Teacher |H.S.|

By 0nlyAngelx

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*Contains mature and explicit content!* A student who catches the eye of her teacher.. A Harry Styles fanfic... More



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By 0nlyAngelx


Here we are.

Me and Niall, both on a chair inside the principal's office. The janitor is yelling at us and at Miss Peters, I'm still thinking he might have a stroke and it's just very hard not to laugh at the whole situation.

"They were having intercourse, at school!" he spits out, that vein on his head becoming dangerously huge again.

"Mister Walters, I-"

"I am disgusted! They were in my closet, on my stuff!" he is still yelling. I think the whole school can hear him by now and not even Miss Peters can seem to calm him down.

Before the principal can say anything, we're interrupted by the door of the office that swings open. I turn around in my chair to see no one other than Harry walk inside, a concerned look spread across his face. However, I watch that expression change quickly once he sees that I'm in here.

"Mister Styles.." the principal says.

"I heard shouting, what's going on here?" Harry asks, closing the door and then placing his hands on his hips.

"I caught them having sex in the janitor's closet!" Mister Walters informs him, voice still rather loud.

My cheeks turn red as soon as those words leave his lips, I don't even dare to lock eyes with Harry right now. Oh god.. this is embarrassing.

Unfortunately, my eyes meet his green ones and the look in them is something I can't quite describe. It's anger mixed with disgust and he's trying to hide it but I can see it by his jaw that clenches. Harry locks his hands in front of him, I can see that he's squeezing them together as his eyes never leave mine.

"It's not true!" I broke the awkward silence that was hanging over the room.

"Excuse me? You think I'm a fool?!" Mister Walters yells.

The principal tells him to calm down and he finally seems to listen to her, thank god for that because I was getting tired of hearing him yell. Harry is staying quiet but I feel his eyes burning onto my skin, I'm so fucked and not in the good way.

"Care to explain?" Miss Peters asks me.

I sigh deeply and look over at Niall who gives me an awkward smile. When I look back at the principal, I take a deep breath in and try not to flip out. Being bad is fun but it's the aftermath that sucks.

"We were just in the closet to have a private conversation, we weren't having sex." Niall speaks up.

"Yeah.. we were just having a laugh, wanted to cause some trouble." I say, keeping my eyes on the dark haired lady as I feel the gaze of Harry lingering on my skin.

Now he must really think that I'm just a child, a teen who wants to rebel against authority. I don't want him to see me like that, I want him to think of me as a woman.

"That's untrue!" Mister Walters raises his voice.

"Oh please.. you really think we would have sex in a fucking janitor's closet? We barely fit in there."

"Language!" Miss Peters warns me.

I roll my eyes and let myself fall back into the chair I'm sitting on. I really want to stop talking about this because there's no fun in it anymore, not when Harry is looking down on me.

"Don't believe them Miss. You should punish them for what they've done." Mister Walters says.

I believe that man has some deep rooted issues. I've never liked him because he's always creeping around and I definitely do not like him after this whole situation.

"Well, if you rather believe that I was fucking him in there than I won't stand in your way." I tell the janitor.

Mister Walters' cheeks turn red as an awkward cough leaves his mouth. Meanwhile, my lips form into a smirk as I see how uncomfortable I'm making.

"That's enough, Miss Hayes."

Harry's deep voice makes a shiver run up my spine. When I turn myself some more in my chair, our eyes meet and it makes me weak. I can't say I'm surprised that he's angry, I'm acting horribly right now but I'd like to believe he's more irritated because he's jealous.

"I'm sorry sir, I don't see me doing anything wrong." I tell him, giving him innocent eyes and the look that drives him crazy.

Harry's jaw clenches before he swallows harshly and breaks eyecontact, now looking over at the principal who's behind me. I'm really not doing myself any proud in here but I just want to have some fun, so why not make men uncomfortable while I'm at it.

"Georgie! I can't tolerate that kind of behavior." Miss Peters says.

I turn back around in my chair so I face her and pretend to be oblivious to what she's referring to. I'm being a real bitch right now but like I said, I don't really care. In my mind, I feel like I have nothing to lose. While actually there's a lot at stake.

"Now I want you two to apologize to Mister Walters." she says, mostly looking at me.

Niall apologizes but I don't really want to, I let myself fall back in my chair and keep an emotionless look on my face.

"I don't see the need to apologize." I tell the principal.

She's getting mad now, I can see it in her eyes. First, she tells Niall to head to class. He shifts in his seat and looks at me like he's waiting for my permission, I give him a nod to let him know I'm okay with him leaving and it makes him get up out of his chair. Niall doesn't need to take the blame for my behavior, I already feel bad that I dragged him into this mess.

"Miss Hayes, apologize and then we can move on from this." the principal demands.

"No." I tell her, shaking my head softly.

It's sad, because this is not me. I remind myself of my mother yet again and the thought of that makes me feel sick. Honestly, one of my worst nightmares is to eventually end up like her. But I can't back out, I have to keep this behavior up now. I'll end up like her anyways so why care?

"Apologize or I'll have to contact your parents about this." the principal says.

"Good luck with that." I chuckle.

She's more frustated than mad, mostly because she knows this is not really me. I have dealt with her numerous times in all these years, she knows that sometimes I act out because I'm dealing with problems at home. Still, it has never come to the point that she actually dared to call my parents.

"Look.. Georgie, you're older now. You turned eighteen, you're graduating this year, so you can't keep acting out like this. It's time to grow up." Miss Peters says, voice sincere.

I do believe this woman actually cares about me, I see her like I see every older woman in my life, as a mother figure. She has gotten me out of a lot of trouble but somehow I don't seem to return her the favor because I keep acting out. I don't like that part about me, I also can't really control it that well so it's hard to deal with.

"I'll call your mother, you can wait outside my office." she says while opening my file on her computer.

"Try my brother, my mom won't pick up." I mumble before I get up out of my chair.

Mister Walters is looking at me, I ignore him as my eyes immediately search for Harry's green ones. He's standing infront of the door, the same disappointed look on his face what makes me feel horrible inside.
He opens up the door for me and I thank him with a weak smile as I make my way outside the office.

I sit myself down on one of the waiting chairs in front of Miss Peters office and look down at my shoes. I watch how they're nearly all worn out and then focus on the ground, anything to not have to think about that degrading look Harry gave me.

However, I do notice someone walking past me. I look up a little to see it's the janitor but Harry is not in sight so that must mean he's still inside. I hope they don't talk about my personal life in that office. It's already bad enough that they know my mother doesn't care about her own child.

It doesn't take that long before I hear the door of the principal's office open up again. I don't look up but can see out of the corner of my eye that it's Harry who walks out of there now. I still do not dare to look up at him, between our first encounter when I went down on my knees for him and the second one where I teased him infront of the principal, I have no idea on how I'm going to be able to act normal around him.

Well, I think we were way past normal anyways.

"Miss Hayes, we're going to have a conversation about what happened. The principal will contact your brother and he will come pick you up from school, you're expelled for the rest of the week."

I look up as Harry speaks out those words and my mouth falls in agape as my eyes turn wide. Expelled?! There's no way.. not that I care, I love not having to go to school but it's Joey and Louis I'm scared off. They're going to beat my ass for being in trouble.

"Expelled?! I'm being expelled for pranking the janitor? That's some fucking bullshit!" I spit out, standing up from the chair I was sitting on.

Harry gives me a look and that's enough to shut me up, I suddenly feel very small and not so confident anymore. He signals me to follow him, so confident in the fact that I will do what he tells me to do that he walks straight towards his classroom without looking back.

When we arrive at the classroom, Harry opens the door and waits for me to walk in first. I look up at him but see how he's ignoring my eyes by looking at something behind me. A bad feeling fills up my chest as I drop my eyes to the floor and quickly head inside.

"Sit down." he demands after closing the door.

I sit myself down on the chair closest to us and look up to see that Harry makes his way over towards me. He leans his hands on my desk and then stares down at me, making me swallow harshly. It's both hot and intimidating.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" he asks, breaking the silence that was hanging over us.

"Excuse me?" I ask, a little shocked by the harsh tone he's speaking in.

"You heard me. You think you're tough? 'A bad bitch' like the kids would say nowedays."

It's hard not to laugh as I hear his words, I can't even stay serious because he sounds old and ridiculous. A chuckle eventually escapes my lips and it makes Harry tilt an eyebrow. He looks at me like he can't believe that I'm laughing with him but I am, I don't even feel bad about it.

Harry stops my behavior by smacking his hand on the desk, the sound startles me and makes me jump. "You think I'm joking around? I'm not!" he raises his voice, the look in his eyes scaring me.

"I'm sorry.." I mumble, barely daring to stare into his eyes but somehow I also can't seem to look away from them.

"Yeah. You should be, you should be very sorry Georgie." he says, voice low.

You can't tell me that the way he's acting is normal teacher behavior. I don't know why he's that mad, especially because I didn't do anything to him.

I swallow away some fear and then decide to sit myself straight up, I do not want anyone to make me feel like he just made me feel and I'm going to show him that. At this point, I don't care that he's my teacher.

"You're being a brat." Harry says inbetween his teeth.

"I thought you liked that? Sure seemed to like it when I went down on my knees for you." I speak back to him.

That shuts him up, he's surprised and takes a step back. Harry's eyes stay on me and I keep my eyes on him aswell, I'm not going to let him win the staring contest this time.

"Look.. I'm sorry for getting so angry. I just know you, know you can do better than that." Harry tells me, the tone in his voice changed, he's the friendly teacher again.

"You don't. You don't know me!" I raise my voice, standing up from the desk I was sitting at.

Harry stays silent as I shut my eyes and let out an annoyed sigh. I'm annoyed, annoyed at everyone and everything. It feels like everyone is telling me that they get me and think I can do better but that's not true, they don't actually know me or get me. Nobody has ever made an effort into actually getting to know me, I've never had someone who truly understands me and don't know if I ever will.

"Georgie, I-"

Harry is interrupted by a loud knock on the door, I turn my head to see someone walking inside. It's Joey, he's here already, someone kill me now.. Than just when I thought it couldn't get worse, I see how Louis appears behind him.

"Gee, you fucking moron!" Joey raises his voice.

I sigh and roll my eyes at his words, not knowing how I'm going to deal with them on top of everything else. Joey aggressively points his finger at me as he storms into my direction while Harry is trying to read the situation.

"Don't roll your eyes at your brother, be glad he wanted to pick your dumb ass up." Louis is following his steps and defending the man he loves, which I'm kind of hurt by because he normaly chooses my side in everything.

Harry just seems to be taking this all in, trying to figure out who the hell he's dealing with and if the way they're talking to me is normal. It is, we have absolutely no filter when it comes to talking to one another, our love language is made up out of harsh words.

"Whatever." I mumble, sending them both a glare.

"You're this close to getting your ass beat." Joey says, holding his fingers together and barely leaving any space between them.

"Don't act like you're my father, Joe." I tell him.

"I"m not, thank fuck for that." he spits out his words.

"We're very disappointed in you." Louis joins the conversation.

"And I don't need you to be my mother." I say, glaring over at Louis.

He gasps, placing a hand on his chest while giving me a shocked look. "Is this because I'm gay? This feels like a hate crime." he says, all very dramatic what makes me roll my eyes once again.

Harry is still silent, just following our conversation. Joey laughs at Louis and tells him it's because I think he's the most feminine of the two of them. Louis can't laugh with that and same goes for me because I didn't mean it like that and soon we're all fighting with our words.

"Uhm.. excuse me?" Harry speaks up, making us go silent.

Louis and Joey both turn their heads and it's like they only now realize that Harry is in the room with us. Joey looks him up and down and they both are looking so mad that it makes me feel bad for Harry, he must think my family is completely crazy.

"Yeah.. you're excused." Joey says before he looks back at me and is about to go off again.

My mouth falls in agape as I realize he just said that to my teacher and even Harry seems to be taken back for a second. Louis sighs deeply, shaking his head at his soon to be husband and smacking him on the shoulder.

"I'm so sorry, Mister?" he apologizes, now stepping closer to Harry and sticking out his hand.

"Styles, Harry Styles. I'm Georgie's English teacher." he says while shaking Louis' hand.

Their faces fall down once they realize who it is.

"Okay, well I'll apologize on the behalve of these two fuckheads." Louis says, giving him an awkward smile before turning his head towards us and giving us a nasty glare.

I look down at the floor like a dog that's in trouble and so does Joey. It's always funny to me how Louis can scare and control Joey, he's literally the only person he'll listen to.

"Can we take her with us or do you still need her?" Louis asks, like I'm not even here.

Harry looks over at me, our eyes lock and it makes a shiver run up my spine. His eyes look a lot softer than before, it's actually a pleasure now to look into them, they don't scare me this time. Harry takes a moment before answering, just looking at me as everything around us seems to fade away, it's like it's just the two of us for a second.

"She can go." he says, all of the sudden acting cool again.

I keep staring at him as Louis nods at his words. Joey is already making his way over towards the door and calls out for me that I need to follow him, and quickly. I finally look away from Harry and catch Louis' blue eyes for a second before staring at the floor as I make my way out of the room.



Oh how I wish Harry would degrade me...

hugs and kisses
from your girl,

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