch. He could be normal one second, thinking like a normal person but then get a horrible idea to escape or kill someone.

I was surprised at how easy it was to sneak around the prison. I was doing an outside scan around the perimeter of the prison before going to see Dream.

Something caught my eye and I had my sword unsheathed and pointed at a man’s neck with a horrible scar on his face.


“Damn you’re good.” He smiled with his hands up. 

“Quackity? What are you doing here?!” I snapped, not lowering my sword.

“Well, I saw you and thought I could surprise you. Guess you are too good.” He smirked. 

“Leave. You aren’t supposed to be here. It is forbidden.” I said harshly. 

“Oh come on Tip. This is my prison as much as it is Sam’s.” He rolled his eye. 

“That is not true. You are just a visitor. Now leave the premises before I forcefully remove you.” I warned. My sword tip was pressing into his collarbone. 

“Fine. I’ll leave,” He sighed, I lowered my sword.

He moved quickly, grabbing my waist and the back of my neck and pulling into a kiss. 

I tried to pull away but he was stronger so I did the next best thing, I jabbed the hilt of my sword into his gut. 

He breathed out heavily and let go of me, my blade was up against his throat in seconds. 
“Leave.” I hissed.

“Y’know. I like a girl with spirit. I like a challenge.” He walked away from my blade and away from the prison. 

“Glad I wasn’t the only one who saw him.” Said another voice. 

I whipped around to find who, but no one was there.

“Up here.” It said again. 

I looked up and on the wall of the prison was a man standing on a thin ledge.

He had a creepy pig skull over his eyes and nose, leaving his mouth visible. There was a golden crown on his head that sparked in the moonlight. 

A red velvet cape blew around behind him in the light breeze.

“I’ll tell you the same thing I told Quackity. Leave before I make you.” I glared up at him.

“First of all, you are down there, and I am up here. Second, Dream sent me to look for you, Tip.” I nearly choked on my own spit, I breathed in so quickly. 

“Thought that would interest you.” He smirked.

“How? Dream is in prison.” I covered.

“He is. But Quackity isn’t necessarily the smartest and doesn’t know how to read a coded message. So he sent me a message, handwritten by Mr. Dream himself.” He said.

“Why did you get a message from Dream?” I asked up at the pig-man. 

“Well I got the message from Quackity, he just told Dream what to write. It was somethin’ about a visit and debt or somethin’. But the coded message was from Dream. He said he wants to get out and you are part of the plan. What a smart guy.” He explained.

“Who are you?” I asked.

“I’m surprised you don’t know. I’m Technoblade.” Technoblade answered. My mouth dropped open. This was The Technoblade? The best Swordsman in the whole SMP? “I’m guessin’, by your face, that you do know me.” He laughed.

“So wait. You are Dream’s ally?” I asked.

“Ehh, I guess we are acquaintances. We have fought in a war together.” Technoblade recalled.

“Okay so there is a plan to break Dream out?” I asked.


I thought about it. If Dream got out Quackity would no longer torture him but Dream is power hungry. He might manipulate people again. 

“I can’t… I can’t let history repeat itself.” That hurt to say. Why? I don’t know.

“Maybe, but he is going to get out either way. So you can either be our enemy and try to stop us or join us and stop the government.” He said.

“What? Isn’t that what Dream is about? Government?” I asked.

“Nope. Dream has agreed that if you and I break him out you two would join my anarchy group, the Syndicate.” He grinned happily. 

Wait, Dream bargained for my choice? “What? He can’t do that.” I argued.

“He can and did. Besides, once Dream is out we are goin’ to go blow up Las Nevadas, Quackity’s place.”  Technoblade smirked. I frowned. Would this be a good idea? 

Dream was quite dangerous and his ideas to take back his server were quite scary but maybe Technoblade was right. If Dream did get out I would rather be an ally than an enemy. One thing I've learned about the SMP is that you have to do what is best for you. Even if that means breaking the most dangerous man out of prison.

“Okay fine. I’ll help.” I said.

“Let’s goOo!” He cheered and hopped down from his ledge. 

“Wait, are we doing this now?!” I asked, surprised.

“Sure. No one is home right now besides Dream right? So It’s perfect.” Technoblade started heading for the entrance of the prison. 

I followed him because I was unsure what to do. I really hope I didn’t regret this. I was about to let out a curse into the world.


I took Technoblade through the prison. I was super nervous but was also excited.

We were in the final room and we were waiting for the lava to drain.

“Dream has a really bad gash on his leg. I’m pretty sure he can’t walk.” I informed Technoblade.

“Nothin’ we can’t fix at home.” He shrugged off.

The lava finished draining and I sent Technoblade over with the platform, not recalling it back.

Technoblade soon had Dream’s left arm over his shoulder and they were hobbling back over to the platform. 

I watched them nervously. I didn’t know the time and I knew Sam could come in any minute.

I brought the platform back over with the two. Once They stepped off Technoblade ordered for Dream to sit so he could take care of his leg.

“Can’t this wait ‘till we leave the prison?” Dream asked a bit harshly.

“No. Because Sam will be comin’ and I can’t fend him off  if I’m carrin’ you.” Technoblade said.

Dream rolled his eyes. Technoblade brought it some bandages and started to wrap the bleeding gash. 

Dream looked up at me, “Glad you decided to join.” I gave him a smile. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all. Then the alarms sounded. 

All three looked around but Technoblade went back to wrapping Dream’s leg. Once he was finished, he put the bandages away. Dream tested it, winced a little but got up.

Finally I saw his towering height compared to myself. 

“Tip?! What The hell are you doing?!” Said a voice I recognized too well, Sam.

I was ready to speak my mind, “What does it look like? Pretty obvious if you ask me.” Sam looked shocked and for some reason it kind of pleased me. 

I might have followed him once but that was different now. Now I had the power. 

“Why Tip? I trusted you!” He yelled. 

“You wanna know why? Because you are just like everyone else on this damn SMP! Just wanting power! So Y’know what? I’m gonna find my own too!” I yelled back.

I sounded crazy to myself but I didn’t care. Everyone was a little crazy. 

“Looks like you failed your one job Sam.” Dream said behind me, “Such a shame.” 

Sam glared at him, “The prison is on lockdown now. You three won't be escaping.” Sam raised his sword threateningly.

Dream stepped up behind me. I felt his warm breath on my forehead.

I felt his fingers wrap around the back of my neck gently, he leaned down to my ear. 

“Fight him for me, will you?” He whispered softly, sending chills down my spine but it kind of felt nice.He let go of my neck. 

I drew my sword, “You forget Sam, I can take the prison off of lockdown as well.”

His face seemed to pale for a second. Technoblade unsheathed his own sword to help intimidate Sam. 

Sam looked between us, the color draining from his face, “Tip, don’t do this.” Sam pleaded.

“It’s time for the new era Sam. Now let us go or I will have to fight you.” I warned.

“I- I can’t let any of you leave.” Sam held his ground.

I rolled my eyes and struck at Sam who blocked quickly.

“Go.” I ordered the two villains behind me.

Sam tried to get in their way as they made their way by but I blocked him. 

“Keycard Tip.” Technoblade demands from me. Dream and Technoblade were blocked by a door that needed to be opened.

I trip Sam up, pulled out the keycard, and threw it to Technoblade before locking blades with Sam again.

Technoblade caught the card and scanned it quickly, opening the door. He took no hesitation to go through while Dream watched me. 

I parried a swing from Sam and pushed him back by catching him off guard.

 He quickly rebalanced himself and started to push me back from being stronger compared to my small figure. 

“Tip. Let’s go.” Dream called. I shoved Sam back causing him to stumble and allowing me to get to the door. 

Dream ushered me through before following. I hit the button on the right, closing the door behind us. 

We ran through the prison, past all the traps and doors that were opened from Technoblade.

We made it to the lobby, Technoblade was trying to turn on the portal. I ran behind the desk, turning on the portal.

The purple gate hummed with power as Technoblade and Dream stepped into it. I hopped over the desk and ran to the swirling gateway. I traveled to the other side, and outside in the dawn air.

The sun was rising in the East, shooting oranges and yellows into the black canvas of the sky.

I looked back at the prison. I had just fought one of my friends and helped a criminal escape.

"Tip. Let's go." Dream demanded. 

I turned to face him, to abandon the life I once had to turn to the world of anarchy.


It had been three months since I had helped Technoblade and Dream escape prison. We were staying at Technoblade's cabin while we hid.

The whole SMP was looking for us and it was only a matter of time before they did.

Joining the Syndicate wasn't that bad. Technoblade was actually a pretty fun person and I got to meet the Angel of Death, Philza. 

He wore a dark green cloak and a green and white striped bucket hat. He had two large bird wings on his back. He looked around 30. 

 I assumed he could fly even though I had never seen him do it. I also thought he was immortal, he seemed to know everything for how young he looked but I never asked.

They were both incredibly good with a sword and taught me a few things. 

Living up in the north wasn't too bad. Sure it was cold but it was nice when training was hard.

Dream was hard at work gathering things for the Syndicate like netherite and other valuables. I never asked where he got them but I’m afraid I already knew the answer. 

All of his prison injuries had healed, some leaving a few, white scars. He was stronger and his cockiness returned.

Philza warned him to stop going into the SMP but Dream completely ignored him. 

I am currently training with Technoblade right outside his house.

He attacked first but I moved to my right to avoid his blow but just barely. He swiped left to try and hit me and I blocked. 

He quickly spun around to swing at me from the right. I ducked to avoid it. I stepped to the right to try and hit him and he easily parried and pushed me back. 

I stumbled in the snow and he pointed his blade at my chest.

“You need to keep yourself balanced.” He said lowering his sword. 

“Yeah, I know. Old habits I guess.” I said, sheathing my own sword. 

I walked over to a bottle of water laying in the snow, brushed off the snow, and drank whatever water that was not frozen 

Technoblade went inside the house, leaving me out in the cold breeze.

“You’ve been getting better.” Spoke a voice I have come to love.

Turning to face him, Dream was standing there with his green hoodie and his glowing purple armor. 

The white smile mask was on his face, covering his eyes and nose, leaving his lips exposed.

“Thanks but I keep slipping up.” I threw the bottle back into the snow.

“It’s not just anyone who can beat Techno. Trust me.” He stepped up closer to me. He looked down at me with the hollow eyes of the mask.

“I guess that makes sense.” I said. 

I could feel my cheeks get a little hot with him standing so close. 

Technoblade came outside again with Philza following behind. Dream stepped away from me as the two approached. 

“We need to travel into the SMP to talk to someone. Can you be trusted to look after the place while we are gone.” Technoblade asked, looking directly at Dream.

“Have a little faith in me Techno. Who are you talking to?” Dream joked with a small grin. 

“That’s the problem. I don’t.” Technoblade glared at him and did not answer his other question. Dream’s smile faded.

“Watch him.” Technoblade turned to me, giving me a joking grin.

I giggled, “I’ll try.” 

Dream looked back at me, giving me a glare.

“Let’s go Techno.” Philza said, turning away from us. 

Technoblade soon followed him leaving me and Dream. Dream was watching them as they disappeared into the tree line.

“What are you doing Techno?” Dream muttered to himself.

“He is just talking to someone. I don’t think it is that big of a deal.” I offered. 

“Yeah, but who? I’d be a little concerned if it was Quackity or Sam.” Dream pointed out.

I didn’t think of that, “Would Techno do that to us? We are a part of his Syndicate.” 

“Techno is unpredictable. He is a wild card. No one knows what he will do.” Dream explained. 

“So do we trust him?” I asked.

“Good question. What do you think?” He asked with a slight smirk.

“I- uhh. I don’t know. I haven't known him for very long.” 

“My point exactly. Nobody knows unless you are Techno. Well maybe Philza knows.” Dream turned to the house and I followed him. 

I didn’t know what to do if Technoblade was talking to an enemy and if that was the case we might have to go on the run again. 

Dream glanced back at the forest like he heard something. 

“What is it?” I asked him, looking at the tree line as well. 

“Nothing.” He said after a few seconds of staring off.

We went inside Technoblade's house but Dream kept looking out the window at the exact same spot.

I assumed he saw an animal or something and it was occupying his mind.

I went back to sharpening my sword and realized I left my water bottle outside. 

"I'll be right back." I told Dream, sheathing my sword. He didn't say anything but watched me leave. 

I stepped outside and noticed that large snowflakes started falling from the gloomy clouds above.

I found the bottle and brushed off the snow. An arrow landed next to my foot, narrowly hitting me. 

I spun around to face my opponent with my sword but no one was there. I looked to the treeline where the archer must have been.

"Dream!" I called for him and he was out in seconds.

“Someone is here. They shot at me.” I told him, pointing to the arrow.

He looked out into the tree line, “Stay here.”

He equipped his axe and I knew whoever was in those trees was about to have a bad day.

Dream went past the perimeter fence, into the trees, and out of sight. The snow and the breeze started to pick up speed, making my distance of visibility lessened.

A few flakes landed on my cheeks, causing my eyes to flinch.

“Why did you do it, Tip?” Quackity said behind me. I turned towards him, my sword raised. “You were perfect, now look what you’ve become. A low life villain.” Quackity spat.

“Like I care. It's better than rotting away, watching a stupid building.” I shot back.

His brows scrunched up in annoyance, “You could be so much more than a villain. You could come with me. We could rule the SMP. Together.”

I laughed a little, “ That’s cute Quackity, but I’ve picked my side.”

“You are a coward Tip.” He insulted.

“And you are a dumbass.” Dream said coming up behind me.

I nearly jumped at his stealthiness. He didn’t crunch the snow. Quackity’s eye narrowed at him with hatred.

Dream stepped up so she was standing right behind me, oddly close.

“Like she said, she chose her side.” He said.

He then did something I wasn’t expecting. His arms wrapped around my waist and around my shoulders, keeping my arms down, and pulling me into his chest. His body was warm as I relaxed from my tense posture. 

I didn’t move because I was a little shocked and I couldn’t help but blush. Quackity’s breath hitched which sort of pleased me. He knew I was letting Dream get this close and wasn’t doing anything about it.

 I would rather be in in Dream’s arms then Quackity’s. I blushed at the thought. 

Dream didn’t stop there. He bent down so his chin was resting on my shoulder. He nestled himself in my soft hair that was on my shoulder, that was blowing in the wind. I swear I was so red I would make a tomato jealous. 

The mask was at my eye level while watching Quackity. His breath was steady and echoed in the mask next to my ear, sending another wave of warm chills down my spine.

 Quackity was red with rage as Dream got comfortable. Dream was gentle when he wanted to be. Each movement was slow, smooth, and calculated.

 His hand that was over my chest came up to my chin, cupping it, and pulled it back gently to his face. His fingers were warm on my cold cheeks and his gloved palm rested on my chin. He lifted up his head and pressed his lips against mine. 

I melted into the kiss. Sure it wasn’t his real face and my forehead was pressed up against the mask but it was still so perfect. 

Dream pulled away, knowing his point was made. I wish it had lasted much longer but there was an enemy in the presence. Dream did keep me pulled up to his chest, not daring to let me go.

“So you're dating him now?!” Quackity snapped. 

“No.” Dream said casually with a smirk. 

I could see he was intentionally trying to piss off Quackity and it was working. Quackity looked like he was about to pop a blood vessel.

Quackity looked at me for my response and I just shrugged, “What? Jealous?” 

Dream nodded with approval from my insult. 

“N-no!” Quackity said quickly, “I just thought you would choose better!”

“PFT. Who? You? No thanks.” I joked. This villain stuff was kind of fun. 

“Let’s call this a bit of payback, Quackity. You tortured me in prison, I steal your girl.” Dream taunted above, “Of course, I am still coming to Las Nevadas to destroy it. This was a long time comin’.”

“You are both psychos!” Quackity yelled and brought out his axe.

Dream let me go, bringing out his own weapon. I unsheathed my own sword to help when another figure came out of the snow. Sam.

“I can’t believe you, Tip. I thought of you as like a sister.” He said.

“That sucks for you. I’m different now! I am no longer your dumb guard who just follows orders! I’m better and more powerful than I ever have been!” I shouted. It felt good to say to his face.

Dream attacked Quackity randomly, Quackity barely having time to dodge.

Sam tried to attack Dream now that he was closer but I blocked his blade. Dream kicked Quackity away and then blocked Sam’s sword for me, leaving me to Quackity.

I used a new method Technobalde taught me when fighting a bigger opponent.

"Use their size against them. They can become unbalanced easier than you can. You just have to get them unbalanced. Sometimes, they will have a harder time hitting you because you are smaller." Technoblade explained during a training session. That was the closest I have ever come to defeating Technoblade.

I ducked under Quackity’s swing at the last second, causing him to brace but failing to hit me and stumbling. I shoved him as I passed, helping to push him into the snow.

I heard axes clanking in the distance from Sam and Dream but all around me was just a white abyss. This was a bad storm and it was only getting worse. 

Quackity pushed himself out of the snow and locked weapons with me yet again. I broke away, knowing he could over power me.

He swung yet again narrowly hitting my chest. I could tell he was intending to hurt me badly by the force of his blade. He sidestepped quickly, catching me off guard. 

He hit my left side in the gaps in my armor. I moved away from his blade to avoid getting hit again. 

Red blood coated my fingers as I tried to cover it up with my hand. Quackity came at me again, swiping up. I leaned away to try and dodge it but the axe sliced my chest. 

I fell back on the snow, landing on my right side. The snow was cold against my bare skin. The snow started to turn red in some places from my blood.

 Quackity towered over me, his blood stained axe in hand. My sword was laying in the snow, too far away for me to reach. 

My chest and side stung badly making my vision blurry. I pushed myself up so I was leaning back on my elbows. Quackity walked up to me and I tried to back away from him but deemed it useless.

“It is such a shame Tip,” He stepped by my side and kneeled down over me, “You should have chosen better. You could have had so much more with me.” 

He set his axe down in the snow next to him.

I glared merderesly at him, “I will never choose you.” I breathed out.

His face hardened at my response but he leaned down closer to my face, “Fine then.” He grabbed my chin and kissed me which I tried to pull away from but I felt something sharp go into my stomach.

Quackity pulled away and I looked down at the sheer pain I felt and saw a dagger plunged into my abdomen. 

Quackity’s hand let go of the dagger hilt, leaving it in my body, “Sorry Tip. If I can’t have you, no one can. Especially not Dream.” He stood up.

I tried to reach for the dagger to remove it but I felt as if my energy was sucked away. My arm fell limp. I didn’t know what to do. Would this really be my end?

Soon everything went black. 


Fighting Sam was easy. He soon backed down and disappeared into the snow storm. I listened for Tip and Quackity. I figured Tip could handle Quackity so I was expecting to see him defeated or even better, dead. 

I looked around but it was pretty much pointless, the storm was impossible to see through. I wandered around for a while, not hearing anything but the howling for the wind.

I wasn’t one to worry much but now I was. 

Two black silhouettes started to come towards me from the snow with a light. My hand went to the hilt of my sword out of instinct. The silhouettes came closer and once I could see them I recognized them as Technoblade and Philza.

“Dream? What are you doin’ out here? It’s fuckin’ snowin’.” Philza asked. 

“We were attacked after you left and I lost Tip in the snow.” I said, trying not to sound worried. 

“By who?” Technoblade asked.

“Quackity and Sam. I guess they are still working together.” I answered.

“I’ll fly around and see if I can find her. I hope she isn’t unconscious and freezing.” Philza spread his wings and flew off.

“Let’s spread out and look, check for areas that have old footprints.” Technoblade told me. I nodded in agreement and started to look more at the ground then around. 

“Dream! Over here!” I heard Philza’s voice after a few minutes of searching. 

I glanced around and saw the lantern glowing in the distance. I came over quickly and saw him crouching over a body in the snow. Technoblade came through the snow as well.

 My eyes widened, it was Tip. She was lying in red snow, soaked in her own blood. There was a knife in her unmoving stomach. She had a gash on her side and across her chest.

I kneeled down into the snow and felt the left side of her neck, looking for a pulse. Her skin was cold and I couldn’t feel her pulse. She was dead. Quackity had killed her. 

Something stung inside me. I couldn’t remember the feeling. 

Guilt? Pain? Anger?

No, that's weak. I may have had the power to bring her back but what if this happened again?

What if I didn’t have the Revival book?

Well I do have it and I could use it. I would use it.

I stood up and took off my glove on my right hand. On my palm were three symbols that I had cut into my skin so I could dispose of the book. One looked like an eye in the center of my hand, the other two were star-shaped below the eye.

 It hurt like hell to make them actually scar but you have have to do stupid stuff for power.

I had only done this twice but I had successfully done it both times. I had left Tommy there for two days and he was in the Limbo for months.

I couldn’t leave Tip in there for very long. She had probably already been in there for days. I summoned the strength I had and recalled the pages instruction in my mind. 

The symbols on my palm started to tingle and then glow a teal blue before spreading to the rest of my hand. I crouched down to Tip once again. I used my other hand to remove the dagger from her stomach and placed my hand on her chest.

As if time reversed, her wounds started to heal and close up. The blood that was staining the snow was sucked back into her body. Her skin started to gain color again. I took a deep breath, breathing life back into her.

She suddenly took in a sharp breath and I removed my hand from her chest. I tried to act normal like I had done this a million times but I was exhausted. 


“Yoo~ That was amazin’!” Technoblade cheered. I had no idea what he was talking about.

I tried to sit up, “Careful” Dream said, helping me sit up.

I was in a dark place for days. It was like a building with the lights off. There were barred doors of a prison.

I was so confused. I was back in the snow when I was in that old prison for a long time. It was still snowing badly like it had when I left but this time Philza and Technoblade were here.

I shivered and leaned back into Dream’s chest who was still by me. He wrapped his arms around my bare ones which helped warm me. 

I looked down at my wounds I remember getting a few days ago but they were gone. It was like they had never happened. I saw the knife that Quackity used, laying in the snow.

“What happened? Where am I?” I asked. My voice was hoarse and ruff.

“Let’s get you inside. Then we will explain.” Philza said. I just nodded, not wanting to argue. 

Philza stood up from the snow, standing next to Technoblade. Dream and I tried to stand up but my legs buckled and I fell back down. 

Luckily Dream caught me, “Let me carry you.”

“You don’t have to, Dream. You’re still recovering from prison.” My cheeks turned red.

“Too late.” He scooped up my legs and carried me bridal style before I could say anything else. “Besides, you’re lighter than a wooden sword.” 

I leaned up against his chest, which was warm and listened to his heart beat. We trudged through the snow and wind, following the lantern Philza held. We found the cabin a while after walking. 

Dream set me down on one of the chairs by the furnace and Philza got to work on making tea while Technoblade draped a blanket over my shoulders. 

“Tip? What do you remember in the Limbo?” Dream asked me.

“Limbo? What is that?” I asked.

“Good question, Dream.” Technoblade directed at the other masked man. 

Dream sighed and reached up to take off the mask. 

Once it was off he began to explain, “The Limbo is the place you go after you die. That is at least what I have learned from bringing people back.”

“Wait!” I said suddenly, realizing, “After you die? Bringing people back? That place. The Limbo? Are you saying I died?” 

“You did. I brought you back.” Dream looked me dead in the eye. His eyes were so intense and the scar going across his face was intimidating. He was dead serious. 

“But- I-“ I gulped. I couldn’t have died, “But I was alive, I was just somewhere else for a couple of days.” 

“The Limbo. I’ve found out that time in the Limbo goes much faster then the time here. What felt like a few days to you was only about thirty minutes to us.” Dream explained. 

“So Wilbur? He was there for months. How long was it for him?” Philza asked.

“13 years.” Dream answered.

“Holy shit.” Philza’s eyes widened.

“I don’t know everything about the Limbo but I know that the book and it are connected and that is how I can revive people.” Dream leaned back on the wall, crossing his arms, “So what did you see? Where were you, Tip? Every Limbo is different.”

I bit the inside of my cheek, I was still trying to take this all in. The fact that I was dead. That I had seen the afterlife and then returned to life by Dream’s hand.

“I saw a prison. It wasn’t like Pandora’s Vault. It was like a long hallway of rusty old cells that never seemed to end. It was just dark and empty. There was no sound. Just the cells.” The three males seemed to take it in, “But before I left, There was one thing that changed, there was someone in a cell. When I approached the locked cell it opened and then I was brought back.”

Technoblade and Philza looked at each other.

“I wonder if it has something to do with places of importance. If you say that your Limbo is a prison and you worked for a prison. That could have something to do with how we see our Limbos.” Dream thought aloud.

“Like a place that has significant value to us?” Philza asked.

“Or more like a place that has affected our lives greatly.” Dream corrected. While the three talked I was lost in thought. I still couldn’t believe that I had died and then came back.

What if Dream wasn’t there? What if he didn’t bring me back?

I could now see why he was so important. If the book disappeared then death would be permanent. I had to protect him. Not only because--

“Hello? Earth to Tip.” Dream said, snapping me out of my thoughts. 

“Huh? What?” I blinked to clear my thoughts.

“How many days were you there?” He asked.

I tried to think back, “4 days. I think. It was hard to tell in the prison.”

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