Donkey Grudges

By purplekitty7

289 6 4

This is a co-fic is by yours truly and @Varianwolf. Trigger warning: mature content, contains blood and abuse... More

Trail of Blood
Rescued and Traumas
Donkey Ride
Someone Stepped Forward
To Find the Blue Fairy Magic
Kidnapped Livestock
Broken Curse
Night Confessions
Past Choices and Future Consequences

The Sentencing of Karma

17 0 0
By purplekitty7

Since the gaurd gave Eugene the list of offenders he and his investigation party were able to round up and question all of them. They were able to get a confessions out of almost all of them and the ones who didn't, some criminals had come forward with thier scars to prove that they did. Some were genuinely regretfull while others were plain unmerciful.

Their 'trial' had began two days later. Queen Ariana had given light or no sentences to the ones who were evidently regretfull of what they done, viewing that they could redeem themselves like Varian did. Others however were stripped of thier titles that they had and were given their sentences accordingly.

When it was time for the sentencing of Varians offenders she made sure Quirin had a say. The victim himself was not there. The doctor said that the offenders, intentionally or not, could give him flashbacks.

"Nigel, you have served the royal family well but the actions you took filled our hearts with disgrace. You had no right to touch Varian or any of the victims whatsoever-"

"Victim? There dirty criminals!" Nigel interrupted.

Queen Ariana spoke over him. "You're sentence criminals shall be for you to work on Quirin's farm, under his hand and to be publicly humiliated in front of all of Corona. Since it is nearly dark, your sentence will start first thing tomorrow morning. Get a good night's sleep gentlemen, you will need it."

Soon afterwards, Quirin and Repunzel went to Varians lab to tell him the news. "Varian, we-" Quirin stopped speaking when he saw the donkey beer bottle on his lab table.

"Why do you have this?" Repunzel asked, pointing at the bottle.

Varian looked up and explained, "Well I needed something to do and I was curious about the beer's abilities. I've been playing around it all day. And I think- I reprogrammed it's chemical makeup to manipulate how long someone can turn into a donkey."

"Really?" Said another but familiar voice behind them. They turned to see King Frederick was also present as well. "Maybe we should try out your experiment."

Later that night Nigel was woken up. "This is for you Nigel. King's orders for you to drink it," said Stan.

"Really?" Nigel said sleepily, "what is it?"

"It's something to help you with your labor tomorrow. Drink it now please. I need to hand out the rest to the others with your sentence."

Wanting to soon turn to his slumber, he quickly drank the liquid out of the small cup. "Ugh" he did not recognize the liquid. He returned the cup Stan and tried to go back to sleep. Later that night the dungeons were full of cries from human and donkey.

The next morning a mostly donkey Nigel and crew had came to the Royal Family, Eugene, Lance, and if course Quirin in the courtyard. "HOW DAREEEHAW!!" Nigel cried.

"Now that you had a taste of your own beer, it's now time to face all of Corona," Repunzel said.

The gaurds hooked up the donkey criminals to a few carts, Nigel being at the ver front. Max and Pascal were besides them to be sure they go in the right direction of the Queens orders. The Royal Family and company got onto the carts.

They went straight to main street into an onlooking crowd. Then Lance and Eugene announced in thier loud voices;

"Here ye, here ye. Look at the biggest Jack offs in all of Corona! They are criminals that committed horrible crimes!" They gave a list of crimes they committed. What got the crowd rawled-up, especially mothers, was that they severely hurt and traumatized a young boy. Then they listed off the offenders one by one. "And the ring leader, the master mind behind it all, Nigel-"

"Boo! Hare dare you monsters! You are a disgrace to Corona!" Were the heckle that were cried through main street.

"This way!" The Queen ordered. She made sure they took all busy streets throughout all of Corona, but in Old Corona is where they received the most amount of hate.

"Why would you do that to poor Varian? He saved us! He is a good boy!" Cried one citizen.

"I always knew there was something wrong with you! I'm leaving you John!" Cried John's now ex-wife. John held his head down in disgrace.

There journey finally came at the end of the day when they returned to the castle. Most of the now fully transformed donkeys collapsed from exhaustion.

"We'll ship them over to your farm tomorrow morning Quirin. I'm sure they are very excited for a another full day of hard work," said the King with a satisfied grin.

"All of this extra work will hopefully makeup for those few days my farm was left unkept," Quirin said.

"I guess we're killing two donkeys with one stone," Lance joked.

The next day, the donkey criminals were loaded into a carriage and headed to Quirin's farm. Their ride was filled with angery shouts and heckles from citizens.

All of them were suprised to see Eugene and Lance there when they were unloaded at the farm along with quite quite few gaurds. "It's a safety precaution to be sure you criminals don't escape," Eugene told the criminals

"Alright, get them hooked up," ordered Quirin. This time Nigel wasn't going to so cooperative. He jumped and kicked, as did the others. SLASH

"Get your act together. This is your only warning," one gaurd put his whip away.

They were able to put the plows on all of the donkey criminals. It was a long hard day for all of them. Plowing Quirin's and the rest of his loyal neighbors farm lands.

"HEEHAW!!" John Collasped from the heat.

"Quick! Get her some water! Remember there are water breaks ever hour! We aren't monters," Quirin said to his crew.

This went on for two days, plowing all do the fields in Old Corona. One one water break, Nigel tried to run away. He kicked one of the guards, breaking a few of his ribs.

"Hey!" Shouted Lance and ran after him with Eugene and a couple of gaurds. They were able to detain Nigel and bring him to Quirin.

"The audacity. After all you've done," Quirin scowled. He nodded to one of the gaurds. "The king and queen only gave me permission to do this if you had hurt anyone. Well, three broken ribs..."


Nigel cried from the pain. "Three slahes" Quirin finished. He nodded to Eugene and walked away.

"Alright, patch him up and put him back to work," ordered Eugene. On the third day, all of them were returned back to the castle.

"The curse should wear off tonight, right Varian?" Repunzel asked. Varian nodded.

"Then agian it would've be too unfortunate if they stayed that way," Angry commented.

"Angry!" Repunzel exclaimed.

"There was always something very... sinister about him," Catalina added.

"It was probably the mustache," said Angery.

That night you could hear cries from donkey to human all throughout the dungeons. The next day a fully human Nigel and offenders came to the foot of the King and Queen.

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