Chapter 18

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Hey guys, I think this will be my last chapter this week cuz I need to do some revision before the exam. I'll update again once my exam is over ( ̄︶ ̄)↗

Lonky: Finally I'm all good now! *looking himself in the mirror

Gai: Welcome back

Kuga: We have some good news to announce

Liu: What good news?

Me: Ask me! Ask me! I know about it! ( •̀ ω •́ )✧

Lonky: Don't spoil the surprise, Tsurika!! (╬▔皿▔)╯

Tempe: Hurry up me and Tofu wanna know

Tofu: Mnmnmnm!

M&M: @Tofu Hurry up!

Rema: Keep me waiting for one more sec and I'll kick your ass to Mars.

Kuga: Well, Lonky and I confessed our love to each other yesterday, and...

Me: They became couples! ✪ ω ✪

Everyone: WHAT????!!!!!!! ∑( 口 ||

Lonky: Hey!!! I SAID NO SPOILERS!!! *hits the author but missed

Me: AARRGGHH!!!! *screams like mad and grab a frying pan

Lonky: *hit by the pan

Me: Oops ...( _ _)ノ|

Kuga: Lonky!!

Me: S**t (*゜ー゜*)

Lonky: I'm ok....

Miyo: Ok so what Yuna said is TRUE?!

Lonky & Kuga: Yap

Shaun: Oh...well...congrats!! \(@^0^@)/

Lonky: Thanks!!

When everyone is busy congratulating the new couple...

Me: Ohhh d@mn!!

Miyo: What's going on?

Me: KYA!!!!!! I forgot I'm still a human! I've done my homework!

Spin: U mean, u forgot ur magic wand from fairy godmother.😑


Fairy godmother: Yes my dear, here u go. *hand over a stick

Lonky: A stick?

Me: What??!

Gai: It's really a stick.

Popo: The point is, it's a normal stick.

Me: Fairy godmother, are u kidding me??!!

Fairy godmother: Oh my, dear me. Sry I got the wrong thing. Now, where did I put it?There it is! Here u go, my dear.

Me: Yay! Tq!!!!

Fairy godmother: Now, u could only use it to do good deeds, ok?

Me: OK!!

And fairy godmother disappeared (The wand come in handy in the next chapters)

Liu: So do u want to turn into a squirrel?

Me: Well before that what did u guys want the most? Maybe I can make ur wishes come true!

M&M: Maybe you can make Tofu speak a normal language.

Tofu: 👌🏻

Tempe: For the first time Tofu used an emoji!

Me: Ok, what's the magic word? For someone special and what he wishes for, grant his wish and make it true!


Spin: Tofu?

Tofu: Hello?

Everyone: YAY!!!!!

M&M: Congratulations bro!!!

Me: Yayayayayay! I did it!

So what great help will this magic wand bring next in the next chapters?

To be continued after I'm done with my exam! If you guys have any ideas or you have something that you would like me to write, you could name it in the comment!!(╹ڡ╹ )

Author out!!

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