Neighbors (Davekat)

By sp00kyJish

120K 4.2K 12.5K

Dave Strider. Jock of the century. Leader of leaders. God of gods. King of kings. Most ironically loved guy... More

2 people, 1 project
The Dream
Gettin' shit done, son.
Gettin' shit done, son pt.2
Just a Project
Their Moment (very short)
Tears & Boners
not an update but..
Guys & Wierd Eyes
Not that Different
The Plan
Bad Yet Perfect
Happy Valentines Day
Important A/N
Back to Normal
Uninvited Guest
Uninvited Guest 2.0
Satan Is Back
Better Off
John (Continuing)
"I Don't Care."
The Two Ships


9.2K 242 774
By sp00kyJish

Well hello.
My name's Zeliah, but you guys can call me Z or whatever tickles your pickles. This is my second fanfic, my recent one is on pause for some reasons..anyways! This is a humanstuck davekat fanfic, their looks are based off of head-canons by amazing artists, ANYWAYS, I'M gonna continue before I start talking about my life choices.




Be the one getting ready for hell:


I remember leaving my shoes in my room..God I don't have time for this. I rushed into the bathroom and brushed my teeth as quickly as possible.

I can not be late to school again.

"No! Eheh, Sorry Karbro!" Gamzee yelled back. Honestly, sharing an apartment with Gamzee was NOT my best idea. I rushed out of the bathroom and slipped on my grey sweater, finding out that ny shoe was under it. I mumbled a quiet 'finally', and grabbed my backpack. I walked out of my room and looked at the time.

7:42 a.m.


Class starts at 8:00.

I yelled,"GAMZEE HURRY THE FUCK UP BEFORE WE LOSE OUR RIDE!" The juggalo walzted out of his room, clearly high. We both walked out the door and down the stairs, I made sure I didn't forget my keys again. Jesus christ when is Eridan planning on picking us up. I looked at my watch anxiously before I heard a car horn honk about 6 times, of course Gamzee chuckled and commented,"Honk." I rolled my eyes. I walked, more like jogged to Eridans' car, Gamzee slowly following behind. "YOU'RE FREAKING LATE, AGAIN," I commented. He responded,"Sorry Kar, I had to pick someone else up to, y'knoww." He pointed to the back, I checked to see who it was and of course, it was Sollux, waving at me with a big smile on his face. "Oh, YoU hAd To PiCk uP yOuR lOvEr? NiCe MaN," Gamzee mumbled not so quietly. I laughed a little, the looks on their faces were priceless. They've had a crush on eachother for years, none of them having the guts to admit it.

It's hilariously sad.

The rest of the ride was a little quiet, I was complaining most of the time. I hated school with such a burning passion, it's not fucking fair, that we don't get paid for getting our tired asses up at 6 in the morning just to hear shitty adults talk about shitty topics to a class full of shitty people. I should be the only one getting paid.

I'm fucking amazing.

We arrived at school after about 6 minutes of trying to find parking. I heard the first bell ring, meaning I had 5 minutes to get my shit from my locker and get to hell. Well, a smaller hell. I had absolutely no time to waste, I opened the car, yelling,"SEE YOU FUCKTARDS IN HELL!" And ran as fast as my legs could to my locker.

Once I came to it, I opened it and got all my books and ran to class, yelling 'get the fuck out of my way' to almost everyone.

It's not fun being a 16 year old who hasn't grown since 7th grade.

I stepped into class and made my way towards the back, sitting in the back was the best. The final bell rang, meaning everyone had to take their seats before our teacher verbally beats our asses. I hated this teacher, everyone hated this teacher.

Everyone took their seats, the level of loudness still high. The teacher walked in, jesus I swear he looks like he just came from prison. He slammed the books he was holding onto his desk, which looked like it was about to break. Everyone jumped, including me. He always did these things.

Everyone said,"Goodmorning, Mr.Slick."

He looked around with eyes squinted at these poor souls, it was pretty funny. He was about to speak until he entered the room.

God, I hate him.
He's the worst thing the universe is responsible for. That sunglasses-wearing, smug-faced douchebag. I don't see what's so great about him. Him and his douchebag friends.

"I have arrived ladies, no need to worry your dreams have come true," he announced. You can literally hear the panties dropping. Every girl in this classroom swooned over this shitstain, making little gasps and whispering great things about him. Am I jelous?

Hell to the motherfucking no!


"You're late, again, David." The teacher announced. He bluntly replied,"It's Dave, Dave Strider. Not that you don't know, I mean, who doesn't!" The class errupted in laughter. Was that even considered funny?

He sat on the only seat available, which was the seat infront of me. I felt like just stabbing him with my pencil, I hate him more than I hate myself, and that's saying something. Why do I hate him? Because I can, that's why. He just thinks he's better than everyone, that blonde, shit-face-

"Hey, gimme a pencil," he whispered to me. "EXCUSE ME?" I rudely replied. Who the hell does this guy think he is? "I said, gimme a pencil. Do you not know who I am?" I squinted my eyes at this prick,"UFORTUNATELY, I DO. NOW, LET ME PUT THIS IN THE NICEST WAY I CAN POSSIBLY SAY," my sarcasm was taking the best of me,"LEARN SOME FUCKING MANNERS BEFORE I RIP YOU LIMB FROM LIMB, YOU BLITHERING FECULENT SHITHOLE." I twitched a little. He..laughed? "WHAT'S SO FUNNY? I JUST INSULTED YOU DUMBASS, WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING?" I felt my face get warm, in anger, of course. "You're cute," he smiled and turned back around. Cute? Are you kidding! "WHAT!" I angrily whispered,"I AM NOT CUTE, I AM A MAN. MEN ARE NOT CUTE, STUPID," I felt my face heat up. I'm not cute. Fuck that.

The rest of the class was nothing but torture, finally the last 10 minutes arrived. The teacher announced,"We will be doing a project including 2 partners, on any subject related to history, I have assigned partners due to the fact that I know you will all be choosing your friends." He started calling out names on whatever the hell this was about, I didn't give one single fuck about school. I was about to get up and leave until I heard my name. "..And Vantas, you will be working with Strider." And the bell rang. Are you kidding me? Why does life hate me.

I was about to leave until I felt someone tap my shoulder, I turned around to come face to face with none other that Dave. "So, it seems we're partners," he stated. "NO SHIT," I answered, I'd just rather go stick a spoon down my throat than to keep talking to him. "Well, partner, I think we should-"

"Hey, Strider! Let's get out-Wvoah, wvhat are ya' doin' talkin' of those," great. Just great. One of Daves shitty friends stepped into the classroom. "Hold the fuck on Cro," Dave responded. He turned back to me,"Like I was saying, I think you should get my number so we can talk about the project." He actually wants to do this,"YOU'RE HONESTLY TELLING ME YOU WANT TO DO THIS PROJECT? HAH, WOW. COLOR ME SURPRISED," I sarcastically commented. He chuckled,"Heh, your funny, so what's your name?" Okay, I'm gonna leave. I can't stand talking to this asshole any longer. "MY NAME IS NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUISNESS. SO, IF YOU'LL EXCUSE ME, I HAVE TO GO FIND A LIFE TO LIVE," I headed straight for the door and out of the classroom.

Fuck my life.


Started off with a short chapter, did you guys like it?

Hope ya' did.

And there's more where that came from


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