King of Dauntless

By dancingcece

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Amity a calm and friendly faction. dauntless the brave worriers. what happens when an amity girl was never fi... More

Chapter 1: Amity
Chapter 2: Choosing Ceremony
Chapter 3: Dauntless
Chapter 4: New Faction
Chapter 5: Day in Dauntless
Chapter 6: Training
Chapter 7: My New Life
Chapter 8: Fights
Chapter 9: Day Off
Chapter 10: Tattoos and Friends
Chapter 11: Welcome to Hell
Chapter 12: In Trouble
Chapter 13: Punishment
Chapter 14: To Good
Chapter 15: Eric The Trainer
Chapter 16: Week After Week
Chapter 17:Final Fight
Chapter 19: Visiting Day
Chapter 20: Are you Afraid?
Chapter 21: No Control
Chapter 22: Sleep
Chapter 23: Good Morning?
Chapter 24: Normal
Chapter 25: Mad Man
Chapter 26: Finally Dauntless
Chapter 27: Max's Decision
Chapter 28: The Arrangement
Chapter 29: What's Up Doc
Chapter 30: Bed Rest
Chapter 31: Sleeping Arrangements
Chapter 32: Back to Life
Chapter 33: Nothing
Chapter 34: The Names King
Chapter 35: Patrol
Chapter 36: Husband & Wife
Chapter 37: Newlyweds
Chapter 38 :Trouble in Paradise
Chapter 39: Patrol 2.0
Chapter 40: New Friends
Chapter 41: Play Dumb
Chapter 42: Troublemaker

Chapter 18: Capture The Flag

3.2K 78 2
By dancingcece

I had fallen asleep that night thinking I was going to get a good nights rest; maybe even try to sleep in for just a little longer than I normally do. However that didn't seem like it was going to happen.

It felt like I had just went to sleep when I had hear the banging noise. The same banging noise that Four uses in the morning to wake people up. The only problem with this though is it's not morning.

I think for a second. Yep definitely not morning, and I thought we had the day off?

It started to get on my nerves how much he was banging the pipe. I turn to glare at him. Then he finally stopped.

"Get dressed and meet at the tracks." he stiffly told us then just walks out; like he didn't just walk us up for no random reason.

I drag my tired body out of bed and put on warm training clothes; not knowing what they were going to have us do. Was this part of our training?

I swiftly make my way to the train tracks with the others in tow.

As we arrive at the train tracks I noticed the dauntless borns were here as well.

"Fred! Glad you could make it." I hear as an arm is thrown around my shoulders.

"Well didn't really have an option now did I." I turn and ask Pax with a grin. " now what are we here for?"

"Dauntless tradition." He said with such a proud tone.

Not long after we got here the train came around the corner and we all gathered to hop on. Once on the train we were all huddled in one cart were I noticed Eric just standing in the corner like a creep. By his feet were two bags full of something; I'm sure we'll know soon.

"All right listen up! Every year we have a little tradition we like to play. It's a friendly game of capture the flag." Eric started. "There will be two teams lead by your truly and four. The goal is to capture the other teams flag simple as that." he explained.

Simple right! Theres always a catch. Especially with Eric involved.

He reached down into the bag and then pulled out a gun, or what looked like a gun. Quickly everyone took a step away before he could even explain.

"This will be your weapon of choice for tonight." right! friendly game?

"Don't worry these are nero stem darts. Simulate the feel of a real gun shot wound but with out the damage." he explains.

He then turns to a random person and just fires the weapon. Next thing I know the poor guy is on the ground screaming while holding his arm and you can see the dart just sticking out of it.

Eric just continues like he didn't just shoot someone.

"So we are going to choose our teams now. Line up!" he turns to Four. " How about last years looser picks first." Eric taunts.

"No need to give me a head start." Four tells him with a smirk. Looking Eric dead in the eyes he calls his first team choose. " I will pick ... Ari."

Erics eyes quickly squinted in scrutiny towards Four then he just glared at me.

"Fine! Pax your with me." He turned to give me a sinister grin and Pax looked at me with fear.

Oh this is going to be a fun night.

We were now finally done with picking teams. I look over and see Eric had picked mostly stronger people and dauntless borns were Four had lower ranking people. How did Four expect to win?

"My team will get off here." Eric told Four as he opened to door.

His group all had jumped off the train leaving us in silence. After 5 minutes Four told us to get off as well. One by one we jumped out of the train onto the ground. I take a good look around to see where we're at. Its an abandoned amusement park. Its rusty and old; been sitting here since the war. All the rides still stand, but look like they could Collapse at any given moment.

"So whats the plan?" Four asked all around the group.

"Wait aren't  you the leader?" someone questioned.

"Yeah shouldn't  you have the plan?" Someone else stated.

"Im just here to help and supervise you guys are the ones who are suppose to come up with the plans and lead your team. Work together and lead us to victory." He explained.

Everyone started thinking of strategies, but it soon turned messy.

"We need to focus on protecting our own flag, so we can go on the offense ."

"No! we need to take action first, so we need to go on the defense."

"If we split it in half we could active both."

"No. that leaves us vulnerable to the enemy."

They all started arguing about what should happen and why there idea is better and everyone should listen to them. I was starting to get annoyed; I was woken up for this? Then I started thinking about Erics face when he would lose. He really doesn't   like to admit defeat and victory will be so sweet.

With all this arguing the other team is probably now out looking for us and we're wasting time.

"Shut up." I told everyone in a clipped tone

They all went silent and looked straight to the ground.

"First we need to hid our flag. So..." I look around for a spot. "There; we will hid it in that tree right there." Everyone turned to the tree I was pointing to. Looking at a big pine tree. They all look back at me mortified with the idea.

"A tree? Thats your bright idea. Thats the stupidest thing I have ever heard." A dauntless born told me.

"And thats exactly why it will work. Who would assume we would be dumb enough to hid our flag in the tree, and It has great coverage so you could barely see it glow." I walk up to them and rip the flag out of there hands. I then climb and place it in the tree.

"see ! cant even see it. Now that thats out of the way we can move on. We need to find were Erics team is hiding they are somewhere north so we will head that way. Three of you will stay with the flag. Make sure you hide yourselves away and don't do anything to draw attention to this tree. The rest of us are going to go find Erics team. When we get close we will split into two different groups. One will be the distraction while the other group goes around to sneak  in to retrieve the flag. Now let's s move out." Everyone hesitated for a second but as I turn to head north Four starts to follow making everyone else follow as well.

They quickly decided who the three where to stay behind then we made our way. The closer we got to the north the closer a tall building came into view. It was a tall bell tower and looking at it from afar you could see the light glow of a flag up top. Turning to the group to tell them the whole plan.

"Alright, up in the bell tower I can see there flag so we are going to split into our groups here. Four take group one and create  a distraction  to cover us as we go around the side and make it through the building. After we get into the building we will split again to cover the rest so you can make it to the tower safely. Any questions?"

Silence followed telling me they were ready. With a look of determination set in there eyes we started with the plan.

Four team moved in first as my team slowly made there way around the outskirts. We waited until we started to hear commotion. With the sound of shouting and gun fire that was our signal to move. Swiftly we made our way around the building and inside without any problems. Now that we are inside the building part two of the plan started.

 We split into a second group we started the battle inside and had the new group continue there mission to retrieve the flag, but I didn't expect what was waiting inside. I sent the rest of the group on ahead of me to retrieve the flag.

"I should have know you were going to be the leader." Eric stated looking straight in the eyes.

I quickly aim and fire but he dodged

"Well what can I say? I just really wanted to see your face when you lose." I taunt. "It was all the motivation I needed." He quickly fired back but I ducked under a counter before it hit.

We continued to try and shoot each other as we bickered who would win. Orion then just walked out of the hall right in front  of me, so I quickly took my chance and shot him a couple  of times. I watch as he falls down in pain, but that was all the distraction Eric needed he rolled forward and shot my arm. I yelp out in surprise  and pain not aware of what just happened. I see Eric walk up right next to me gun aimed ready  for another shot.

"Look who loses first." He taunts . "Come on little amity is this really all you got?"

He kicked my gun away and was about to say something  else but I swallowed down the pain. I grab his gun like we did in training; swept his feet out from under him. As he fell to the ground I leaped up and aimed his weapon right at him taking a shot right for his leg.

He takes in a big breath of air as he grons out the pain.

"Fuck." he breaths out.

"Oh is that all you got Eric." I throw his words back at him.

Before he could make a move We heard a loud commotion coming from outside and upstairs  in the tower. Someone won we just don't know who. I take a seat right next to Eric's  body and he tries to breath through  the pain.

Next thing I know is we hear people running down the stairs. I turn and see my team with the flag in hand signaling that we won.

I turn to Erics grimacing  face with a smirk. " Good game." I tell him as I pat him on the shoulder and stand to leave.

I turn to walk away but jump out of my skin with the quick feel of getting shot in the ass. I fall to the ground holding my but and turn to look at Eric who already had a smirk on his face.

"Bite me." Eric yells at me.

We now both lay on the floor recovering as everyone went out to celebrate.

"Come on let's s go." Eric said with his sour losing face.

We slowly made our way out back towards the tracks. Everyone started dispersing.

"Hey good job I hear how you lead them to victory." Pax told me. "But man was Four ruthless he shot me way too  may times." he said as he rubbed  his arm.

"Come on we are going to do our own tradition." Pax said as he started following the rest of the dauntless borns.

We walk more into the city.

"Where are we going." I start to wonder.

"Don't worry you'll find out soon enough."

We kept walking until we reached one of the tallest buildings around. They started running up the stairs luckily I'm fit because this is a lot of stairs to run up. It took about 10 to 15 minutes of climbing to the top, and oh man was it worth it. Right when you get to the top you look out to an amazing view of the city.

As I take my time to enjoy the view a group was forming on the side and they were throwing something over a wire and started strapping someone up to it.

"What are they doing?"

"Zip-lining ." Someone randomly said.

"Zip-lining ?"

"Yeah. you will be strapped into a harness and glide  straight down the line back to the compound." Pax explained.

After they finished strapping the person in they just jumper off  the building. We all watched as they just sword in the sky. A few more people had went until Pax asked if I wanted to go.


"Yeah." I eagerly nod as I start to get strapped into a harness.

As they strap me in they explain how everything works.

"Ok so when you get to the bottom just remember to pull this handle for the breaks. Ok?"


"See you at the bottom." Pax shouts.

Next thing I know I slowly fall off the building, but I never fell. All I could feel was the wind flying by. It felt like I was flying. This was amazing to be so high up and feel the rush above the city.I reach my hands out so close you could almost touch the side of the buildings, but before I could touch the side the scenery changed I was going through the building that had a huge hole in the side of it.

After a second I was flying out of the building back into the night sky and like the snap of your fingers the line switched quickly into a downhill line.

I was going down really fast that I could barely  move I quickly grab the break handle ready to pull it knowing that the ride is almost done. As I keep going down at a fast past I could see a wall and lights in the distance and what looked like people waiting at the bottom. I hurried and pulled the break so I could slow down enough at the bottom were everyone is cheering.

Everyone scurried around and helped me get down they then grabbed the harness so they next person  could come down safely. I wait off to the side trying to catch my breath through all the adrenaline  pumping through my veins .

I finally hear Pax hollering as he comes down the line and everyone starts cheering with him. After he gets down he comes over to me.

"Wasn't that fun?" Pax asked me hyped as we started heading back to the compound.

"So much fun, Maybe even a little too  much." I chuckle.

We start heading for our dorms and part our separate ways for the night. After this long event filled night Im ready to crawl back into bed. I was prepared to go to sleep, but unfortunately when my head hit the pillow sleep did not take me. My eyes just wouldn't stay shut.

"Well this is going to be a long night." I sighed.

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