Chapter 1 - An Unexpected Meeting

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You happen to wake up foggy and not knowing what to do in Valorant headquarters. The morning rays beaming through your flowy curtains inside your quiet bedroom. As you are brushing your teeth and contemplating on what to eat for breakfast, your phone starts ringing and as you pick up, you hear a familiar raspy yet urgent voice at the other end. You breathed a sigh of frustration as you rubbed your eyelids with your hands and asked, "Hello this is [Your Name], can I help you...?"

"[Your Name]!! Where are you!? We have a meeting in our briefing room starting in five minutes! On the double now!" Brimstone's husky old voice radiating over the phone like daggers despite his old age.

You fumbled your toothbrush in the bathroom with the sound of his voice and exclaimed, "Y-Yes sir, Brimstone I'll be there! I'm terribly sorry!"

You managed to get your battle gear on quickly and head on out of your quarters and frantically ran into the brief room on time with long gasps of air from all that running.

Oh shit, this is very embarrassing, how can I manage a prime example of my agency if I keep doing this. This doesn't bode well for me!!
As you arrived within the briefing room, you felt several eyes dawn upon your entrance. You barely took your seat and you managed to get your laptop ready.
"[Your Name] this is the second time that you are actually late but luckily enough we were just starting so I'll let you go this time. Let's be clear [Your Name], just because you're slightly new to this operation doesn't give you any right to slack off. Now I know that you were under some special agency within the United States and they sent you here since you are ranked one of the top agents in their ranks, so I expected that you had some major behavioral changes." Brimstone exclaimed but breathed a slight sigh due to much exertion from his speech as he was around forty-five years old and still kicking as a commander of the Valorant agency.

"Y-Yes sir, I understand. It won't happen again." You breathed a sigh of disappointment as you prepared your laptop in case anything important during the meeting was stated.

Phoenix and Killjoy were smiling and giggling, whereas others remained dead serious with no expression. Viper on the other hand was shaking her head and Yoru was shaking his head and his eyes closed in disappointment.

"Anyways, enough of that. Our meeting starts right now," Brimstone cleared his throat as he began his speech.

"As you all know we have been informed of several suspicious activities that are happening within Russia, Bennett Island-"

"Icebox?! Again? Why try to attack there twice? I've been there before, with Phoenix! Those bastards..." Yoru exclaimed as he slammed his hands on the long meeting table in frustration.

"Yeah, and I still haven't forgiven you for even shooting through me by the way," Phoenix replied as he rolled his eyes disapprovingly with his arms crossed.

"Yes yes, Yoru I understand your frustrations and you had an alternative mission with Phoenix as your partner in dealing with such matters. However, as much as I want to answer that question of what operations they are still doing in Icebox, I have no clue. There's bound to be some sort of secret organization that we haven't heard of that is doing more Spike tests to try and distribute them across the world."

Brimstone closed his eyes and breathed a short breath outward. "I want you to take [Your Name] with you along with Phoenix and investigate the matter and report back."

"Why what for? So that this noob of an agent will record everything? Pathetic."

You obviously took that as a serious offense as you were typing in your laptop but you ignored it and kept typing as if nothing ever happened while gritting your lip angrily with your teeth.

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