Eyes of Glass

By bookworm_luv3

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Authors Note


56 1 0
By bookworm_luv3

eight years ago

I woke up, once again, in a less than familiar place, my eyes immediately burning once the light got in them. A dream caught my attention while I was under. A light-colored hummingbird flew around me, a small piece of paper tied on its leg.

Part of me wanted to ignore it, let the little bird go but something in my mind told me to open its pale blue wings and get the paper.

I held out my hand for the small thing to land, I couldnt feel its weight at all once it stood still. I took the small paper off, admiring the beautiful detail on its wings. It stood there, watching me from my hand but the small, neat, writing on the paper caught my attention away from the bird.

Death-eaters coming your way.. Wake up Granger.

I looked down at my hand, to question the bird but it was gone. I had two seconds to look around before my dream was ripped away from me and I was sitting straight up on a couch in the Room of Requirement surrounded by screams.

Present Day

"The only way I would be able to work at the Ministry again would be to be myself Harry."

I held a tight grip on the mug in my hands, sipping slowly on the hot coffee. Harry sighed in front of me.

"Would that really be such a bad thing? Really Mione think about it, coming back into the world as a hot business woman. I could keep the press off of you and you could just focus on being a-"

"-a badass blind businesswoman," Pansy said, cutting into the conversation.

I smiled shaking my head at her lewd speech. This has been going on for over a week now, Harry trying to get me to come back and help him at the ministry. He's offered me spots I had dreamed of having when I was younger. Jobs I would have to work for years for and here Harry was, offering it like it was nothing.

I knew it was him trying his hardest to get me to come back, we both knew each other so well.. I just didn't know how to come back after all these years of almost.. hiding. After spending so long as someone else.

"Our lives would be thrown upside down. Everything would be different for all of us. Is that really what you guys want?" I asked.

They all were silent for a minute, I could feel them looking around at each-other. The air shifting as their glances were thrown around.

"If this is what you want Hermione, then we all would love to get our lives thrown around for you," Theo said, Pansy and Harry letting out sounds of agreement.

I shook my head. I sometimes still couldn't believe I had such amazing friends.

Everyone was quiet and so I grinned, sitting my coffee down and crossing my arms, listening to them all hold their breath as they waited for my answer.

"I'm in charge. No big office and if it's too much I quit.. got it?"

The only response I got was Harry jumping up from the table with a shout and Pansy already talking about how she was going to dress me.

+ + +

I dreamed of the burrow vision again. Why had I brought a man there? To the burrow of all places?!

I used to count down the days summer would come just so I could go to the burrow. My family tried but never really accepted magic into everyday life. By the time I was old enough to use magic at home they told me that while I was home my wand needed to stay away.

But at the Burrow we used magic all day everyday and it was amazing. Molly taught me how to cook and clean. Do things I never knew you could do with magic.

Plus I got to spend all day everyday with my closest friends without having to study. We would go on late night broom rides, or more so I would watch as they did.

Every summer was the dream. Every night was a sleepover with Ginny and Harry and Ron. We made inside jokes and we always helped the twins do something we shouldn't.

It also let me and Ron get closer. See more of who we were, before the war happened that is.

When Ron left me I was hurt but understood it. By that time I had the blonde in my head more than him and we both knew we weren't the one for each other. But now Ron had moved on, found someone he loved, and I was still here alone thinking of the past.

"Okay, so I think you should go for more earthy tones. Keep yourself cool and natural. Here Theo, what about this skirt with this cream blouse... Oh my fucks and these heels!"

Pansy danced around my room as I sipped on coffee, I doubt the sun was even up yet and she already had this much energy.

I could feel her excitement in the air. Theo was still tired, I could hear it in his breathing, but he was being supportive and I loved him for it.

"I like that but it's her first day. She needs to make a statement. She is the boss and everyone should know it. The dark green skirt with the black blouse and black heels. Green always draws her eyes out and the dark with gold jewelry-"

"- will make her gold stand out as well. Of course, that's it. Come on Hermione stand up we have to get this on you."

I had asked Harry to glamour my scars away, they always seemed to glow more when I didn't want people to notice them but Harry said that I shouldn't be ashamed of them.

I knew he was right, that I was a confident strong women, but it still upset my stomach to think about all of these people staring at them all day.

We all had decided I couldn't just be anyone there, I needed a real job with real pay and good workers. I wanted a leadership position and that's what I got.

Meet the new co-head of the Auror office, alongside another new hire that starts today as well. Harry basically gave up his title, as it was his job, and is now officially the Minister of Magic's Personal Manager.

I don't know how it all happened in a week but Harry seems happy and Pansy is excited about how much more money he will be bringing home. My only concern is who is going to be the other head of the department.

The air shifted and I felt myself change as they magically dressed me. My hair also felt lighter so I'm guessing she did something to it.

"Are you excited?" Pansy asked, her voice light and pitchy. I could just feel the faint heat of the sun rising so it was still way too early for her to be this loud.

"Of going out in public as myself again? Or being the co-head of the Auror Office?" I asked.


"More nervous. I really don't want to mess this all up,"

I felt Theo walk up behind me, his hand coming down on my shoulder.

"Harry will be there all day, walking you and the other new hire through everything. It will be new for everyone but they will get used to the new ways. Just be yourself, stay strong, and everything will be fine. You need anything just phone me."

"Or me, I can give a real good ass kickn' to anyone who needs it," Pansy said, throwing herself onto my bed. I shook my head and reached up, feeling my hair.

"Describe it," I said to Theo, knowing he would give the best description of it.

"Well it's in its normal curliness, slightly less bushy. She did these two twists with the front two pieces that go to the back. It looks good."

I felt the twists and then something metal in the back.

"Its this cute hair clip I found shopping the other day. The jewels in it match the green in your skirt. If you don't like it-"

"No I trust you two," I said, leaving it alone in my hair. From the feeling on my skin the sun was fully up now which meant it was about time to leave.

The butterflies in my stomach twisted and I made sure to cast a setting spell so my hair and makeup wouldn't move throughout the day. I don't think Harry would tell me, or even notice, if my makeup smudged.

I felt a hand on my lower back and so I leaned into Theo as he hugged me.

"You are going to do great today Hermione." He whispered, kissing the top of my head.

I grinned, shoving him away playfully to cover the near tears state I was in. The butterflies duplicated as I heard Harry walk down the stairs, the coffee pot grumbling as it brewed our coffee.

Pansy sat up on the bed at the sound and grabbed my hand, giving one final kiss on my cheek and a slap to my ass.

"Go boss bitch it 'Mione. Don't forget your purse on the door,"

I laughed and followed the smell of coffee

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