An Avengers story

By User7875

825K 21.9K 8K

(FINISHED STORY) When Peter Parker and Alex (Oc) texts the avengers and befriend them will the avengers end u... More

Time line
OC's short backstory
Who's this?
I made a new friend
Sprinkles what did you do
Who are you talking to Bucky?
It's a child?
The group chat
Cinnamon roll of a child
The first name shall be revealed
Time for patrol
🎵I always feel like somebody's watching me🎵
Here are the suits ( not really a chapter)
I almost blew up my microwave
The mighty cloud fart and snake
Who's your favorite avenger
The meet up
The meet up part 2
🎃Happy Halloween🎃
Sick texts
This is bad
How to kill a bug
The first fight
Crop top crisis
Bug spray
A normal Saturday patrol
🔥Fire bad🔥
This is not helping
Late night walks
💰I like money so it's a deal💰
The first mission
✈️ The jet✈️
🔱Why my mother should read Percy Jackson🔱
💀of course it's an ambush💀
Cover story's
I just love my job
Every hero needs a story
I hate hospitals
🕷No way home🕷 A/N
So I have a parasite
I need a lawyer
Questions (A/N)
❄️ Winter patrol ❄️
🎄Christmas Eve🎄
An invitation
I guess we're doing this
Dress up time
🎩You ready?🎩
We all set up?
🎉The party 🎉
Venoms goes on an adventure
Morse code
Do I have too?
Who's coming here!?
An assembly
The test results
Hit monkey
Are we in trouble?
🍕pizza time🍕
Back to business
But I hate kids
A/N Don't question me
I'm like a pirate
I will sell your bones
A call
Getting in
Adventures in babysitting
Team Red
Young avengers
So many ways this can go wrong
Get in get out
Team Red Part 2
New number
New kid
❤️Valentines Day❤️
The Farm
Well this is rude
Clean up
Going back
Friends? (100th chapter!)
Don't die please
I need answers
Devil spawn
Milo character sheet A/N
How not to handle a situation
Inner thoughts
My house
Baking And entering
Just a Kid
Illegal things
Gen Z
Characters A/N
Biggest goal
Crazy chat
Who are you?
Med training
Missions with Wade
Who wants to talk?
Nick fury
Break in
Secret identity 101
uh what do I do
Space dorks
Family dinner
First patrol
🏳️‍🌈Pride Month🏳️‍🌈
Drugs but make it fruity
My favorite
4th of July party
More questions a/n
So what did you do.
Boss Battle
August 3rd
The amazing sprinkles
August 9th
August 10th
Fun on patrol
Phone call
About time
The date
Civilians opinions
Princess and Mario Kart
Mask guy
Patch up
The start of the end
The end
The last A/N


7.2K 184 77
By User7875

Alex POV

"All right let's go raid a base and kill some shit" I said.

I pulled out another com devices and tapped away on it for a few seconds. I connected it into the coms and in a few seconds I could hear music.

What? I was not gonna do this in total silence I needed music.

But I pressed shuffle play and soon a song came on.

My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard. Because why not, and I love it.

"Let's do this" I say as me I walk one way with Peter and the rest head out one way to clear out the rest of the base.

We walk in the door, which was really just a big arch way but who am I to judge.

We where walking around for a little with the music feeling the vibes trying to be quiet well humming the words.

We found the room with the symbiots. They where all in big containers that held them in place. There where four canisters each had a goo like substance in it.

When it happened.

The fateful bead drop.

Our weakness.



Then the alarms started but it was totally worth it.

I turned to Peter "alright we gotta do this quick, we need to break open the canisters one at a time and I'll light em up" I said.

I give him one of my bow staffs and I get out the hair spray and my lighter.

Peter raised the staff and brought it down breaking one of the canisters.

The goo inside leaked out and started to go towards him looking for a host. But we where to fast.

I pulled out my can of hair spray and aimed at the goo and pushed down on the nozzle and lifted the lighter up to the stream of spray. I clicked the lighter and the flames came out going strait to the hair spray and making a flame thrower.

The symbiote made a screaming like noise and shriveled up and died.

So cool.

We moved on to the next 3 and broke and killed them alternating on who got to kill it and who got to smash the jars.

What we're teenagers we need a little chaos every now and than.

But as soon as we finished killing them all a swarm of agents came in and pointed their guns at us. Peter raised his web shooters and snatched the guns webbing them up to the celing as Venom and me grabbed the last few breaking them. 

Peter threw my staff at me after hitting an agent over the head with it, I caught the staff in my hands and slung it under an agents feet knocking the agent to the floor, before the agent could get up I bashed them in the head knocking them out.

I looked over at Peter who was finished off the last agent. He webbed a web onto the agents chest and flipped the agent over his back and twisted around and slammed the agent to the ground.

I smiled at him "how long have you been waiting to do that"

"A long time" he laughed.

"We should go find the rest of them and finish cleaning the place out"

"Let's do it"

After a while of walking through the base and taking down agents on the way we ended up finding the rest of the team that was up.

"Well fancy meeeting you here"

"Let's get out of here SHIELDS got a clean up crew on the way" Tony said.

"Right to the point got it" I said following the rest of the hero's out of the base.

"Sonic go tell banner we're on our way out" Tony told Pietro.

Pietro zoomed off too the jet as the rest of us walked in silence. Soon we got out side of the base and where walking to the wall.

I threw my self over the wall with Wanda, Peter and Tony following. We met up with Pietro on the other side of the wall. Over head we could hear the roaring of the jet.

And it was loud.

One of the things me and Venom don't like are loud noises. And this was very loud. I fell to my knees clutching my head in pain. I screwed my eyes shut not opening them. Everything was in pain it was like the worst migraine ever. Venom was screaming in my head and everything felt dizzy and fuzzy. I am pretty sure I screamed at one point.

In a minute everything was quiet. I stoped screaming and I slowly removed my hands from my head and looked up. 

Everything was red. It was almost like a bubble was around me. But everything was fuzzy and I could make out a slight outline of a person. Once my vision cleared I could see Wanda in front of me. Her eyes were red and magic was glowing around her fingers she looked worried. 

Behind her I could see Peter looking even more worried, Tony stepped outside of his suit and looked concerned at the bubble of magic around us. I also saw the queen jet land behind them and Pietro and a frantic looking Bruce stepped out.

"A-e... ou...a.. ight" I could hear a faint voice calling out.

"Are you all right" Wanda asked again her voice was clearer now.

"Mhm oh shit everything hurts" I groaned.

The bubble went down letting Peter in who ran to my side and held me up a little.

"Oh gods are you ok the jet came down and the noises must have set you off and you kinda blacked out for a second, but then Wanda helped and did her magic thing and it must have blocked out the noises" Peter franticly explained.

"Oh ya just fine let's get in the air" I mumbled out.

"Can you walk" Bruce asked coming over Wanda's and Peters shoulders.

"Oh ya totally" I stood up but that was a bad idea. Everything got dizzy again and I felt like I was in water just swaying back and forth. Soon gravity overwhelmed me and I fell to the floor hitting my head against the ground. 

I am like 50% sure I could see little animated birds floating around. 

 "..... never mind help me up" I mumbled.

Suddenly I was in the air with a pair of arms under me. "I got ya princessa"

I wanted to punch him so bad. But everything hurt to much to do anything. Pietro set me down on a table. I laid back to try to stop the world from spinning. From the side of my vision I could see the rest of the avengers sleeping off the drug bombs still. Steve and Bucky where stirring awake but we're still sleeping.

Soon Bruce came in and looked at me "do you need anything that could help with the pain" he asked not really sure what to do for this situation. I'm guessing he has never had to deal with a symbiotic person before.

"I don't know maybe like a handful of ibuprofen or like Tylenol.... Or even some weed that might help" I joked. "..... wait does weed even help with a migraine" I asked out loud.


Peter came running in the room.

"Ah my knight in shining spandex" I pointed at him.

"Are you ok?"

"Yes, yes, fine now answer the real question, does weed help with migraines" I asked him seriously.

"Someone tell me what drugs she's on cuz I think it all of them" Tony walked in sitting next to the table.

"Me to" 

"Shhh you can't talk. patents can't talk" Tony pointed at me.

"I can to!" I said hopping off the table.

But I quickly fell unconscious and hit my head on the table.

"I'll get her" Peter said picking me up and setting me back down on the table.

"What can we do to help" Bruce asked Peter.

"Not much just let her sleep it out, she'll have a bad headache when she wakes up, but for now we can't do much" Peter explained sitting down. "But Venom will probably be out for the rest of the day, so we should probably get going I can help her out more once we're back at her place"

"All right" they agreed and got to working on their own things.

Bruce and Tony worked on helping awaken the ones who were drugged at the beginning of the mission. Tony also helped pilot the plane and punch in the directions back to the tower.

Peter was working on some new project he and Ned have been working on for a wile now. Every time I asked about it they just laughed and turned away.

Pietro was reading a book. I think it was maze runner. If it was I would be very proud..... if I wasn't unconscious.

Wanda was practicing with tarot cards occasionally giving her brother his readings, or something I don't know how tarot cards work.

~~ one hour later ~~

I groaned and rolled over. "Someone turn off the sun it's to bright" but I rolled over to far and ended up rolling onto the floor.

"You alright?" I look3 up to see Peter, I could tell he was smiling under the mask.

"Oh ya fine, do you have chocolate" I asked.

Peter pulled out a chocolate bar and handed it to me. I ate it.

As Remus Lupin once said "chocolate makes everything feel better"

I live by that motto.

I sat up from the floor and stood up, I felt dizzy at first but in a few second it clears and I was steady once again.

I looked around and saw that everyone else was up.

"Where here" Clint called out.

Peter helped me out of the jet seeing as I was still dizzy.

Once we where on the roof of the building we all said our goodbyes and we swung off.

Peter dropped me off at my apartment and swung back to his.

Once I was in my room I took off my mask and flopped on my bed and promptly fell asleep.

A/N yay new chapter!

Also updates might be bad for a while.

Long story short I got yelled at because my music grade was bad.....

And I quote 'need to get my shit together' so ya.

Eather I get my shit together or lose everything I love. (Books, friends, phone contacts, etc)

Moms words not mine

But I'll try to keep updating because their book make me happy and gives me something to look forward to.

But hope you like it!

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