The Bad Boy is a King

By Annabelle503

2.4K 51 10

Thomas Parker aka hot, popular, bad boy and best friend of rich and equally as hot, Jacob Lawson, practically... More

Day 30.
Day 29.
Day 28.
Day 27.
Day 26.
Day 25.
Day 24.
Day 23.
Day 22.
Day 21.
Day 20.
Day 19.
Day 16.
Day 15.
Day 14.
Day 13.
Day 12.
Day 11.
Day 10.
Day 7.
Day 6.
Day 5.
Day 4.
Day 3.
Day 2.
Day 1.

Day 18.

30 1 0
By Annabelle503


"Invite your boyfriend over tonight," was the first thing Lee said when I walked downstairs.

"He's not my boyfriend," I said.

Lee rolled his eyes. "Sure he's not."

"He's not," I said.

"Just invite him over or I will," Lee said with a grin.

"Fine but all of you better be on your best behavior," I informed.

He laughed. "When aren't we?"

"All the time," I huffed and began to look at a magazine.

"That's mine," Lee informed and snatched it out of my hands as he took a seat across from me.

I leaned across the island, reaching for the magazine. "Who said?"

He chuckled. "Me."

"All hail, dictator Lee."

"Actually, it's the wise one," he mentioned.

"Actually, it's annoying."

"No," he stated, "I think you got me confused with you."

"So, shitfaces. What're the plans for today?" Wes asked, tumbling downstairs.

"I'm going to work and you're going to make us a nice meal on the stove and we'll enjoy it with Nellie's boyfriend and if it sucks, I swear -"

"I have to work, too," Wes interjected Lee.

Lee scoffed. "You're useless. We'll have Daisy cook."

"He has work, too," Wes said, scrunching his eyebrows together.

"He's useless, too. Why am I surrounded by all these useless people? My life sucks."

"Oh, sorry. Dictator Lee, I wish we could all be like you," I mumbled.

"What was that Nellie?"

"She said that you suck and I'm her favorite," Wes answered for me.

"Actually, you both suck."

Lee gasped. "Oh no. You didn't."

"I did," I said with a smirk.

"Shrimp, your hurtful words bring tears to my eyes. Go fetch me a coffee and I'll think about forgiving you."

I scoffed, "What do I look like? Your peasant?"

Wesley nodded. "Yeah. Why? Now, go fetch me my coffee."

"Lee, both soccer teams have practice tonight. When should I tell him to come over?"

"We'll take him home after practice," my oldest brother replied.

I grimaced. "Ew. Then he'll be sweaty."

"Fine. He can shower in your shower. But, I'm not making any more comprises, Nellie."

"Shrimp, coffee," Wes whined.

I got out of my chair in a big huff, pushing Wes as I walked to the coffee machine. He hit me back although I tried my best to dodge it.

"Fine, Lee."

"Fine, Nellie."


I scowled at Wes, "I am, you stupid, annoying, moronic -"

"Oh fuck. You dipshits are going to make me late," Lee grumbled and started to make eggs.

"Who the fuck are you calling a dipshit, dipshit?"

"How many fucking times do I have to tell you dipshits not to swear?" Lee pondered and threw an empty egg shell at Wes.

It landed on his chest. "I would say fuck you but that would be disgusting so I hope some ugly ass girl fucks you," Wes groaned and got up to clean his shirt.

"You want to fuck me?" Lee asked. "I'm flattered and all but, I'm your brother plus I'm not gay."

"You're a-"

"Beautiful specimen?" Lee interrupted.

"I'm a beautiful specimen?" Drew asked, coming downstairs.

"No, you're an ugly freak," Wes answered and smacked the back of his head.

"Fucker," Drew mumbled.

I heard my phone ding so I took it out of my pocket.  It was a message from Thomas... Of course.  And he made the contact for himself.

It said, hey annabelle


He texted, not even a hello?  Especially for your bae?

You little, rotten, no good, filthy turd

What, Queen?  Something the matter?  What ever could I do?

You changed your contact on my phone

I made a revision.  You were going to do it sooner or later.  I just thought I'd do it sooner for you.  You're welcome.

I rolled my eyes and typed.   Can't stand that attitude, Parker.


That was so fake

Just like you?

Why are you texting me, again?

He replied, Oh, right!  I was just thinking some more about us running away together.  I wanted to include you on the plans, you know?

Right, I get it.  The unrealistic and totally not happening plans.  How could I forget? :)

You don't have to be so rude


Ugh.  Quit reply with one word answers.  If you don't want to text me then fine.  Why'd you even text me in the first place?

News flash.  You texted me first.  I typed.

Right.  But that still doesn't mean you weren't going to do it.  Which you would've if I didn't. Gotta be the man in this relationship, right

I texted, You?  The man?  Relationship? Literally everything you texted was wrong

Quit acting smart.  Some of us don't brag about it

*being smart.  I texted, fixing his error.

Really, Annabelle?


You're somthining.


Lee said, "Nellie, invite Thomas to dinner.  I know you're texting him."

I replied, I'm actually supposed to invite you over for dinner tonight after practice. Lee's wishes.  Say no.

He sent, yes

Little turd.

"He said no."

That's when the house phone rang and Lee answered since he was closet.

"Yes," Lee cheered.  "So, you're coming."

Nooooo.  That was probably Thomas because he knew I'd tell Lee he said no.

Lee hung up and said with a smirk, "He said yes."

Just then, Thomas texted me again, babe lying is bad

So is being around with you, I sent.

Ouch, that hurt so much. *grabs chest dramatically and falls to ground, in writhing pain

Take acting classes.

Already did

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