Hell's Devils MC Queen

By GinelleW

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DISCLAIMER: This book has a mature audience and violence that may be a trigger for some, so warning is advise... More



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By GinelleW

The Hell's Devils Party Part One


The rest of the day went by in a blur. I played the conversation with JC over and over again in my head. Destiny is pregnant and JC could be the father. As much as I love JC I just can't stand the possibility of Destiny being in our lives for the next 20 years.

"Ahahahahahahaha". I scream. I really hate this. Why can't this bitch just leave us alone. I decided to dress in a nice leather pants with the zipper on the legs with a gray shirt and my leather jacket. I went into the bathroom to do my hair and makeup.

I looked in the floor length mirror and smiled. Yes I thought I was definitely ready to party the night away and have some fun. Karley knocked on the door and came in.

"Wow Karley you look so sexy in that Red leather jacket." I whistle.

"Why Thank you darlin'." She grins. " You don't look bad yourself".

"Why thank you". I laugh.

"So how are you holding up baby?" Karley sits down on the bed and pats me to sit beside her and I do.

"I am angry and pissed off that Destiny is putting JC through this. I mean JC wasn't the only man she had in her bed." I sign in frustration.

"I know that bitch is lying that is her fucking trade mark, like her mother".

Just like her mother? Hold on a minute. Did Karley know Destiny's mother?

"Karley did you know Destiny's mother?"

"Yes I did and I didn't like her either. She opened her legs to any and every man willing not caring if they had an old lady or not. She had it big for your father though. She went after him hard but he loved your Mama something fierce. So that is when she turned her attention to Snake".

"Who is Snake? And I know daddy loved mama but I have to ask through. Did he love Destiny's mother too?"

"Oh hell no darlin'. Red never wanted any part of that whore. Lacy was just an easy lay always sleeping around. Snake the president of the Snake's MC got caught in her trap. He messed around with Lacy around the same time Red did".

"Wait Karley go back a sec. What was Destiny's mother's name again?" Wait that name sounds familiar.

"Destiny's mother's name was Lacy".

That is when it clicked and it hits me like a ton of bricks. Lacy was the woman that my father messed with and it cost him mama and me. What the hell I thought, the hits just keep coming and coming. I wonder if Destiny knew about my father and her mother.

"Do you think that Destiny knew about daddy and her mother?"

"I don't know darlin'. It was common knowledge among the clubs at the time. Lacy was a whore Shay, No man in the club wanted her that is why she did her best to hook your father as well as Snake. But her lies and tricks never worked. Snake finally had enough and kicked the bitch out when his old lady Trixie left him. Then 9 months later Lacy shows up pregnant not knowing who the father was.

"Shit". Was all I could say because it feels like history is repeating itself, but instead it's me, JC and Destiny in this fuck up scene. My life was like a fucking soap opera.

"I have to know Karley. Was Destiny's daddy's child?"

"Destiny is not Red's, so you do not have to worry about that darlin'. Destiny is 100% Snake's daughter. A paternity was done on Destiny when she was born because Red and Snake couldn't trust the bitch at her word. When the paternity came back it was proven that Snake not Red was Destiny's father. So count your blessings baby girl that you are not related to that bitch Destiny. You are Red's only child. Red never had any other children."

I let out a sign of relief, and was happy to know I had no connection to Destiny.

"The sad thing is I don't think Snake ever loved that girl."

"What do you mean?" I was confused. How could a parent not love their child unconditionally.

"What I mean is Snake treated Destiny like a burden he was stuck with. I don't think he ever really wanted to be a father at least not Destiny's father. I believe because Lacy was Destiny's mother he never wanted her. Every time he looked at Destiny he not only saw Lacy but he saw his mistake and to him lacy broke up his marriage . Trixie was the love of Snake's life."

"Oh I see now".

"I don't think Lacy wanted Destiny either. Lacy used that child to trap Snake hoping he would claim her and Destiny so when that didn't happened she dumped Destiny on the club's door step never to be heard from again until she was found dead from an apparent drug overdose years later. Destiny was 3 years old at the time."

"I see what you are saying . Snake has no real love for his daughter not like daddy has for me".

"Exactly. Not like a father has for his child. The love your father has for you is unconditional, for Snake he rather leave Destiny to her own devices then step in later to clean up her fucking mess. Snake wants as little interaction with his daughter as possible, he wants no obligation to that girl."

"What a sad way to grow up, knowing that you were not loved. At least I had mama and nana growing up and I know that I was loved." I could never imagine not feeling any type of love. I let out a deep breathe.

"I know people Shay worst off than Destiny and they never turned out like a cunt like her."

"Damn Big Mama, You really hate her don't you?"

After hearing Destiny's story, and the way she grew up I can see why she is the woman she is, because she really had a shitty life; but that does not give you the reason to ruin other people's life.

"Destiny is a fucking parasite. She will ruin anyone or anything she touches, just like her mother. I will kill the bitch before I let her pin a baby on my son that is not his."

I nod my head, as I felt the same. If Destiny is lying about who the father of her baby Is she is going to far and I won't let her get away with it either.

"Well darlin' you know the whole story now".

"It does explain a lot".

"I will get to the truth and when I do there is no where in the world this skank can hide from me".

Whoa, I have never seen this side of Karley before. Just like mama. She would do anything for the people she loved and I respect that.

"Let's party". I will not let Destiny ruin anymore of my night I was ready to party with family and friends and the man I love.

"You took the worlds right out of my mouth darlin'"



What should I do I can't let Destiny do this but she is my best friend I can't betray her, not after everything she has done for me. If it wasn't for Destiny or the Snake's who knows where I would have ended up.

After Destiny told me her plan and showed me the drug I have been uneasy the whole day. Destiny is signing her own death warrant as well as mine I have to do something I have to warn Shay some how. Snake will not care as long as Destiny is dead and gone. Snake never loved Destiny always treated her like a fucking mistake a burden. That is why Destiny and I became so close we both came from families who didn't love or want us. How am I going to warn Shay she is in grave danger? I was so wrapped up in my head I didn't hear Beast calling my name.



"Uh..what? Sorry babe. I guess my mind was somewhere else".

"Is It true?"

"Is what true? babe?'" I put the last touches on my makeup.

"Destiny is pregnant. Is it true? I need to know the truth Harper". I stop and turn around.

Shit Beast looks so serious. I mind as well be honest I mean it's already going around the club about Destiny's pregnancy.

"Yeah it's true. She says the baby is JC, everyone knew that JC and Destiny fucked like rabbits. Apparently last time they were together they didn't use protection".

"What is it Beast?"

The way Beast look at me I see pain and regret. I think Beast was going to say something than he changed his mind.

"Nothing forget it. let's finish getting ready for the party".

"Ok babe." Beast kissed me with such passion I thought my body would exploded. Beast has never kissed me like that before. That kiss seemed like our last.



I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist and headed into my bedroom, into my closet and got dress. I feel better about my situation with Destiny. With Shay by my side I know we can get through this little obstacle and come out stronger. Red comes into my room with out knocking and he looks upset.

"So what is this I hear about Destiny being pregnant and its your baby."

"Let me explain Red Please". I put my hands up.

"Fine JC, but this better be good". He crosses his arms over his chest.

"It's true that Destiny is pregnant but I don't know if it's mine I wasn't the only man she was messing with Red."

"So You and Destiny haven't been fucking each other since committing to my princess?"

"Hell no Red. I haven't touched that bitch since I throw her out". I made sure to stress that fact.

"The last time I was with Destiny was the night we throw the party for the club prospects. We did not use any protection that night".

"What the fuck JC? How could you be so stupid boy?" Red whacks me in the back of the head.

"I guess I deserved that."

"You made a mistake JC. Long ago I was in the exact same situation with Destiny's mother Lacy and Snake".

"No shit Red". I was shock at Red's confession. He was with Destiny's mother.

"It is something I don't talk about but I know where you are coming from".

"So Destiny's not yours?"

"No Destiny wasn't mine. Shay is my only child and I thank god for that. All I am saying is I understand what you are going through right now, but don't let Destiny ruin what you and princess have because she will try if she is anything like Lacy. There are many times I regret not fighting for my family."

"There is no chance of that happening Red because I love Shay, I would never let her go".

"I believe you JC but first you need to deal with this Destiny mess first".

"I will Red but tonight we party". For one night I wanted to forget my problems and have a good time with the woman I love, and party with friends and family.

"Fuck let's go".

I couldn't shake the feeling that there was trouble on the horizon.



The Hell's Devils party was in full swing when Beast and I arrived. I needed to find Shay before it was too late.

"Baby can you get me a beer".

"Ok baby I will be right back." He kisses me and heads towards the bar. I have notice that Beast has been off lately. The conversation we had earlier was still playing in my mind. After finding out about Destiny's pregnancy he has been different but I don't know why, But I can't think about that now I need to find Shay and warn her.

I then spot Shay laughing and talking with Gunner, Tank and their old ladies Viper and Bobbi-Lynn. I need to warn her before anything happens to her. Here goes nothing I thought walking towards them when I was intercepted by Destiny and she looked mad.

"Hey bestie where do you think your going?" She looks at me than at Shay. Shit, warning Shay is going to be harder than I thought now that Destiny knows what I want to do

"You weren't thinking of warning Shay were you Harper?"

"I don't fell right about this Destiny".

"If you dare go back on your fucking promise Harper I swear you'll be one sorry bitch, you hear me". She snarls and walks off.

Fuck what do I do now I felt so defeated.



There she is the love of my life, my everything. she starts to laugh at something Tanks says. Damn she takes my breathe away how did I become so lucky. I have never felt so much for another person the way I felt for Shay. I make my way over to her where she was laughing with Tank, Gunner and the girls. I wrap my arms around Shay's waist kissing her hair, she closes her eyes and smile. I was happy and wanted the whole world to know.

"Hey baby". She lends back in my arms.

"Hey there beautiful you look sexy tonight". I whisper and the base of her neck blushes red.

"Ahem" Gunner clears his throat. Her face turns bright red and she turns into my chest smiling.

"I know you two love birds want to be alone but does anyone need drinks?" Gunner smirks

"Hahahaha". Tank laughs a hearty laugh.

"Hahahaha" Shay laughs.

"Hahahaha". I laugh.

"Hahaha... girl you are so busted". Bobbi-Lynn grins.

"So fucking busted." a laughing Viper says and we all bust out laughing again.

"I'll go Gunner what do all want?" Shay was about to go get our drinks when Destiny shows up ruining our good fun.

"Well...well isn't this nice. The gangs all here". Fuck what the hell does this bitch want now?



Where the hell did this bitch come from? I thought. wasn't she band from ever coming back to Hell's Devils clubhouse and their parties. This chick has some fucking nerve coming here.

"The last time I checked you weren't invited bitch". Bobbi-Lynn was gearing up for a fight with Gunner trying to calm her down.

"Calm down baby". He pulls her into his lap.

"You better step off bitch if you know what's good for your ass". Viper didn't want to be left out of this fight. Tank holds onto her waist and whispers something in her ears that calms her down.

"Listen I am not here to fight ok, I can't really fight in my condition anyways. I am sure you guys have heard the good news, That JC and I are pregnant". She smiles as she makes her little announcement. God I hate this bitch right now.

"Yous a lying bitch there is no way your pregnant with JC's baby". Viper says angrily.

"I am not lying Viper. Just ask JC he will tell you." She smiles smugly.

"JC tells us this bitch is lying? She is not pregnant with your baby".

I feel JC tense up as I touch his arm and try to calm him.

"It's true Bobbi-Lynn Destiny is pregnant".

"Damn". Tank says.

Then Karley walks up with daddy behind her and Karley did not look happy that Destiny was here causing trouble.

"We will see bitch if JC if the father". Karley sizes her up.

"Big Mama , Red you should be happy that you will be grandparents."

"Cut the shit Destiny". daddy growls. "Or it won't end well for you". Daddy puts his arms around Karley's waist.

Destiny smiles her fake ass smile. I could tell she was afraid of my father. I understand now how really feared he is just by just one look. I am glad she is scared because there is nothing genuine about this woman.

"You and I both know Destiny that JC is not your baby's father". Karley was adamant about that fact.

I see a hint of anger in Destiny's eyes. Karley words were having an affect on her big time. It hit it's mark as intended.

"Sorry to disappoint Big Mama but this is JC's baby". She puts her hands on her stomach.

"You need to prove that Destiny. You must be really stupid if you think we will take you at your word. First thing in the morning you will be making an appointment with Jill our club doctor. We are going to find out just how far along you really are."

I could see that Destiny didn't like that because the she was no longer running things. You go Karley I laughed on the inside. Look at the bitch now, all her smugness gone. Destiny's face had gone pale white, I saw the fear. If she was lying about JC being the father of her baby the truth would come out.

"I guess I will see you tomorrow Big Mama and JC bright and early. Will you be there as well Shay for moral support".

What a condescending bitch. JC was angry now and it vibrated off his skin. I try calming him by robing his arms to soothe him.

"Don't let this bitch get you baby. She isn't worth it." I whisper, he smiles and relaxes.

"Make no mistake Destiny if I find out you are lying and trying to trap a baby on my son god help you I will hunt you down make your life a living fucking hell".

I see everyone smirk as Destiny's face loses color. I love seeing this bitch being put in her fucking place.

"You have been warned now take a fucking hike Destiny you are ruining our night". I say kissing JC passionately in front of her.

"Fine". She says and storms off angrily.

"What a fucking desperate bitch am I right?" Viper shakes her head not believing the audacity of this bitch.

"Baby are you good?"

"Yeah baby I am good. But I love how your mother knock Destiny of her high horse."

"Well that bitch got what she deserved". Karley kisses my father then points to the club bartender.

"Shots for everyone". she says.

"Now your talking Big Mama". Tanks says and we all laugh.

The bartender comes back with out shots and we raise up out shot glasses to me a toast.

"Ok everyone what shall we toast to?"

"Let's toast to Shay and JC and finding real love. JC was such a bitch around here when you two weren't together".

"Yeah Shay this and Shay that, until you wanting to punch him". Everyone chuckles.

"Oh really? You never told me that baby". I teased. JC blushes and I love it. I kiss him in front of our friends and family.

"Awe!!! aren't they cute guys". Gunner starts making kissing noises. And everyone starts to laugh as JC throws a fake punch toward Gunner.

"Fuck you guys". He chuckles.

This Is home I realized. Daddy, Karley Gunner, Tank, JC, Bobbi-Lynn and Viper are my family. Hell's Devils is my family.

"Before we drink our shots I just want to say you are home now princess. You are now apart of Hell's Devils now and forever I love you baby girl, to Princess".

I felt all types of emotions at this moment. Happiness, gratefulness and relief that I am free from Axel, my past; all of it, you name it, I felt it.

"I love you too daddy now drink up everyone".

"To Princess" Everyone clicks their glasses and toasts to me as we drink our shots.

"Alright bitches more shots who is in?" Karley claps her hands in excitement.

"I am so in Big Mama". Bobbi-Lynn says.

Karley ordered more shots for everyone but I wanted a Bloody Mary so I decided to go to the bar.

"I am going to the bar baby I will be right back". I tell JC.

"Ok baby girl hurry back". JC kisses me.

I make my way over to the bar to order my Bloody Mary.

"What will it be princess?"

"Bloody Mary." I smile.

"Coming right up beautiful".

"I got this". The bartender nods his head and hands Destiny my drink. If only I had realized she had laced my Bloody Mary.

Destiny puts my Bloody Mary in front of me and sits down smiling at me. Something isn't right here.

"Listen Shay I really didn't come here to fight I want us to get along for the shake of the baby".

Although there were alarm bells going off in my head I still stayed to hear her out.

"What do you want Destiny?" I was getting bored of this conversation because I knew that Destiny was full of shit.

"Shay can we come to some sort of truce here. I mean we are going to be in each other's lives forever, the baby I am carrying is JC and that will never change whether JC likes it or not. I want him to be there even if it's not with me."

I take a sip of my fruity drink and it is seriously good. I think about what Destiny is saying and maybe she has a point. If JC is this baby's father JC will do the right thing for his chid we will have to learn to get along for this child's shake at least.

"If that is what JC wants Destiny I will support him in what ever he decides. We love each other".

"Really you and JC are like a thing now?" Destiny asks in a form of a question. I wonder what she is fishing for?

"Yes I am his old lady". I smirk. I wanted this bitch to know that JC chose me not her and that won't change because she is pregnant. I could see the jealousy because she wanted what was mine. I take another sip of my drink and it was so good.

"Well that is all I wanted to say. I just want us to get along Shay I hope we can do that".

Destiny gets up smiling the whole time like she knows something I don't how odd, she leaves me at the bar. Then I start to feel strange, I was feeling dizzy and drowsy. What is happening to me?

Two men I have never met or seen before start to talk to me at the bar.

"Hey beautiful I heard you wanted to party". says one of the guys trying to touch me and I knock his hand away.

"Yeah baby, we definingly going to party". He tries to reach for me.

"Leave...me...alone...asshole". I say sluggishly. I wasn't even forming coherent sentences. I know I am not drunk but it feels like it. I just don't understand what is happening to me.

"We'll take really good care of you baby". I feel his beath on my skin and it makes me sick.

"I...sa...said... fuck off". I try to stand up but I am way to dizzy and drowsy that one of the men has to hold me up, my body feels like a sac of potatoes.

"Let's help you there sexy. Let's take this party somewhere more private."

No I thought I don't want to go anywhere with these guys but I am to drowsy.

"Tonight we are going to have some fun".

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