The Unforgiving (REWRITE)

By CartoonFF

14K 221 60

after his family threw him out, Lincoln ran from home and was never heard from again. 14 years later, Lynn Sr... More

Chapter 1: No Such Luck for The Louds
Chapter 2: Lincoln
Chapter 3: Surrender
Chapter 4: Entering the Maze
Chapter 5: Luna Loud
Chapter 6: Leni Loud
Chapter 8: Royal Woods

Chapter 7: Libby Loud

741 19 5
By CartoonFF

Hello Everyone, I am Back.

Yes, I know it's been a while and I know I must have disappointed many of you, but I am back and I do promise to continue writing. I can't promise that updates will be as consistent as they use to be, but I do promise that I'll finish my stories with some major rewrites coming. I can't say when but I can promise you that this is going to be a major change.

Thank you all, even those that say I'm bad, thank you.

You all pushed me to become better.





Luan Loud, the next top comedian in America. She was always the jokester, and loved pulling pranks on people. She of course later had roles in movies, she acted with Kevin Hart and Jack Black in two movies.

Luan Loud joked about a lot of things.

But when her brother returned back after she had just lost her father... well let's just say her frown was now upside down. Luan had done a lot of things that she regrets.

The thing that she regrets the most is kicking out her little brother and leaving him out in the dark, in fact, Luan had almost completely blocked the memory from her mind but would be stupid to forget about someone who held your family like glue. the 4th oldest of the loud children never thought she would see her brother again, but when he returned, a dark cloud loomed over her, but thankfully, she had Libby.

Libby, her only daughter with her husband Benny, was like her ray of sunshine, no matter how bad things got, she did things for her daughter. Libby was everything to her, and Luan did everything to make her daughter happy.

However, when Lincoln returned, Libby asked her mother how she knew the man, and with Libby being smart for her age, Luan told her daughter the truth about her apparent long-lost uncle.

Libby had asked her mother if he did something wrong that forced him to get kicked out of the house. Luan, who could never lie to her daughter, told her that Lincoln had done nothing wrong and that it was she and her sisters that were the ones to blame. Libby had looked at her mother with concern and asked a question that almost broke Luan's heart.

"If I was bad luck... would you throw me away?"

Luan quickly told her daughter that she would never kick her own daughter out and Luan told her she loved her, but her daughter still looked at her mother with concern and seemed to accept her mother's answer before she left and went to finish her homework. Luan knew that the topic had plagued her daughter's mind and Luan could see the effect that the situation had on her 14-year-old daughter.

Luan needed someone to talk to, and decided to talk to the only person she could trust with her life. Luna.




Libby was walking down the stairs when she saw the man who was her uncle, was currently sitting on the couch. She had never been in a room with her uncle, so she was a bit nervous, but she decided she would talk to him, ask him about himself and what he did. Libby wanted to know about her uncle, about the man she never knew, after all, wouldn't you want to know about a family member you never knew you had?

Libby took a few deep breaths and then approached him and then sat to her uncle's right.

"U-Um... Hi," Libby said, looking away from her uncle due to her nerves.

Lincoln yelped a bit and then looked to his right and felt silly that his Niece had scared him.

Libby looked embarrassed, "S-Sorry I scared you!" Libby said frantically.

"No, It's ok... just took me by surprise and all," Lincoln said, he looked to his niece and smiled, "your Libby right?"

Libby nodded, "Yes... U-Um i-it's nice to meet you" Libby said 'great now he thinks you're weird' Libby told herself.

"It's nice to meet you, Libby, I'm...well I'm sure you know that I'm your uncle," Lincoln replied with an awkward chuckle. "Sorry I know this must be awkward for you... meeting someone you never knew for most of your life," Lincoln said.

Libby nodded in agreement, "Yeah..." she said.

The two sat in silence for a bit until Lincoln looked at Libby. They watched TV alone for about 3 or 4 minutes before Libby decided to ask the question that burned inside her.

"U-Um... Uncle Lincoln?" Libby asked 'wow... need to get used to saying that if I'm gonna talk to him' Libby told herself.

Lincoln looked to his niece with an eyebrow raised, "yeah Libby?" Lincoln asked back.

"Do you... um... Do you hate my mom?" Libby asked.

Lincoln looked surprised and then his face kind of went sad.

'oh no! now I really ruined the mood!' Libby thought 'now he's gonna hate me too! oh, I should never have asked him! oh, man!'

Libby began to have a million bad thoughts run through her head and when Lincoln recognized this he quickly but lightly put his hand on Libby's shoulder. Libby snapped out of her thoughts and looked at her Uncle, who gave her a reassuring yet awkward smile.

"Libby it's fine, you didn't say anything wrong," Lincoln told her

"H-How did-?"

Lincoln chuckled, "Your mom used to do the same thing before she would perform sometimes in front of people," Lincoln said, "Jesus, your mom would ramble about how she could mess up on stage before she performed and every time I would tell her that she was going to be ok, and she was," Lincoln told Libby with a soft smile

Libby looked at her Uncle and was shocked to hear this. Libby had never seen her mom panic before she went on stage, hell, not even her Aunts had told her this.

"And to answer your question, I don't by the way," Lincoln told Libby

Libby was confused, "You don't?" Libby asked

Lincoln nodded, "Well that's not exactly true... I don't hate your mom, she's my sister and my family, and deep in my heart, I can't hate her" Lincoln said, he then chuckled, "In truth, I don't really hate any of your Aunts really," Lincoln said.

Libby was shocked, she thought someone like her uncle would be burning with rage and hatred for being kicked out of the house for being bad luck. Libby was shocked because as much as she didn't want to say it, she didn't look at her mom the right way anymore. Don't get her wrong, Libby loved her mother... but... Libby just didn't trust her mother's words, maybe even her actions.

"Why?" Libby asked with a raised brow, "Why don't you hate them? After... everything they did to you?" Libby asked

Lincoln sighed and looked at her and smiled. "I did hate them for some time, there's no doubt about that... I'm sure there's a part of me that still is, but deep down I love them, I just feel... betrayed." Lincoln asked, and he then looked at her with a raised brow, "Do you want me to hate your mom?" Lincoln asked his niece.

Libby quickly looked to her uncle, "N-No!" Libby said.

"Do you hate her?" Lincoln asked.

I-I-I could never hate her!" Libby cried once again, "I just... I don't trust her anymore..." Libby told him.

Lincoln saw that this was hurting his niece, but he looked at her and smiled, knowing that there was one way he could solve her problems.

"Libby? When your mom tells you she loves you with all her heart, do you believe it?" Lincoln asked

Libby paused and nodded her head, even with her not being able to trust her mother at the moment, Libby had never once doubted her mother when she told her that she loved her.

"Then you don't have anything to worry about," Lincoln said


"Libby listen," Lincoln told her, "Your mom cares about everyone, she made a mistake, a huge one that I'm sure has affected her, she has regrets, I know that I do, but when she tells you she loves you, I know she means it," Lincoln told her.

Libby felt better and slowly nodded her head. Thanks to her Uncle, who she thought had nothing but hate for her mother, who gave her advice, she knew he could've told her to never trust her mother or to hate her, but he didn't. He told her that her mother would love her.

No matter what.

Libby quickly hugged her Uncle and Lincoln was taken aback but he hugged her back tightly.

"T-Thanks Uncle Lincoln!" Libby told him

Jaune was a bit surprised that Libby had called him uncle but he felt a bit of warmth in his chest and smiled. "It's no problem Libby, and if you ever need to talk again I'll be here" Lincoln told her as he still smiled.

Libby nodded and she broke the hug and walked off. Lincoln smiled as she walked off and turned back to the TV. But after a few minutes he turned it off and sighed.

It was time to talk to Luan.

He got up from the couch and made is way up to




Luan was in her room in deep thought. She had a long conversation with Luna about how Lincoln had forgiven her, Luan asked how she did it and said that she just showed him that she had changed for the better. While that was great, Luan herself, felt that she hadn't changed much, the only thing that was different about her was that she was a mother, she... she was just the same Luan all those years ago, which made her feel terrible.

Suddenly, there was a knock at her door. Luan was startled but she quickly regained herself.

"Come in," Luan said

Just then, she saw the last person she ever expected to walk into her room. It was her Lincoln her brother... or did she even have a right to call him that? Her heart was beating rapidly out of slight fear, and her mind was racing with a million thoughts.

Luan quickly sat up on her bed and Lincoln sat on the other end of the bed, Luna had backed up to the other end of the bed to give him some space, he turned and looked at Luan, and Luan decided to talk to her brother.

"D-Do you... Do you need anything?" Luan asked

"No, but I think you do" Lincoln replied.

Luan was now scared about the next words he was gonna say, would they be hurtful? Would they be kind? What were his next words?

"I talked to Libby today," Lincoln told her, "She's a bit shy but she's a good kid as far as I can tell,"

Luan smiled, "Well, I and Benny do our best for her," she said.

"Oh, so you did get with Benny," Lincoln said with a smile. "How has life been for you?" he asked.

"It's been... Good" Luan told him

Lincoln smiled and nodded, "That's good," he said, "And... yours? How's life been to you?" she asked a little hesitant.

Lincoln smiled, "A little hard on me when I left here, but it's back on track, it's not great, but it's good," He told her. "Luan... I don't hate you,"

Luan was a bit shocked by what he said, but it was quickly replaced by confusion, "Why?" She asked as she gripped her skirt.

"I'm angry, that's for sure, and I'll say some hurtful things, but deep down, I don't hate you, any of you really, I just... I feel betrayed," He told her, "There's a part of me that's still Lincoln Loud, that still loves his sisters so much, but there's a bigger part of me that knows that isn't simple, I can't fully forgive any of you, but, I can let you back in, and we can both try to move on," Lincoln told her.

Luan was stunned by her brother's words and tears began to form but she wiped them away. "I... I can work with that," She told him with a smile.

Lincoln nodded, "Oh, and If it's alright with you, I'd like to know Libby a bit more, I can't really much bond with Lemmy since he's still a baby," Lincoln said with a slight chuckle.

Luan smiled, "Of course, you can spend time with her," Luan said, "I've already let her be uncleless for 14 years," Luan said.

Lincoln let out a quick laugh and nodded, "Thank you, Luan," he told her.

"No," She said as she shook her head, "Thank you Lincoln," she said

Lincoln gave her a quick nod and left the room, and Luan sat and smiled for a moment, a part of her felt whole again as her brother was willing to give her a chance.

Things seemed to be going well for now in the Loud House, Lincoln had reconnected with three of his sisters, and he was going to get to know his niece. Lincoln felt happy that so far, things were going well, however, what was he going to do with Libby? Royal woods had changed since he'd been gone, what was there to do?

'Maybe I'll go and explore the town a bit more,' Lincoln told himself as he walked back downstairs.

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