Betrayal- Jason Todd x fem st...

By daniquillen11

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Taylor Greevs has waited for the day to avenge her mother's death. Someone who she never expected to hurt a f... More

Chapter 1- Pilot
Chapter 2- Lifestory
Chapter 3- Attention
Chapter 5- Rebirth
Chapter 5- Part 2- Warrior Prevails
Chapter 6- Called to Action
Chapter 7- Team Up
Chapter 8- Resistance
Chapter 9- Take Over
Chapter 10- Revolution
Chapter 11- Total War
The End

Chapter 4- Working with the Enemy

75 3 0
By daniquillen11

-Flash back (sophomore) -

My phone vibrated on my desk during the daily lecture of second period. I flipped my phone, and positioned it in front of my book.

A Snapchat from Tyler.

He was a Junior, Jason disliked. But wasn't going to stop me just because someone else didn't like him.

Meet me at your locker after class...

He texted me. Sammie noticed me, not paying attention. She leans over and whispers, "Is Jason texting you again?"

"What, no." I flinched. "He totally is. You've got that face when he text you like Have a good day or Can we hang out? Always that expression?" I rolled my eyes.


I put my book bag in my locker and running up behind me we Tyler. "Boo!" He poked my sides. "Ah, jeez. What's up?"

He leaned against the locker next to mine. "I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me."

"Go out... like a date." My eyes grew concerned. "Yeah..." Tyler in a daze, "Ah ha, umm.. yeah no." I declined.

In a fit of realization, he looked more focused on the conversation now. "No? What do you mean no?" His voice grew louder.

"I mean no. You're a cool guy but I don't see you like that. Like at all." I stated, switching out my books.

Almost chopping my fingers off with the locker, Tyler slammed his palm down, and shut my blue locker.

"Woah, chill." I jerked back. "Do you realize what you just did?" He yelled, gathering the attention of passing students in the halls.

"Almost breaking my fingers, I don't know? You're gonna have to be a little more specific." I lectured sarcastically, seeing Sammie and Jason in the corner of my eye.

"You... turned me... down."

"Yeah, so?"

"So... you're going to realize that,
- that was a mistake, Taylor." He kept walking closer.

I saw him pull back his fist. Coming down fast and powerful, I block his attack with my thick chemistry book. To which he cried out in pain.

With his foot, he stomped the book down, out of my hands. Opening me, for a smack to the face.

The shock was delayed as blew a punch to his stomach. Feeling my tingly cheek getting hot. Students started cheering.

As for Tyler, he yanked my arm, and shoved me into a locker. The bashing noise of my body to the lockers, echoed through the hall.

Pinned with my face to the metal, I used my leg and pushed off the locker. Tyler, pushed back long enough for me to kick him again.

He started yelling.

"You're a freak! You should go to a mental hospital or jail with your brother... or better yet, hell with your mom."

My adrenaline got the better of me and I tackled him to the ground. Straddling him to cold tiles. Swinging my fist back and forth at his face and chest.

I felt two arms, lifting me up from off Tyler's stomach. I was screaming, using so much force to get out of whoever's grasp. Tears flooding down my face.

Jason let me down and held me back from retaliation.

Tyler got to his knees. Catching his breath, "Bitch." He whispered, out of breath. Touching his finger to his nose, bleeding fast. His lip was cut open too.

Soon enough, a teacher came, breaking up the remenance of the fight and sent Tyler to the nurse's. Jason, Sammie and I walked away, but it wasn't finished.

Tyler's came right behind us and yanked me back by my hair. Throwing me to the floor and hit my square in the cheekbone.

Sammie slid to ground, checking on me. My eye lids were heavy but through the blurring vision, I watched Jason and Tyler starting to go at it.

The last thing I remembered was Sammie assisting to clean both me and Jason up, leaving for the day.

"Jesus Christ, Jay, your lip it looks rough." I said.

"We both look rough... little psycho." He commented.

After sharing a glance with him, I looked back in the bathroom mirror and Sammie's, noticing the maybe bruises already formed on my face.

-Present Day-

"Are you sure you don't wanna go out with us. You can get a free drink Tay?" Nile, a solider, and my bunk mate asked me. I layed on my bed, declining his offer, because tonight I had to meet Robin again.

Every Friday, I'd meet him with any additional intelligence I have. So I made my way after everyone was gone, to put my shoes on and sneak over to the three trees we met at before.

On my way, I noticed Seargent Rudd, peaking through corners and lurking suspiciously. I pulled out my phone and snap a few pictures to add on evidence for Robin.

Leaning against the hard dark oak tree, I waited for him.

"So..." A muffled thud from the sand, fell right in front of me. Gasping, "Jesus. You scared me."

"That's your next mission. Sleath." I glared at him, with a disappointed look. "I'm kidding. So, what do you have?"

I pulled out a folded piece of paper. "This has all the names of the people in my unit. The two who work above me on the grounds, routines, and any shipments I've noticed this week." Handing it to him.

"Not bad. At least we can indicate it's in your unit." I grabbed my phone out too, showing Robin the photos I took only an hour ago. "There's also this."

"Where's this?" He pointed.

"Communications tower, west of our main bunker." Stating.

Robin slipped the note in his pocket. "Ok, thank you for your help Taylor. Let's hope this ends soon." He says before grappling away.

Spreading false hope everytime.

I couldn't help but think all this was for nothing.

- Next Friday-

"Hang on, I forgot my phone." I called at the boys, which went in the lunch bunker. Jogging back to my bed to grab my phone.

I got it from under my pillow and jerked up. "No! Our shipments keep getting delayed or stolen! It's pissing me off." Rudd shouted on the phone.

I huddled myself in the corner to listen but still hidden. Once crouched down, I pulled out the camera in my phone. Beginning to record the conversation.

"It is my problem when people are growing suspicions on my responsibilities here. Even the Captain doesn't believe I'm only a Seargent." He paces back and forth.

"We were supposed to start experiments last week. But due to the damn delay, we have no supplies." He complains.

"Well, figure it out!" He hung up and stomped off in the other direction.

This is perfect evidence for Robin tonight. Now we know who we're going up against.


I sat there... under the three dark trees for another hour.

He should be here by now...

I mumbled to myself. I stood up checking the time, sighed and starting walking away. Then came a thud from behind. I flicked open my pocket knife, secured to my belt loop.

Jumping out, was a man with a black suit. A long blue bird draped around his chest. From his back, hung two rods. This was Nightwing from Blüdhaven.

"Taylor?" He asked, dropping his guard.

"Yeah, that's me..." I put my knife back.

"Oh... um... I only come here with news... bad news. " He stutters.

Weirded out, my muscles were still tight. That feeling where you still stand on guard unnoticeably.

"Right... Robin. He-he's gone." Nightwing seemed distressed.

In disbelief, "What? That's wrong- you're wrong. You're joking." I scoffed.

"I know you've delt with loss before. I'm sorry Taylor..." Nightwing came closer. Opening his arms to hug me, I shoved him away. Struggling to hold back tears.

A boy I had worked so hard with for 2 months. And now gone... just like that.

"I understand you two were working on something. Going through a few files of his  seems like he was fond of you. I can take any additional information from you. Finish what he started... unfortunately with out you." Nightwing offered.

"But I've been apart of so much.." I pleaded.

"Taylor, it's just how it is..."

I reached for my phone, showing the video to him. He tapped his mask, before returning the phone.

His back turned, "Once again, I'm sorry Taylor." He apologized, reaching back with a small button in his hand. Confused, he explained. "Press it, if you need help... I'm always around." Just like Robin, before I could ask anything more, he bolted away with his grappling hook.

I stood there, checking to see if it was all real. Pinching myself. But as I continued to think, my pulse would only get higher. I physced myself out of thinking anything more negative and left.

Never to return to the three trees.


The next week, word got out from an anonymous source Seargent Rudd was caught stealing supplies from the base, allegedly getting himself fired.

I knew that 'anonymous source' was probably Nightwing. Funny enough this same week, was our week off.

A week to see our families and on the first night off, our unit went to a bar in town.

The boys argued on who would pay for the drinks and I interrupted, "Boys... boys... Boys!" They stopped shouting and payed attention to me. "I got this."

I walked away from the group to a man about my age and used my charm for him to pay.

"Hey cutie... how are you?" Starting conversation.

"Oh hello, gorgeous... I'm great. How about you doll?" He asked, setting down his glass.

"I'm great..." I moved in closer, placing my hand on his shoulder, "Yah know, I could really use a drink..." I sighed, tapping my fingers on the bar counter.

He whipped out his wallet and tossed his card to the bartender. "Whatever the lady wants." He offered.

I jumped off the stranger, leaning into the bar, "10 shots, whiskey please." I peered over at the guys, mouthing their orders. "Ha, and umm, 5 beers. Bud Light." Scruching my nose, I thanked the bartender.

He handed me the tray of shots and beers and shouted a thanks at the stranger as he looked regretful.

Setting down the drinks, the five of us, took one shot each. Cheering for one more. And we took one more shot.

"Ahhh, who wants to get their ass handed to them in pool." Davis yelled. Two other guys ran with him. And me, stuck with the smaller solider. His name was Kent, sweet and shy. But a hell of a solider.

We sat at the bar, sipping on our beer. My phone vibrated in my pocket. "Oop, hang on." I left, to go outside.

Unknown number.

I answered, "Hello?"

"Taylor? He- hey, it's Sammie." Her slightly dull but broken voice pierced through the phone.

"Sammie? Hey! What's new?" I smiled exaggerant-ly.

"There's... there's no easy way to tell you this but..."

My ears rang as all my surroundings grew darker, till all I could hear those three words.

My knees fell to the hard concrete, arched over with my face in my lap. The phone still hovering over my ear...


In my tight black suit. Fancy, glossed shoes and slicked back, gelled bun. I entered the funeral service. Meeting up to Sammie and Dick.

Cyrus and Darla walking in behind me.

Sammie sobbing in Dick's arms.

She looked over at me and quivered.
"Tay- lor..." Her mascara running down her face. In her black dress with, assuming, Dick's blazer.

She swiftly wrapped her arms around mine. Holding my tears back as hard as I could.

She slowly stepped back, allowing Dick to proceed a side hug with me. "Hey Tay.." He deep sultary tone stayed numb.

"Hey Dick."

Darla and Cyrus exchange their condolences for Dick and Sammie as well.

A while later, the service was ending for the burial. "I might take Sammie outside for a second. If you want to join..." I declined Dick's offer.

Multiple people hovering over his casket, which I didn't have the strength to go up to.
Hell I didn't want to be there at all.

Going to Jason's funeral was something I couldn't do. Not emotionally nor physically. So I went somewhere else to mourn.

I always make fun of him for getting dots when we went to the gas station. I had never tried them, but today I would. I'd also park my car behind the station like old times.

I drowned myself in the horrible taste of dry gummy plastic and a bottle of whiskey to my side. Laying on the hood if my car, until it got dark.

Noticing the stars, Jason would explain over and over again.

Their stories and mythologies. It was something he took great passion in. Like anything else, Jason would put every bit of effort into things he loved.

Sammie joked that I was one of those things but to be honest... I really hoped so. I had developed a small liking to Jason Todd as well.

But that's was all for nothing now.

Because as I sat there, things start to add up. My stomach drops.

Robin's gone...

Jason's gone...

What if, no...

Jason can't be...

Robin wasn't...

But he was.

Jason Todd was Robin and I was too stupid to notice. Jason's scars and bruises were never from fights, but his night job. And the only reason Robin knew the things in my past were because of our relationship...

And once again I was too stupid to connect the dots.


That night, I couldn't bare the thought of Jason... or Robin... ugh, whatever! Any longer so I left. I was going to drive away from it all. Clear my thoughts.

I didn't know where,or when I'd come back, but I had the road ahead of me. Which then turned into a large blaze.

A car on fire. I hard breaked and jumped out of the car.

Cautiously, walking over to the car, noticing a body still inside.

Seargent Rudd??!

I stared at his body, half charred, but I wasn't going to let him burn up any longer. I dragged him out. Checking for any reaction or a pulse.

He was dead.

The fire raged on high and mighty.

I went to check for anyone else...

Then everything went silent. The blast, popped my ears and I could no longer hear. I was elevated and flown backwards, off the bridge side.

Goosebumps covering my back as I fell to my death from the bridge to the rocky creek. Feeling nothing but darkness and pain... black after that.


"Another car was involved... she seeks below the wreck. What should we do?"

"Bring her back..."

"But father..."

"I see great potential. Take her back with the nobles, T-"



Yes... you can murder me for leaving it on a cliff hanger but... Taylor has been through enough trauma this episode, might as well give her break.

And kill her... yes I realize that.

And sad boi hours... Jason is dead.


New episode next Friday

- Dani

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