The Righteous Path

Oleh eunminthin

23.4K 570 673

*Part 1 of Pathos Series* *Complete* Lilith accepts a seemingly innocent offer that sends her down a dark pat... Lebih Banyak

The Stranger
Into The Fire
Phantom of the Opera
Gravity and Light
Call from the Clergy
Papa Emeritus
Black Sheep
Sweet Chariot
The Forces That Be
Three Words
Push and Shove
I Am Omega
The Other Side
New Ventures
The Powers
Trials and Tribulations
Bar Talk
White Wedding
Dinner Date
The Shift
Red Rivers

Home Sweet House

799 19 34
Oleh eunminthin

The sun illuminated the bright green leaves of the tree above, blocking the burning heat and casting a pleasant hue below. The verdant grass was cool and soft, providing a reprieve from the stagnant, muggy air. Campus was quiet, only a handful of students walked to and from class. It was finals week of spring semester and the end of May. When Lilith returned home, life had gone on as if nothing had changed. Sam had left her boyfriend "for the final time", they discussed moving in together, and they both had begun to look at Graduate school. Lilith laid outside of the science building under a large aspen tree, reflecting on the last few months.

She was leaving for Syracuse tomorrow to start the European tour with Ghost. The thought alone sparked anxiety in her, as she had been apart from them for nearly 6 months now. During that time, Lilith had focused on strengthening her powers and working on her studies. She had also had time to think about the information they had provided her with before she left. The Principality that she had encountered was a low-ranking angel, more of a spy than a warrior. It was clear that he did not intends on running into her, but rather was gleaning information. The echelons were vast, filled with those that thirst for submission and destruction. No free will or diversity were wanted by them, only obedience. The joys and pleasures of life, even simple things were deemed reprehensible. They didn't give away much more, saying that it would come "with time". She still didn't understand her roll in it all. Earth had mentioned that should she run into any trouble, she could summon any of them by simply requesting them. Lilith assumed this is what had happened in the ally. And though she had not had contact with anyone in the clergy, she would occasionally catch movement out of the corner of her eye. A lone person in a shop that she could have sworn was watching her.

Gathering her things, she left the peace of campus and walked home. Just the small amount of work she had done for the band had allowed her to supplement her financial aid and move into a small duplex just five minutes from campus without asking her parents for help. The walk was through family housing and a small park adding to the pleasantness of the location.

She unlocked the door, set her bag down and kicked off her shoes. Throwing open the curtains in the front room, warm sunlight streamed in, brightening the small space. The décor wasn't great, but it was homey and it was hers. The apartment consisted of a small living room, dining room, bathroom, bedroom, and galley kitchen. Step two of being home was the removal of the bra and pants, which she laid over the back of a dining chair to the right of the front door. She then went to the kitchen, grabbed a glass of juice and some cookies. Her mother had agreed to pay for her cable with conditions that she maintained her GPA. This meant she could couch potato with maximum efficiency. As she entered the living room again, the light was refracted off a silver, horned mask. She screamed, nearly dropping her juice.

"Fuck! Can you give me some warning?" She scolded the looming figure. He stood still, staring at her with lifeless eyes. Her blood ran cold as she looked the ghoul over, noticing the lack of familiar mannerisms. It looked like Water, but he was normally more willing to engage in banter. "How are you?" she asked hesitantly. Lilith widened her stance, squaring her shoulders to the figure, her heart picking up pace.

"Good. Are you ready?" He said, his voice not quite right. There was no accent that Lilith loved, the tone higher pitched and tense. The ghoul moved toward her, his eyes fading away into black holes. She had not had any encounters with supernatural beings since being back, but she had thought about it daily. She had walked through multiple scenarios in her mind, preparing for this moment. Without hesitation she shut her eyes, dropped her juice and pushed him. The glass cracked and shattered against the hardwood, liquid and jagged shards rushing over her feet and across the floor. With a loud thud, he was thrown against the far wall then hit the ground. Every time she used her powers, it weakened her, her heart pounding and her knees wobbling. Raising to his feet, the imposter rushed her. Lilith gasped and staggered back into the dining room table.

"Omega!" Lilith screamed, ducking down and covering her head. A pilar of flames burned brightly before her, two demonic figures stepping out. The imposter froze halfway to his target and hissed at the two new arrivals. With a screech, the angel vanished in a flash of light. Lilith sat on the floor, panting. She hoped that this event wasn't a precursor to what the next three months would hold.

"Well it's good to see you guys again." Lilith sighed. She looked up at Omega and Water who stood in her living room, trying to take in what had just happened. It was odd seeing them in an otherwise ordinary environment. Standing up, she went to examine the wall, relieved to see no damage beside a crack in the painting her friend had gifted her. With sticky wet feet, Lilith walked back to the mess by the dining table.

"You okay Lilith?" Water asked casually and sat on the couch. Lilith brushed her hair over her shoulder, looking down at the mess on the floor.

"Yeah, I'm fine. A bit startled to see one in my home, but other than that. Omega, can you grab a rag from the kitchen please?" she smiled at him, knowing he would be annoyed by her request.

"As you please." He bowed and walked into the kitchen. She rolled my eyes and brushed the larger chunks of glass into a wet pile with her foot.

"So, what happened exactly?" Water watched her closely, looking over her body for any marks. He also was enjoying seeing her in only a shirt and underwear.

"Well I thought you broke into my house, but I quickly realized it wasn't you. So, I bought some time and summoned Omega." she explained while picking up the glass. Omega dropped the rag down on the floor and sat on the couch with Water. "Thanks." she muttered in a bitter tone. She rubbed the rag around with her foot then threw away the glass.

"Since we are here, can we just leave today?" Omega asked in an inconvenienced voice.

"How? I don't have a car and you two certainly didn't drive here." she snipped, picking up the soaking rag and putting it in the dirty laundry in the bathroom. "Plus, I haven't even packed." Water cleared his throat and looked to Omega.

"No one is arriving until tomorrow morning." Water said. "And we can't leave her, so it looks like we are going to stay here."

"You two can share the bed." she called to them.

They sat in her living room, Lilith still without pants or bra, them without a way to leave. Swirling ramen onto her fork, she slurped the noodles up, her eyes fixed on the TV show. She had squeezed between Omega and Water on the little couch, much to their annoyance.

"Is this really what you do on a Friday night?" Water asked in disgust. He watched the sappy romance play out on the screen with contempt.

"Look, I am a busy person. I'm not going to spend my Friday getting drunk and fornicating. I'm going to sit on my couch and watch Grey's Anatomy." she replied in an annoyed tone, not breaking her gaze.

"So, was that the first angel you have encountered since being away?" Omega asked. She nodded, hoping that they weren't going to keep talking. "Well you're handling the whole thing very well." He added. She shrugged. When she was with Ghost, she never expected normality.

"I knew you would save me. You always have." She said and leaned in, trying to ignore them the best she could. The show was at a pivotal point, her body tensing with anticipation.

*Ring! *Ring!

"What the hell!" Lilith exclaimed in exacerbation. She set her bowel down on the floor and leaned over Omega for her phone which sat on a side table. Seeing Sam was calling, she rested herself on top of him and answered, knowing this could take a while.

"Yellow?" Lilith answered. The noise on the other end made it difficult to hear what Sam was saying. She was inviting her to go to a party, which Lilith had already decided she was not interested in.

"No, I can't." Lilith said, trying to sound as bummed as Sam did.

"Yes you can! You have no life!" Sam slurred, then proceeded to apologize. She gloated about the hot guys that were totally into relationships and how Lilith could snag one. Suddenly, a hand slapped Lilith's bottom, causing her to cry out. "Are you okay? What happened?" Sam asked, concerned. Flipping around, Lilith gave the best death glare she could to Omega who pointed to Water. Water laughed.

"I stubbed my toe." she said through clenched teeth. Sitting up between the two men, they gave each other mischievous looks. Their time here had been anything but exciting and they both wanted to have a little fun. She waved her hand at them to stay quiet and scooted to the edge of the couch cushion. "I'm heading to bed, I just can't go out." she pleaded, knowing that Sam's persistence was hard to dampen. Water leaned forward, looking over at Lilith with devilish blue eyes. She glared back at him, knowing that he was up to no good.

"Lilith, come on. The whip cream is going to melt. Come to bed." She looked at him in shock as the words beckoned from behind his mask.

"Yeah, come to bed Lilith! We are waiting." Omega said from her other side.

"Oooo! I see now!" Sam laughed and snorted.

"No! It's not wh-"

"Bye Lily! Have a creamy night!" Sam laughed even harder and hung up. Lilith threw herself back on the couch, covering her face in humiliation.

"I should kill you both." she spat. "Do you know how long it will take me to convince her that was a joke!"

"We could always make it a reality." Omega rasped. Bringing her hands down, she noticed that she had missed a huge plot point. Furious, she stood up and turned to face them.

"Go to bed!" she pointed down the hall. They laughed at her, which angered her more. Waving her hand, the door slammed open. "Now!" The men looked over at each other, then stood up and walked to the bedroom. She fell onto the couch in aggravation, frustrated with of how the day had turned out.


Intense sunlight streamed in through the open curtains, straining Lilith's eyes. Her back ached from the lumpy couch and the sticky heat prevented her from ever getting comfortable. Perhaps it was just a dream she desperately hoped as she stood up and stretched. It wasn't unusual for her to sleep on the couch, but usually that followed a night of drinking. Spinning her long brown hair, she tied it into a huge, messy bun and shuffled to the bathroom. Looking into the mirror she noticed how pale she still looked despite the sunbathing and spring activities.

"I need to get a spray tan." she said to her reflection, then sighed and finished cleaning up. Still half asleep, Lilith walked into her bedroom and shuffled to her closet. She had packet most of her good cloths for the trip but made sure to leave out her favorite summer dress. With a strappy, low plunging back and midthigh hem, she felt it was something that Papa would like. The color was a rich navy blue with small white flowers. The dark fabric added to her pale appearance though but it was too late to change her mind now. Slipping the dress over her head, she grabbed her strappy sandals and turned to the bed. There lay two naked men, their cloths crumpled on the floor. She recognized Omega, his brown hair messy from sleep, his arm draped over his eyes. Waters face was buried in the pillow, his shaggy dark brown hair was all she saw. Her eyes then fell upon Omega's manhood and Waters perky butt, causing her to blush.

As quietly as she could, Lilith tiptoed to the door. With her hand on the doorknob, she stepped her foot down on something hard and sharp. "Ow!" she yelped and raised her foot to see a pushpin poking into it. It must have fallen from her desk, which sat next to the door. "Damn it." She cursed in a low whisper. She pulled it out and placed it on the desk. The sound of ruffling blankets then caused her to pause. Looking back, she saw Omega propped up on the headboard, his laced fingers behind his head. He grinned at her to which she smiled back meekly. He was impressed as always with her beauty. Her dress hugged her body gently, the white flowers matching her fair skin.

"I was just going." she said in a hushed voice, not wanting to wake Water.

"Oh, please stay." His eyes were full of sinful intensions. He had been anticipating her return to them since he found out she was leaving. Lilith gave an unintentional, nervous laugh. It had been six months since she was last tempted, but she had to stay fast to the goals she laid out for herself. No physical pursuits, stay focused on work, and don't be a burden. The last one was already on thin ice. While she was still able to, Lilith turned and ducked out of the room, closing the door behind her with a thud. Omega laughed and shook Water.

"Wake up." He called to his partner. Just outside the door, Lilith whimpered, the damp heat between her legs making her realize that this summer was going to be harder than she had expected. Walking to the living room, she decided to continue her normal morning routine in hopes of distracting herself. With a flick of the wrist, the sound system turned on. The music filled the small apartment, following her to the kitchen. Bringing an apple to her, she grabbed a muffin with the other hand. When she returned to the living room, Omega sat on the couch, fully dressed. She plopped onto the oversized bean bag chair that sat beside the TV. They stared at each other as she bit into the apple.

"I must say, you hurt my feelings back there." Omega said in an exaggerated whine. Lilith rolled her eyes, knowing it took more than that to offend him.

"Is Water awake?" she asked, trying to change the subject.

"He would have been." Omega continued.

"I'm not sleeping with any of you. I have turned over a new leaf." Lilith chided, taking another bite of her apple. Omega laughed and crossed his legs, resting his arms on the back of the couch. Excitement ran through him as he accepted this new challenge.

"We'll see." His voice was low, his eyes piercing. She took a large bit from her apple. Water came striding down the hall with her bright blue suite case.

"Alpha will be here in a few minutes." He said, placing the suite case by the door. She looked down at her muffin, trying to ignore her impure thoughts. Alpha had a particular way of seducing her, but fortunately she would be with two others. Unfortunately, those two others would be more than happy to watch Alpha take her.

"The unholy trinity." Lilith mused and chuckled at her own comment. Water squatted down in front of her, locking eyes with hers. She leaned back, unsure of what he was doing.

"Do you want to find out how unholy?" His hand rested on her thigh, just under her dress. Lilith's cheeks warmed and she quickly brushed his hand away, clenching her thighs together.

"She took a vow of celibacy." Omega said mockingly, causing Water to laugh.

"Laugh all you want! I will be happy with myself, that's what counts." Lilith scolded them, her voice lacking conviction. Water stood up, glancing out the window, then back to her.

"No, you'll be sexually frustrated and wet." Water said casually. Her cheeks burned hotter. He grabbed the suite case and walked out to greet Alpha, who had just pulled up. Omega stood and walked over to her, offering his hand which she took. He pulled her up and then followed Water out. She turned off the music, laced her sandals and grabbed her muffin.

The early morning air was colder than she thought it would be. The three men stood at the black Mercedes, waiting for her. Lilith paused, taken back by the sight of their dark, demonic presence in an otherwise quant and quiet neighborhood. She then though about why they were unholy, and that she had experienced it firsthand with all three. Averting her eyes, she walked quickly past them and got into the back of the car. She hadn't realized how sexually frustrated she had become in the past six months without them. The memories of them had not done them justice, and a vibrator was clearly no substitute. Alpha sat in the driver's seat, looking back at her through the rear view mirror.

"Good to see you again, Lilith." Alpha said, savoring her name. Omega sat in the back with her, behind Alpha. Water sat in the passenger seat, fiddling with an iPad he found in the glovebox.

"You too." she replied, trying to sound professional. The car was warm and spacious, the tinted windows blocking out the glaring sun. Omega chuckled as she lowered the arm rest/cup holder compartment between them. They began to talk about the angel, and how it was odd that this was the first one in 6 months. She watched them talk, slowly placing an earbud in.

"It is concerning. I wonder then if we will have more issues in Europe." Water said, the other two nodding. She placed the other earbud in, turning on her music. She was determined to work as normally as she could over this summer and then return to New York to finish her degree. She turned her back to Omega slightly, flipping through tumblr smut posts and pictures of the band. Scrolling down, she saw a ghoul that wore Alpha's mark, but he was definitely not Alpha. He has haunting green eyes, and he used a lot of hand motions, which fans loved. She was mindlessly humming along with the music while reading a Tom Hiddleston fan fiction when Omega placed his hand on her knee. She pulled her earbuds out, giving him an inquisitive look.

"We're here." He said. She looked out to see that they were indeed at the Airport.

"I thought we were driving to Syracuse." she said, putting away her earbuds and phone into her purse.

"Nope." He replied and exited the car. They had pulled up to a private jet that sat on an empty runway. Six people came up to the car as they exited. Alpha handed one the keys, while another man took her suite case from the trunk. She looked at the plane in awe. Did they always travel like this? How much did this cost?

"Come Lilith!" Alpha called from the stairs of the jet. She ran over to him, climbing the stairs by two. The interior is everything you would expect it to be. Leather seats, soft subdued lighting, soft carpet. There were seats facing each other at the front of the cabin, a set on each side. Behind them, a large TV on one side and a black couch facing it. Beyond that were two more large leather chairs with side tables that had been stocked with champagne and sweets. Across from them, a plush leather couch.

"This is amazing!" she gawked at the wealth of the jet. Water sat on the couch, still messing with the iPad. She sat next to him, resisting the temptation to cuddle up to him. He looked at her, then set the iPad down and draped his arm around her shoulders. Alpha and Omega sat in the back chairs, Omega opening the champagne. "How long is this flight?" she asked, resting her head on Waters chest, unable to resist his warmth. He absentmindedly played with her hair.

"Six and a half hours." Omega said, handing her a glass of bubbly.

"What! I didn't realize it would be so long." she sipped the sweet pale amber liquid. "So, I guess I'm confused about the angels and my role in the clergy."

"Well, you are the one that will help defeat the oppression of God's fanatics once and for all. God's church has preached hate and segregation, oppression of women, nonconformists, and nonbelievers. With the waning of faith in powerful countries, his army weakens and ours grows. The raise of a Pope that is different than the others before him, the election of a fanatic, powerful manipulator in America, and the eventual breaking of the seven seals will all strengthen us." Alpha said very matter of fact, but she was left with more questions than he had answered. She drank the rest of her champagne as she pondered what he had said.

"But doesn't Satan want to enslave the earth?" She asked as Omega poured more alcohol into her glass. Alpha laughed and shook his head.

"We just want to see people happy. To have peace over the world. War is so often fueled by religious righteousness. For example, you. Why do you not want to give into your desires? Sin." He said. She wanted to correct him about her reasons but decided against it.

"I don't see how having weak telekinesis is beneficial to anyone but me." She said, sipping the replenished glass of champagne. Alpha laughed.

"You have much more than that. As you grow stronger, you will be able to seduce the masses. Your powers should soon evolve beyond just telekinesis. And, most importantly, you may become the mother for the Son." Alpha continued, picking at his fingers. She choked momentarily on her drink, sitting up from Water.

"I am not having anyone's child. I'm positive that was not in the list of duties for this job." She spat, annoyed by Alphas implication.

"And that is your choice. We are not going to rape you and forcefully impregnate you." Alpha chuckled. Lilith drank the rest of her champagne and stood up to look around, the conversation not something she was wanting to hear. The fact that they were demons was something that she had just recently come to accept, but to acknowledge that there was a war raging beyond her knowledge was a bit too much.

"When will everyone else get here?" She asked, eager to move on to something else.

"It's just us. The others are already in London." Water said with a wink. She frowned. Not only did she miss the others, she also didn't want to be alone with Alpha, Omega, and Water. "Don't be so sad. I'm sure we can have fun."

"Doubtful" Lilith shot in a clipped tone. Omega grabbed her hips, pulling her onto his lap. She gasped, the heat of his body fanning her lust. He held her tight, Alpha and Water watching them.

"Loosen up baby, we could have a great time." Omega whispered, her body reacting to his words despite her best efforts. The weight of her on his lap further fueled his desire for her. She brushed his hands away and jumped up, fixing her dress. She looked back at him with flushed red cheeks.

"No, no, no! I am here to work and that is it!" Lilith said with a stomp of her foot. Alpha and Omega exchanged looks. "I saw that! Conspiring." She poured herself more champagne to calm herself and took a seat on the couch.

Six hours and a bottle of champagne later, Lilith lay on the couch, her head in Waters lap, her legs draped over the armrest. Her sandals were off and her dress had fallen up, exposing her pink cotton panties. Water was reading the news on his iPad while Omega and Alpha made small talk. Alpha looked over at Lilith, shaking his head.

"I can't believe she drank the whole bottle." Alpha said with a laugh. Omega gazed at her, pleased with his handy work.

"She is being quite the tease. I even invited her to lay with Water and I, but she didn't take it." Omega lamented, mourning the missed opportunity.

"The stronger she gets, the more she can resist us." Water said, looking down at her flushed cheeks and red lips. She frowned and rolled, her face now an inch from Waters stomach. She brought her legs in, her dress resting at her waist now. He gently caressed her cheek, taken by her peacefulness. The sounds of birds chirping interrupted their conversation, an unusual sound for a plane in flight. It was muffled, and now the sound of an acoustic guitar was added to the birdsong. Omega stood up and found the source. He fished Lilith's phone from her purse and turned off the alarm titled Work Out!!! He frowned, then returned to his seat with her phone. He swiped the screen and was greeted by a sultry fanfic about Tom Hiddleston. Omega laughed, the other two watching him with curiosity.

"What is it?" Alpha asked.

"It's her tumblr. Very interesting." Omega responded as he scrolled down. "Lots of us." He handed the phone to Alpha, who scrolled through.

"I hope she doesn't wake up, for your sake." Water chimed in. Alpha sighed, turned the phone off, and returned it to her purse. He then rose from his seat and stood over her, shaking her shoulder.

"Get up, Lilith. We will be landing soon." He said in a uninterested tone. She turned her face into Waters lap, trying to escape Alpha's wakeup call. Water tensed and shook her.

"Lilith, get up." Water said in a strained voice. She groaned and slowly rolled onto her back. Her eyes fluttered open, blood shot and tired. She then sat up, her head spinning and fuzzy.

"Okay, I'm up." She mumbled.

"Alright, let's get changed." Alpha said, clapping his hands together.

"What?" she said, confused. Water stood and unsnapped his jacket. She watched him remove his jacket and throw it onto the couch. From a cabinet behind the two chairs Alpha produced three bags. He threw one to Omega and then one to Water. "Wait, what's going on?" Lilith asked again still a bit drunk. She looked up at Water who was now without any clothing, including his mask. He had a rugged, angular face that was framed with wavy, dark brown hair. A silver nose ring adorned the right side of his nose. His body was muscular with more definition than she remembered. He looked down at her shocked expression with a beautiful lopsided smile. Lilith unabashedly stared, taking in his intense brow and slightly crooked nose. His face was intense, but his smile was so warm and friendly.

"Do we know what hotel we are at yet?" Omega asked. She looked over to find him without his mask and top. She watched with bated breath as his hands slowly unzipped his pants and pull them down.

Lilith's gaze was then draw to Alpha. She had thought of what he might look like since the first night they met. His voice deep, his body powerful and strong. Without hesitation, Alpha removed his mask and balaclava, then his jacket and pants. He was stunning, looking to be around 30 with short blond hair cut similarly to Omegas. He had strong features and a beard that hid his jaw line. His blue eyes were bright, his brow slightly arched. He had full lips that Lilith could almost feel on her skin. She shuttered at the thought, trying to push it away.

"No. I'll call when we land." Water said as he pulled on a pair of jeans. "You should change Lilith, you'll be cold." He warned as he glanced over at her. She blinked and then looked around, realizing she didn't have anything with her to change into. Water walked over to the cabinet and rummaged around. He came back with a hand full of clothing and set them on the couch beside her. "These should work." He smiled that warm, wide smile again. She stared at him, then nodded slowly. It was the most she could muster.

"Um, where can I change?" She asked quietly, blushing slightly.

"Right here." Water said, sitting back on the couch. He was wearing tight black pants, a black t-shirt and a black leather jacket. She blushed brighter.

"You can't expect me to strip down in front of all three of you." She hissed, narrowing her eyes at him. "I'll use the bathroom." She scooped up the cloths and left. Omega and Alpha finished dressing and packed away their suits and masks. Lilith emerged from the bathroom some time later, walking to Water with clenched fists. She stood before him in a very tight black dress with a mesh waist and long mesh sleeves. The hem on the dress fell a mere three inches below the apex of her thighs. He had supplied her with black back seamed tights and heels. In one fist was a large white jacket.

"Is this a joke, Water?" she scolded. He grinned as he looked her over. The outfit was sexier than he thought, much to the delight of the trio.

"Sit Lilith, we're landing in a minute." Alpha said. She huffed and sat in the chairs toward the front of the cabin.

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