Tempest History [Tensura X Sl...

By RenBowLTE

220K 8.2K 2.3K

sequel to my previous fanfic. So.....want some sweet dose? More

Where It All Started
Meeting The Goblins
Armed Nation Dwargon
The Destined One
The Blessing
Shizue Izawa
Power Scaling
Orcs Battles
The Demon Lord Arrival
Tempest Family
Inherited Will
Shizu's Students
Hinata Sakaguchi
Queen's Resolve
Shining Sky Of Misery Tragedy
The Difference In Strength
Primordial Demons
The Day Of Resurrection
The Unraveled Scheme
Man And Monster Meeting
Queen Worries
Eurazania Battles
The Demon Lords
End Of Craze Clown
Princess Scheme
God's Right Hand
Assistant Of The God
Incoming Battle
Saints Vs Demons I
Saints Vs Demons II
Saints vs Demons III
New Card
Pixie Arrival
Family Fashion's
Midnight Meeting
Ciel Talent
Siren's Queen
Queen and Heroine
Chosen Hero
Life in Labyrinth
Her Legacy
Sign Of Unrest
Western Turmoil
Heroes and Demon lord
Pitiful Vampire
She Who Waiting
The Supreme One
Match Made in Heaven
Ivaraj's Wing
Princesses Real Talent?
Limit Break
Hero Egg
Genius On The Move
Kidnapping The Princess
Father Duty
God In Action
Chaos Creator
Eternal Affection
Awesome Guys
Clash In Sense
Second Phase Of Invasion
Storm Vs Scorch
The Great Danger
Mechanical Monsters
Weakest On Action
Battle Princesses
Ultimate Mind
Untamed Heart
Shalsha murmur
Two Girls
Happy Family
Crisis Emergence
Sudden End

Incoming War

1.3K 61 29
By RenBowLTE

Shalsha pov:

It's been several months since i've stayed at Demon lord guy castle, during these months i surprisingly blended quite well with guy and the others

Guy may seemed intimidating at first sight due to his overwhelming strength, but he is quite easy going, while velzard seemed gentle with me but i can tell that she has a scary side..

Right now i'm in the middle of playing chess againts guy, since he lost to me several times he insist me to play with him

"Shalsha, let say if this world is just super big chessboard, what role do you yourself in?" Guy suddenly asked

"....a pawn"

Guy hearing this let out a chuckles

"You usually is so prideful, it's a bit odd to hear this from you"

"I don't want to hear that from you, but i admit that i'm prideful but i'm not stupid, there are more beings that hold a ridiculous power" i said while moving my chess piece

"Is that so? Then rimuru is surely the king for you right?" Guy asked again



"Papa is the most powerful, he is the being who stand at the top....he is the player"

"As i expected, you are really interesting, but what i'm talking right is about you....like you said there are more beings that far more powerful than you, and remember, you are nothing more than a pawn"

"Hahahahaha!! You are right guy, but a being with just power and no brain is not a match to me...they are just disposable tools"

Guy stay silent for while, and after i defeated him with checkmate he look at me in the eyes

"Great minds think alike" he said that as he leave me alone

"He is improving...so fast at that, Demon lord guy, you might be an annoying obstacle in the future.." i mutter as i gaze at the chess board


At the empire, more precisely at the throne room

Two being can be seen talking to each other

"So how about the army? Anything to report?" The emperor asked

"Nothing, everything is proceeding smoothly" the girl with the blue haired answered

"That's fine then...we need to hurry, i can't contain [Justice King] any longer, i want to end the game before i die.." the emperor said as he gently hold the girl hand



Rimuru pov:

Tempest control room,

I and benimaru has been staying here for almost a week now, yet the eastern empire army show no sign of movement

"They need to passed by our nation to reach the rest of western nations, they will make their movement eventually.." benimaru who sense my impatient said calmly

"Well, it's alright then, and azusa, have you contacted king gazel yet?" I asked as dwargon king is another pathway to reach the western nations

"Yes, but dwargon can't seem to find any army in their border which mean this situation is only occur to us" Azusa answered

"Kufufufu, then doesn't that mean they have another motif instead of just pass by?" Diablo voiced his opinion

I who already knew that their target is veldora just stay silent while the others is thinking about it

'if shalsha is here she would figure it out in an instant..' i mutter in my heart, since it quit obvious what the powerful empire want to us who is newly developed country

"Well, how about we asked them? I think is about time to send a messenger anyway" i said

The others just agreed by nodding their head, diablo seemed want to offer himself but i called someone to do it

'Testarossa are you there?' i send a telepathic message to her

Testarossa who is relaxing with ultima immediately kneel down when she receive my message

'i'm here my lord'

'good, i want you to be a our envoy to go to the empire army to send a message, can you do it?'

'naturally my lord'

'good then, take gobta and ranga with you, asked them to retreat first and figure out what is their motive, don't resort any violence if you can'

'as you will'

With testarossa on job, i don't have to worries anymore since she is a capable woman, i've been wondering for a while now if i can take her as my actual secretary..

<You just want to dump your works to other>

No,no,no ciel-kun, i'm actually in need of secretary, don't you see how 'capable' my currently two secretaries are?


Then you don't have to complain, since the big war will break out soon, i'm not planning to let my family have anymore screentime, this time i will be the one who shine

<Sasuga master~ this ciel will always love you no matter if you shiny or not>

I feel like me and ciel has some miscommunication there, but i too busy to sort thing out so i let it passed

And how about chloe? Isn't she important for the upcoming event? Yes she is, but i feel like hinata and chloe will be more important in this timeline than the original


No thank you, i kinda guess it...but yeah, my demise will probably related to those two while azusa being a major factor

"Fufufufun~" i couldn't help but let out a chuckles

"Rimuru-sama? Is something bothering you?" Benimaru asked after he heard my creepy chuckles

"Ne, benimaru-kun, what are you gonna do if i'm dead?" I asked him teasingly

"Hahaha, you must be joking rimuru-sama, there's no way you will be defeated! But.....if by some ridiculous fate that it happen, i will do...whatever it means to drag you back alive" benimaru answer with confident tone

"Ho~ i'm touched, so how about you diablo?"

"Kufufufu, even though it is an impossible circumstances, i will even destroyed the world if it's cost me to bring you back my lord" diablo answer while smiling, but his eyes weren't, this guy definitely deadass serious about this

"Diablo..you really are my troublesome child" i said

"So shion will cry right?" I said while looking at her

"Yes! I will! But after that i will get back on my feet and murder the one who cause your death!" She said

"Even the Gods?"

"Even the Gods"

"Hahahaha!! You guys really...sigh, well i can't let my family go on rampage right? I will take care of you guys until the end so don't worry" i said as i noticed azusa is getting uncomfortable

'and the last one.....how about you ciel?' i asked her

<.....if it's somehow happen, i will do anything, everything that i can and i can't to bring you back, even if master don't want to, i will forcefully revive you, i will destroyed anything in my path.....even your own family if necessary, i don't care if you hate me, i just want master to be alive!>


Ha...truly, what a troublesome wife i got here, but that's even more reason to stay alive

'veldanava-chan, now i understand how you feel..sigh'

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