Dragon Ball R: Frieza Saga.

By WasabiSword

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With both Piccolo and Kami dead, the Dragon Balls are useless. And greater tragedy, Cardin, Velvet, and Neptu... More

Chapter 1: Lets Go To Namek!
Chapter 2: Arrival on Namek!
Chapter 3: A Daring Rescue!
Chapter 4: A Meeting With The Grand Elder!
Chapter 5: Zarbon's Horrible Transformation!
Chapter 6: Vegeta's Heist!
Chapter 7: Frieza's Secret Weapon!
Chapter 9: Oren's Newfound Power!
Chapter 10: Ginyu, The Body Snatcher!
Chapter 11: Ginyu Force Showdown!
Chapter 12: Frieza's Monstrous Wrath!
Chapter 13: Frieza's Terrifying Transformation!
Chapter 14: Piccolo's Arrival!
Chapter 15: Piccolo, The Super Namek!
Chapter 16: Frieza's Demonic Assault!
Chapter 17: Vegeta, The Super Saiyan?
Chapter 18: Clash of Titan's, Oren vs Frieza!
Chapter 19: Beware, The Legendary Super Saiyan!
Chapter 20: Frieza's Nightmare, The Super Saiyan Awakens!
Chapter 21: Frieza's Desperate Attack!
Chapter 22: Namek's Destruction, Frieza's Downfall!
Chapter 23: Dragon Ball Revival, Come Back Home Oren!

Chapter 8: Assault of the Ginyu Force!

146 6 54
By WasabiSword

Last Time, on Dragon Ball R!

Jaune had brought Ruby with him to unlock her hidden potential at the Grand Elder's house. When Jaune felt that Vegeta was near, he had Ruby go on ahead. After getting her potential unlocked, everyone felt five power levels arriving on Planet Namek. To his horror, Vegeta revealed that it was Frieza's special task force, the Ginyu force! Now, it seems that our heroes are in an uneasy alliance with Vegeta, will our heroes be able to defeat the theatrical Ginyu Force?


Assault of the Ginyu Force!


Guldo walked towards Jaune, Ruby, and Pyrrha.

"Oh well, at least this will be fun for a second or two I guess." Guldo grumbled to himself. Still sore that he had to fight the runts.

As Guldo came closer, Jaune turned towards Ruby and Pyrrha.

"Do it now!" Jaune yelled.

All of a sudden, the three were surrounded by pure white energy!

"HAAAAAAAAAAH!!" They all yelled.

Guldo stopped in his tracks to see what the three hunters were doing.

"W-What just happened?!" Guldo exclaimed.

From a small distance away, Recoome, Jeice, and Burter were watching from afar. They too were shocked at the three hunter's power.

"Hey, you two seeing this. Their power levels just shot straight up!" Jeice said.

Burter grumbled.

"Hmm, they seem to be able to hide their power." Burter said.

All three hunters flew straight into the air, and each fired large Ki blast's towards Guldo. Guldo looked up at the oncoming Ki blasts, and smirked.

"Ha, you wish!" Guldo said.

Guldo then took a deep inhale of breath.

"FREEZE!!" Guldo screamed.

And just like that, time had stopped! Jaune, Ruby, and Pyrrha's Ki blasts had stopped midair! Seeing his power on display, Guldo ran far away from the three Ki blasts. After making it to a safe distance away, Gildo looked back to his opponents, only to find them gone!

Guldo's eyes widened.

'W-What?! W-Where did they go!' Guldo thought to himself while panicking.

Guldo then saw three of the young hunters stopped in midflight. It seemed as though their plans were to distract him with Ki blasts, the charge towards him.

'Grr, clever bastards! B-But I'm running out of oxygen! I c-can't, h-hold, my b-breath, m-much, longer!' Guldo thought to himself.

"Bwah!" Guldo exhaled.

The three blasts then made contact to the ground, causing a massive explosion. The explosion was so massive, even the other three members of the Ginyu Force had to take to the sky to avoid getting hit. Recoome smirked.

"Heh, well, whaddya know. These little punks got some fight in em' after all." Recoome commented to his comrades.

Burter's scouter began to go off once more.

"Hmm, yes. Their power level is reading higher than it was before." Burter said.

The young hunters stopped in their flight when they couldn't find Guldo.

"What? Where is he?" Ruby said to herself.

It wasn't until Pyrrha saw the little green alien hunched over breathing heavily further away from them.

"Guys look!" Pyrrha exclaimed.

All three looked towards the little cowering alien.

"H-How did he get over there?" Jaune asked.

All three then flew towards Guldo's location, and proceeded to fire Ki blasts towards the cowering little alien. After failing to run away from their Ki blasts, Guldo decided to pull out his Trump card.

'Alright you punks! Humiliate ME would you? Well, let's see how you like this!' Guldo angrily thought to himself.

Guldo brought both of his hands into the air, and let out a mighty yell!

"HYAAAAAAAAH!!!" Guldo yelled.

Jaune, Ruby, and Pyrrha were frozen in place, but time around them hasn't stopped.

"I c-can't move!" Jaune said struggling to move.

"I-It's like I'm frozen!" Ruby said.

Guldo smirked.

"Tee-hee! That's my paralysis spell! You don't move until I say so!" Guldo smirked.

Weiss looked on from afar.

"GUYS!" Weiss yelled.

Vegeta however had an irritated look on his face. Guldo began to smirk sadistically.

"This is what you get for humiliating me in front of the boys!" Guldo yelled.

Guldo then caused the rocks around him to slowly levitate into the air, then caused them to fly towards his helpless victims. Jaune, Ruby, and Pyrrha could do nothing as they were pelted by small stones. Guldo then stopped, and thought to himself.

'Hmm, throwing rocks is pathetic. There's got to be another way to show these little shits not to fuck with me!' Guldo mused to himself.

Guldo looked around, until he spotted a tree.

'Perfect!' Guldo thought, while sadistically smirking.

Extending his arm towards the tree, it levitated out of the ground. Guldo then clenched his fist, causing the leaves to fall off, and for the tip of the log to grow into a sharp point. Guldo then held up the sharpened log telepathically, and looked at his now helpless victims.

"Now, who to skewer first?" Guldo said to himself.

Guldo's eyes eventually wandered to Jaune.

"How about you!" Guldo yelled, throwing the sharpened log towards Jaune.

All of Jaune's friends began to yell his name, while Jaune closed his eyes, expecting the inevitable. Guldo however, was laughing maniacally, until.


Vegeta managed to sever Guldo's head! Jaune felt the paralysis spell wear off, and quickly dodged out of the way of the sharpened tree. Guldo's head fell to the ground, while his body limply fell over. Guldo's head rolled over to his side and faced Vegeta. Disturbingly, Guldo's severed head was still alive!

"D-Damnit V-Vegeta, n-no fair!" Guldo called out.

Vegeta walked over, with a smirk on his face.

"Y-You fucking pathetic Saiyan! When Captain Ginyu finds out about this, he'll..." Guldo said, before Vegeta placed his boot atop Guldo's head.

"Humph! Bold talk for a pathetic weakling! Now do me a favor, fuck off and die!" Vegeta said sadistically.


Vegeta then crushed Guldo's head, causing blood and brain matter to stain his boot. Jaune, Ruby, Pyrrha, and Weiss flew over towards Vegeta.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but, thanks." Jaune said.

"Keep your thanks, this isn't over just yet! We still have to get past these three!" Vegeta said.

With the other Ginyu Force members, they stood in shock at what happened.

"D-Did they really just do away with Guldo?!" Jeice exclaimed.

"Aw man! Now our fighting pose is going to look ridiculous!" Burter said.

Back with the others, they were surprised to hear them talking about fighting poses instead of their fallen comrade.

"Are you fucking kidding me?! Are they REALLY complaining about some stupid fighting pose instead of their dead teammate!" Pyrrha said angrily.

"That's the Ginyu Force for you. All they care about are their looks, not each other." Vegeta said.

Back to the Ginyu Force, they were deciding to see which one was going to fight next. Their decision, was decided over a game of Rock Paper Scissors.

"ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS!" All three were chanting.

The hunters, along with Vegeta were mentally face palming. After their little match of Rock Paper Scissors, Recoome walked away the victor. He cracked his knuckles as he began to make his way towards the hunters.

"So, who wants to go first?" Recoome asked.

Vegeta stepped forward, then widened his stance. Recoome looked happy to see that he'd fighting Vegeta.

"Oh, Vegeta, eh? Well then, let's do this thing!" Recoome said enthusiastically.

Recoome then began to show off his fighting pose.

"Prepare! To feel the power! Of! RECOOME!" Recoome exclaimed.

Vegeta then began to power up. The intensity of his power caused the very ground to shake!

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!" Vegeta screamed.

Recoome's scouter began to go off, as well as Jeice's and Burter's.

"Hey Burter, you reading what I'm reading? Vegeta's power just shot up to thirty thousand!" Jeice said.

After powering up, Vegeta dashed towards Recoome at unbelievable speeds! Vegeta then punched Recoome in the face, breaking his scouter in the process. Recoome began to stumble back, but Vegeta appeared right behind him, and brutally smacked Recoome onto the ground. Vegeta then jumped high into the air, and landed onto Recoome's chest with his knees, knocking the wind out of Recoome. The Saiyan then proceeded to pick up Recoome, and spin him around, until throwing him towards a large mountain. Vegeta then widened his stance, and his arms, as two balls of energy were forming in his fists. Vegeta Stuck both arms out, connecting the two energy balls together.

"Alright you dumb bastard, take this! FINAL CRASH!!!" Vegeta yelled.

(End Song)

A large beam of blue energy then shot out of Vegeta's palms, towards Recoome. After a large explosion rocked the countryside, everyone saw a large cloud of dust form where Vegeta's attack had landed. The intensity of the explosion had everyone scrounging for cover. After a few moments, Vegeta let out a few hangered breaths, while everyone watched in anticipation. When the dust settled, they saw Recoome standing in a flamboyant pose. His attire looked damaged, as he was only wearing the skin tight body suit underneath his battle armor.

"Hiiiiii~" Recoome said in a mocking tone.

Everyone, besides the other two Ginyu Force members were shocked.

"W-What?! He's still alive after an attack like that!" Weiss exclaimed.

Vegeta looked irritated.

"Grr! Damn it! That brute is stronger than he looks!" Vegeta growled.

The others were flabbergasted at the sight of Recoome.

"You've got to be Kidding?! How the Hell is he still alive!" Jaune exclaimed.

Recoome however, kept his grin on his face.

"Alright Vegeta, it's MY turn now! RECOOME KICK!" Recoome yelled.

Recoome then shot himself towards Vegeta. The Saiyan didn't have time to react as the Ginyu Force's juggernaut Kicked him under the chin. The attack shot Vegeta back with a force!

"Vegeta!" Ruby called out.

Vegeta then flipped himself over, then flew towards Recoome. Vegeta threw a punch, only for Recoome to block it with his left arm. Vegeta then proceeded to trade blows back in forth with Recoome. It seemed as though Vegeta's attacks were in vain, as Recoome blocked every single one.

"Heh heh! Not bad Vegeta, you've got some good moves. But let's see how good you Really are!" Recoome said, while trading blows with Vegeta.

Recoome then raised his right elbow above Vegeta's head.

"RECOOME, ELBOW!" Recoome called out.

Vegeta's eyes widened as he saw Recoome's elbow smash against forehead. The blow sent Vegeta flying down towards the ground. Vegeta slammed onto the ground, but got up quickly, as he saw Recoome charging towards him. Vegeta flew into the air and threw a Ki blast towards the raging juggernaut trailing behind him. Recoome smirked.

"Too slow!" Recoome yelled.

Recoome then appeared right before Vegeta and kicked the Saiyan into a nearby lake. After Vegeta landed in the water, Recoome waited to see where the Saiyan King would emerge, all the while he giggled to himself. Like a bullet, Vegeta shot out of the water and rammed himself into Recoome's gut. Recoome felt the wind get knocked out of him, until his shocked expresion turned into a smirk. He grabbed Vegeta with his two hands.

"That was good try. But you still LOSE!" Recoome yelled, while flying towards the ground with Vegeta attempting to get out of his grasp.

The group of hunters could only watch in horror as Recoome slammed Vegeta into the ground! Vegeta's body, except for his legs were embedded into the ground. Recoome smirked and grabbed one of Vegeta's legs and pulled him up.

"Hey Vegeta, you still with me? You haven't kicked the bucket on me, have you?" Recoome said mockingly.

Vegeta, while weak, quickly aimed both his hands towards Recoome's head, and fired a Ki blast! The attack caused Recoome to fly back, while letting go of Vegeta. Vegeta tried to get up and turned towards Recoome. To his, and everyone else's shock, Recoome got up.

"Heh, nice one! You really got me there. Now, get ready for this!" Recoome said.

Recoome raised both his arms in the air.

"RECOOME, ERASER, GUN!!" Recoome yelled, as a purple beam shot right out of his mouth.

The hunters decided to act now. Both Jaune and Pyrrha flew towards Recoome, while Ruby and Weiss grabbed Vegeta and flew him to safety. Both Jaune and Pyrrha rammed their elbows into Recoome's head, causing him to close his mouth. Vegeta shoved both Ruby and Weiss off of him.

"I-Idiot's! Did it look like I needed your help!" Vegeta growled.

Vegeta struggled to get up.

"F-Fools! What good would saving me accomplish, huh! You could've joined your friends and attacked Recoome! Tch, your complete lack of battle experience makes me want to fucking vomit!" Vegeta said angrily.

Ruby looked down while Weiss spoke up.

"What the hell asshole! We just saved your ungrateful ass! The least you could do is say thank you!" Weiss yelled.

Jaune and Pyrrha watched as Recoome stood up.

"Ah, a sneak attack, eh? That actually surprised me. You managed to make me close my mouth to stop my attack." Recoome said.

He turned to face both young hunters, as smoke bellowed out of his mouth. It was clear to see that he had teeth missing due to their intervention.

"But something tells me I'm gonna be REALLY pissed when I look in a mirror."Recoome said.

Recoome began to walk towards Jaune and Pyrrha.

"RECOOME, KICK!" Recoome called out.

Recoome kicked Jaune under the chin, causing the young hunter to fly back! Pyrrha attempted to fly after him.

"JAUNE!" Pyrrha screamed.

Before she could do anything, Recoome grabbed her by the back of her head, and brutally slammed her face against his knee. Both Ruby and Weiss flew after their friends. Ruby flew after Jaune, while Weiss flew after Recoome. Recoome elbowed Weiss midflight, and brutally punched her face into the ground.

"WEISS!" Ruby yelled.

Ruby turned to Jaune, who appeared to be barely breathing.

"W-Wow! Y-you know what Ruby? I think he b-broke all my b-bones with just o-one kick." Jaune said weakly.

Ruby looked horrified.

"E-Even after all the t-trouble the G-Grand Elder went through, b-by raising our p-power. I still f-feel, worthless." Jaune said dejectedly.

"No, don't say that Jaune! Oren and Fasha are almost here, just hang on!" Ruby said, trying to ease her friends pain.

"I-I'm sorry R-Ruby, but th-they're too strong. And th-they have a-all seven D-Dragon Balls. I'm s-sorry, but th-there's nothing w-we can do...!" Jaune said weakly.

Recoome however was feeling rather disappointed.

"A man! I was hoping I could play with you guys a little longer!" Recoome complained.

Ruby growled and readied her Masenko.

"Grr! D-Damn y-you! MASENKO!!" Ruby screamed.

Ruby's attack began to near Recoome, who effortlessly swatted it away! Ruby then followed up by unleashing a flurry of attacks towards Recoome. This went on until Recoome punched Ruby in the stomach, knocking her back. Recoome fired Ki blasts towards the silver eyed huntress, who tried her best to dodge them all. Ruby flew towards Recoome, only to be met with a flurry of punches and Kicks. Once more, Ruby was knocked back.

"Heh! Y'know, you should really give up. I'm pretty sure your friends don't want to see you kick the bucket." Recoome smirked.

Ruby struggled to her feet, ignoring the pain.

"Sh-Shut, up! I don't care if this kills me, I'm doing this to help my friends back home. And I'll be DAMNED if I let them down!" Ruby said, as tears of rage fell down her face.

Recoome smirked.

"Heh, it looks like you've already let them down." Recoome replied back.

Ruby clenched her fists, and charged towards Recoome.

"FOR MY FRIENDS, AND FAMILY!!" Ruby screamed.

Recoome kept his smirk as he jumped over Ruby. All of Ruby's friends who've regained consciousness, looked on in horror, as Recoome brought his leg down to the side of Ruby's neck, breaking it. It seemed as though time had stopped once more, as Ruby's eyes widened as she was thrown back. Ruby was unresponsive by the time she hit the ground. Her eyes were staring off into space, as blood pooled out of her mouth. Jaune, Weiss, and Pyrrha looked on in horror.

"N-No...! R-Ruby...!" Jaune said weakly.

From afar, both Jeice and Burter were watching the fight. Burter smirked.

"Well, would you look at that. The girl's power level just dropped to zero." Burter commented.

"Yeah, I could hear her neck snapping from over here." Jeice replied.

Just then, both heard the sound of a ship nearing the atmosphere. Both looked up to see a ship in the air.

"That's not one of ours, is it?" Burter asked.

"It's landing." Jeice said, as the ship landed further away.

As the ship landed, a robotic voice could be heard.

"Landing sequence complete. You've reached your destination. Welcome to Planet Namek." The voice said.

The front hatch of the ship opened, only to reveal both Oren and Fasha!

"So, this is Namek, huh?" Oren said.

Fasha walked up next to him.

"Right now, we have to find everyone, and quick!" Fasha said.

Both Saiyan's floated out of the ship, and into the air. Oren felt a large power on one side of the planet.

"There's someone really strong over there!" Oren said.

Fasha sensed it too.

"Frieza." Fasha said quietly.

Oren felt another power also.

"There's another one over there as well." Oren said.

When Fasha sensed it, she clenched her fists.

"Damn! It's Captain Ginyu!" Fasha growled.

Oren stood amazed at the power he was sensing.

"Wow, when King Kai said there would be powerful people here, he wasn't kidding." Oren said to himself.

All of a sudden, Oren felt Ruby's power, it was draining at a rapid pace!

"Ruby! And it feels like everyone else is wounded too. They seem to be close to those other three large power levels." Oren called out.

Fasha turned to her ward.

"It's time to put our training to the test." Fasha said.

"Don't worry guys, we're on our way!" Oren said with determination.

And like that, both Saiyan's flew off to aid their friends.

(End Song)

(End Chapter)


Oren: Hey, it's me Oren! Good, we made it just in time!

Recoome: Hey, who are you?

Oren: I'm a Saiyan from Remnant...I think?

Frieza: W-What is this? Why aren't the Dragon Balls working?!

Vegeta: Tato, there's something different about him. N-No, it can't be!

Oren: Next Time, on Dragon Ball R!

Oren's Newfound Power!

Vegeta: Has Tato truly done it. Has he become...A Super Saiyan!

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