When It Breaks

By Elena-Ambrosia

45 12 25

After a night out with her friends, Felicity surprisingly wakes up the next day to find her entire body inked... More

| ONE |
| TWO |
| FOUR |
| FIVE |
| NINE |
| TEN |

| SIX |

2 1 1
By Elena-Ambrosia

The rest of the journey was uneventful till we got to a cabin near the west side of the next town. The cabin looked abandoned like no one had lived in it for a while.

Ray turned to us with a serious look on his face. "Do not stare so much," he warned and went to knock on the door.

Stare at what exactly?

I glanced at Lucy to find her already staring at me. She shrugged if saying she has no idea what is going on.

"I know it's you, Raymond," a voice yelled from inside the cabin.


Unable to help myself, I snorted and Ray whirled to glare at me.

"Of course, you do," Ray replied and opened the door.

He entered the cabin and we followed him. I was immediately taken aback by the interior.

Looking at the outside of the house, one will think it is an old abandoned house but inside was just creepily beautiful.

The walls looked newly polished with animals fur placed as decoration. The furniture also had animal fur cover with some fur as mats.

The owner of the house was obviously a hunter who kept his kills as trophies.

I spotted a figure by the corner. The face was covered by a curtain of curly black hair.

"When did you get the time to add another animal to the collection?" Ray asked and the man chuckled.

"Nothing ever passes you," the man retorted, standing up and moving into the light.

"You haven't introduced your friends," the man said, his eyes landing on us.

Ray's warning did not in any way prepare me for what I saw next. All I could do was stare as the man came closer.

His eyes were pure white and his face was white as sheet with black spots scattered all over.

His face was perfectly sculptured with a chiseled jaw. He was gorgeous and I wondered if he sees through those eyes.

"You should close your mouth before you catch flies, sweetheart," he said with a grin and my mouth snapped shut.

Yup, he sees alright.

I looked away in embarrassment as my face flushed.

"This is Lucy and the staring Princess is Felicity," Paul introduced and my glare found him.

"Already annoying the poor woman, are we, Ray?" The man asked with a raised brow. He had this air of confidence and nobility around him. I couln't get over how beautiful he is. What was he?

"I hate how well you know me, Richard," Ray responded with a pout.

Richard's pink lips turned up in a small grin. "I know you enough to know you want something. What is it?"

"A portal to the mages town. We have to find a mage," Ray replied and Richard casted a curious glance to Lucy who looked away and I watched the exchange in confusion.

"I assume it is related to this little lady reeking of dark magic, yes?" Richard asked, his white eyes settling on me.

Unconsciously, I begin to shuffle on my feet at the intensity of his stare. Does he do that on purpose?

"Yes, you are right about that. Can you help us?"

Richard looked at me again, his blank stare pinning me in place. Finally, he turned away to look at Lucy then Ray, and only then did I breathe.

A little too loudly at that. Ray threw me an amused glance and I sighed. He had gotten something else to bother me with.

Richard waved his hand and the air in front of him rippled. A black hole was formed which began to swirl until it became a big swirling hole.

So that's a portal.

"Grab my hand now will you, ladies," Ray instructed and I slowly grabbed his hand. Lucy grabbed his other hand.

"And Felicity," Richard called from behind us and I turned to him. "I am the result of what happens when a god decides to roll in the sheets with a human. I am a mixed demigod and I think you are beautiful too."

"What?" I asked in shock but before I could get a reply, I was pulled into the portal.


The mage town was more peculiar than in the stories. We landed near the market place and I was in awe of everything. People were doing magic tricks on every side.

On seeing a little boy doing card tricks on a table, I stood and watched. Firstly, he showed his audience that indeed, there were different cards in the deck by spreading the cards in his hands.

Next, he put them back together and pulled out the ace of spades card and layed it in front of the deck. He shuffled the cards for a while then spread all the cards on the table.

Lo and behold, they were all ace of spades. Lucy cheered along with other people as the boy bowed.

"Come on, we have to find the woman," Ray muttered and walked off.

"Wait," Lucy called out and he came back. "I can't go on with you, I have to find my sister."

My face fell. "Oh."

She smiled, touching my face. "Don't be sad. We will see each other again soon, trust me."

I pulled her into a hug. Although we have only known for a short time, Lucy has grown on me.

"Do not fail to find your sister, okay?" I asked, my face squished in her neck.

Lucy nodded. "You too, promise me you will do anything to find out what happened to you."

Pulling out of the hug, I gave her a playful dirty look and she laughed, her eyes folding on the sides. At that moment, she looked like someone I knew.

"On second thought, don't promise me. I doubt you have room for more," she teased, arousing a glare from me and I heard a snort come from Ray.

I turned to him with a warning, "Don't you dare!"

That only compelled him laugh even more, making my blood boil. Lucy looked from Ray to me then she moved closer to me and whispered in my ear.

"I think you two make a beautiful couple."

From Ray's immediate intake of air, I knew he heard her. She grinned and skipped away, leaving Ray choking on air and me wondering if she was fully okay in the head.

Ray cleared his throat. "Come on, let's ask around for Helen."

Just then a thought entered my mind. "By any chance, does Richard happen to have the ability to read minds?"

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"That explains everything," I responded, facepalming myself. He heard me call him beautiful and all other things I said in my mind.

Ray looked at me with furrowed brows. "Explains what?"

Shaking my head, I replied, "Nothing."

He eyed me strangely for some time before walking away and I followed him.


Thank you for reading.

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