Graduated With Love

By Vidhirai9

447K 25.1K 551

When Shrinidhi entered JSS college, her dream was to graduate with certificates and medals. But who knew she... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 10

18.9K 1.1K 30
By Vidhirai9


Pooja went well and by the end of the day we were all tired. Next day we had to shift to Mysore since our classes were starting in 2 days. I asked her to pack all her luggage on the next day since we were leaving after lunch.

“Come here whenever you miss us. Don’t forget calling me daily and if my son does something that irritates you, please let me know. We are always in your team”
My mother was talking to as if she was sending Nidhi to military. I don’t how but she and Nidhi are already really close and I’m really happy about it.

“Take care Chiru. You’re a responsible man now. Things will be different now that you have a better half. We will always be here if you need any help in anything. Stay happy and healthy”
My father spoke with concern.
We took their blessings and loaded our luggage into the car. Soon we started our journey back to Mysore.

“How long will it take to reach?”
She asked me.
“May be around 2 hours. You can sleep if you want to”
“No no... I’m fine. I can stay awake. Can I play some music?”
“Sure. You don’t have to ask permission.”
She played songs from the pen drive connected and after sometime I saw my wife peacefully sleeping.
Someone said they can stay awake…..
Once we reached my apartment building she suddenly woke up.
“Did we reach? When did I sleep?”
She asked me while rubbing her eyes.
“We are at my apartment building and you slept for an hour approximately”
She said with a puppy face as I parked the car.
“What for?”
“I shouldn’t have slept. You must be bored throughout the journey”
“Its ok. I can understand you were tired. Anyways we are here. So no need to worry”

We walked with our luggage to the lift and I pressed 10th floor. She was fidgeting with her dupatta as she didn’t know what to talk.

We walked towards my apartment and I opened the door with the keys. I switched on the lights and asked her to walk in. I’m more of a cleanliness lover, so my flat looked clean even after being untouched for a week.

I showed her around and she looked happy. Actually it’s a simple 3BHK apartment with a living room, a simple kitchen, two bed rooms and an extra room that I use as my study room.
“I think you can keep your luggage in our room and sleep in guest room”
I said as we settled on the living room sofa.
“ You don’t want me to disturb you?”
She asked me with a frown.
“Who said you will disturb me?”
“You said you want me to sleep in guest room?”
“About that…. I thought it would be comfortable for you to sleep next to me. I didn’t think you would disturb me or something. It would be uncomfortable for you to share bed with me this early. So I thought you can take guest room.”
“Oh…. I thought you….. I.. Sorry…”
She hmmed without looking at my face.

“You can talk to me freely without saying sorry all the time. Once you get comfortable, you can shift back to our room. Please don’t think you would  disturb me or something.”
She nodded.
“My fridge is completely empty, so lets go out for dinner. We can get groceries too. Shall we?”
She replied with a meeky ok.
We went out for grocery shopping in a mall nearby.

“Do you have any allergies related to food?”
I asked her.
“Not something in particular. But I don’t like radish and bitter gourd.”
“Typical kid you are. Anyways I don’t like them too so not a problem. Pick anything you want.”
Finally we were done with shopping. It was really fun to listen to her arguments when she wanted to buy different kinds of snacks from same brand.
“I like that brand but I don’t want to eat same thing all the time.”
Then we had our dinner in the food court. Later we went back to home and stayed till the clock struck 12 since we were about to welcome a new year. It was first day of 2015. We wished each other a happy new year.
“So what’s your resolutions for the new year Nidhi?”
I asked her.
“Mmmmm…… May be study well and get good grades”
She replied after thinking for some time.
“Other than studies?”
“I don’t know. I haven’t really thought of it. What about you? “
She asked me with curious eyes.
“May be understand you a little bit more and love you more”
She blushed and it was really a cute scene.
“It’s late. I’ll go to sleep. Goodnight"
She wished me and literally ran to her room. I wished back and went to mine.
Next day morning she came to our room after breakfast in order to fix her clothes in the wardrobe since she couldn’t unpack everything yesterday.
She looked at me with a questioning look.
“You don’t like wearing western outfits?”
I asked her as everything in her luggage looked like traditional outfits.

“Actually my father doesn’t really like much western outfits. So I don’t really have jeans and dresses”
“Do you like wearing them?”
“I don’t know. I have never tried”
“Good then… we are going for shopping. You need a fashion makeover”
“Don’t you like me if I’m this way?”
She asked me with a dejected face.
“I like you however you are. But you need to enjoy your youth too. I think you have lived with too many restrictions, so now its time for you to set yourself free”
She smiled a little bit.
“But what if I don’t look good. I don’t want to waste your money”
“Spending my money on my wife isn’t waste. So lets go..”
I asked her to get ready while I get my car keys and wallet.

He was more excited for my makeover than myself. We went to central mall and we started with shopping for western outfits. He kept picking up jeans and tops for me and asked for my opinions in between. While I went to change he had piled up some more clothes.

I certainly looked different in jeans and dresses but I’m sure I didn’t look bad. When I came out wearing the clothes he picked, he was more than happy that I looked good.
“You should wear these more often. You look equally good in these too”
I was extremely happy that he was so supportive.
“Time for some haircare”
He said as we stood in front of the unisex saloon after finishing the shopping saga.
“But I don’t want to cut my hair short.”
“Of course I won’t let you cut your hair short. You just need a bit of change in the way your hair looks that’s all”
He held my hand and we walked into the saloon.

“Welcome to Senorita’s, how may I help you? “
A beautiful girl with her short hair and black uniform asked us.
“I want a change of hairstyle for my wife. Can you do something while maintaining the hair length?”
He asked her casually. May be he knows all these kind of things.

“Don’t worry I had cousins who dragged me everywhere so I know little details of all these. I won’t let anything happen to your hair”
He whispered while I was lost in thoughts.
“Sure sir. We can add layers to her hair. Since her hair is already good, she can carry layers much better. “
“Fine then. She is yours to take care. I’ll be out.”
He said as he gave a reassuring smile to me.
That girl asked me and I knew some major things will be happening soon…
“We need to wash your hair first. Come with me”
She took me to one of the fancy looking room with hair wash basin and started washing my hair with utmost love and care. Next she applied conditioner and other products and finally the hair wash series was completed.

Next she took me to another room and the hair cut process started. She talked to me in between so that I won’t be bored in that hour long process. My poor husband was waiting outside, I felt bad for him.

The girl Sona who was attending my hair was basically from Sikkim and now settled in Mysore for around 3 years. After a lot of cuts and chops and blow-dry my hair looked much different than what it was earlier.
“You look really good mam. Your husband would be really happy to see you. You both make a cute pair”
Oh… My blush was on shopping too, as soon as I heard her complements, it jumped on my cheeks making me look like tomato.

Once I was back to my normal state I walked out and the expression on my husband’s face was unreadable.
“Do I look that bad?”
I asked with a frown.
“You look great. I took time to recognize you. This makeover was to show you how beautiful you are. I want you to be confident about yourself always”
He didn’t say things to impress me since the smile on his face looked genuine. Next we went to lunch in a restaurant on our way back home. I called my mother in law and told her about my makeover. Once she got the photos she was very happy about it. We talked for some more time and then I called my Amma.

I asked her about everyone at home and she said everyone was fine. Shrey’s preparatory exams were beginning soon and I was worried if that monkey will study or not. But to my surprise Amma told he was studying decently nowadays and stopped playing video games which is actually very rare case. Anyways I was happy about his transformation. Ajji too talked to me and asked to come home sometime.
Since we both had classes tomorrow we decided to sleep early, I set multiple alarms so I won’t be late. Then finally sleep embraced me after some turning and tossing on the bed.

"A journey of thousand miles begins with a single step"
Now that our married couple started to take baby steps together in their love life, let's see how the journey proceeds...


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