Never Bite The Hand That Feed...

By DailyDoseOfGenie

175 8 5

They said he was through. Said he couldn't be a hero after his brush with death. He was ready to give it all... More

His Wrath
Heated Threats

Unjust Punishment

48 2 0
By DailyDoseOfGenie

"Well isn't this just great "

"Who would've thought that the heroes would just up and expel us after a life and death battle with a murderer."

Shouto says with a scowl on his face.

"Unfortunately we did break several rules. Including engaging in a fight with a villain without a hero's permission."

Izuku frowned, "We knew the risks."

"Regardless whether we did or didn't, we should've at least been given a lighter penalty. Or at least you two should've been shown some mercy."

Tenya jumped in, eyes narrowed in controlled anger and guilt for the events that happened the other night.

The blue haired teen was still shaken up from the three against one brawl, hands gripping the thin sheets of the hospital bed, trembling.

"This is all my fault."

Izuku shakes his head "No, none of this is." He says trying to assure Iida but the bluenette nodded "It is, if I hadn't been so adamant about avenging my brother, this wouldn't have happened and we wouldn't be in this situation. I apologize for bringing the two of you into my mess."

"Don't. Please there's no need to apologize, Iida. Midoriya and I are in this mess because we didn't care about breaking the rules."

"Exactly, we did what we had to do because you needed help so we came, it was our actions that got us expelled not you so please don't blame yourself."

Tenya still didn't look assured, guilt still present on his usually calm collected face, he wondered if word of his expulsion reached Tensei and the family, he mentally dreaded the scolding he will get when he goes home.

The teen's worries were brushed away when the door opened.

"I see you kids are awake."

The first newcomer spoke in a gruff voice.

"Gran Torino." Izuku says with relief.

"Manuel." Iida greeted the other person.

"Getting yourself in tight spots I see, just when I thought you couldn't get anymore troublesome."

"S-sorry I know I disobeyed you but I–"

"Save the excuses for laters talk, right now there's someone who has a few words of their own."

That's when a dog-man entered the room, towering and broad with a mean look.

"I-its the chief of police!" 

Izuku frantically and miserably tries getting out of the bed to greet the powerful figure with respect like Iida and Shouto did.

"You can stay seated. Woof."

The chief's deep voice tells Izuku, his response takes the green freckled bean back as he and the two other teens stare at the frowning male.

"I've already heard the news from my unit, so you must be the U.A. students who brought the hero Killer, right?"

"Y-yes." Iida responded just as polite and formal as he always is.

'The chief of police came all the way here, why?' Shouto mentally wondered not liking this visit already.

"Regarding the hero Killer we arrested. He had fairly serious injuries, with burns and broken bones, and receiving treatment under strict guard, woof."

The three teens quietly process the man's words, despite his earlier rage Tenya is  relieved that he, Shouto and Izuku hadn't killed Stain despite their intense fight.


The chief's voice cut through the relief.

"Since you are U.A students I'm sure you already know that when superpowers were still becoming the norm, the police attached high importance to leadership and standards and made sure quirks were used as weapons. And then the profession of "hero" emerged to fill that gap, woof."

His voice continued stern and serious, the chief speaking clear so everyone can hear.

"For an individual's use of force and power that can easily kill others–actions that normally would be appropriate to denounce–to be accepted officially, is thanks to early heroes who followed the ethics and rules of the profession, woof."

The door opened before he could continue, all eyes suddenly looking at the newcomer.

"Don't mind me, I'm just here to observe."

Tensei says matter of factly, grinning at the four adults and three teenagers present in the room.

"You shouldn't be here, Iida." 

Manual says with weariness at Tensei.

"Oh but I must since Chief Tsuragamae is unjustly scolding my kid brother and his two friends for doing your jobs, as a pro hero who was forcefully made to retire by the man they defeated, I have a right to be here, don't you think, Torino?"

Torino's eyebrows furrowed at the smiling man in the wheelchair, he gave a side glance at the chief silently asking if it was okay for the eldest Iida to stay.

Tsuragamae nodded slowly but curtly.

"As I was saying, even up against the Hero Killer, for uncertified individuals to cause injury with their quirks, without specific instruction from their guardians or supervision is a clear violation of the rules."

"The three of you, and the pro heroes Endeavor, Manual and Gran Torino must receive strict punishment."

"Wait a minute. If Iida hadn't done anything Native would've been killed."

"Todoroki." Iida looked at the dual haired teen with surprise by his defense.

"If Midoriya hadn't come, the two of them would've been killed. It's not our fault no one realized that Stain was there. Are you saying that we should've just ignored our friends and let them get killed!?"

Shouto shouted at the chief, ignoring Izuku's attempt to pacify him.

"Are you saying that as long as it turns out all right, it's okay to bend the rules?"

"Isn't it a hero's job to save people!?" 

Tsuragamae scoffed.

"That's why you are not a full fledged hero yet. Goodness, what are you being taught by U.A. and Endeavor, woof?" 

Shouto's expression went from disbelief to disgusted in seconds.

"How about I show you what I've learned!"

"Shouto stop!" Manual and Gran Torino cry out in fear and disbelief at the fuel haired teen who leaped right at the chief with bared teeth.

"Get your hands off me"

"Calm down, Todoroki."

"Don't tell me to calm down after this untrained mutt had the nerve to speak poorly against Iida, Midoriya and myself."


The chief's assertive face turned annoyed.

"That's what I said considering that's what you are." Shouto shot back with venom, Tsuragamae's face got more stern despite his physical appearance.

"Boy, I'd speak my next words carefully if you still want to remain a hero."

"You think I want to be a hero to people who abandon their own comrades just to keep their petty image? Sorry but I refuse to lose myself to fame and popularity."

Tensei laughed, "Oh man, he sure told you didn't he? Untrained mutt that's a good one" He said between snickers, tears pricking the corners of his eyes.

"Iida may I remind you that you're here because I allowed it? I can easily have you removed while I handle things with Todoroki's equally rude son and these two boys who were expelled–."

"More like discarded." Tensei drawled.

"–For their reckless endangerment facing off against Hero Killer, Stain."

Tsuragamae continued ignoring the man.

"Which is complete bullshit but go off I guess."

"On the other hand look on the bright side to all of this, if this was made public you would've been applauded for your bravery and heroic actions in bringing Stain down, unfortunately that wouldn't mean you three would be excused from receiving punishment. Luckily we have Endeavor as our cover up for Stain's downfall."

"So you're just going to give him the credit?"

"We have no choice, the media would question the burns Stain took, we don't want word about three unregistered youths without licenses getting out, that would cause an issue."

"He doesn't even deserve it!"

"Todoroki." Torino's voice is warning, cautious towards the teen who was more on edge than ever. 

"Why give the credit to that man? Aren't there other people with fire quirks you can give the acknowledgement to?"

Shouto pressed on in demand, his heterochromia gaze hard with obvious betrayal, the chief frowned seemingly guilty "We could mention a minor hero but these burns were too great, nobody but you and Enji are capable of such ferocity."

"True but you could say that the intensity of Ten's engine boost was the culprit since the exhaust combusted with the amount of speed he used when using recipro boost."

Tensei cuts in, voice even with a hint of pride directed at his stunned brother who didn't expect the older to be pleased.

Tsuragamae looked at the retired man who used to be a symbol of justice himself, eyes darkening.

"I hate to decline a considerate suggestion, mainly since I understand why you would say this Iida. However if I were to publicly announce this to the media they would suspect your brother since they are aware of your…predicament."

The dog man gestured to the wheelchair Tensei was sitting in.

"It's still better than giving the credit to the man who shit his pants, at least convince the board of education to reduce my brother's and his friend's expulsion."

"I cannot do that "

"Can't or won't?"

"Iida you know I have no authority over U.A and how their system works."

"Says the man reprimanding three kids instead of praising them like those fools, you rather be biased and have that burning tortilla chip take their credit."

"It's the law." 

Tsuragamae is tired but stern.

"No, it's stripping the rights of three heroes for doing nothing but being heroes. You would know that if you'd hear yourself and how messed up you sound saying this crap"

Tensei retorted, voice controlled but assertive as he tried making his point, the room is tensely quiet, Iida, Shouto, Midoriya silently watching the two figures with weariness, interest, worry and hope whereas Torino and Manual looked just about ready to step in just in case things took a nasty turn for the worse.

They already knew Tensei's anger held no bounds, even for the law as he was one of the heroes who defied it to a fault, the chief knew that which is why he's looking at Tensei with this pitying expression.

"Look, no matter how you look at it, it wouldn't have change anything. 

"You don't know that Tsuragamae, all this could've been avoided if you'd just allowed yourself to feel a bit more understanding and sympathetic towards these three."

"You want me to feel sympathetic towards three young boys who ignored their supervisors to fight a hardened criminal? They're lucky that they are just being expelled, if things were different they would've been arrested along with Stain and charged with battery, assault and attempted murder–And you know which one I'm talking about who would've definitely gotten that charge."

The chief says, noticing Tenya's small flinch of guilty, he sighs deeply.

"I understand your anger about all this, believe me I do but you must also take into account that lives were nearly lost last night and rules were broken. You should know better than anyone here the grim consequences of breaking protocol even if it's to save a life."

Tensei's eyes darkened because it was there, he was reminded of that being in the wheelchair.

A furry paw touched his shoulder, the bluenette meeting the chief's brown eyes.

"Just let it go, you're making this a more personal issue than it is and it will do nothing but make things worse. I commend your generous concern for these boys and respect you as a person, but I need you to refrain from speaking against this decision so aggressively. I don't want you damaging your family name any further than your brother did."

Tenya says pointedly, eyes sharp with newfound fire instead this was to defend not harm. He flinched sharply when Tsuragamae looked at him, still frowning.

"Young man, I assure you I mean no disrespect when I speak."

"Sure as hell doesn't sound like it."

Shouto grumbled indignantly, scowling beside a still silent Izuku who–was more mortified but everything he's heard and is still trying to figure out how to respond.

"What happened to Tensei was unfortunate and I do feel guilty for not taking further actions as a chief of police to have my units on standby that night, however your brother must understand that he cannot save anyone. Not even you."

The tone held mir weight, like a warning and Tenya found himself more and more speechless at everything Tsuragamae said.

The fierce figure of authority cleared his throat, dark glare replaced with reserve.

"I apologize for the harsh words. I do feel bad about scolding you but actions have consequences and I hope you three learn from this experience and can improve in the future as young respectable adults. Who knows maybe you don't need to be from .U.A. to become heroes."

"You're right they don't." Tensei's voice says cool with agreement

Tsuragamae eye-smiled.

"I'm glad you agree–"


The sound of someone being thrown to the wall by an angry Tensei iida who had propelled himself from his wheelchair using his elbow thrusters.

"They don't need a reason to be heroes, just like I don't need to be a hero to kick your ass!"

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