By ReaganKey

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Disclaimer: All rights go to Wandanat on AO3 who gave me permission to share their work ... More

Chapter 1: Teeth
Chapter 2: Fight so Dirty
Chapter 3: Beg you to stay
Chapter 4: Call me in the morning to apologize
Chapter 5: Only thing that's burning when the nights grow cold
Chapter 7 (Full title of chapter inside becuase it doesn't fit here)
Chapter 8: Talk so pretty, but your heart got teeth
Chapter 9: But your love's so sweet
Chapter 10: Late night devil, put your hands on me
Chapter 11: Sometimes you're a stranger in my bed
Chapter 12: Push me away, push me away
Chapter 13: Don't know if you love me or you want me dead
Chapter 14: Then you turn into somebody I don't know
Chapter 15: You're looking at me like you don't know who I am
Chapter 16: Blood on my shirt
Chapter 17: Heart in my hand
Chapter 18: Still beating
Chapter 19: Never, never, never ever let go

Chapter 6: Some days, you're the best thing in my life

761 34 23
By ReaganKey

Natasha furrowed her brow in concentration as she attempted to ice the cake she had made. Her face and hair were dusted with flour and she had honey on her apron. For someone as calculated and precise as Natasha Romanoff, it would seem natural to assume she was a good baker; and that was true, however it didn't mean she enjoyed it. Yet here she was, decorating a Russian Honey Cake for a certain Sokovian's 24th Birthday the following day.

It had been 2 months since Natasha had been thrust into Wanda's erotic fantasies of the two of them and neither woman had mentioned it. Natasha had distanced herself from the younger woman initially, recoiling when they touched and keeping their time together limited to training only. She had managed a week of self-isolation before the Little Witch had wormed her way back into the red head's life. Normalcy was restored quickly and the two women spent most days together, talking and eating, training and driving but never discussing the tense undercurrent between them.

Natasha couldn't admit it to herself but the Sokovian was constantly on her mind; the way her body felt pressed against her own on the mats, the way her eyes sparkled when she looked at her, the way her musky perfume set a deep burning desire alight in her veins.

Natasha lied for a living and lying to herself was no different; all of her feelings were pushed into the far corner of her mind never to be examined.

Vision entered the kitchen and observed Natasha quietly.

"It is customary to give someone a cake on their birthday" Vision stated plainly.

Natasha looked up and laughed.

"That is correct. Do me a favour? Keep the Little Witch out of the kitchen for the next hour until this is done please"

"Of course, we were just about to leave for the day anyway." Vision replied.

"Oh, doing anything special?" Natasha feigned indifference but was genuinely curious about where the android was taking the girl.

"Wanda wanted to do something special to commemorate her first birthday without Pietro and requested I accompany her. Although what it is, I do not know."

"Well, have a great time whatever you're doing" Natasha said, feeling her stomach twist uncomfortably.

Natasha added the finishing touches to the cake, feeling quite satisfied at how it turned out, and placed it in the fridge to chill.


The day went by quickly and was punctuated by the arrival of multiple avengers and colleagues; Tony, Pepper, Rhodey and Thor had all turned up, along with Ant man and young Peter Parker.

Natasha was lounging in the living room with the rest of the group when she heard the others greet Wanda and Vision. She didn't bother to raise her eyes from her magazine and waved a lazy hand in greeting.

Wanda hurried over to Pepper, embracing her affectionately and saying a quick hello to Tony. Peter gave Wanda a big smile and continued talking to Sam about his new flight patterns. Natasha watched as Clint ruffled Wanda's hair and Thor wrapped a strong arm around her. It was definitely safe to say that Wanda was now part of the family. The group had collectively taken her under their wing, making extra effort to ensure she felt safe and welcomed.

"Enjoyed your day out kid?" Tony asked loudly.

"Yes, it was nice thank you" She said with warmth in her voice. Tony and Wanda had managed to resolve their issues and now spent quite a lot of time together, the older man treating Wanda as a surrogate daughter almost.

"Care to divulge where you went?"

"Not particularly, no" Wanda replied, blushing slightly as the group watched the exchange with interest.

"Why is everyone here?" Wanda asked, quickly changing the subject.

"Ahhh, well that is what I wanted to talk to you about" Tony began.

"I'm throwing you a party, tomorrow night. I appreciate it’s going to be a tough day, but it’s happening. It will be good for you."

Tony's tone implied he had already made the decision without Wanda's input.

The Sokovian remained silent.

"We are your family now, and we can never replace what you've lost, but we love you" Tony said gently, in a rare moment of honest emotion.

Wanda's eyes filled with tears and she spontaneously hugged Tony, whispering a thank you in his ear.

The room buzzed with conversation and Wanda moved away from the limelight, opting to perch on the edge of the chair Natasha was currently occupying.

"Hi" The brunette greeted quietly.

"Hi yourself. Did you have a nice day?" Natasha inquired, a slight edge to her voice.

"It was... interesting"

Natasha continued pretending to read about the latest fashion trends, unwilling to ask where the girl had been with the android.

"I, erm, went to get a tattoo" Wanda whispered.

"What?!" Natasha's eyes widened. Of all the activities she had envisioned the pair doing, getting a tattoo was not one of them.

"Wait, did Vision get one too?"

"Of course not, don't be silly." Wanda giggled.

"I needed to do something to remember my first birthday without him Nat."

"Show me Little Witch"

Wanda turned her body so her left hand side could only be seen by Natasha. She lifted up her t-shirt and revealed lines of script on her ribs, just below her bra. She pulled back the Clingfilm protecting the wound so Natasha could see the words clearly.

"I will look for you
In every lifetime,
Until we finally stay"

Natasha felt the air leave her lungs and her eyes turn glassy as she absorbed the words. Her heart shattered for the brave, strong woman sitting next to her. She couldn't find the right words to explain the depth of emotion washing over her, so instead pulled Wanda onto the chair and wrapped an arm around her.

"He would be so proud of you Sweetheart" Natasha whispered into her ear, feeling Wanda's hand grip her own tightly.
They sat in the chair together, in comfortable silence, watching the antics of the other team members.

"So, what do you want for breakfast tomorrow?"

"What?" Wanda looked perplexed.

"It’s your birthday, what do you want for breakfast?" Natasha repeated exasperatedly.

"Oh! Erm... Waffles?" Wanda asked shyly, looking up at Natasha with hope in her eyes.

"Waffles it is"

"Nat?" Natasha turned to face Wanda, knowing that she usually called her "Nat" when she was emotional or about to ask something delicate.


"Will you do something for me please?"

"That very much depends on what it is Little Witch"

"Will you... Will you come with me tomorrow? To see Pietro?"

"Of course I will" she replied, her green eyes soft.

"It just feels so wrong without him you know? I'm surrounded by people but I feel so lonely all the time"

Natasha nodded, letting Wanda's words wash over her.

"If he was here he would be causing chaos. Speeding around the compound, playing pranks on Steve and Clint. They would have loved him." She said wistfully.

"You’re right Little Witch. They would have loved him as they love you."


Natasha knocked on Wanda's door at 7am, hoping the girl was awake. When she heard no reply she slowly opened the door, spotting Wanda sat morosely on the edge of her bed, her eyes puffy and her cheeks tear stained.

"It’s the first birthday I've had without him waking me up." She said without emotion, not looking at Natasha.

"I can't imagine how tough this is, so I won't pretend to" Natasha sat next to her on the bed, gathering the Sokovian up in her arms.

"It is bizarre, being born with someone but dying apart." Wanda mused.


Natasha was apprehensive on the drive to Pietro's grave, she knew Wanda had not visited before and had no input in the stone. She was hoping Tony had arranged the boy's place of rest with some thought and consideration.

She turned the engine off and followed Wanda up the hill to where he lay. It was peaceful here; large oak trees lined the fence, birds chirped and squirrels played happily, colourful flowers rested at the side of grave stones.

She watched Wanda take a deep breath and approach her Brother's stone, staying back and giving her some space.

Wanda turned to face the red head and held her hand out.

"I need you Nat. I can't do this alone" she pleaded.

"You're not alone" Natasha said, taking her hand and following Wanda.

"Pietro Maximoff
Twin. Hero. Avenger.

I lived life at the speed of sound,
But now I will sleep in peace
until you come to me"

Natasha allowed the tears to roll down her cheeks, knowing that Wanda deserved her true unguarded self in this moment.

Wanda looked older than her years as she stood beside the grave, wearing knee high brown boots and a long camel coloured coat, despite it being June.

"Happy Birthday Pietro" She said to the ground, allowing her Sokovian tune to seep into the words.

She plucked a blade of grass wordlessly and flexed her fingers, the deep red of her magic a stark contrast to the pale blue of the sky. The wisps of scarlet enveloped the grass as Wanda's graceful hands manipulated the power and a bouquet of white lilies appeared in its place.

"I'm ready to leave now" Wanda stated, taking a deep breath and turning towards Nat.

"Of course moya dorogaya" She responded warmly, wrapping an arm around the girl's shoulder and leading her gently back to the car.

They pulled back up at the house after completing the drive back in silence.

"Are you ready for this Little Witch?"

"Ready for what? Waffles?" Wanda asked, puzzled.

"I think you'll get more than waffles" Natasha responded, laughing.

"What do you mean?"

"Let’s go see shall we?"

They walked into the kitchen together, Natasha manoeuvring Wanda in front of her as the boys burst out into song.

"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Wanda! Happy Birthday to you!" They erupted into cheers and woops. Balloons and banners were plastered to every wall and confetti was sprinkled on the island.

Natasha stood close to Wanda, making sure she didn't get overwhelmed but was heartened to see a genuine smile grace the girl's face.

"So, waffles?" She asked as Wanda nodded, swept up by the boys congratulating her individually.

"Food's up" she announced, batting off the boys and ensuring Wanda got first pick.

"Thank you"

"You’re most welcome, Birthday Girl" she murmured, winking at her.

"Right! Time for presents!" Tony exclaimed, bouncing up and down like a kid on Christmas.

"Presents?" Wanda asked Natasha as multiple packages were thrust into her arms.
"Presents" Natasha confirmed, smiling.

Wanda had never received so many presents in her life. Steve had given her a book on Sokovian History, Vision gifted her a rare, antique book on the origins of magic, Thor had presented her with a beautiful Asgardian plant and Pepper had showered her with clothes and perfumes.

Clint and Laura had managed to design a beautiful, delicate necklace for her; silver and engraved.

"Clint this is breath-taking, thank you" she breathed, reading the words inscribed:

"You cannot lose someone completely if half of them lives on in you."

"Thank you everyone. I am overwhelmed by your thoughtfulness" Wanda said, emotional.

"Steady on sport, we're not done yet. You haven't opened my present" Tony grinned.

Tony handed Wanda a small, delicately wrapped box. Wanda's tongue poked from the corner of her mouth as she untied the ribbon and everyone else looked on in curiosity.

"Now, I don't usually do grand gestures, but I figured your first birthday in the States warrants something flashy" The billionaire explained as Pepper rolled her eyes.

Wanda pulled out a small black key and looked at Tony expectantly.

"Erm... Thanks?" She said, clearly wondering if this was an American tradition she didn't understand.

"Come outside Kiddo"

The whole group lead Wanda outside and Natasha watched as she finally laid her eyes on the sleek Audi R8 in front them. The car was brand new, sporty, sexy and, of course, in a deep red. The bonnet sported a large white bow and the interior was smooth black leather.

Natasha blinked rapidly when an image of a naked Wanda spread out on the bonnet of her new car appeared unexpectedly in her head. Where did that come from?

"Tony?" Wanda asked, still confused.

"Happy Birthday Maximoff. It’s all yours kid, hop in"

Wanda was lost for words.

"I don't understand?"

"You're learning to drive and you need a car. So here we are" Tony stated, as if it was the most natural thing in the world to gift someone an 150k car.

"I can't accept this. It’s too much" She stammered.

"You don't have a choice Maximoff, it’s too late"

"I- Thank you Tony, this is incredibly generous of you. It’s beautiful" She said, giving both Tony and Pepper a hug.

Wanda turned and eyed Natasha expectantly.

"Oh no Little Witch, I won't be getting in that death trap with you"

"Hey! That’s a very safe car!" Tony argued.

"Not when Maximoff is driving" she joked.

Suddenly Sam sprinted out of the compound and nodded suspiciously to Natasha before shouting Happy Birthday to Wanda and disappearing back inside.

"We'll take it for a spin later, I promise. But first, you need to have my present" Natasha said excitedly.

"Natasha you have done enough for me, you know I don't expect anything more" Wanda croaked out.

"Hush, I wanted to. Now come on" Natasha said firmly.

They walked back through the hallway into the kitchen where Sam was waiting with a medium sized box in his hands. He passed it to Natasha.

"Happy Birthday Wanda" She breathed, giving her the box.

Wanda examined the box and carefully moved the black, silk ribbon to read the gift tag.

"Something to keep you warm at night- N"

Curiously, Wanda lifted the lid off and peered into the box. Peering back at her with bright, green eyes and a grey fluffy coat was a tiny kitten.

Natasha watched as Wanda’s face split into a huge grin and she gently lifted the kitten from the box, cradling him in her arms.

Wanda glanced at the tag on his tiny collar as he purred and wiggled in her arms.

"Luka" she whispered to him, placing a loving kiss on his head.

When Wanda finally met Natasha's eyes, the smile she gave her took the redheads breath away.

"Nat. I don't know what to say. He's perfect"

Natasha shrugged modestly, still smiling at the adorable scene in front of her.

"I thought he might help. Besides, you mentioned you always wanted a cat"

"You remembered something as trivial as that?"

She shrugged, again.

"I remember everything"

"I love him already" Wanda said dreamily as Luka batted her hair with a tiny white paw.

"His eyes are like yours" Wanda observed, looking up at Natasha.

"I'm not sure that's a compliment really, being compared to a cat" Natasha frowned.

"He has beautiful eyes".

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