Yoru x Reader: I'll Return

By Alynia45

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You, as the reader, start to envelope yourself in the Valorant headquarters. However, upon revealing the enem... More

Chapter 1 - An Unexpected Meeting
Chapter 2 - Operation: Icebox
Chapter 3: An Unrivaled Enemy Approaches
Chapter 4: Battle in Mexico
Chapter 6: An Uncanny Assault
Chapter 7: An Uncanny Assault II
Chapter 8: Dimensional Love Connection

Chapter 5: Battle in Mexico II

1.4K 48 13
By Alynia45

As you and Phoenix are putting up the fight, you were worried about Yoru. "Where the fuck is Yoru!?"
As you asked that you noticed a blue tear of space appeared behind KAY/O and out came a shotgun. You knew that it was Yoru due to the familiar blue colors and his draconic mask as he fully emerged out of the space time continuum.
"Sleep KAY/O!" Yoru shouted after he used two shotgun shots on KAY/O's head. KAY/O fell to the ground face first as a surge of electricity surrounded him after the fall.
"[Your Name], do you read me?" Brimstone asked through the coms.
You pressed the button on your watch and said, "Loud and clear Sir Brimstone. We managed to successfully disable KAY/O."
"Kid, don't be too sure. KAY/O has a self-resurrection protocol that kicks in each time he's down. I want you to keep searching for that site and disable any active Spikes that KAY/O has planted."
You nodded. "Alright understood. How long is KAY/O be down for?"
"You have an hour before his resurrection protocol kicks in. Now get going kids!"
As you turned off your communication gadget, you noticed that KAY/O is acting weird. He started to violently shake and his system started speaking in a monotonous tone, "Self resurrection protocol activated."
As you and Phoenix backed away slowly, Yoru shouted at them, "Well don't be idiots and move like turtles, just go to the target location! I'll handle him and buy you both time."
"Come on, [Your Name] you heard the man!" Phoenix exclaimed as he slightly nudged at your shoulder with his hand.
You couldn't help but look back at Yoru for a few minutes until you shouted, "Stay alive, Yoru! I-I'll hate you forever if you die! I-"

You tried to muster your last few words but you looked at KAY/O as he lifted himself in the air, almost nearing his final stages of his resurrection protocol. 

As you ran off, Yoru couldn't help but smile and turn back to KAY/O who finally landed and stood up as electric sparks shot out of his body. 

"Oh shit we need to get to our goal, Phoenix!" You shouted. Phoenix gave a thumbs up as he spotted a nearby motorcycle that is still in good shape. "Hop on, [Your Name]!"

You hopped on the back of the motorcycle and wrapped your arms around Phoenix's body. As the motorcycle veered off into the distance, you couldn't help but turn around, seeing Yoru's body disappear from view. 

"Don't worry, [Your Name], he'll be alright. You just have to trust him and believe," Phoenix said as he smiled.

"I sure hope so. KAY/O is a dangerous machine... he'll... he'll be killed!" You couldn't help but have tears.

"You... must've had a nightmare about Yoru dying huh?" Phoenix said gently as the wind nearly echoed through his voice. 

You couldn't help but look up after your eyes closed tightly due to the dusty wind. "Please don't tell him. Just between us, I... I think I have feelings for him that which he probably doesn't understand."

"It's all good, [Your Name] I understand. I promise, not a soul I won't tell him or anyone. I would pinky promise but I need to drive this thing, yeah?"

You nodded, "Right!"

As you both arrived at the destination, you saw that everything was in actual tatters. The ground was floating, the buildings were lifted in the air, and not a single life in sight. 

"What happened here?" You asked as you got off the motorcycle, running towards the desolate site.

Phoenix gritted his teeth in anger as he felt guilty. "We're too late, everything is destroyed because of the Spike. It must've blew up around ten minutes ago. KAY/O was stalling for time for this to blow up and let that Spike envelope everything in it's wake." 

"Let's just search for clues at this point," Phoenix explained as he walked forward of what's left of Mexico City's rubble. You followed up behind him as you were worried that there are more dangers ahead. 


As Yoru took out his Vandal, he held his foot forward as he was ready to aim at the now resurrected KAY/O. "KAY/O, you shithead, why are you doing this?"

"To find the hearts... and create the ultimate destructive machine...!" KAY/O shouted as he charged towards him with full speed as he took out his crystalline blade from his right arm. As he leaped up in the air, ready to slam his right arm into the ground, Yoru managed to dodge out of the way by dodge rolling to the right side and land a few shots to the head, but to no effect. Yoru ran to the largest rubble nearby for cover and shouted, "You'll never find the hearts KAY/O! Not here!"

"What if... you Yoru... has one of the hearts?" KAY/O asked as he moved forward to where he was hiding. "I'd love to pull it out of your human body like candy."

"Is that right? I'm one of those hearts and you're just gonna take it away from me? Pfft, sorry but that ain't happening." Yoru smiled as he looked down while shaking his head. He didn't hear any footsteps until he heard something behind him. "Precisely!" 

Yoru turned around to shoot with his sheriff but his sheriff got knocked out of his hand due to the crystalline blade that KAY/O slashed. Yoru managed to get away by putting his mask on after he leaped in the air just long enough to transport himself away into thin air. 

"You cannot hide Yoru! I know where you are! Even if you use your dimensional powers, you can't play hide and seek with me. I can see you and predict your every movement!" KAY/O shouted as he prepared his defibrillating  bombs out of his body. He casted out ten of them and threw them all in one radial direction, hoping to get Yoru out of his dimensional rift. However to no avail it was unsuccessful as he shouted in rage. 

As Yoru managed to reappear from his dimensional rift, he fell to the ground inside a nearby building, grunting in pain as he had taken a few hits from the bombs that KAY/O casted. "Shit, KAY/O you piece of shit... I'll get you for this!" Yoru muttered under his breath as he prepared his Vandal once more and taken aim. As Yoru landed his shots with the Vandal, KAY/O managed to summon his own Vandal and started aiming to the direction that Yoru was peeking from. Yoru dodged away as he hid behind nearby the window area of the building. As the raining bullets from KAY/O managed to scrape some of the concrete of the rubble, Yoru heard a beeping noise from his wristwatch gadget and he opened it up to reveal your face.
"[Your Name]?! What are you doing!? Go back to the mission! Where's Phoenix!?" Yoru exclaimed.
"Phoenix found some civilians and a plane arrived just in time for it to pick up civilians and treat the wounded, I'm coming back over there for some backup!" You explained as what looks to be while driving on a motorcycle as the wind whipped through your hair.
"[Your Name], turn back now! KAY/O is gonna kill us both!"
You shook your head, "I'm here it's too late!!"
You arrived shortly as soon as you shouted and you suddenly revved up the motorcycle, you held it to max speed and you veered off a flat pile of rubble and you lifted yourself up into the air and managed to damage KAY/O as the motorcycle wheel plummeted into his face.
"Fuck you, KAY/O!" You shouted after you jumped off and landed on the ground safely.
As Yoru ran towards you, he couldn't help but clap his hands. "Wonderful, [Your Name]. You're starting to get what I love most: A simple carnage."
You looked at him and tried to walk up to him. But as he walked towards you you tried to hit him but he caught your fisted hand. "Oh ho? Trying to act tough are you?"
As soon as he asked that he shouted your name and he shoved you aside and tried to shield you as KAY/O swiped on his left side, causing him to bleed.
"Yoru no!" You screamed as you charged at him with his dropped Vandal and shot every last bullet that came from his gun, but it was futile. KAY/O knocked you unconscious as he punched into your gut hard.
"You lost, Yoru. Bring me your hearts, scum, and I'll bring your princess back in one piece," KAY/O exclaimed as he laughed and disappeared into the fiery rubble, carrying you like a large victory sack.
Yoru shouted your name twice but as he tried to get up, barely lifting his one arm in desperate attempt to rescue you, his vision started to blur and he fell unconscious as the flames nearly consumed him.
In the background, Phoenix was calling out, "Yoru! [Your Name], where are you! Where-"
As he was calling out, he looked down and saw Yoru unconscious, he immediately ran towards him and gave him some pats.
"Yoru... Yoru wake up!" Phoenix shouted but also realized that he was bleeding really badly as huge drops of blood are still seeping through his jacket, dripping into the ground.
"Phoenix to Valorant HQ, I need immediate assistance, I repeat, immediate assistance. Yoru is down!"
In the headquarters, Killjoy shouted, "Yoru is down!?"
Brimstone slammed his fist on top of the digital computer shelf section and exclaimed, "Curse you KAY/O...! How many more lives must you take...! Phoenix, where is [Your Name]?"
Phoenix was about to answer when he heard Yoru whisper out, "KAY/O... cap...captured her."
"This is bad, he's using her as bait!" Viper exclaimed.
"We'll think of a way to rescue her," Brimstone explained as he closed his eyes and crossed his arms. "Prepare a plane for an immediate Infirmary care for Yoru, he's gonna need all the strength that he needs for this final assault."

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