RMA Chat Book

Por jingxuan0704

11.1K 253 261

Hi guys!This will be my first book about the RMA so please don't judge it.My english is not so good so if the... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Special announcement
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Polar shippers anyone?
Chapter 8
Chapter 9(April fool special)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13(Halloween special)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 (Christmas special)
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
I need some help guys!
Chapter 27- Part 1
Chapter 27-Part 2

Chapter 19

266 6 5
Por jingxuan0704

Hey guys!! My exam is finally over!! Cheers!! \(@^0^@)/

And let's continue with the new chapter. This chapter will be Shakkhan, and after will be Polar. I hope you guys like it, and wouldn't mind giving me a vote? ( •̀ .̫ •́ )✧

A week after Kuga and Lonky announced their relationship...

Lonky: Heyyo!! Morning guys!!

Tempe: Morning babe.

Kuga: ??!!!!

Tempe: I mean DUDE!!! D@mn self correction!!!!! Don't slice me into two Kuga!!!!

Tofu: Woah woah Kuga, relax. Put that knife down, where the hell did you get it?!

M&M: Tempe almost get killed by Kuga 😂

Tempe: D@amn self correction

Miyo: So what are we going to do now?

Alto: Play games?

Me: Yes!! Let's play games!! ( ̄y▽ ̄)╭ Ohohoho..... *evil smile at Shaun and Makkhan

Shaun: (+_+)?

Makkhan: *having a bad feeling

Kuku: Great idea!! What game?

Spin: Mobile legends?

Me: No no no. We're playing.... truth or dare!! ( ̄y▽ ̄)╭ Ohohoho.....

Liu: Oh no, can we play something else?

Charming Gold: My suggestion is, let's don't play anything

Me: Then goodbye Charming Gold. My answer is, we MUST play something (or else there'll be no Shakkhan, man!!)

Me eliminated Charming Gold

Solar: KHE??!!

Popo: How did she do it??!!

Me: I'm the author, remember? Anyways, if you guys wouldn't want truth or dare..... then we'll play KMK!!! (Shakkhan ship must be sailed today!!!)

Rema: What is KMK actually?

Solar: It's a game called 'Kill Marry Kiss'.

Kuku: For an example, I'll ask Solar: Popo, Pala and Yuna.

Solar: And I'll choose who I want to Kill, Marry and Kiss. For example, Kill Pala, kiss Popo, marry Yuna.


Rema: Ohhh~~

Me: Everyone agree?

Lonky: One question...

Me: *evil smile* Yes, Lonky??

Lonky: Umm no no nothing! *thinking about what happened to Charming Gold lately

Me: Let's start!!!

Liu: I'll go first with Gai.

Gai: Bring it on! *having a powerful aura around him

Liu: Miyo, Me and Spin.

Gai: w(゚Д゚)w What??!! But... *the aura weakened instantly

Spin: Looks like I'm abandoned...

Gai: But...Liu and Miyo are my boyfriend and girlfriend...Spin is my best bro... Who should I kill??!!

Me: *evil smile

Popo: Uh oh.. Looks like Gai's having a hard time making a decision.

Me: And it'll be your turn later. (‾◡◝) 😈

Popo: щ(ʘ╻ʘ)щ !!!

Kuku: Hurry up Gai!

Gai: Ok fine. Kill Spin, kiss Liu, marry Miyo

Spin: 💔

Gai: I'm really sry!!

Rema: Next, Popo's turn!

Me: Yup!!

Popo: KHA?!

Me: Solar, Lonky and Pala!

Popo: What???!!!

Me: Go on, or else...

Solar: ....

Tempe: Why do you guys have a hard time making decisions? It's just a game. Relax.

Popo: Ok... Kill Pala, kiss Lonky, marry Solar... *cover his face

Solar: o(*////-////*)q

Everyone: Owwww.

Popo: Oh stop it!!

Miyo: Now, who's next?

Pala: Can I have a go?

Me: Sure!!! Who do you wanna ask?

Pala: Kuga.

Kuga: Alright.

Pala: Lonky, Makkhan, Liu.

Kuga: Uhh, kill Liu, kiss Makkhan, marry Lonky.

Alto: Aha!! I knew it!!

And finally time for Makkhan to answer!!

Me: Makkhan, your turn!!

Makkhan: ?

Me: Shaun, Kuga and Rema (╯▽╰ )

Makkhan: ...

Shaun: !?

Makkhan: Kill Rema, kiss Kuga, marry...Shaun...

Me: Smooth!

Alto: Why did you wanna marry Shaun?? :P

Shaun: *red as tomato

Makkhan: *looking at Shaun and blushed

M&M: Ahh, I understand now!!!

After an hour...

Lonky: I'm bored now, let's stop playing.

Me; Let's go for a walk in the mall!!!!!

Everyone: *exhausted

Me: Get up!!! (Shakkhan ship hasn't sailed yet!!)

Everyone: But we couldn't possibly bring Tofu, Tempe and M&M along with us right?

Me: Who says so *holding the wand

Tofu: Wuu~~

Kuku: Hurry up and make a wish you three.

Alto: And we'll go to the mall together!!

M&M, Tofu and Tempe: I wish to be small.

Me: For someone special and what he wishes for, grant his wish and make it true!

M&M, Tofu and Tempe: *shrinks

Miyo: WOW.

Shaun: Interesting.

Me: Good, now fit in this bag and I'll carry you three.

Everything settled.

Solar: Should we call Charming Gold?

Rema: He's doing his TNT research again

Liu: Fine, let him be

And everyone set off!!

At the mall

Liu: Look!! Game section!!!

All the boys: KYA!!!!

Girls: ...

Kuga: I'm going to the gym. Bye Lonky

Lonky: Bye Kuga *runs to the gaming section

Me: How about we have a spa day?

Solar: Yeekkk!!! YES!!!

Miyo and Rema: Huh?

Me: Just relax.

Tempe in the bag: Wait, what about us? *in a children tone since he's already shrinks

Me: Oh, um, what do you wanna do?

Tofu in the bag: Anything. Watching them play games is fine.

M&M in the bag: I wanna watch Kuga doing gym!

Me: Um.. ok hang on.

Miyo: I'll take Tofu and Tempe to the boys.

Me: Ok, I'll take M&M to Kuga.

Rema: *noticing Makkhan is not with Kuga in the gym

Solar: Hey Rema, look over there

Makkhan: *staring at Shaun without noticing Rema and Solar is watching him

Shaun: *turns and saw Makkhan, then, she smiles

Makkhan: *heart almost jumped out, blushed

Rema and Solar: Aww, they liked each other!!

Miyo: I'm back, oh, look at them

Me: Hehe, watch. I'm gonna make them both go to the cinema.

Miyo: How?

Me: I've got tickets!

Rema: Great. After this we'll go to the spa. I've never done a spa before.

Me: Yo!! Shaun, Makkhan!! Looky here.

Shaun and Makkhan: ???

Me: You see, I've got some 'free' tickets here. (it cost me a lot man!!!) But I don't wanna watch movies, I wanna go to spa. So here, you can have these.

Shaun: Oh I don't think

Me: *stuff the ticket into the both's hand* Thanks!! Bye bye!! *run away like mad

Shaun: (+_+)?

Makkhan: ...

Shaun: Well, I guess we should go then?

Makkhan: Fine with me.

And yay the both goes

Shaun: It's a... HORROR MOVIE??!!

Makkhan: ....yes

Shaun: Well, um... alright

And they went in

The movie starts!!

Everyone in the cinema suddenly screams like hell and....

Shaun: AHHHHHH!!!! *covers her face, feeling hella scared

Makkhan:*feels great but suddenly noticed Shaun

Makkhan: Are you alright? *worried

Shaun: Yes yes I'm fine.

Few minutes later

Shaun: AARRGGHH!!!! *hugs Makkhan

Makkhan: ?! *feeling warm and can't help smiling

Shaun: I can't watch anymore... *whines

Makkhan: Let's go then. *feels sorry

Shaun: *couldn't even get up

Makkhan: Here. I'll help you. *carries Shaun in bridal style

Shaun: !!! (^///^)

Makkhan: *walks out ignoring those staring people

And as Makkhan passed by the gym

Kuga: *doing gym

M&M: Wow. (≧∇≦)ノ *in a children tone since he's already shrinks

Kuga: *noticing Makkhan

M&M: It's Makkhan!!

Kuga: *jaws almost dropped

M&M: *almost fell from his hiding place

Kuga: What the...

And Makkhan walks away not even realizing Kuga's there

And he passed the spa

The girls are having massage by the time

Rema: I never knew having a spa is so relaxing!!!

Miyo: I should come more often *feeling comfortable

Me: You spies never relax huh?

Miyo: You said it.

Solar: What a day.

Rema: *sawing Makkhan

Rema: Oi!! Looky there!!

Miyo. Me and Solar: Huh??!! Makkhan???!! *jaws almost fell

Me: Looks like my trick did work!!

And again Makkhan walks away not even realizing the girls are there

Game section...

Lonky: The king's gonna win!!! C'mon Popo Pala!!

Spin: Don't you dare think about it!! Liu, Gai! Show them what we've got!!

Alto: Do you really think we'll let you guys win?? Kuku!! We're gonna win this thing!!

Tofu and Tempe: Go guys go!!!

Suddenly, they all saw Makkhan

All: Huh!!??? *forgot all about the game

Liu: Sis???!!!!

Gai: WTF!!

And the system shows that they all lose


Makkhan didn't saw them, of course

In a mall's restaurant

Makkhan: Here, you can rest here.

Shaun: Thanks

Waiter: Good afternoon, what did you like to order?

Shaun: Milk, thank you.

Makkhan: Black coffee.

Waiter: Sure, please wait for a moment.

Makkhan: Are you feeling better now?

Shaun: Oh, yes...Thanks

Makkhan: Oh...

The both stayed silence for a moment

Makkhan: Can I... ask you a question?

Shaun: Huh? Sure.

Makkhan: What's your... hobby?

Shaun: Inventing things, reading and doing research. Yours?

Makkhan: You know, gym and exercising...

Shaun: Yeah...

Makkhan: Do you... have a love interest?

Shaun: Oh well.....I....um.... Yes

Makkhan: *was about to ask but the waiter came

Waiter: Here's your milk and black coffee.

Shaun: Thank you *paid the waiter

And the both stayed silence until they finished their drinks and left


Solar: Urgh!! Why didn't they confess??!!

Miyo: Ok, don't forget we're spies now!!

Me: Okie, now let's follow them, wait ,where are the boys??

Rema: They're still playing, forget about it, let's hurry up.

The girls quietly followed the both

Makkhan and Shaun went to the park nearby for a walk, while Solar, Miyo, Rema and Yuna followed them with binoculars and walkie talkies. They are divided into two groups: Rema and Yuna, Miyo and Solar. (cuz Rema and Miyo are formal , the author and Solar are rookies lol )

Me: Yuna to Miyo, do you read me?

Miyo: Yes, I read you

Me: What's the condition right now?

Miyo: Nothing, they didn't even talk to each other.

Solar: Miyo, look. *pointing at Shaun and Makkhan

Makkhan: So, what kind of man do you like?

Shaun: Hmm... someone handsome, caring and will treat me with kindness

Makkhan: Oh...

Shaun: And what kind of women do you like?

Makkhan: Oh...me? Well, someone intelligent, beautiful, and always have a cheerful side.

Shaun: Oh...(•_•)

Meanwhile.... the boys are dashing around in the mall

Lonky: Hey, got the popcorn??

Popo and Kuku: Got it!!

Alto: Got the carbonated drinks?

Spin and Gai: Got it!!!

Lonky: Is Kuga here with M&M?

Liu and Pala: Not yet!! They're coming in a jiffy.

Tofu and Tempe: They're here!!

Alto: Ok, then let's go to watch a movie!!!

Popo: Watch a movie??!! I thought we're going to watch Shaun and Makkhan confessing to each other!!!

Lonky: Yah, we're going to watch Shaun and Makkhan, it's a romantic movie you know.

Kuku: Whatever, let's hurry!!

Lonky: Wait!!!!! Do u guys got the ????

Liu: Yes, we got it. Hurry!!!!!

And they scurried off....Back to Shaun and Makkhan!

Makkhan: Shaun, could you answer my question?

Shaun: Yes?

Makkhan: Well, you said that you have a love interest. What I wanna say is.. well... who is it?

Shaun: I thought I've already told you *smiles

Makkhan: Did you? (°°)~?

Shaun: Yes, my love interest is... you.


Shaun: Yes. *giggles

Makkhan: I... like you too. So, does that mean... we could be together? *nervous

Shaun: *leans over and kisses Makkhan

The boys at the moment: We're just in time. WE'RE JUST IN TIME!!! LOOK!!!! GIVE ME THE POPCORN!!!

The girls at the moment: THEY KISSED!!!! THEY KISSED!!! TAKE A PHOTO!! QUICK!! *hugging each other

Shaun: That's my answer. (*////▽////*)

Makkhan: *happy

And they both hugged \( ̄︶ ̄*\))

Yay!! o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ Shakkhan ship sailed!!!!!! Ohhhh finally!!!!! And after will be Polar, but not in the next chapter. I hope Shakkhan shippers like it!!!!!

Author out!!

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