Love to Dream |Todoroki Shoto...

Per lovelyxkatsuki

2.2K 103 36

Your agency put you in a partnership with your crush ,Todoroki Shoto, and nothing could've prepared you for t... Mรฉs

"No soba"
"Am I interrupting something?"

Have fun

498 29 18
Per lovelyxkatsuki

I sorta read over this but didn't reread the end so ignore if there's a ton of mistakes there.

"Where are you going?"Your mom asked when she saw you pass the kitchen and head to the door

"Remember the partnership I told you about like a week ago?"You asked turning to face her and received a nod "Well it started yesterday and I'm on my way to meet with him so we can start a plan"

"Which hero are you working with?"

"Shoto"You mumbled looking away from her to not see the look on her face

"Ooh you're working with your crush"She teased

"He's not my crush"

"You can tell yourself that lie. I'm not blind Y/n I can see you're smiling at the simple thought of him. It's honestly cute"

"Please don't"You complained earning a laugh from her

"So I take it you don't hate the partnership anymore?"

"I don't hate who I'm working with but I do hate that I'm put on this mission. It sounds like it'll take some weeks or months to actually complete"

"I'm not really seeing the problem. It means you have weeks or months to talk to Shoto. At least now you have a reason to talk to him since you failed at doing that when you saw him at school"

"I didn't asked to be called out right now"

"Did I lie? You had two years to start random conversations with him to possibly lead to something but never did"She responded continuing to wash the dishes

"It's not as easy as you make it seem"

"It really is that easy. You just tend to overthink and make things harder for yourself"

"Once again I didn't ask to be called out"

"You know I'm not lying though"She said and looked at the time "You should get going before I make you late. Where are you two meeting anyway?"

"At his house"You answered and you saw the way her face changed

"Hmm....have fun"

"What do you mean by that and why are you making that face?"

"You know why I'm making this face. Shoto is a handsome young man who just invited you to his house. Not only does he have good looks in his favor you also like him. Think about all the things that can happen while you're there. So once again have fun but please be careful and use protection"

"Nothing will happen. This is literally going to be my first time actually having a conversation with him and spending time with him"

"And? That doesn't mean something can't happen. How do you think one night stands start? All I'm saying is anything could happen when you're alone with someone you like so be smart"

"I can't do this with you today"You sighed turning to leave out the house not wanting to put up with her anymore

"You could do something with him though"She joked laughing when you let out a noise of complaint

You hurriedly put on your shoes and left out the house. You stopped outside the door to put in your earbuds and find a song to play. Once you picked one you went to your maps app to type in the address for the directions. You found that you didn't live too far from him so you decided to walk. It wasn't necessarily a short walk but you figured a hero needed some exercise. The walk wouldn't hurt you.

You put your phone in your pocket and began walking. As you walked you let yourself get taken away by the music. You didn't come back to reality until you were standing on the street outside his house. You couldn't help but stare at your surroundings before proceeding to the door. It was obvious the house belonged to a rich family.

When you made it to the door you cut your music off and rang the doorbell. You patiently waited for an answer but didn't get one. You unlocked your phone and sent Shoto a text. You then waited for a response but got nothing.

"Why didn't you text or call before coming?"You groaned to yourself

About 5 minutes of more waiting passed until you decided to call him. It rang a couple times then it was picked up.

"Hello"A deep voice grumbled

You hesitated to reply because you were taken back by the deepness of the voice. For a second you wanting to hang up thinking you got the wrong number but then you remembered you called yourself from his phone so it had to be the right one.

"Uhhh..this is Shoto right?"


"Hey it's Y/n. Were you asleep?"


"I'm sorry for waking you. You can go back to sleep"

"Are you on your way or are you outside?"

"I'm outside but I'll go back home. You sound tired we can plan something later"

"You don't have to leave"

You then heard some shuffling around on the other side of the phone then a few seconds later the door opened. You didn't say anything instead just taking in the sight in front of you. He was still in his school uniform but it was now wrinkled. He had bed head and those marks on his face showing the sleep was good.

"Are you sure you didn't want to go back to sleep?"You questioned because of how tired he looked

"I'm sure"He answered stepping to the side "You can come in"

You walked in, took your shoes off, and followed him to the living room. While you walked you admired the interior of the house. His family was definitely more on the traditional side of things. It was a nice house though.

He sat down on the couch and gestured for you to sit too. When you sat down you took off your bag and grabbed your notebook and pencil to start writing things.

"Did you have anything in mind for the plan?"He asked

"Yes I thought about a few things"

You moved closer to him to show your notebook and point to the suggestions as you explained each. He listened and added his own thoughts. While you were in the middle of explaining one you felt a weight on your shoulder. You stopped talking and looked to the side to see white and red hair.

"Uhm Shoto.........Shoto"You sighed realizing he had fallen asleep again "I told you I'll leave so you can sleep"

You of course didn't receive a response. You sat there debating on what to do. You didn't want to move to wake him up because he was obviously tired. But it was awkward just sitting there and you had no idea how long he'll be asleep.

After debating with yourself internally you decided to sit and wait for him to wake up. You moved a little to sit your notebook down and grabbed your phone. A few minutes later while you were reading something on your phone he began to move. He took his head off your shoulder and moved to lay on the couch. The only problem was you were still on the couch so his head was now on your lap.

"How fucking tired are you?"You mumbled looking down at the boy who managed to still be sound asleep

You put your earbuds in and started watching a movie. You rested one arm on him lightly rubbing his back and the other held your phone. You kept this position almost until the end of the movie but him moving made you pause it. You looked down to see him tiredly looking up at you. Your face instantly warmed up because he just kept staring.

He sat up rubbing his eyes then did a closed eye stretch before looking at you again. He honestly looked so adorable and innocent when he wakes up. He looked down at your lap then back at you and a slight blush made it's way on his face.

"Was I laying on your lap?"He mumbled as if he was also asking himself instead of directing the question to you

He may have looked innocent but that voice surely didn't match.

"Yea"You answered and he just blinked at you still looking from your lap to you

".......Why didn't you tell me to move?"He asked and it was very faint but you could tell from his voice that he was embarrassed

"You were tired and looked comfortable so I didn't have a problem with you catching up on sleep"You shrugged "You should've told me to reschedule if you were that tired though"

"I'm sorry for sleeping instead of planning even though we agreed to plan today"

"It's fine we talked about enough before you fell asleep. Are you busy with school or will we be able to patrol tomorrow?"You asked packing your things in your bag and standing up

"We can patrol"

"Alright we'll meet at my agency at 5. Bring clothes for your disguise and please be on time. It'll take a while for me to do your hair and make up so no one knows it's you"You spoke making your way to the door


"See you tomorrow"

You put your shoes on and opened the door. To your surprise you were met with darkness. You didn't realize so much time had passed. The both of you looked out the door in silence for a while until he spoke.

"How'd you get here?"

"I walked"

"Do you live far?"

"Not really. It's a good bit of walking but it isn't that far. It just isn't super close either"

"And you plan on walking back?"

"Yea that's my only way of getting home"

"I'll walk with you"He said moving to put on his shoes

"You don't have to do that. Instead you should be getting ready to actually go to sleep for the night. I'll be fine walking by myself. I doubt someone who I can't handle will attack me. I'm not weak-"

"You almost got shot yesterday in broad daylight. Now it's night and anyone can attack you"He straightforwardly said

"Fair point but I doubt it'll happen. Yesterday we were around criminals and they needed a distraction. Today it's just me going home in an area with low crime. It's unlikely someone would just come up and attack me. I'll be alert anyways since it's just me and it's dark"

He nodded as you spoke but still moved to put his shoes on.

"I'm still walking with you"

"Shoto I really appreciate you wanting to make sure I get home safely but please go to bed. It's what you need right now. I can tell you're still tired"You said stepping out the house but you turned to look back at him "One last thing though. Is it okay if I call you Shoto. I've been calling you that because it's your hero name but are you okay with me calling you that outside of work? I know it's a bit late to ask but I just want to be sure"

"Yes you can call me Shoto. Are you okay with me calling you Y/n"

"It's what I prefer to be called. Anyways goodnight"You smiled turning to walk towards the street

"Goodnight, send me a text when you get home"

"Will do"

You went on your way back home this time not listening to music. Your guard wouldn't be up at all if you did that. It felt like a longer walk with no music but thankfully nothing happened on your way home. When you made it to your door you sent him a text and went into your house. As you were taking off your shoes you heard your mom walking towards you.

"Nothing happened"You stated before she could even say anything

"I didn't say anything happened"

"You were going to"You said getting up and walking passed her towards the kitchen "Did you cook anything?"

"No, there's leftovers in the fridge though. So how was the meeting?"

"Like I said nothing happened. We came up with a plan. That was it"

"Nothing else?"

"Well yea something happened"You answered with a slight smile

"Oh? What was it?"She asked intrigued

"Hmm nothing really. He just fell asleep as we were planning and somehow ending up napping with his head on my lap"

"So he's already that comfortable with you? That's shocking he definitely gives off the vibe of being hard to get because he's a bit dense. That's been shown in interviews"

"No I wouldn't say he's already comfortable. He was just tired and didn't think he was laying on me. When he woke up he was a little embarrassed"

"Still though it's progress in the right direction"


"Anyways I have work tomorrow so goodnight"


You pulled your phone out your pocket after feeling it buzz a few times. You had multiple texts from Shoto he was asking if you made it home safely. You sent him a text letting him know you did and you told him to go to sleep.


"Did you get enough sleep last night or should we patrol a different time"You asked Shoto as you met him in the lobby of your agency

"I got enough sleep"

"Good. A tired hero on patrol possibly fighting criminals doesn't sound ideal. You can follow me"You said leading him to the room you had all your supplies in for the disguises "Did you bring your clothes?"

"Yea"He answered moving a bag

"First things first let's do your makeup"You said opening the door "You can sit in that chair"

He sat down and you started getting everything you needed out the bags.

"Have you ever gotten your makeup done?"

"No, have you done makeup before?"

"Yea, don't worry your face will be okay"

You finally found everything and sat it on the table next to him. You turned on the extra light and turned his chair so he'll be facing you.

"Will this be your first time wearing contacts?"You asked him opening the lense case


"It'll feel a bit weird of course but try not to blink while I'm doing it. That'll make this process longer than necessary"You said turning with the contact on your finger "You ready?"

"No but you can go ahead"

You did as he said and tried to put it in his eye. It took a few tries but you got it in. You handed him a tissue to wipe the corner of his eye then you opened the first makeup supply you'll need.

"You can close your eyes if you want to. It'll be weird with you just staring up at me while I'm hovering over you"

He closed his eyes and you began your task of transforming his face. Your main task was covering his scar and that wouldn't be easy. As you started applying products to his face you wanted to ask about the scar but you didn't. It wasn't your business and you had no idea what unwanted memories can be attached to that. You did decide to start a regular conversation though.

"I know this is late but back to yesterday. You must've came home and immediately fell asleep since you were still in your uniform. What at school got you that exhausted?"

"Nothing at school. I didn't get my usual amount of sleep the night before. Waking up without enough sleep then training and going to school isn't ideal"

"So you were just tired?"


"You must not stay up late often"

"I don't. I go to sleep at a decent time to have enough energy for the next day"

"Can't relate to that. The earliest I go to sleep is around 12 am. I need to start sleeping like you. Minus the falling asleep while in the middle of a meeting with someone"You joked and you surprisingly got a chuckle out of him

"Once again I'm sorry for sleeping on your lap"

"I told you it's fine. I didn't have a problem with it. Truthfully speaking the only problem I had was not knowing if anyone else would come home and see us. That would've been embarrassing since the one person who lived there was asleep so I would've had to explain the situation myself"

He hummed in understanding and there was a brief silence until you spoke again.

"How old are you?"You asked

"18. How old are you?"


"Did you graduate last year?"

"Yea I actually graduated from UA"

"I don't recall seeing you around"

"Us students a year ahead of you weren't the center of attention. You probably saw us a few times but didn't really notice us"

"No I think I would've remembered if I saw you"He responded opening his eyes to look at you and a prominent blush spread on his face when he noticed how close you were to him

You looked down at him and let out a light laugh due to how red he was.

"You're cute when you're flustered"You said moving away from him to give him space "Sorry I surprised you"

"You don't have to apologize. You were doing my eye makeup I shouldn't have been surprised that you were close"

"What made you open your eyes?"

"I wanted to look at your face and I'm positive if I saw you at UA I would've remembered"

"How come?"

"You're pretty and don't look like everyone else. To me you easily stand out so it's easy to remember you"He answered looking everywhere besides your face

"Thanks"You mumbled and there was a silence

"My apologies for interrupting your work"He spoke leaning back into the chair and closing his eyes so you can continue the makeup

"It's okay"

You both sat in silence now and you couldn't ignore the smile growing on your face. Your mind was stuck on the fact that he called you pretty.


I know even with me changing the way I wrote it it's still slow but bear with me. You gotta start somewhere before getting into something more serious. Also I won't focus on the actual investigation and all that. I only made the partnership so Y/n and Todoroki could meet. I don't feel like making fighting scenes and stuff. I'm more focused on their relationship than them catching criminals.

Continua llegint

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