Angel Eyes

By Alchemygirl8

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Keith and Lance were soulmates. They could tell. But one day, Lance up and breaks up with Keith to take over... More

Breaking Up Is Never Easy
Mystery Solved
I'm Keeping It
New Job and A Friend?
Can You Keep A Promise?
Another One Gone
Our Last Summer
The Twins
The Concert
Blast From The Past
The Twins Choice
A Dilemma
It's You
Too Good To Be True
A Promsie
The Planning Begins
The Bachelor Party
With This Ring
When All Is Said And Done

A Date

249 8 2
By Alchemygirl8

Keith headed to his mother's where the twins and Kosmo were running around in the backyard. Krolia could see that Keith wanted to talk about something but was reluctant to. She didn't want the twins to worry about Keith so she decided to ask him about it later after the twins were in bed. Kolivan came out a few minutes later announcing dinner was ready.

After dinner, Keith and the twins headed home. The twins had tired themselves out because Keith could see them nodding off in the rearview mirror. They had also tuckered Kosmo out because the dog was lying down in the front seat, soft snores escaping him.


After the twins had been tucked in and fast asleep, Keith headed downstairs and into the backyard. He left the screen door open as he sat down on the couch on the back porch. The memories of the day ran through his head. He definitely wasn't expecting Lance to kiss him, let alone for him to return the kiss. This definitely wasn't in his plan, four years ago he swore that his heart would never allow Lance back into his life and yet, here he was.

"I've always thought that men were slime

And every guy I've met has proved me right

Until tonight"

After James, Keith had debated swearing off dating. He had gone through two break ups and both ended horribly, one right after he still wasn't over the first. He supposed that's what he gets for agreeing to date knowing his heart wouldn't be in it. James still didn't have to be an ass about it though.

More than that, he didn't want his girls to be having to deal with a bunch of guys coming and going from their lives as much as his own life.

"Just when I thought I had it figured

That life's a game you cannot win

He comes in and changes all the rules

What I've been taught I learned the hard way

That life and love are never just

And if you trust you're just one of the fools"

Keith had always been taught that once a relationship was over, that was it, there was nothing more. However, here he was agreeing to start a relationship again with the man who held his heart from the beginning. Maybe it was just meant to be.

"And now I can't believe my heart is saying don't resist him

That I've been on my guard too long

I can't believe my heart surrendered when I kissed him

And told me all I thought I knew as sad but true is wrong"

Keith's heart had been guarded ever since he and Lance had broken up. Even with James, there was still barriers up that kept his heart safe. And yet, he felt his walls fall and his heart stitch together as soon as Lance kissed him.

"If life is worth the disappointment

I haven't seen one reason yet

Until I met the boy who smiles for free

Upon this earth there's no one like him

He sees the boy I long to be

Making even me believe in me"

Keith smiled softly as he remembered why he had fallen in love with Lance in the first place. Lance had a carefree laugh to him which matched the charming smile he always wore. That's right, Keith said it, Lance was charming. Especially his smile. It warmed Keith's heart whenever Lance smiled at him, even now, even after five years of pain.

Most people just saw Keith for what they thought he was. A boy whose father had died in a fire as a child caused Keith to lash out at people since he was just a child when he lost his father.

However, Lance saw past that and got to know the real Keith. The Keith who was bad at communication, the Keith who loved music and writing songs, the Keith who loved watching scary movies and enjoyed the fall season, and the Keith who had come out to his mother and brother as gay.

"And now I can't believe my heart has overcome my senses

To help me see that he's the prize

I can't believe my heart says tear down all your fences

That everything you want and more is right before your eyes

I can't believe my heart could be so wise"

Keith had decided. He would listen to his heart and give love another chance.

Not just for him.

Not just for Lance.

But for, his, their twins.


"YOU KISSED HIM!?" Shiro and Adam yelled through the phone, Keith winced and had to pull the phone away from his ear, he'd rather not lose his hearing.

"Yes, I did," Keith said with a sigh. "He kissed me and I kissed him and it just felt, right."

"So what happens now?" Adam asked.

"I don't know exactly," Keith said as he flopped down on the couch, shaking off the chill after he came in from outside. "We both want to try a relationship again, so I guess we just try again."

"Are you sure about this?" Shiro asked, Keith rolled his eyes as he heard the protective tone in Shiro's voice. "I just don't want you to get hurt again."

"I'm sure," Keith said with a nod. "We both agreed to take it slow, not rush into anything."

"I hope you know he's gonna have to prove himself to us," Adam said with a chuckle. "You were a huge mess when you broke up last time, I'd rather not have you be a bigger mess if it ends ugly again."

"He knows," Keith replied with a chuckle. "I already told him Shiro was probably going to give him an earful."

"You bet your ass I will," Shiro chimed in with a chuckle. "Oh he'll get an earful alright."

"Don't kill him yet Shiro," Keith scolded lightly. "The twins just met their father."

"No promises."


"Girls! Come down here please!" Keith called from downstairs in the living room, Lance had gotten there a few minutes ago and was sitting on the couch beside him. The girls were currently in the playroom but Keith smiled as he heard them running from the playroom and down the stairs.

"Papa!" Marina called out with a smile as she caught sight of Lance on the couch. She ran over and leaped into his arms, hugging him tightly, Lance returning her hug. Camilla stood by the couch with Kosmo at her side, though she did give Lance a smile which he returned. He understood Camilla still needed time to accept him into her life.

"Why did you call us daddy?" Camilla asked.

"Me and your daddy have something we need to tell you two," Lance answered as he sat Marina down on his lap.

"Me and Lance have decided to start a relationship again," Keith said with a soft smile. "Like how we used to, just with no secret this time."

"So does that mean papa is going to be around more?" Marina asked to which Lance nodded.

"A lot more," Lance said with a smile.

"Are you going to hurt daddy again?" Camilla asked softly, Keith's heart melting over her concern for him. Lance handed Marina over to Keith and grabbed Camilla's hands into his own, pulling softly until she was standing in front of him. Her eyes refused to meet his in embarrassment with her question.

"Hey," Lance said softly, he placed two fingers under Camilla's chin and tilted her head up. His heart melting at the sight of her eyes laced with concern and worry. "I promise that won't do anything to hurt your daddy again, I hurt him once, I promise not to do it again. Think you can be a little helper and keep me in line?"

Camilla's eyes lit up and she nodded, a smile replacing the frown on her face and she reached forwards and hugged Lance tightly. Lance returning the hug with five years worth of lost love laced in it.

Keith smiled seeing the sight and felt his heart warm up.

'Yeah, we're gonna be fine,' he thought with a smile.


"So you're really together again?" Shay asked during one of hers, Allura's, and Keith's nightly calls. "For real?"

"For real," Keith confirmed.

"And you're sure?" Allura asked.

"I am," Keith confirmed once more.

"I trust you to make this decision for yourself," Shay said softly. "But know that if Lance breaks your heart again I will drag him down to the pits of hell and tie him down there."

"I'll be sure to pass the message along," Keith replied with a chuckle.

"What do the twins think of it?" Allura asked. "He is their father after all."

"Both twins are happy about it," Keith said with a smile. "Lance has Camilla keeping an eye on him, making sure he doesn't stray off the line."

"Aww, she's his little line keeper," Shay squealed. "That's adorable."

"That's it, I'm stealing your daughters," Allura teased. "They're too adorable for you to have."


"So, think we're ready for an actual date?" Lance asked as he and Keith sat on one of their nightly calls.

"Is this you trying to ask me on a date?" Keith asked as he finished loading the dishwasher after dinner that night. The twins were upstairs getting ready for bed.

"Maybe," Lance responded with a tease. "Is it working?"

"Maybe," Keith replied with a soft chuckle. "I don't work on Saturday, does that work?"

"Saturday works, what about the twins?" Lance asked.

"Shoot, mom and Kolivan are going out for the weekend," Keith said with a sigh. He had nearly forgotten that his mother and Kolivan were going out for the weekend for their anniversary.

"I could ask Veronica and Acxa if they can watch the twins," Lance suggested. "Veronica has been wanting to see more of them now that the "big secret" is out."

Keith had also nearly forgotten that Lance was staying with his sister, who Keith learned lived in Millcreek. Or a little bit outside of Millcreek.

"That would be great," Keith said as he turned the dishwasher on and headed to wipe the counters down. "I'm not sure how the twins will react with her, they've never met her before."

"I'm sure it will be fine," Lance said with a huffed laugh. "Veronica loves kids, something about her, they're drawn to her."


Keith turned as Marina and Camilla ran into the kitchen. Kosmo running after them with a wagging tail.

"Did you two brush your teeth?"

"Yep," Marina said with a nod.

"Did you floss?"

"Yes," Camilla said with a nod.

"Did you clean the toys on the floor in the play room?"

"Yes," the twins responded with a groan.

"Alright, say good night to papa then it's off to bed."

"Night papa!" the twins called out with a smile.

"Good night hijas!" Lance replied.


A few days later, Keith was busy getting himself ready as well as the girls ready. Veronica had agreed to watch the girls and was very excited when Lance had asked her. The girls and Kosmo would be staying overnight as Keith and Lance would be out past bedtime for them.

Where Lance was taking him, he had no idea. There was only so many places to go in Millcreek and Keith could think of a few in mind.

The movie theatre, the coffee shop, that restaurant on the corner by the bar, the park. the bar.

Just to name a few.

Keith was brought out of his thoughts when the doorbell rang and Kosmo ran down barking at the front door. He pocketed his cell phone and headed downstairs and opened the door, revealing Lance on the other side. He was dressed in a pair of black jeans, a white shirt, and a blue jacket. Keith himself, was wearing a pair of black jeans, and a red shirt tucked into his jeans.

"Hey," Lance said with a smile.

"Hey," Keith replied as he continued staring at Lance. Even after all this time, he could still fall for Lance like a middle schooler. He stepped aside and let Lance into the house, Kosmo heading upstairs after seeing there was no danger posed to the family.

Minutes later, Marina and Camilla came barreling down the stairs, smiles on their faces.

"Papa!" they yelled and ran into Lance's arms.

"There's my favourite girls," Lance said with a smile as he hugged them both. "Are you excited to see your aunt Veronica?"

"Is she nice?" Marina asked.

"The nicest person I know," Lance confirmed with a nod.

"Does she have candy?" Camilla asked.

"You're going to bed in two hours, you don't need candy," Keith scolded as he pulled his shoes on. He headed upstairs to grab his jacket. Lance turned to the girls with a wink.

"We won't tell daddy," he said softly which made the girls smile. "Why don't you go get your bags and we can get going?"


Lance and Keith dropped the girls off at Veronica and Acxa's and headed on their way with a wave.

"Care to tell me where you're taking me?" Keith asked turning to Lance who smiled.

"It won't be a secret anymore if I tell you now will it?" Lance asked. Keith rolled his eyes and turned back to the window and continued thinking of where Lance could be taking him.

However, his thoughts were correct when Lance pulled into the restaurant on the corner by Nat's bar. Surprisingly, for a Saturday night, it wasn't too busy. They headed inside and Lance whispered something to the hostess who nodded and led them to a table on the second floor of the restaurant and to a table that was a little more private.

"I'll leave you both with the menus and your server will be with you shortly," the hostess said with a smile.

"Thank you," Keith and Lance replied. The hostess then placed two menus on the table and left to go back to the front of the restaurant. A few moments later, a waitress approached the table with a smile.

"Hello, I'm Amaya and I'll be your server for the night," she said as she pulled out a black book and a pen. "Can I get you started with something to drink?"

Lance smiled and Keith could immediately tell that he was up to something. He had forgotten that Lance liked to go all out on dates when they would go on them, specifically restaurants. It wasn't that he was flaunting his parents' money, it was that he wanted to spoil.

Oh this was going to be a long night,


After dinner, the pair exited the restaurant and got back into Lance's car. Lance pulled out of the restaurant and started heading back to Keith's house.

"Why are we going back to my place?" Keith asked as Lance pulled into the driveway.

"Well, I know you hate when we did large things for our dates so I figured we would just go out to dinner which is big enough by itself and then just go back to your place and watch movies or something," Lance said as he pulled out two plastic bags out of the backseat with Keith's favourite chips and snacks they both enjoyed.

"I'm surprised you still remember my favourites," Keith said as he caught eye of the swedish berries in the bag.

"I never forgot," Lance said with a soft smile. "So, movie night?"

"Movie night," Keith confirmed with a nod.


Keith got changed into a plain red t-shirt and pair of black sweat pants, Lance changed into the blue t-shirt and grey sweats he brought with him and they got the chips and snacks set up before they sat down on the couch with one of the blankets.

One of their favourite movies to watch when they were dating was Avengers, though Keith enjoyed Marvel movies in general. He smiled softly when Lance opened Disney+ and turned on Avengers.


It wasn't until halfway through the movie when Keith realized he had unconsciously started snuggling closer to Lance who had the chip bowl sitting on his lap. However, he had also noticed that Lance had wrapped one arm around Keith and was pulling him slowly closer to him.

It seems that even after breaking up that their bodies still remembered how it used to be.

They had emptied the chip bowl by the end of the movie and Lance placed it back onto the coffee table next to the empty candy bowls and empty cups of what used to be root beer. The ending credits rolled on the screen and Keith reached for the remote at the same time as Lance, their hands touching before both parties pulled back in surprise. Neither had expected the other to reach for the remote.

Their eyes met and Keith could feel his heart race. Both him and Lance slowly started to lean into each other and before he knew it, their lips met and his heart soared.

If he wasn't fully sure of his feelings before, Keith was sure of his feelings now.

He loved Lance. He doesn't think he ever stopped, even after his heart was broken.

And he wanted to be with him, for their daughter's.

But also, for himself.

One thing led to another and somehow Keith ended up being carried in Lance's arms up to his bedroom and his back met the soft sheets on his bed.

Lance and Keith shared a look before Keith nodded and...

You can guess what happened next.


The next morning, Keith woke up to the sun shining through the crack between his curtains. He turned over with a yawn and saw an empty space where Lance had been before he fell asleep last night. Keith sat up and winced at the small pain in his lower back. However, he managed to get out of bed and get changed back into his sweat pants and t-shirt.

He headed downstairs and was seen the mess on the coffee table from their movie night last night had been cleaned up and the blanket was folded back onto the back of the couch. He headed into the kitchen and saw Lance in front of the stove making breakfast.

Lance turned sensing someone behind him and smiled. "Morning, I hope you don't mind, I figured I would make breakfast."

"I don't mind," Keith said with a shake of his head as he sat down on one of the stools in front of the island and ran his fingers through his hair. A few moments later, Lance placed a plate of scrambled eggs, toast, bacon, and sausages in front of him along with a glass of orange juice. Lance placed a soft kiss on his cheek and Keith hummed in response as he picked up the fork and dove into the food.

He had forgotten how amazing Lance's cooking was. As much as he enjoyed the food at the restaurant last night, he much preferred home cooking to something from a restaurant.

Lance fixed his own plate and the pair ate their breakfast, basking in the glow of the morning.

"So, what does this make us now?" Lance asked as Keith stood up and placed his plate, fork, and glass in the kitchen sink. He turned and placed a kiss on Lance's cheek.

"I think you already know," he said with a smile as he headed upstairs to go have a shower before they would go and pick the girls up from Veronica's. Lance smiled and finished his plate and placed it in the sink on top of Keith before he headed upstairs as well.


Song(s) Used:

I Can't Believe My Heart

Sung by Susan Egan, 2004


Author's Note:

Alright, we are back with another chapter!

Sorry it's been a while, end of the semester is kicking my ass and my brain is on "Holiday Mode" leaving me with 0 motivation to finish any of my school work.

But I managed to get another pumped out in between my procrastination periods. It is a little shorter of a chapter but it's still a chapter.

I am also proud to say that I have finalized the Spotify playlist with all the songs from the chapters so far and what songs are left to be put in the story. All the songs are in order from the beginning of the story to this current chapter and what chapters are left to write. You can either find the playlist by searching Klance Angel Eyes on Spotify or,

With this link:

If you have an issue let me know and I'll see if I can help you out. For those that don't have Spotify, I can also make a YouTube playlist as well. Let me know if that's something you can me to do!

But, that's all I have to say for right now. I have an essay I need to finish by midnight tonight and it is currently 12:30 pm and I have yet to even touch it. Then a final test for my English class due tomorrow at midnight and then my Final Portfolio for my Creative Writing class is due on Wednesday at midnight and I have yet to even think about revising it.

So yeah, I'm gonna go cry in the corner now.

Thought Question: Keith and Lance are finally dating once more. Will it end in Happily Ever After? Or do you think I'll bring another twist into it and ruin their Happily Ever After?

Until the next one!


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