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Alex POV

One would say I have a busy day.

First I have school and have to figure out what is going on with the new kid Miles.

Then me, MJ, Ned, and Peter are hanging out after school to study.

Then I have to show around the Asgardians.


I walked into the class when the bell rang, I could see Miles flinch and cover his ears with his hands. He smiled at me sheepishly as he put his hands down.

"Sorry it's just loud"

"I get it" I smiled and sat down.

What do you think

Super hearing possibility?

Ya or it was just loud 


When you and Peter first got your powers noises we amplified 

I Remember you both flinching like that when something loud would happen

You weren't used to it then but now it don't  faze you




Well let's keep an eye out for things



I have resized me and Miles have all most all the same classes together. 

It's great for detective work.

It is



I just realized your kinda like my inner monologue 

I am

Whoa bro



I saw some shaking in the corner of my eye and I looked over to see Miles shaking his hand fast. In his hand was a pencil, it looked like it was stuck on it.

Write that down


-even later-

We were in gym and running laps when I could see Miles get stuck on the floor.

Yes stuck to the floor.

But he was able to play it off like he just tripped.

Did he actually get stuck to the floor?

I'm writing it down 


-end of the school day-

I was waiting outside for everyone else's to come so we could go get some lunch when I looked up.

And when I looked up I could see someone walking across the top of a building.

And I don't mean how a person normally would, i mean like ACROSS the building, windows and all.

And that person was none other than Miles Morals.

What the fuck.

We're gonna talk bout this aren't we

Oh ya

"Hey Alex!" Ned yelled.

"Oh hey Ned!" I smiled looking back at him.

"Whatcha looking at?"

"I thought I saw...." I trailed off looking back at the building and seeing Miles was gone.

"Never mind I'll tell you when MJ and Peter get here"


Me and Ned talked together for a little until MJ and Peter came out of the building. We walked a little before choosing a nice little cafe on the corner and choosing there to eat.

We all sat down outside at a table in the corner and I looked at them "ok so hear me out I think Miles has powers"



We'll never know 

At least not until I say so

But it's Monyayyyyy

(It was a pun get it)

I think I'm funny

But I started She-Ra over the weekend and I love it

I'm on like season 4

I would have watched more but I got to do some other things

But it was ok with me

But NO ONE in that show is strait

I love it

Well anyway happy monyay 

-very punny author

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