Eternal (Fairy Tail x Male Re...


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A young man with the power to create and destroy, the ability of manipulating life and death, and the magic o... Mais

Galuna Island
Fairies vs Phantoms: Part 1
Fairies vs Phantoms: Part 2
Fairies vs Phantoms: Part 3
Fairy Tail's Strongest Team!?
Side Job
Tower of Heaven: Part 1
Tower of Heaven: Part 2
Tower of Heaven: Part 3
New and Improved

Fairy Tail's Eternal

4.7K 78 13

The Fairy Tail mages, Natsu, Lucy, Gray, and Erza, were battling it out against one of Zeref's demons... Lullaby.

Lullaby: I'm so hungry, I can't stand it! Your souls will be my meal!

Natsu: What's that! He says he's going to eat our souls!? Do they taste good or something?

Gray: How should I know!?

Lucy: I don't understand what happened! How did a monster come from a flute...!?

Goldmine: That monster is Lullaby itself! In other words, it's living magic.

Erza: Living magic...

Gray: Zeref!? But Zeref was from ancient times!

Bob: Zeref the Black Wizard! He was the most evil wizard in the history of magic. Who could have imagined that his dark legacy of hundreds of years ago could appear in our world today?

Lullaby: Now... Which of you should I eat first? I've made my decision! I will eat all your souls!

|Soul Punisher|

Suddenly, a hole appeared in Lullaby's chest.

Lullaby: Wha...?

Sparkles were released from its body as Lullaby started to dissolve and disappear in front of everybody's eyes. Just like that, Lullaby was defeated, leaving nothing left of it.

Lucy: Wh-What happened?

Gray: Don't look at me, I didn't do anything.

Natsu: Me either...

In the darkness, the Wizards spotted something glowing. They readied themselves. The footsteps of the stranger were heard as it got closer, the crunching of dead leaves beneath its feet. Then, out came a hooded figure, with a staff resembling two intertwined dragons with a gem in their mouths.

Erza pointed her blade at the stranger.

Erza: Who are you!? Not one step closer!

(Y/n): Jeez... Have I really been away from the guild that long?

This man spoke about the guild, the wizards were trying to peace together who it could be. A small figure appeared after, wearing a cloak that covered its whole body and a satchel on its side. The figure had two daggers on its back.

Rey: You're welcome by the way.

Makarov, the Fairy Tail Guild Master, started to walk towards the stranger.

Natsu: Gramps no!

Makarov only smiled in response.

Makarov: You came just in time. If you would've waited any longer, these idiots would've destroyed the whole area! Good to have you back... (Y/n) and Rey!

Natsu, Gray, and Erza were caught off guard by this revelation. Erza's face went a little red when the thought of her threatening (y/n) crossed her mind.

(Y/n) took off his hood and lowered his face mask, Rey removed the hood of his cloak. (Y/n) reveals his (h/c) colored hair, and Rey reveals his black messy mane.

(Y/n)/Rey: Master.

They both slightly bowed.

Makarov: No need for formalities boys.

(Y/n): Was that all you needed help with Master? If it is, is it alright if we meet you guys back at the guild?

Makarov: Yes that was all, thank you boys.

(Y/n): C'mon Rey.

Rey hopped on (y/n)'s back, he turned into mist and disappeared.

Natsu: He didn't even say hello!

Makarov: He's probably tired Natsu. He's been gone for a couple months. You can all catch up back at the guild hall.

- Timeskip -

(Y/n) and Rey appear at the guild hall. The members were busy drinking and talking to notice the the two. The pair grab some chairs, grab some drinks, and sit down. Rey puts his feet up on the table and leans back.

Rey: Home sweet home.

(Y/n): It's been a while since we had a break like this...

(Y/n) puts his feet on the table as well.

(Y/n): Cheers.

Rey: Cheers!

They hit each other's glasses and chug down their drinks. After (y/n) finishes he walks up to the bar counter to find a familiar white haired wizard.

(Y/n): Excuse me sweetheart, two more rounds please.

Mirajane: Would you like anything—

She turns around and sees (y/n) chuckling to himself.

Mirajane: (Y/n)!?

Everyone else in the guild turns to look at Mirajane and and (y/n).

(Y/n): Nice to see you MJ.

Mirajane: When did you get here!?

(Y/n): Hmm, well... Hey Rey! How many drinks have you had?

Rey was under the table mumbling to himself.

Rey: I'm tir— *hic* tired mama... I don't want to go to scho— *hic* school...

(Y/n): We've been here for a while actually.

Elfman: (Y/n)! You're back!

Elfman lifted him up from the ground and hugged him.

(Y/n): If it isn't the manliest wizard in all Fiore.

Cana: (Y/n)!? When did you *hic* get here?

(Y/n): Around the same time you started to chug down the barrel of alcohol drunkie.

All the guild members welcomed (y/n) and Rey back to the guild.

(Y/n): Oh, before I forget...

He picked up Rey and grabbed his satchel.

(Y/n): We got some gifts for all of you.

(Y/n), and Rey who was now back to normal, started to hand out gifts to the Fairy Tail wizards. They gave Mirajane a bunch of cooking supplies, Elfman got weights, Cana received a rare wine imported from another country, and they gave all the other mages their own personalized gifts.

Mirajane: How did you manage to fit that many things in such a small bag?

Rey: This magic satchel is bottomless, wasn't cheap either. So be grateful!

(Y/n): Hey MJ, if anyone asks tell them I'm taking a nap in one of the backrooms... But if Natsu asks... Tell him I'll be back later.

Mirajane: *Giggle* Sure thing.

- Timeskip -

(Y/n) woke up with the commotion going on outside.


Makarov: Now... Just wait.

Lucy: What are you saying!? This is a false arrest! If we wait for them to reach a decision, it'll be too late!

Makarov: No matter how fast you go, you'll never get there in time.

Lucy: But...

Meanwhile "Natsu" got turned to Salamander and was shouting to let him out. Until he suddenly stopped shouting.

Makarov: What's wrong Natsu? You're unusually quiet.

"Natsu" then transformed Macao.

Macao: S-sorry everybody... I owed Natsu a favor. I turned myself into a lizard so I could pose as Natsu.

Lucy: Then where's the real Natsu!?

Gray: He didn't go after Erza did he!?

Macao: Yeah... Probably.


Makarov: Everyone silence! Now! All we can—

(Y/n): What's with all the racket?

Fairy Tail: (Y/n)!

(Y/n): Need me to get 'em out Gramps?

Makarov: *Sigh* Please, before this turns into a bigger mess.

(Y/n): I'll be as quick as I can.

The young man turned into mist and disappeared.

- Timeskip -

(Y/n), sadly got there too late. Natsu ruined the whole thing and got himself and Erza locked up.

Guard: They're over here. Follow me.

As he was escorted towards the cell, the voices of Erza and Natsu got louder and louder.

Erza: I'm sick of you! Words fail me! This trial was supposed to be just for show!

Natsu: For show!?

Erza: The arrest was for public view. The Council had to make a show of keeping their rein on their wizards... To keep order in the entire magical world!

Natsu: What's the supposed to mean!? I don't get it!

Erza: In other words—

(Y/n): If it wasn't for your little rampage, she would've been out a lot sooner.

Natsu: Hey (y/n)...

Erza: (Y/n)...

(Y/n): This is the second time in 24 hours I've had to bail you guys out.

Natsu: What happened to hello's!?

(Y/n): Those went out the window when you decided to make your own rules. Now get up.

What the three didn't notice, was a blue haired Wizard Saint listening to their conversation.

- Fairy Tail Guild -

Natsu: Yes sir! The air outside the slammer sure is sweet! It's the best! Yes, it's wonderful to do what I want again! Freedom!

Jet: Oh, shut up!

Droy: Sit down and eat in silence!

Lucy: I wish they'd kept him a bit longer.

Lucy slumps her head on the table.

Lucy: In the end, her entire arrest was just for show! And I was so worried.

Gray: I should've known! They sent a "Toady" to let us know that she could come home "Today!"

Elfman: That's an ice wizard for you! Your comic timing is way cold! So in the end, what became of Natu's man-to-man challenge against Erza!

Lucy: "Man!?"

Natsu: That's right! I forgot! Erza! We have to pick off where we left off!

Erza: Not today. I'm tired.

Natsu: Here I come!

Erza: *Sigh* Oh well.

Erza hit Natsu in the jaw, sending him flying the guild's pillars.

Gray: *Laughing* Gya ha ha ha! You're worst showing yet Natsu!

Elfman: *Laughing* Erza is as powerful as ever!

Makarov, Mirajane, and (y/n) were next to each other on the counter. Mirajane noticed that Makarov was starting to get sleepy.

Mirajane: What's wrong Master?

Makarov: Nothing. I'm just... Sleepy.

(Y/n): Guess I'm not the only one who's made a return.

Everyone but Makarov and (y/n) started to fall asleep.

Makarov: Mystogan.

He went over, grabbed a bounty poster and set it in front of Makarov.

Mystogan: I'm going.

(Y/n): Nice to see you again Mystogan.

Mystogan looks at (y/n).

Mystogan: You too.

He starts to walk away but Makarov shouts at him.

Makarov: Hey! Take off the sleep magic first!

Mystogan: 5... 4... 3...

He started walking towards the exit, everyone was starting to wake up.

Mystogan: 2... 1...

And he was gone.

Jet: Th-this feeling... Was it Mystogan!?

Droy: That jerk!

Guild member 1: That guy's sleep spell hasn't lost any of its powers!

Lucy: "Mystogan?"

Loki: He's a candidate for the position of Fairy Tail's top man.

Lucy turned to him in surprise and Loki freaked out.

(Y/n): Since when does he freak out with a girl?

Mirajane: He started doing that practically when they first met.

Gray: But even so, nobody has seen what he looks like. When he comes in to look for a job, he always puts everyone to sleep, like just now.

Lucy: What's that supposed to mean!? It's way suspicious.

Gray: Like I said. Nobody but the Master and (y/n) know about Mystogan.

Laxus: No... I know.

(Y/n): Laxus...

Gray: One more candidate.

Laxus: Mystogan's shy. So butt out of what don't concern you!

Natsu: Laxus! Come fight me right now!

Laxus: Come on! Erza just took you down in one shot! That's right! If you can't take out somebody as weak as Erza, you sure don't stand a chance with me.

Erza: What does that mean!?

Laxus: It means I'm the best!

Natsu: Come down here you jerk!

Laxus: Why don't you come up?

Natsu: Good idea!

Natsu ran towards him but Makarov was quick to stop him. He brought his giant fist down on him.

Makarov: You can't go to the second floor! Not yet!

Laxus: Ha ha! You made him mad!

Natsu: Grr!

Makarov: Laxus, stop it!

Laxus: I'm not giving up the status as the strongest in Fairy Tail to anyone! Not Erza! Not Mystogan! Not the old guy! And definitely not to (y/n)! I am... The greatest!

After his little speech, Laxus disappeared to the second floor again.

(Y/n): He always did talk big.

Lucy: Is he one of the candidates too?

Lucy asked Gray about (y/n).

Gray: (Y/n)? If anyone can take that top spot he's one of the more likely ones, especially if he starts to get serious.

Lucy: He hasn't been serious before?

Gray: Not that anyone but Master knows about. (Y/n) is a bit of a mystery around here. Him and Rey are usually gone on long missions most of the time. Only stays for a couple days at most.

(Y/n): Gramps I'm going out. Come on Rey.

Makarov: Leaving already (y/n)?

(Y/n): Nah, I'll still be in town. Going to the shack. I'll be here tomorrow.

(Y/n) and Rey walked out as they headed to their home. A small little shack in the woods. They entered and (y/n) to a cupboard and pulled out a wooden case.

It had various instruments. He then pulled out a small pouch, reached in and pulled out a blue crystal. It was Ethernano.

Rey: Low...?

(Y/n): We might need to go get more soon... But this should suffice. I also have some extra bottles.

(Y/n) got one of the small bottles and took a drink.

(Y/n): Put this in your bag, yeah.

Rey took it and put the kit in his satchel.

Rey: How are you feeling?

(Y/n): Better. I hate hiding this from everyone... But if they knew they would worry. This is my own battle...

He grabbed a couple bottles and put them in in his robe. He then handed a couple to Rey as well.

(Y/n): Just in case.

Rey: (Y/n). I just want you to know... I have your back, always.

(Y/n) smiled and grabbed his friends head, they butted foreheads.

(Y/n): Thanks buddy.

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